Wednesday, October 31, 2018

South Africa: NSPCA lashes Eastern Cape extreme horse race over ‘exploitation of animals’ - Full Article

By Matthew Savides - 31 October 2018

The National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) said this week a 350km horse race through the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape “should not happen” over concerns that the animals were being exploited and that the vets employed to monitor the animals were not suitably qualified.

But the race’s organisers have hit back‚ not just denying the claims made in the NSPCA’s statement but also claiming that the statement’s contents were “very different” from comments made after the race.

In a statement on Monday‚ the NSPCA said that it had monitored the “Race the Wild Coast” endurance event‚ which took place from October 16. The race takes four to five days to complete.

“Four horses had to be disqualified due to injuries sustained during the race‚” said Arno de Klerk‚ the NSPCA’s special projects manager.

“The race organisers had employed six veterinarians‚ not all of whom had equine experience. There were concerns surrounding the conduct of some of the veterinarians which may have impacted on their ability to thoroughly examine the animals.

“The terrain was also inaccessible by vehicles and the only way to assess the conditions would be by helicopter. However‚ any lameness or welfare issues would be difficult to see from the air. This made instant intervention impossible and the only time that the horses could be properly assessed by anyone was at the various veterinary check stations...”

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Mongol Derby: The Ride of Her Life

Jocelyn Pierce (right) riding with Michael Turner in Mongolia. Photo courtesy of Mongol Derby. - Full Story

A Rockville woman recently finished the Mongol Derby, known as the longest and toughest horse race in the world
BY CARALEE ADAMS | Published: 2018-10-29

As soon as Jocelyn Pierce finished her first pony ride at the age of 2, she got back in line for another turn. She started riding lessons when she was 4 and had her own horse by the time she was 10. Pierce competed in jumping and dressage events while growing up in Massachusetts and was on the riding team at Otterbein University in Ohio, where she minored in equine science and got a degree in international studies.

After moving to Rockville in 2015, Pierce continued to ride as a hobby. An associate editor at Practical Horseman magazine in Frederick, she is immersed in the horse world professionally. This past August, she saddled up for a new challenge: the Mongol Derby, dubbed the longest and toughest horse race in the world. From a pool of about 200 hopefuls, she was one of 44 riders selected for the endurance event, in which riders trek across about 600 miles of rugged terrain in Mongolia over the span of about a week to 10 days.

Pierce, 31, followed the Mongol Derby for years but had never participated in an endurance race and didn’t even consider applying until August 2017, after one of her colleagues competed in it. “I was hooked by the adventure, the competition, and was intrigued with how the Mongolian people have a huge history and connection to the horse,” says Pierce...

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Monday, October 29, 2018

Room for improvement in event biosecurity, says FEI’s Veterinary Committee - Full Article

October 29, 2018

Multiple areas where biosecurity can be improved at events have been identified by the FEI Veterinary Committee.

The committee, in its annual report released ahead of the annual FEI General Assembly in Bahrain next month, noted that several outbreaks of equine herpesvirus had occurred during the year and had even led to the cancellation of events.

The FEI’s Veterinary Department had monitored the situation with national head veterinarians and other horse industry stakeholders, and had also communicated guidelines.

“Further to the outbreaks, the Veterinary Department has evaluated six events from a biosecurity perspective and come to the conclusion that there are multiple needs for improvements to ensure a high level of biosecurity,” it said...

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Friday, October 26, 2018

Endurance ended 2017 with worst record of drug infractions among disciplines - Full Article

October 26, 2018

Endurance had the worst record of drug infractions among the major disciplines during 2017, figures show.

Drug-testing figures for the various disciplines are contained in the one-page Clean Sport Report, released ahead of the FEI’s annual General Assembly in Bahrain on November 20.

Jumping had the most number of samples taken for analysis during the year, at 2517, with 38 positives recorded, which represents 1.5% of all jumping tests.

Endurance had 898 samples taken, which returned 43 positive tests, or 4.8% of all tests within the discipline...

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

No Doping Positives at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018; Two Contrlled Medication Cases

25 Oct 2018

The FEI has announced that there were no doping positives among the 163 horses tested at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018. Samples taken from two Endurance horses have tested positive for Controlled Medication substances. Controlled Medication substances are those that are regularly used to treat horses, but which must have been cleared from the horse’s system by the time of competition.

Human anti-doping testing was also carried out in Tryon, in conjunction with the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). There were no positives from 92 samples taken from athletes at the Games.

Samples taken on 11 September from the horse Mora Inocente (FEI ID 103TG88/ARG), ridden by Pablo De Los Heros (FEI ID 10017972/ARG) have returned positive for the corticosteroid Dexamethasone.

Samples taken on 11 September from the horse El Pangue Ciromagnum (FEI ID 104AV29/CHI), ridden by Raimundo Undurraga Mujica (FEI ID 10063169/CHI), have returned positive for the corticosteroid Triamcinolone Acetonide.

Controlled Medication positives at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ (WEG) or the Olympic and Paralympic Games are not eligible for the FEI administrative (fast-track) procedure, so these two cases will be heard by the FEI Tribunal. And, as these cases involve only a single Controlled Medication substance, there is no mandatory provisional suspension of the Person Responsible (PR).

Enhanced anti-doping measures were rolled out in advance of Tryon 2018 as part of the FEI’s Clean Sport campaign, with National Federations being offered two types of anti-doping testing so that they could ensure horses were clean: pre-arrival testing (PAT) and elective testing. PAT (available for both the FEI World Equestrian Games™ and the Olympic and Paralympic Games) detects prohibited substances, with no limit to the number of substances tested for. Elective testing is for Controlled Medications only and is limited to four substances.

The FEI also launched the FEI Clean Sport Guide in eight languages ahead of Tryon 2018.

“Clean sport is an absolute must for the FEI and we are very encouraged by the absence of any positives for Banned Substances and that all human tests came back negative from last month’s Games”, FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez said. “While of course we cannot overlook the two Controlled Medication positives, overall the outcome is evidence that the awareness campaign conducted prior to Tryon, the opportunity for our National Federations to test their horses before departure and, on the human anti-doping side, our excellent cooperation with the United States Anti-Doping Agency all had a positive impact.

“These two positives show that our testing programme works, but even though these are not doping substances, athletes should be aware that treatments from the Controlled Medications list must have been cleared from the horse’s system by the time of competition. It is clear that we need to work even harder to get the message across that clean sport and a level playing field are non-negotiable.”

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

WATCH: Rosie Riall wins wildest horse race in the world in South Africa - Full Article

During Race the Wild Coast, the constantly changing conditions due to rain and wind on the first two days resulted in frequent alterations to the leader positions. Horse and rider had to work together to overcome obstacles.

October 22 2018

Young UK-based rider Rosie Riall triumphed as the winner of the second Race the Wild Coast endurance horse race, crossing the finish line at the Kei Mouth ahead of 13 other international competitors to take home the honours.

Race the Wild Coast, which is sponsored by international apparel brand KTC and supported by Striped Horse craft beer, is a new breed of long-distance horse racing set along the aptly named Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape. This year’s race was staged from October 16 to 19.

The race is organised by South African company Rockethorse Racing, which launched its first event in 2016. This complex, multi-stage race covers 350km of untamed wilderness and includes river and estuary crossings, narrow cliff-top tracks, rocky paths, beach runs, and often adverse weather conditions – earning it the moniker of “the wildest horse race in the world”. From a technical perspective, it is certainly one of the most challenging endurance races in existence...

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South Africa: Wildest horse race in the world ends in thrilling fashion - Full Article

2018-10-22 15

Cape Town - Young UK-based rider Rosie Riall triumphed in the second-ever Race the Wild Coast endurance horse race, crossing the finish line at the Kei Mouth ahead of 13 other international competitors.

Race the Wild Coast, which is sponsored by international apparel brand KTC and supported by Striped Horse craft beer, is a new breed of long-distance horse racing set along the aptly named Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

The race was organised by South African company Rockethorse Racing, which launched its first event in 2016. This complex, multi-stage race covers 350km of untamed wilderness and includes river and estuary crossings, narrow cliff-top tracks, rocky paths, beach runs, and often adverse weather conditions - earning it the moniker of “the wildest horse race in the world”. From a technical perspective, it is certainly one of the most challenging endurance races in existence.

Says race organiser and co-founder Barry Armitage of Rockethorse Racing: “This year’s race was certainly tough and it’s an achievement just to finish. We congratulate all our riders who traversed the rugged paradise that is South Africa’s Wild Coast. And we take our racing cap off to the winner. It was a tight finish, but Rosie pipped her mate Anna Boden to the line due to strategy, determination, sheer grit and excellent horsemanship!”...

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FEI orders endurance review in bid to return discipline to its roots - Full Article

October 23, 2018

The FEI is having another attempt at tidying up undesirable aspects of endurance, appointing a temporary committee to identify ways to bring the sport back to its “original roots”.

The world governing body says it hopes the committee will create a roadmap for the future of the discipline.

It is not the organisation’s first attempt to reform the sport.

Five years ago, an Endurance Strategy Planning Group released its findings during a two-hour endurance session at the FEI’s General Assembly in Montreux, Switzerland.

That group had been set up following a European outcry over the high level of doping infractions and excessive fracture rates in endurance competition in the Middle East.

However, problems have continued within the discipline, with speed and injury rates remaining serious concerns, especially so in the Gulf region. Changes have largely failed to curb desert-style endurance racing, with some rule changes adding cost and complexity for competitors in lower grades...

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Committee to Create Roadmap for the Future of FEI Endurance - Full Article

Among other tasks, the FEI’s temporary committee will review the rules to identify the most effective way of bringing the discipline back to its roots of endurance riding (as opposed to endurance racing), with horse welfare and horsemanship at its core while still maintaining the sport’s competitive aspect.

Posted by Edited Press Release | Oct 22, 2018

The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Bureau has set up a temporary committee with a remit to urgently assess the issues currently affecting endurance. The committee will also carry out an in-depth rule review to identify the most effective way of bringing the discipline back to its roots of endurance riding (as opposed to endurance racing), with horse welfare and horsemanship at its core while still maintaining the sport’s competitive aspect.

The temporary committee, which has been established under Article 36.1 of the FEI Statutes1, will be chaired by Sarah Coombs, BVetMed, MSc, MRCVS (GBR), a top FEI endurance veterinarian who has many years’ experience of officiating at FEI endurance events. Coombs was formerly the British Endurance team vet and is a trustee of the global equine charity World Horse Welfare and chair of its Veterinary Advisory Committee...

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Monday, October 22, 2018

FEI Bureau sets up Temporary Committee to create roadmap for the future of Endurance

22 Oct 2018

The FEI Bureau has set up a Temporary Committee with a remit to urgently assess the issues currently affecting the sport of Endurance and carry out an in-depth review of the rules in order to identify the most effective way of bringing the discipline back to its original roots of Endurance riding as opposed to Endurance racing, with horse welfare and horsemanship at its core, while still maintaining the competitive aspect of the sport.

The Temporary Committee, which has been established under Article 36.1 of the FEI Statutes*, will be chaired by Dr Sarah Coombs (GBR), a top FEI Endurance veterinarian who has many years’ experience of officiating at FEI Endurance events. Dr Coombs was formerly the British Endurance team vet, is a Trustee of the global equine charity World Horse Welfare and is also chair of its Veterinary Advisory Committee.

The members are Tarek Taher (KSA), an international Endurance athlete and recently-elected by his peers as a member of the FEI Athletes’ Committee; Pieter Wiersinga (NED), chef d’équipe of the Dutch Endurance team, a Police Commissioner and former Head of the Mounted Police in the Netherlands; Dr Margaret (Meg) Sleeper (USA), who has competed in FEI Endurance since 2005 and is also a trainer, official veterinarian and veterinary cardiologist; and Dr Tim Parkin (GBR), who heads up the scientific research conducted at the University of Glasgow as part of the FEI’s Global Endurance injuries Study (GEIS) and is a candidate for election as a member of the FEI Veterinary Committee.

In order to underline the importance of this discipline review and to facilitate communication between the Temporary Committee and the FEI Bureau, FEI 2nd Vice President Mark Samuel (CAN) will also be involved in the work of the Temporary Committee.

“We need to bring the discipline back to the principles of the FEI where welfare of the horse and horsemanship prevail”, FEI President Ingmar De Vos said. “The Temporary Committee will conduct a thorough review of the discipline with the aim of getting back to real Endurance riding with the focus on horsemanship and the partnership between horse and human.

“The sport has evolved and there needs to be a recognition of that, but the essence of the sport must remain the same. What we need are rules that place greater emphasis on completion of the event, rather than the ‘win at all costs’ mentality that is more and more threatening our sport.

“We have a strong Chair in Dr Sarah Coombs, who has a long-standing and in-depth understanding of the sport, particularly the horse welfare and veterinary aspects. With this new role she will be helping steer this crucial next step by leading a committee of extremely knowledgeable members that is focused on regulatory change driven by science with horse welfare at its heart.”

Prior to the creation of the new Temporary Committee, the FEI Bureau had received and accepted the resignation of Dr Brian Sheahan (AUS) as Chair of the Endurance Technical Committee due to ill health. His eight-year term in office was due to expire in 2020. The President has thanked Dr Sheahan for his dedication and passion for the sport and wished him a speedy recovery.

In a further development, the Bureau has provisionally relieved Ignasi Casas Vaque (ESP) of his rights and duties as Deputy Chair and Member of the Endurance Committee due to pending legal proceedings for alleged incorrect behaviour at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ 2018.

The FEI Legal Department last week initiated a disciplinary action against Dr Casas Vaque, based on evidence provided to the independent Equestrian Community Integrity Unit during its investigation into the cancelled Endurance event in Tryon (USA) on 12 September 2018. Any additional disciplinary actions against other individuals involved in events at Tryon last month will be announced in due course.

Due to the resignation of the Chair and the pending legal proceedings involving the Deputy Chair, the Endurance Committee is currently unable to function as a full committee. However, the remaining members of the Endurance Committee – Shanie Bosch-Fourie (NAM) (2014-2018), Rocio Echeverri (CRC) (2015-2019) and Stéphane Chazel (FRA) (2016-2020) – will remain as members for their terms and until further notice. The Temporary Committee will be asked to consult with them to ensure their expertise is not lost during the review process.

The Temporary Committee will start work as soon as possible, with the plan to hold a session dedicated on Endurance at the FEI Sports Forum 2019 allowing the Temporary Committee to provide an update to delegates.

Friday, October 19, 2018

To Finish is To Win’: AAP Employee to Compete in World’s Longest Horse Race - Full Article

October 19 2018
By Callie McQuilkin and Hnin Ei Wai Lwin

When asked what her goals were for next summer, when Cornell employee Kelsey Eliot will spend 10 days racing across mountains, rivers and rough terrain on the back of a semi-wild horse in the 600-mile Mongol Derby, her reply was simple: “To live.”

Eliot, a program assistant in the Department of City and Regional Planning, is one of 40 applicants selected from a pool of hundreds for the competition, which pits riders against each other, the elements and the very horses they’re riding.

“Mongolia horses are jackhammers. I’m trying to build my leg strength so I can withstand that,” Eliot told The Sun.

“It’s scary because a lot of [the horses] probably want to kill me,” she continued.

As they navigate the rugged Mongolian terrain — riddled with marmot holes and crisscrossed with rivers — competitors are likely to slip off their horses, which are often already skittish from the unfamiliar riders.

As a 2014 National Geographic article reported, about 50 percent of racers each year are not expected to cross the finish line, due to dysentery, broken bones and other complications...

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2 Endurance Riders and Trainer in UAE Races Suspended

FEI Tribunal issues Final Decisions

18 Oct 2018

The FEI Tribunal has issued its Final Decisions in four cases involving prohibited substances.

Three of the cases involve the substance Trometamol, a diuretic listed as a *Banned Substance under the FEI’s Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMRs) but which is due to be reclassified as a Controlled Medication on 1 January 2019.

As a result of the pending reclassification, the athletes have each been handed down a six-month suspension and costs, as well as disqualification from all placings at the events at which the positive samples were collected.

Argentinian athlete Daiana Chopita (FEI ID 10107027/ARG) rode the horse JC Cahuel (FEI ID 105UO02/UAE) at the CEI1* 100 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) on 9 December 2017 and HLP Gadafi (FEI ID 105AP09/UAE) at the CEI2* 120 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) on 23 December 2017. Samples from both horses tested positive for Trometamol. As Ms. Chopita was not notified of the first adverse analytical finding until after the second ride, the two charges were considered together as one single first violation.

The third Trometamol case involves the horse JLB Noche (FEI ID 104KB96/UAE) ridden by United Arab Emirates’ athlete Waad Nadim Bou Moghlbay (FEI ID 10113241) at the CEI2* 120 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) on 23 December 2017.

The two horses, HLP Gadafi and JLB Noche, are both trained by Ali Khalfan Al Jahouri (UAE), who has been provisionally suspended since the date of notification (10 January 2018). The case against him is still ongoing.

The fourth case involves the horse Concordia 7 (FEI ID 103ZZ97/AUT) competed by Austrian athlete Andreas Ruschitzka (FEI ID 10007005) at last year’s European Driving Championships in Gothenburg (SWE). Samples taken from the horse tested positive for the Banned Substance Oripavine, and the Controlled Medication substances Morphine and Codeine.

A sample taken on 20 April 2018 from a second horse, Solo Rygata XXI 17 (FEI ID 105WE35), driven by Mr Ruschitzka at the Czech CAI3* at Kladruby nad Labem, tested positive to Morphine. Oripavine, Morphine and Codeine are all are classified as Specified Substances** under the EADCMRs.

The athlete was able to prove that the presence of the three substances was due to contaminated feed and, as a result, the Tribunal found that he bore no fault or negligence for the rule violations. No period of ineligibility was imposed, but the athlete has been disqualified from the results with both horses.

The athletes have 21 days to appeal the decisions to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) from the dates of notification of the Final Decisions.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Australia: Canobolas Endurance Riders to host Bullio carnival for 120 riders in November

[ - Full Article

October 18 2018
Central Western Daily

Combine horses and riders, a marked course through incredible countryside, camping, families and friends and you have the recipe for endurance riding.

Canobolas Endurance Riders Club is hosting the inaugural Matar Stables Bullio Cup Endurance Carnival on November 3 and 4, with 120 people from all over Australia and even New Zealand coming to compete.

The Carnival includes an 80km event for international rankings and an 80km ride for domestic riders as well as a 40km training ride, introductory 20km social ride and two shorter five and 10km rides.

A Perpetual Bullio Cup has been commissioned and a unique riding buckle and medallion have been struck for this Ride. These will be awarded to successful completions of the 80km and 40km rides...

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Round Up of Recent Endurance Doping Case Rulings - Full Article

October 12, 2018
by: Pippa Cuckson

Two endurance riders whose horses tested positive to Trometamol have been suspended for six months each – a reduced sanction for a banned substance because Trometamol is being re-classified as a controlled medication.

The FEI Tribunal also noted that neither could have known their borrowed horses – supplied by Al Wathba Stables in Abu Dhabi – had ingested Trometamol. It was not listed as an ingredient of a product called “Endurance,” administered by the stables’ veterinary assistant before their respective races.

One rider is top Argentinian Daiana Chopita, who rode two horses both testing positive in Abu Dhabi last winter. JC Cahuel placed third in a CEI* 100km race on December 9, 2017, and HLP Gadafi third in the CEI** 120km on December 23rd.

The other rider, Waad Nadim Bou Moghlbay, won the December 23rd race for riding JLB Noche, also testing positive to Trametamol. Miss Moghlbay is a Lebanese national competing under UAE administration.

The six-month suspensions were credited against provisional suspensions already served, meaning both may compete again immediately. They were also fined 3,000 Swiss francs ($3,950.)...

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

South Africa to host the wildest adventure horse race in the world - Full Article


Cape Town - From October 13-21, 2018, Race the Wild Coast, a new breed of long distance horse racing, will return for a second edition amid the breathtaking scenery of the South African east coast.

Over the course of five days a host of experienced international riders, each with a team of three horses, will compete for victory over 350km of rugged paradise from Port Edward to Kei Mouth.

This complex multi-stage race, in which riders must brave this untamed wilderness and swim rivers while keeping horses fit for vet checks, will challenge the endurance of any rider. Adventure sports enthusiasts will be able to keep close tabs on the race by checking each stage of the competition via live tracking and social media updates.

Race the Wild Coast blends the spirit of the frontiersman and the modern horseback adventurer - a test of endurance, horsemanship, survival and navigational skills across an iconic wilderness that is set to become a South African, if not a global, sporting classic. Due to the terrain - it is not known as the “wild coast" for nothing - Race the Wild Coast is currently the toughest horse race in the world...

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

World Equestrian Games - Will Tryon Be the Last Edition? - Full Article

Friday 05 October - 10h08 | Sébastien Roullier

It has been much debated, before, during and after the recent World Equestrian Games (WEG) in Tryon, USA, but were those Games, the last? Grand Prix's Sebastien Roullier looks at the issues surrounding the future of WEG.

Too expensive, too complicated to organize, not enough publicity: the World Equestrian Games – a fantastic concept on paper – have always sparked debates within the horse sport community. And those who have taken on the challenge of putting them on over the years have rarely managed to deliver a flawless event.

While the inaugural edition of the Games in Stockholm, which featured 'only' six disciplines in 1990, and those of Jerez de la Frontera and Aachen, which brought together seven in 2002 and 2006, provided very good and sometimes excellent memories for participants and spectators, that has not been the case for others. In 1994, the organizers of the Games in the Hague went bankrupt. In 1998, those in Rome kept their promises against all expectations but could not host an endurance race, which was relocated to Abu Dhabi. In 2010, the WEG in Lexington, Kentucky were saved by significant last-minute budget infusions – and even then all was not perfect. In 2014, Normandy created a great regional project, but experienced various logistical problems. Not to mention all the organizers, chosen by the Fédération Équestre Internationale, who have thrown in the towel along the way: Paris for the 1994 edition, Dublin for the following and Bromont for 2018.

After the small town in Quebec bowed out a little over two years ago, Mark Bellissimo came to the rescue of the FEI, offering a new host site for its flagship rendezvous. Indeed, Bellissimo promised that the Tryon WEG, to be held on his large property in nearby Mill Spring, North Carolina, would be the best yet. And convinced of the merits of his project, the American raised enough capital to invest nearly $250 million for a stadium and other site features – not to mention an operational budget of millions to deliver the event...

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Luke Annetts successfully completes Australia's most prestigious endurance ride - Full Article

October 9 2018
Ellen Dunger

The Tom Quilty Gold Cup is regarded as the ‘premier ride’ and the Australian endurance calendar and is also one of the toughest.

Tenterfield veterinarian Luke Annetts has successfully finished the gruelling 160km ride on 10 occasions with his most recent at the annual event in Tasmania on Friday.

Annetts and the Glen Innes-bred Churinga Taboo were the fifth heavyweight pairing over the line and to top off their success, received the prestigious best conditioned award in their division.

Making the feat even more impressive was the fact the seven-year-old gelding only began his endurance career this year with the longest ride in his career only half the distance of the Quilty.

“He is only a youngster, he only started at the start of the year so it was a big ask for him,” Annetts said...

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Canada: Endurance Team Spirit Shines Bright at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 - Full Article & photos

October 3 2018

Despite a restart, weather complications and the ultimate cancellation of the endurance competition at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG), the Canadian Endurance Team impressed with their unquenchable team spirit and perseverance on Sept. 12 in Mill Spring, NC.

The team – comprised of Colleen DeVry of Bruderheim, AB; Robert Gielen of Flesherton, ON; Wendy MacCoubrey of Sainte-Justine-de-Newton, QC; Kimberley Woolley of Finch, ON; and reserve rider, Tracy Vollman of Regina, SK – had proved they were ones to watch during a long and challenging WEG qualifying period that ran from July 2016 to July 2018. Gielen and MacCoubrey earned top 10 positions in the 2017 FEI Open Combination World Endurance Rankings with their horses, and DeVry came to WEG 2018 fresh off a second place finish, just 10 seconds shy of first, at the 2018 Bellis Summer Sizzler CEI 3* 160km race.

“We had reasonably focused on a goal of medaling as a team with potential for one or two top 20 individuals,” said Deanna Spiker, Endurance Chef d’Équipe, of Team Canada’s chances at the Games. “When the race was cancelled, we had one horse within the top 20 with one moving up just behind, and our three horses that remained in competition looked good for their final vet inspection.”

At the time the race was called off, Gielen was in the lead position for the Canadian team with his nine-year-old Arabian gelding, More Bang for Your Buck (Doran x Forty Thieves). A veteran of WEG 2010 and the oldest member of the Canadian Equestrian Team at 68 years of age, Gielen used his wealth of experience to successfully manage and pace his horse...

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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Canada: Hope riders take second and fourth place at summer competition - Full Article

Nearing retirement, Denise Pascucci’s Arabian steed Nikea still has a few more years left

Oct. 7, 2018

A life-long love of horses is nearing a turning point — but before then, there should still be a few good years of riding for Denise Pascucci and her Arabian steed, Nikea.

“I’ve always been around horses,” said Pascucci (pronounced “Pas-KOO-chee”). “I had aunts and uncles who had farms outside Winnipeg, in Vassar and South Junction. I got my first horse when I was 18.

“I got the one I currently own on my forty-first birthday, 18 years ago, from Del and Carl Augustine. He’s a pure Arabian and his registered name is Aur Lanii but I call him Nikea.

“I started riding endurance about 13 years ago, with Buffy Miller — and Shelley Taylor rides with me now. I keep my horse at Shelley’s place, by the airport. We’ve got morning and evening feeds, so Shelley usually does the mornings and I do the evenings and we work around our schedules.”

In 2012 and 2013, Pascucci and Nikea took part in the Cariboo Plateau endurance event at 108 Mile, then injuries, forest fires and other encumbrances kept them from returning until this year. On August 11, she partnered up for the competitive 25-mile ride, with fellow Hope rider, Leona Jones and her standardbred named J.J...

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What if Tryon was one of the safest Endurance World Championships ever? - Full Article

Andre Vidiz
Oct 8

On the article I wrote just after the WEG Endurance ride I tried to show how the dysfunctional disorganization of the OC was as guilty of the whole disaster as the weather conditions itself. On that moment FEI Officials were using the quantity of horse with metabolic issues and the death of one of them as a smoke screen to do not talk about all the problems that happened before and during the start of the race. At that time we needed to put it all together so we don’t forget anything. Now it is time to untangle some of those components.

Pippa Cuckson wrote a long article about the conditions we set for World Championships in which she also questions the Organizing Committee “clinic was full” argument itself. If there are no doubts about the number of horses in the clinic and that almost all of them were there due to metabolic issues, there is nothing clear about the conditions of those horses. Only 3 of them were eliminated under the ME-TR status, which means that treatment is mandatory and signalizes a dangerous condition. All the other horses maybe were getting precautionary treatment, a safe practice that became quite normal in endurance rides*

Maybe the full clinic is just a consequence of the system that is built to protect the horses...

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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Tasmania: North-West teenager Jaz Hutchins crosses the line first but does not win the Tom Quilty Gold Cup - Full Article

Andrew Mathieson
October 6 2018

Jaz Hutchins galloped home to cheers, but the tone in the voice of the first to finish the Tom Quilty Gold Cup ride told the true story.

After nine hours, 46 minutes and 27 seconds in the saddle, the junior winner on the course near Scottsdale didn’t hide her understandable disappointment.

“Yes, I was the first – that’s correct,” Hutchins told The Sunday Examiner in the affirmative, “but it’s a bit disappointing that I can’t take the cup home being a junior.

The Sassafras 17-year-old like her contemporaries could not make the mandatory 73kg weight for the cup.

The lesser weight over the 160km journey from darkness to sunrise and sometimes beyond is considered an unfair advantage.

Not exactly tainting the win of top Victorian Kristie Taprell – a junior winner has been ruled ineligible of taking home the trophy before – but Hutchins’ ride 18 minutes and 40 seconds earlier could have caused a stir...

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Saturday, October 06, 2018

Brief Encounters – The New 'Normal' in Endurance - Full Article

Blogs Cuckson Report | October 5, 2018

I haven’t spoken to, or read anything written by, any veterinarian that disagrees with abandoning the Tryon WEG endurance ride. Vets all seem emphatic that horses were not coping with the fast rising heat and humidity.

One told me some were even pulsing back up while being examined – including the super-horses whose heart-rates usually meet the parameters within minutes.

But it isn’t quite that black and white. The weather in isolation was not the issue – historic rides have taken place in worse conditions without everyone keeling over. Worries also stemmed from the inability of so many to ride according to the conditions; some riders were apparently not even aware their horses were in difficulty.

How can that be? This was a world championship, featuring the best and most experienced horses and riders on the planet, surely? Not necessarily. No rider can truly can say their horse is pinging along with its usual verve when they’ve hardly competed it before. In modern endurance, not knowing your horse is the New Normal.

FEI records of the 120-odd riders who started the fateful first loop show:

• 13 had never competed their Tryon horse in a FEI race of any distance before;
• 13 had only started on their Tryon horse once before (in most cases their 160km WEG qualifier, which might not have been a highly competitive race;)
• 28 had only attempted 160km with the same horse twice before;
• 24 had started their Tryon horse in FEI twice over any distance before; nine riders three times;
• 59 riders had previously attempted 160km with their Tryon horse more than twice;
• Only 37 horse and riders had progressed from 80Km to 160km level as a combination;
• Four riders had fewer than 10 career starts in FEI at any distance on any horse/s; 18 riders had just 10-20 previous FEI starts on any horse/s...

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Friday, October 05, 2018

Tasmania to rise again to the Tom Quilty Gold Cup challenge - Full Article

Andrew Mathieson

Australian equestrian’s biggest prize is firmly in the grasp of Tasmanian riders entering the prestigious Tom Quilty Gold Cup on Saturday.

The arduous ride over its 160-kilometre course returns to the North East of the state for the first time in six years.

The top Tasmanians have a recent stranglehold on the premier endurance event of its kind, starting at midnight.

Brooke Brown-Cordell, of Tunnel, and Debbie Grull, of Staverton, earned a Tasmanian quinella in the 2017 Cup.

Lebrina neighbours Bella Pickering and Kirstie Lockhart were remarkably the first two in the country across the line for the junior division...

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Thursday, October 04, 2018

Has Endurance Racing Morphed Into ‘Win At All Cost’ Flat-Track Racing? - Full Article

by Paulick Report Staff | 10.01.2018

The American The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) executive committee, in a letter to the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), the governing body of horse sport in the United States, has requested immediate withdrawal of funding to the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) endurance events held outside U.S. borders.

An international discipline, the sport of endurance is based on long-distance races that are completed at controlled speed, with the care and health of the horse key in riders' minds. Horses must pass veterinary inspections as specific intervals during the competition. Flat-track endurance riding has evolved in the last decade and is vastly different than endurance riding; it focuses on much faster, prolonged speeds on groomed courses. Endurance riding is held on natural terrain.

The letter states that the committee feels that riders of extreme flat-track racing “know nothing about riding their horses within their capabilities according to the weather and terrain of the day. Their objective is often ‘winning at all costs.'” The committee feels that this approach is vastly divergent from the traditional endurance competitions, where “to finish is to win...”

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South Africa's Race the Wild Coast Begins Oct 13

From 13-21 October 2018, Race the Wild Coast will return for its second edition amid the iconic wilderness of South Africa’s east coast.

It's a new breed of horse race. Riders, with a team of three horses, compete for victory over 350km of rugged paradise on the remote east coast of South Africa; navigating through this challenging wilderness, swimming rivers and keeping horses fit for vet checks in this complex multi stage race will challenge the endurance of any horseback adventurer.

This five-day, multi-stage challenge is one of the most dynamic tests of endurance horse-riding, navigation and survival skills in the world.

For more information, see:

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Wednesday, October 03, 2018

China: 2018 Dangshan International Equestrian Endurance Race kicks off

Pub Date:18-09-30 14:54
The 2018 China·Dangshan International Equestrian Endurance Race was held at the International Racecourse of the Old Course of the Yellow River in Dangshan County, Anhui Province from September 27th to 28th.

It attracted over one hundred riders from home and abroad and nearly 10,000 equestrian enthusiasts.

In the two days, the FEI one-star (87 km), two-star (120 km) endurance races and 48 km and 87 km qualification competitions were held and wonderful equestrian performances were presented.

The FEI 2-Star Endurance Race is the highest level international equestrian endurance race held in China. (source:

Monday, October 01, 2018

American endurance officials condemn “extreme” flat-track form of discipline - Full Article

September 30, 2018

America’s top endurance officials have warned about the “dangerous disconnect” between the extreme flat-track racing over extended distances and the more traditional version of the discipline.

They want the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) to immediately withdraw all funding to FEI endurance events outside of the US for two years or until significant changes are made within the FEI. Funding should instead be directed toward US national events.

The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) executive committee, in a letter to the USEF, described events at the endurance ride during the recent World Equestrian Games in North Carolina as chaotic and disturbing. (The race was shortened after some competitors were misdirected on the first loop, and later cancelled because of heat and humidity.)

“WEG has brought clearly into focus the dangers of flat track racing for extended distances being attempted in the framework of traditional endurance …

“While we agree that the start mix up and the incomplete facilities were a major issue in this particular WEG, as noted above, the decade-plus erosion of traditional endurance behaviors and equine welfare criteria are the greatest threats to the discipline.”

The committee, which wrote to USEF president Murray Kessler and secretary-general William Moroney, said their letter arose out of grave concern about not only the recent events of WEG, but also the years-long evolution of the sport of endurance in general...

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First FEI event ever-held in Bragado, Buenos Aires - Full Article
30th September 2018

Bragado Endurance Club, Bragado, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thursday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2018. This was the first FEI event ever-held in Bragado. The Bragado Endurance Festival (BEF) was in charge of and organized by the Bragado Endurance Club. Whereas, Chacras del Bragado sponsored and hosted the three-day event.

Argentinian teams particularly enjoyed a professional as well as a relaxed atmosphere, since not only did they compete but also share a long weekend among friends recalling previous races held in different parts of the country. Likewise, the settings offered peace and tranquillity to all horses. The joyful faces, the great number of important prizes, the new HR system (hired from Uruguay) and the viewing of live race results with the Yamamah App made this international event date a unique one in Argentina.

The first start was given on Thursday morning, which ended with the classification of 14 horses in the 40 and 80 km qualifiers. Later in the afternoon, the pre ride for CEI1* seniors and YR took place. While the CEI1* ladies race by Setzi Saddles was held on Friday. Saturday was allocated to CEI1* and CEI2* seniors and YR. At this event Argentina landed a record for a total number of 116 horses during the two race days.

Friday, at 7:00am, 26 riders started the all-female 100km race. It was divided in 4 loops (33km, 25km, 22km and 20km for the last respectively). Winner was Nadia Fernandez Cid riding FG Suavecita, in a post-race interview the rider described her horse as being “very energetic and very pleasant to work with every day...

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Italy Wins Bronze in Team Endurance at European and World Championships - Full Article Monday 30 September 2024, 09:45 Bronze for Italy in team endurance at the European Under-21 Championship ...