Thursday, August 08, 2013

2013 Mongol Derby RACE REPORT: Day 3

Leader Devan Horn’s mount kicks up the dirt leaving horse station 7, 6th Aug 2013 Mongolderbyblog - Full Report

Today’s Headlines:

• Devan Horn still out in front but lead reduced – at one point down to just one hour
• Chasing pack of 4 have cut Devan’s lead
• Top 6 on the leaderboard all female riders
• Trailing group from Day 1 now up with a pack of 15 riders in remarkable recovery

Race Commentary

Katy Willings, Mongol Derby Race Chief:

“Up front we have Devan Horn who is camped out between Horse Stations 9 and 10, so she has passed through the first penalty station (9) and hasn’t incurred single penalty, everything she’s done has been perfect...

Read full report here:

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