Saturday, March 29, 2014

AERC Takes Action As International Endurance Abuses Continue

Original article appeared in The Chronicle of the Horse

As the sport of endurance has grown more popular, so have the cheating and welfare issues, and the American riders want to protect the sport they helped create.


This is a story of international intrigue, of power and influence, of drugs, cheating and preferential treatment.
It involves sheikhs, princesses and cowboys, viral Internet videos and lumbering bureaucracy.

It’s also the story of how the participants and enthusiasts of perhaps the most organic of all the international
equestrian sports—the pursuit of riding a horse as fast as you safely can from point A to point B across natural terrain—are trying to save the sport from its own success. This story begins in the deserts of the Middle East and ends in a conference room in Atlanta where people who share a common interest in endurance all agree there is a problem and are having a healthy debate about how to fix it.

Are you intrigued yet?

To follow this story, let’s start at the beginning...

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Australia: Endurance ride back by popular demand - Full Article

The Neville Endurance Ride is back by popular demand.

On the 5th and 6th of April this beautiful and historical little town will be host to many horse and rider combinations all setting out to enjoy riding around the beautiful pine forests on sandy tracks, in great company.

Camping will be at the shady show ground with all general amenities, come kick back and enjoy some nice scenery.

The Lachlan Endurance Riders Club (LERC) have taken up the task with locals from the Blayney/Carcoar area in particular Marjorie Trudgett (who has put heart and soul into this event) Also to Di Luker who is Secretary and helped with tracks, etc. Together a strong and effective team is ready and prepared to welcome horses and riders to Neville...

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New Zealand: Kiwis aim to make big impact at WEG 2014 - Full Article

By on Mar 27, 2014

New Zealand Equestrian Sport’s High Performance leader Sarah Harris says it’s a “real shame” that the country won’t have a dressage rider at the upcoming FEI Alltech World Equestrian Games in France, but the discipline’s focus is now on the Rio 2016 Olympics and beyond.

Sole “A” squad rider Vanessa Way has retired her mount, KH Arvan, after the horse failed to bounce back as well as expected following an operation.

But Harris said the results from the young combinations at the recent Horse of the Year showed the sport had an exciting future...

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Scotland: Endurance riders in Penninghame Forest - Full Article

26 March 2014

Scottish Endurance Riding Club

Dumfries Branch

The above branch held a successful endurance ride in Penninghame and Glenrazie Woods recently.

Many thanks to the Forestry Commission at Newton Stewart for the use of these tracks and also for clearing all fallen trees in order for the riders to use the tracks. Also local residents for putting up with the horses and riders around their homes and sharing their walking areas for part of the day...

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Australia: Harden Up Endurance ride evokes spirit of the bush - Full Article

March 25 2014

ENDURANCE horse riding evokes the spirit of the bush according to Fia Hasko-Stewart, the organiser of the Harden Up Endurance Ride and Carnival, which was held in town on the weekend.

She said long-distance riding was something that was common in earlier days and many country people spent hours in the saddle getting to their destinations.

Endurance riding was also about riders being able to 'listen' to their horses so they would how their horse was travelling and when to ease up...

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

UAE: Khloud Al Khoury claims glory at Endurance City - Full Article

Hisham Al Gizouli / 21 March 2014

The brilliant rider covered the distance in 3hours,15 minutes and16 seconds at an average speed of 34.60km/ hour.

Qatar’s Khloud Al Khoury, on board SM Flow, landed the fifth edition of the Dubai Crown Prince Ride For Ladies, CEN 90km at the Seih Assalam Endurance City on Thursday.

The brilliant rider covered the distance in 3hours,15 minutes and16 seconds at an average speed of 34.60km/ hour...

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Friday, March 21, 2014

New Zealand: New Champs Crowned - Full Article

15/03/2014 8:37:55 a.m.
The Canterbury Endurance & Trail Club hosted the CopRice and Farmlands South Island Endurance & CTR Championships on March 8 and 9 at Brooksdale Station, Springfield, with some excellent results.

North Otago’s Susan Latta and her homebred mare, Tkiwa, were victorious in the main event, the CEI 3* 160km, never looking in doubt and eventually crossing the line in an excellent time of 9 hours 53. This was the pair’s fourth completion together at this level and Tkiwa, a part-bred Arabian by Euralea Light My Fire, also went on to win the Best Conditioned Horse Award.

Second in this class went to Sarah Hamer and Glendaar Amira Fire while Alison Higgins riding Twynham El Desiree placed third...

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Qatar: WAHO Conference

It has been confirmed that the 2014 WAHO Conference will be held once more in Doha, Qatar, from 8-18 November. This follows the very successful 2011 Conference, which was well received by delegates from across the world.

The official invitation letter from Sheikh Mohammed bin Faleh Al Thani, Chairman of the Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club (QREC), as well as the schedule for the conference, can be seen here:

UAE: Marmoog's second name change adds fuel to 'ringer' endurance racing allegations - Full Article

Horse previously known as Prince de la Sabliere had his name officially changed to JSAS which has wiped the name Marmoog from archived results on the FEI database

By Pippa Cuckson
10:00PM GMT 19 Mar 2014

Allegations that there was a 'ringer' in the United Arab Emirates' 2012 world champion endurance team have been complicated by the unexplained decision to change the horse’s name a second time, and the discovery that he has a dual microchip identity.

Last week new evidence provided by The Telegraph prompted the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) to reopen its previously inconclusive investigation into Marmoog, the championship ride of HH Sheikh Hamdan, Crown Prince of Dubai.

Sheikh Hamdan rode a markedly dissimilar horse using the same identity in the 100-mile qualifier at Numana, Italy, two months earlier.

It has now emerged that Marmoog – also previously known as Prince de la Sabliere – had his name officially changed to JSAS on Sunday by the UAE federation five days after the Telegraph broke the story. This has the effect of wiping 'Marmoog' from archived results on the FEI database...

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

FEI approves revised agenda for the Extraordinary General Assembly - Full Article

March 19, 2014

The FEI Bureau held its monthly teleconference on Thursday, 13 February, and approved a revised agenda for the Extraordinary General Assembly which will take place on 29 April in Lausanne (SUI).

The agenda includes two proposed changes to the FEI Statutes: the extension of the term in office of the FEI President and the creation of a new FEI body, the FEI Olympic Council. The main goal of the new Council will be to create a permanent liaison between the FEI and the members of the Olympic Family with an equestrian background.

The FEI Bureau also decided to postpone the ordinary FEI General Assembly 2014 until after the Extraordinary Session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) which will be held in Monaco on 8 and 9 December. Key decisions concerning the Olympic Programme are expected to be taken by the IOC Session. As a result, the FEI General Assembly, which was originally scheduled to take place from 3 to 6 November 2014, will now be organised from 11 to 14 December 2014. The venue for the General Assembly remains unchanged (Dubai, UAE)...

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Could a breakaway endurance body succeed?

The world is littered with the rotting carcasses of breakaway sporting groups.

Some, in high profile sports, have had millions of dollars in backing, yet still failed to prosper. Think Australian media mogul Kerry Packer’s rebel cricket league of the late 1970s and the Australian Super League war of the 1990s.

In the ranks of professional sport, breakaway groups have been formed for a variety of reasons, primary among them being player dissatisfaction over money or conditions, and television rights.

They struggle for much the same reasons that any business venture struggles. These alternative sporting leagues are invariably expensive to set up and face the task of luring fans (and players) from the established version of the sport. If they don’t get the fans at the grounds or in front of television sets, they don’t get the revenue.

So, with this in mind, is there any realistic prospect of success for a breakaway group in the world of endurance?

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Australia: National Endurance Committee Formed

Equestrian Australia (EA) and the Australian Endurance Riders Association (AERA) are pleased to announce the formation of the national endurance committee.

The five member committee has been assembled after both parties entered into an agreement in late 2013 which will offer improved benefits to FEI endurance riders.

The committee will be responsible for developing a framework for the discipline.

EA and AERA are pleased to advise that the following individuals have been elected to the committee and will each serve a two year term:

Leigh Anne Sample, QLD
Mark Grogan, QLD
Anne Barnes, WA
Penny Toft, QLD
Linda Tanian, VIC

Link to EA website:

Australia: Shahzada 2014

This is a call to all those across the country from WA, QLD, NT, SA, VIC, TAS and of course NSW, January is coming to an end and everyone is thinking about what they would like to achieve in Endurance in 2014……start planning now for Shahzada in St Albans, NSW from Monday, 25th – Friday, 29th August.  The ultimate test of 400km over five days or, to  get a taste of real endurance riding with some of the riding and lots of fun, try the mini marathon of 120km over three days from Tuesday,26th to Thursday, 28th August.   Book your holidays and start working on fitness levels for you and your horse – this will be the biggest achievement of your life and half the fun is the preparation!

There will be lots of updates in the coming months to let you know about the entertainment during that last  week in August but for now go to the Shahzada website for all the stories and pre and post ride books from the previous 33 years –  we guarantee the same fun filled tracks and perfect weather.  

The Shahzada Family welcomes you……..everyone helps each other and genuinely wants you to succeed and earn that much sought after Shahzada buckle… come and give it a go!!!

More detailed information will be available on the website soon or contact Shahzada secretary, Sue Todd on or 0263 79 7218.

Friday, March 14, 2014

AERC Presses for Horse Welfare Reforms

By Edited Press Release
Mar 13, 2014

The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) has negotiated the final details in a motion designed to make clear the organization’s condemnation of abuses in international endurance riding competitions. Fatalities, drug violations, and fractures in international competition have been an increasing concern among riders worldwide, the group says.

Over the past several months, the AERC board has received input from members across the United States and Canada, who felt strongly that AERC should take a stand against horse abuses while supporting the American riders who wish to compete in international endurance events.

“The board received more than 600 comments from AERC members,” noted AERC vice president Lisa Schneider. “The directors spent quite a bit of time considering all aspects of this very complex issue, and worked very hard to find a solution that would communicate our strong commitment to horse welfare as well as support our AERC International riders. All the committees weighed in with their concerns and it was a true group effort to hammer out this solution.”

The board members gathered at AERC’s annual convention, held March 7-8 in Atlanta, Ga. The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), the U.S. governing body for international endurance riding, shared AERC’s concerns and has been working diligently with the Fédération Equestre International (FEI) to address those concerns, the group said.

USEF CEO John Long “provided helpful information to the board and forthrightly answered direct and blunt questions from the board members in an open and honest exchange,” said newly installed AERC president Michael Campbell, PhD. “The AERC board is determined to work with USEF to correct abuses of FEI rules to ensure fair enforcement of rules for our athletes and the safe treatment of horses in FEI competition.”

The organization's directors ultimately came to an agreement March 9 on a motion that gives the FEI until Jan. 1, 2015, to make measurable progress in addressing the group's concerns, including “greater transparency in public reporting of fatalities and fractures occurring at or associated with FEI endurance rides.”

The wording of the final motion reads:

In order to address the growing alarm among AERC members that mounting drug violations and fatalities and fractures in international endurance riding conducted in some Region VII countries by the FEI are injuring the reputation of our sport worldwide, the AERC shall immediately notify the FEI, through USEF, in writing of:

1. The AERC’s grave concerns that drug violations and horse fatalities and fractures are excessive in FEI endurance events by some participants from Region VII countries, that the flat courses and high speeds characteristic of FEI international rides contribute to horse injuries increasingly similar in severity and frequency to those occurring in flat track racing, that some FEI officials inadequately enforce the FEI’s own rules, and that the administration of FEI events favors certain competitors and member countries over others.

2. The AERC’s intention to consider joining the exploration with like-minded endurance groups in other countries of the formation of a new international organization to conduct international endurance riding events if the FEI does not demonstrate measurable progress towards addressing the AERC’s concerns by Jan. 1, 2015. Measurable progress would include, but not be limited to, greater transparency in public reporting of fatalities and fractures occurring at or associated with FEI endurance rides.

The AERC looks forward to working with the USEF to prepare a joint response to the ESPG Report that meets both organizations’ interests. The AERC’s International Committee is directed to monitor and evaluate the FEI’s progress towards meeting the AERC’s concerns. The AERC’s International Committee is also directed to prepare periodic reports to the AERC board who will determine yearly if meaningful and measurable progress is being made. The AERC shall continue to support the efforts of the USEF to improve the FEI’s conduct of international endurance riding and shall remain affiliated with USEF.

“AERC will continue to work closely with USEF to achieve the goal of fair and safe endurance competition throughout the world,” said Campbell.

American endurance body talks of breakaway international group - Full Article

By on Mar 14, 2014 in News

The American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) has signaled the possibility of a breakaway international endurance body if the FEI fails to rein in controversial practices in the sport in the Middle East.

The AERC has given the FEI until January 1 to make “measurable progress” in addressing its concerns...

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Zealand: More pictures from the South Island Endurance Championships - Full Article and photos

By on Mar 12, 2014 in Focus

Near perfect riding weather coupled with a fantastic track was the highlight for riders at the South Island Endurance and CTR Championships, over the second weekend of March 8-9.

Otago rider Suzie Latta took out the CEI 3* 160km championship riding Tkiwa, a 10-year-old arabian-standardbred cross mare whom she bred herself. Their time was 9:53.16...

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

AERC presses for horse welfare reforms in international riding

Just hours after swearing in six new board members, the American Endurance Ride Conference negotiated final details in a motion designed to make clear the organization’s condemnation of abuses in international endurance riding competitions. Fatalities, drug violations and fractures have been an increasing concern among riders worldwide, and center on some riders within the Federation Equestre International (FEI) Region VII, which encompasses much of the Middle East.

The board members gathered at AERC’s annual convention, held March 7 and 8 in Atlanta, Georgia, knowing they had to come to a final agreement on the motion. The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), the U.S. governing body for international endurance riding, shared AERC’s concerns and has been working diligently with the FEI to halt the abuses now coming to light.

USEF CEO John Long addressed the board at their first convention meeting. “Mr. Long provided helpful information to the board and forthrightly answered direct and blunt questions from the board members in an open and honest exchange,” said newly-installed AERC President Michael Campbell, PhD. “The AERC board is determined to work with USEF to correct abuses of FEI rules to ensure fair enforcement of rules for our athletes and the safe treatment of horses in FEI competition.”

Over the past several months, the board has taken input from AERC’s members across the U.S. and Canada, who felt strongly that AERC should take a stand against horse abuses while supporting the American riders who wish to compete in international endurance events.

“The board received more than 600 comments from AERC members,” noted AERC Vice President Lisa Schneider. “The directors spent quite a bit of time considering all aspects of this very complex issue, and worked very hard to find a solution that would communicate our strong commitment to horse welfare as well as support our AERC International riders. All the committees weighed in with their concerns and it was a true group effort to hammer out this solution. “

As the Sunday, March 9, board meeting opened, it was not clear that the organization’s directors could come to an agreement, as original wording on the motion included the possibility of AERC endurance rides not allowing co-sanctioning with FEI, depriving members the opportunity to earn FEI-recognized ranking points at AERC rides. After much discussion and deliberation, a consensus was reached and the vote on the final motion was unanimous.

The motion gives the FEI until January 1, 2015, to make measurable progress, including “greater transparency in public reporting of fatalities and fractures occurring at or associated with FEI endurance rides.”

“AERC will continue to work closely with USEF to achieve the goal of fair and safe endurance competition throughout the world,” said Dr. Campbell, of Salado, Texas.

The motion’s author, Southwest Region Director Randy Eiland, said, “The AERC board deserves a big thanks for protecting our own AERC members who enjoy and pursue international competition while condemning the guilty parties.”

The wording of the final motion reads: “In order to address the growing alarm among AERC members that mounting drug violations and fatalities and fractures in international endurance riding conducted in some Region VII countries by the FEI are injuring the reputation of our sport worldwide, the AERC shall immediately notify the FEI, through USEF, in writing of:

“1. The AERC’s grave concerns that drug violations and horse fatalities and fractures are excessive in FEI endurance events by some participants from Region VII countries, that the flat courses and high speeds characteristic of FEI international rides contribute to horse injuries increasingly similar in severity and frequency to those occurring in flat track racing, that some FEI officials inadequately enforce the FEI’s own rules, and that the administration of FEI events favors certain competitors and member countries over others.

“2. The AERC’s intention to consider joining the exploration with like-minded endurance groups in other countries of the formation of a new international organization to conduct international endurance riding events if the FEI does not demonstrate measurable progress towards addressing the AERC’s concerns by January 1, 2015. Measurable progress would include, but not be limited to, greater transparency in public reporting of fatalities and fractures occurring at or associated with FEI endurance rides.

“The AERC looks forward to working with the USEF to prepare a joint response to the ESPG Report that meets both organizations’ interests. The AERC’s International Committee is directed to monitor and evaluate the FEI’s progress towards meeting the AERC’s concerns. The AERC’s International Committee is also directed to prepare periodic reports to the AERC Board who will determine yearly if meaningful and measurable progress is being made. The AERC shall continue to support the efforts of the USEF to improve the FEI’s conduct of international endurance riding and shall remain affiliated with USEF.”

AERC’s commitment to horse welfare has been a vital part of the organization since its founding in 1972. The organizations’ Veterinary, Research and Welfare of the Horse committees work together to ensure AERC does all it can to protect equines who participate in the sports events, which range from 25 to 100 miles per day.

American Endurance Riding Conference

New inquiry into Sheikh Hamdan's world championship 'ringer’

By Pippa Cuckson

10:30PM GMT 11 Mar 2014

The International Equestrian Federation is to reopen an investigation into allegations that HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, rode a “ringer” in the winning UAE team at the 2012 World Endurance Championships. The IEF is acting on fresh evidence given to it by The Daily Telegraph.

The FEI’s Equine Community Integrity Unit was passed the material after rumours about the true identity of Sheikh Hamdan’s team gold medallist, Marmoog, resurfaced last week.

The FEI revealed that Marmoog had been investigated soon after the 100-mile world-title ride at Euston Park, Suffolk, but the ECIU reported that “available evidence was not considered sufficient for further action”.

[More ...]

Monday, March 10, 2014

UAE: DSC adapt triathlon disciplines for the desert - Full Article

Swimming makes way for endurance riding in April 19 event

By Ashley Hammond Staff Reporter
Published: 18:48 March 10, 2014Gulf News

Dubai: Organisers of the inaugural Dubai Desert Triathlon believe they may have stumbled across an exciting new concept.
On April 19, more than 200 participants are expected to take part in a first-of-its-kind event, which replaces the swimming stage of a traditional triathlon with endurance horse-riding.

A 25km loop of Dubai International Endurance City (DIEC) on horseback will be followed by a 25km cycling stage at the nearby Al Qudra cycling track and a five-kilometre run through the desert...

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AERC Notice to FEI Motion passes at AERC Convention

Sunday March 9 2014

After much lively discussion at the AERC Convention in Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend, the AERC Notice to FEI Motion passed unanimously by the Board of Directors.

According to Director at Large Randy Eiland, "The Motion establishes AERC's official statement on the abuses of equines, rules, and also the lack of transparency in reports on fatalities and catastrophic injuries.  It removes the threat to our own innocent AERC members (AERC-I) but does include a strong consideration to investigate the formation of a new international competition association with like minded federations if FEI doesn't show measurable progress in resolving the issues in some Region VII countries and with some FEI Officials. 

"I believe this statement will be well received by the international community in Europe and other continents - it will help shore up and supports their condemnations of the wrongdoing and it gives our membership a moment to be proud of AERC for taking an official stand on the issue (the first time in memory)."

Proposing Committee:  SPONSORSHIP
In order to address the growing alarm among AERC members that mounting drug violations and fatalities and fractures in international endurance riding conducted in some Region VII Countries by the FEI are injuring the reputation of our sport worldwide, the AERC shall immediately notify the FEI, through USEF, in writing of:
1)         The AERC’s grave concerns that drug violations and horse fatalities and fractures are excessive in FEI endurance events by some participants from Region VII countries, that the flat courses and high speeds characteristic of FEI international rides contribute to horse injuries increasingly similar in severity and frequency to those occurring in flat track racing, that some FEI officials inadequately enforce the FEI’s own rules, and that the administration of FEI events favors certain competitors and member countries over others.
2)         The AERC’s intention to consider joining the exploration with like-minded endurance groups in other countries of the formation of a new international organization to conduct international endurance riding events if the FEI does not demonstrate measurable progress towards addressing the AERC’s concerns by January 1, 2015.   Measurable progress would include, but not be limited to, greater transparency in public reporting of fatalities and fractures occurring at or associated with FEI endurance rides.
The AERC looks forward to working with the USEF to prepare a joint response to the ESPG Report that meets both organizations’ interests. The AERC’s International Committee is directed to monitor and evaluate the FEI’s progress towards meeting the AERC’s concerns.  The AERC’s International Committee is also directed to prepare periodic reports to the AERC Board who will determine yearly if meaningful and measurable progress is being made. The AERC shall continue to support the efforts of the USEF to improve the FEI’s conduct of international endurance riding and shall remain affiliated with USEF.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

United States threatens breakaway in row over endurance horse racing - Full Article

The United States governing body has voted to attempt to withdraw from the International Equestrian Federation if a clean-up of the sport does not prove successful this year.

By Pippa Cuckson

Mar 2014

The United States, who can claim to have invented equestrian endurance, have unanimously voted to form a breakaway global governing body if the International Equestrian Federation cannot prove its clean-up in the Middle East is effective this year.

This damning indictment of the FEI’s handling of the endurance crisis comes just seven weeks before the FEI votes on whether Princess Haya, whose husband Sheikh Mohammed’s stables are at the centre of the controversy, should have the option of a third term as FEI president.

The American Endurance Ride Conference resolved to invite other major players to form an alternative international body “if the FEI does not demonstrate measurable progress towards addressing the AERC’s concerns by January 1, 2015”...

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UAE: Marri guides Castle Jumeirah to Endurance Cup victory - Full Article

9 March 2014

11-year-old Arabian mare dominates at Emirates Int’l Village

Abdulla Ghanim Al Marri, on board 11-year-old Arabian mare Castle Jumeirah did everything right to land the Shaikh Zayed bin Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Endurance Cup — For Private Own Horses, CEN 100-km Endurance Ride at the Emirates International Endurance Village here on Saturday.

The brilliant rider advanced at the ride time to lead in the crucial stages of the grueling race and land the trophy in great style.

The race was attended by Shaikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy National Security Advisor and Shaikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs; and a number of Shaikhs and top officials.

The winner covered the distance in 03:44:00 seconds at an average speed of 26.788 km/hour, followed on his heels by Saeed Ahmad Al Harbi and behind them came Ali Ghanim Obaid Al Ali.

Al Marri walked away with the major share of the Dh500,000 prize-money plus a car and Rolex watch...

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Bahrain: Shaikha Najla claims title in Shaikh Nasser endurance ride - Full Article

Sunday, March 09, 2014

BAHRAINI rider Shaikha Najla'a bint Salman Al Khalifa of Ahmed Al Fateh stables won the Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa Endurance Championship at Bahrain International Endurance Village yesterday.

She finished in 4:58:15 hours with an average speed of 26 kmph...

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Saturday, March 08, 2014

FEI clarifies procedures in anti-doping cases

Lausanne (SUI), 7 March 2014
FEI clarifies procedures in anti-doping cases
In response to recent discussions in the equestrian community about the length of time that FEI anti-doping cases may take to prosecute, the FEI is keen to clarify its procedures.
“It is the FEI’s role to ensure the full integrity of competition and fair play, while at the same time ensuring that the rights of the athlete are fully protected,” FEI Secretary General Ingmar De Vos said.
“As an international governing body, the FEI cannot allow that athletes would ever be condemned or sanctioned without having the proper opportunities to defend themselves. It is of course regrettable, on every level, whenever there is a positive finding, but the FEI has to follow due process in the interest of all parties involved.”
Following the confirmation of a positive sample, it is the FEI’s duty to prove to the Tribunal that there has been a violation of the Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMR). A positive finding is simply the start of the process.
In the event of a provisional suspension being imposed following a positive finding, the Person Responsible (PR) can apply at any time for a preliminary hearing to request lifting of the provisional suspension.
The PR has the right to contest the positive finding, including challenging the sample collection and analysis procedures to the Tribunal. The PR also has the right to provide an explanation for the presence of the prohibited substance in order to reduce or eliminate the applicable sanction.
The finding whether there has been a rule violation can only be made once the case has been heard by the Tribunal. It is only when the Tribunal confirms in its Final Decision that there is a rule violation that the automatic disqualification from the competition can be applied. Other sanctions may also be imposed by the Tribunal.
The FEI is a signatory to the WADA Code and has to respect the WADA principles, which include the right to a fair hearing. All parties involved have to be given time to prepare their submissions in order to properly defend themselves. Signatories to the WADA Code apply the same principles, and sports involving animals have to be consistent with the WADA Code.
FEI media contacts:
Grania Willis
Director Press Relations
+41 78 750 61 42
Ruth Grundy
Manager Press Relations
+41 78 750 61 45

Qatar: CHI AL SHAQAB International Equestrian Tournament 2014

At a busy press conference, Fahad Saad Al Qahtani, Executive Director of AL SHAQAB, spoke of the importance of bringing a world class CHI event to Qatar. He explained how the world’s greatest riders and horses will compete before royalty, VIPs and more than 10,000 spectators.

Mr Al Qahtani said: “The inaugural CHI AL SHAQAB was a spectacular success, and this year will be even better. AL SHAQAB supports Qatar Foundation’s vision to promote the country’s heritage by showcasing its equestrian excellence.”

Omar Al Mannai, AL SHAQAB Competition Manager, revealed that this year’s tournament will see around 170 riders and 200 horses from 30 countries come together to compete for a total of 1,460,000euros in prize money. He also revealed that, alongside jumping, dressage and endurance, the competition will feature vaulting for the first time.

Fahad Al Hajri, Media Manager, pointed out that CHI AL SHAQAB, are working with the world’s media to achieve the highest standards in broadcast production in equine history.

Finally, Bart Cahir, President and General Manager of Exxon Mobile, confirmed that his company is again proud to be the main sponsor of CHI AL SHAQAB.

CHI AL SHAQAB is also sponsored by Qatar Airways and organized under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Al Thani and Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa Bint Hamad Al Thani. The 2013 tournament was the first CHI event ever to take place in the Middle East and Asia.

AL SHAQAB equestrian center was founded in 1992 by His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, The Father Emir of Qatar, to promote and enrich his nation’s traditional association with the Arabian horse. It is a member of Qatar Foundation and serves as the Gulf’s premier venue for equestrian education, breeding and events.

Journalists and other equine specialists are warmly invited to attend CHI AL SHAQAB 2014. For all attendance, interview and other media requests, please contact Laura Wrede (+974 55296773) or email and

Thursday, March 06, 2014

UAE: Shaikh Hamdan wins second consecutive World Military Endurance title - Full Article

UAE riders claim Team Title in 120km event at Dubai International Endurance City

By Leslie Wilson Jr,Racing & Special Features Writer
Published: 19:36 March 6, 2014

Dubai: Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, was a picture of confidence as he won his second CISM World Military Endurance Championship at the Dubai International Endurance City on Thursday.

Riding Aghaab, winner of the HH Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Endurance Cup in January, Shaikh Hamdan dominated the 70-strong field as he completed the 120km ride in 4 hours, 33 minutes and 36 seconds...

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New Zealand: Instant blood tests for endurance horses a first at SI Champs - Full Article

By on Mar 06, 2014 in Focus

Endurance veterinarians in New Zealand have a new hand-held blood analysis tool to instantly test equine blood samples at events.

The new EPOC Blood Analyser has been purchased by Equestrian Sports New Zealand’s Endurance board, thanks to a donation from the Dion Latta Estate...

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Key Defra body ignored in Lord Stevens’ drugs raids investigation for Sheikh Mohammed - Full Article

Veterinary Medicines Directorate was not asked to supply input for report and disputes claim that seized products were not intended for use in UK

By Pippa Cuckson
9:05PM GMT 05 Mar 2014

Defra’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate, the body that seized 124 unlicensed drugs from Sheikh Mohammed’s Newmarket stables in August, has revealed it had no input into Lord Stevens’s subsequent investigation for racing’s most powerful owner.

Further, the VMD disputes a claim recorded in the report that the seized drugs were not intended for use in the United Kingdom...

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UAE: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words - Full Article

Karen Robinson
March 1 2014

"...even the most basic rules of horse welfare are so far from being enforced at middle eastern endurance races that they are a complete farce, an absolute joke, and an insult to the principles that supposedly govern the FEI."

Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain permission from the photographer to publish the photo that I wanted to share with you, so instead I will use the proverbial thousand of these one dimensional little things to describe it.

It was snapped during the recent President World Cup Endurance race in Abu Dhabi, and the person who sent it to me sent it with the subject line ‘spot the horse’. The photo could also have been titled ‘where’s Waldo’ – if Waldo were a horse.

See, the horses are not the most prominent feature in this shot of the endurance race. The cars are. Roughly 100 cars, pick-ups, SUVs and those silly little Japanoid van/pick-ups are crowded so thickly along the white racetrack fencing that keeps them off the track that you can barely see that there are actually horses in the frame. Also obscuring a clear view of the horses is a pink haze caused by a combination of churned up sand and exhaust from what are surely hundreds of vehicles – if we make the reasonable assumption that all the cars chasing the race did not miraculously squeeze into this one photo. If you didn’t notice the horses you would think it was a traffic jam in the desert...

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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Oman: All-Women Endurance Horse Race on March 7 - Full Article

Muscat Daily staff writer
March 05, 2014

An all-women endurance horse race will be organised in Barka on March 7, according to a press release from the Oman Equestrian Federation (OEF).

The race will witness a total of 44 riders compete over a distance of 80km and will be conducted according to the International Equestrian Federation's (FEI) rules and regulations. Some of the participating riders are from the neighbouring countries.

The veterinary examination of the horses will be held a day before the event. The race will kick off at 6.30am and will be held in three stages. The first stage will cover 40km, while the remaining 40km will be split into two legs of 20km each.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Spain's Jon Fernandez de Antona wins at Evora, Portugal

Spain's Jon Fernandez de Antona riding Talita Kumi 50% won the CEI3* Evora ride in Portugal on March 1.

Cold, wet, muddy trails with constant ups and downs made for a challenging ride.

Alex Luque and Calandria PH won the CEI2*.

Monday, March 03, 2014

Cuckson lodges formal protest over endurance race in Bahrain - Full Article

By on Mar 03, 2014 in News

British equestrian journalist Pippa Cuckson has been joined by the editor of Horse & Hound magazine in lodging a formal protest with the FEI over the treatment of the winning horse in the February 8 running of the King’s Cup 120km endurance race in Bahrain.

The letter, under the Horse & Hound letterhead, is co-signed by Cuckson, who is a freelance contributor to the magazine, and its editor, Lucy Higginson...

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Saturday, March 01, 2014

UAE: Glory for Spanish lady rider Laia Soria Pinol - Full Article

Hisham Al Gizouli / 1 March 2014

Spaniard completes the 100-km ride in 3 hrs 23 minutes and 02 seconds at an average speed of 29.55 km/hour.

Top Spanish lady rider Laia Soria Pinol won the 100-km Shaikha Fatma bint Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Ladies Endurance Cup at the Emirates International Endurance Village in Al Wathba here on Friday. Laia Soria Pinol, riding her eight-year-old Magic Cross Bred mare Sembra Rails, completed the 100-km ride in 3 hrs 23 minutes and 02 seconds at an average speed of 29.55 km/hour...

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Great Britain: Young and determined Dace Sainsbury conquered the difficult UAE 160km desert course

Photo by Gilly Wheeler

21st February 2014

Young and determined Dace Sainsbury conquered the difficult 160km desert course in Abu Dhabi with great skill.

Riding her grey mare Ballota she maintained between 18/19kmph over each loop to finish in 8h 56m 05s.
The mare’s recovery times had been good throughout:t around 3 minutes. From the 128 starters just 47 finished (36.72%). The winner was the current JYR World Champion Khalifa Ali Khalfan Al Jahouri

Italy Wins Bronze in Team Endurance at European and World Championships - Full Article Monday 30 September 2024, 09:45 Bronze for Italy in team endurance at the European Under-21 Championship ...