Friday, June 27, 2014

Horse endurance trail riders flock to Wyanet

NewsTribune photo/Katlyn Rumbold

WYANET — What began as a way to give back to the horse industry five years ago has transformed into one of the most popular annual endurance horse races in North Central Illinois to date.
This weekend, June 27-29, horse enthusiasts will gather just northeast of Wyanet to take part in the sixth annual ‘My Back Yard’ horse ride co-managed by Lori Windows and Jennifer Allen, both of Bureau County.
‘My Back Yard’ is a weekend of trail rides and endurance races running through the scenic hills, creeks, timber and fields of the county. The event is open to all levels of horse riders.
“On Saturday, we offer a 50-mile endurance ride and a 25-mile limited-distance,” Windows said. “We also offer a 12.5-mile drive and a 12.5-mile novice ride.”
The 50-mile endurance ride will begin at about 5 a.m. followed by the 25-mile limited distance at 5:30 a.m. then the 12.5-mile novice ride after that, said Larry Allen, who is hosting the ride on parts of his land. “Every ride is open to everyone,” said Windows. But for somebody who hasn’t conditioned their horse frequently Allen advises,
“They might want to try the novice ride. Some people may think they’re ready for 25 miles, but haven’t done the proper conditioning.”
Distance riding is one of the few equestrian sports where beginners and longtime champions can compete on an even field, riding anywhere from 10 to 100 miles in a given race. It is a sport for everyone who loves horses and riding, regardless of age, breed of mount, and experience level.
“Distance riding is what we do,” emphasized Windows. She has ridden more than 40,000 miles in competition, having competed at all levels including the World Equestrian Games.
“We can’t have a sport if somebody doesn’t offer to manage rides,” Windows said. “It’s a lot of work, but I think anybody who rides and/or enjoys this sport should pay it back somehow. A lot of our help are other riders.”
Distance riding is also one of the only animal sports that animal rights groups accept, as the horse is and always will be the first priority. If the horse seems too hot or sore, it won’t compete, Allen said.
“Those are professional veterinarian opinions,” he said. “Not just someone off the street.”
In fact, while endurance racing, competitors are required to stop at designated “vet-checks” to make sure their horse is performing properly. If the vet finds something wrong, they’re required to stop.
Dr. Wes Elford will be the head veterinarian at this year’s race. Windows said he has been all over the world checking horses at both world and national championships.
Awards will be given to competitors placing first through sixth. Camping will be available for those staying throughout the weekend.

To ride or just help with the race, call co-manager Lori Windows at (815) 878-4555.
For directions, call host Larry Allen (815) 866-3565.

Illinois Valley News Tribune

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Australia: Tahnaya Mercieca finishes in top 10 at the NSW junior endurance riding championships - Full Article

By SAM DEBENHAM June 26, 2014, 4 a.m.

Eglinton rider Tahnaya Mercieca has, for the second year in a row, finished in the top 10 at the NSW junior endurance riding championships which were held last weekend in Wisemans Ferry.

Mercieca, who is just 10 years old, was onboard her purebred Arabian Malleegrove Quaarma for nearly two-thirds of a day as she completed the 160-kilometre trek.

She was fifth for the junior division, taking a total of 18 hours, 23 minutes – minus a vetting time of 3h30m for a total ride time of just under 15 hours.

Her mum Michelle even went to the lengths of trying to talk her daughter out of competing given the wet and miserable conditions, but the youngster, who has been riding for five years, wouldn’t be deterred...

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Australia: Taking on the (horse) world - Full Article

Jennifer Annetts and Churinga Goldfire or one of Jennifer’s other endurance horses are a common sight riding along Red Range and Glen Legh Roads in the later afternoons and weekends, but this is no casual canter.

Jennifer has been selected in the five-rider team to represent Australia in the endurance event at the World Equestrian Games to be held in Normandy, France in August, and she is in training to optimise her performance in the gruelling 160 kilometre one-day event.

The World Equestrian Games is the largest equestrian event in the world, celebrated every four years (alternating with the Olympic Games). Endurance is one of eight equestrian disciplines contested.

Jennifer was involved in Glen Innes Pony Club as a youngster but has gone on to specialise in endurance events, taking her (and her support crew including mum Trish) all over Australia. Endurance rides may vary from 80 to 160 kilometres over one day, and there are marathon rides of two days of 100km rides and the annual Shazada event of 80km on each of five consecutive days...

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

France: Poland's Kamila Kart Wins Tarbes Ibos

24 June 2014

Kamila Kart and Ajayeb won the 160-km Tarbes Ibos CEI*** on 23 June 2014, by 6 seconds over Khalid Sanad Al Nuaimi and Gazelles du Bosphore EwalRaid, in a final ride time of 8:53.53, averaging 17.98 km/h. Paula Muntala Sanchez and Razizka La Majorie took the bronze in 8:58.58.

Twenty-three of forty riders completed the course.

For complete results, see:

FEI Endurance Department - Open position for Director

24 June 2014

Ian Williams, Director Endurance Department, has taken the decision to retire at the end of this year after 12 years with the FEI. We would like to thank Ian for all his years of dedication to the FEI and we wish him a restful and happy retirement.

In order to ensure a smooth transition, we are now looking for a Director to work with Ian Williams until his retirement in December and then take over full responsibility for running the Endurance discipline. The job description is available on Should you wish to apply or need any further information regarding the position, please contact the Human Resources Department at

Endurance controversy continues at breakneck speed

By Neil Clarkson on Jun 24, 2014

The endurance storm of the past year appears close to becoming a Category 5 hurricane.

There were hopes that the long process of reform driven by the FEI in the past year would see the sport leave behind the welfare and drugging controversies centred on several Group VII nations in the Middle East, but that may well prove to be a forlorn dream.

The largely unspoken fear throughout the reform process – at least on an official level – has always been that the Middle Eastern nations will not be able to reconcile the new rules, which come into force on August 1, with their aggressive style of desert racing.

The evidence that emerged from last month's Compiègne CEI event in France would lead many to the conclusion that the gulf between what Western nations consider is acceptable in the sport of endurance and what the Middle Eastern nations think is OK is perilously close to insurmountable.

The events of Compiègne prompted five well-respected French endurance vets to pen an open letter which provides a sorry litany of issues that give rise to serious concern.

Ironically, it came just hours after the FEI gave the nod to rules to clean up endurance.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

USA Endurance Set Sights on Team Medal in France

by Merri Melde
Monday June 23 2014

The USA endurance team heads to Normandy, France for the World Equestrian Games on August 28, 2014, with one goal in mind: a team medal in the World Endurance Championship.

"I'm not going over there to look at that castle out there on the beach, Mont Saint-Michel," says US Chef d'Equipe Emmett Ross. "We're going over there to win a medal."

Ross will take a strong team to face the world over a previously unridden 160-km trail (parts of the trail were tested during last year's WEG pre-ride) that will traverse hills, fields, single track roads, pavement, and the beach along the Bay of Normandy on the English Channel. "In an event like the World Equestrian Games, riders must know how to manage their horse over a distance of 160 km, changing gait according to the terrain and the challenges faced, maintaining an average speed of 15 to 23 km/h throughout," says WEG Manager of the Endurance discipline, Nicholas Wahlen.

Ross has the riders for the course. "It puts a premium on good riders - and we have good riders. We have experienced riders." Ross' 2012 World Equestrian Championship team in Great Britain just missed the bronze medal, averaging 19.49 km/h. "This team is better than that one, even though that team was the Who's Who of American endurance."

USEF named the shortlist of horse/rider combinations on June 19, and the final Nominated List of 10 will be sent in to the Organizing Committee in France on June 25. Barring any mishaps, the top 5 will be the team that takes to the French trail: Heather Reynolds and Chanses, Ellen Olson and Hot Desert Knight, Dr Meg Sleeper and Syrocco Reveille, Jeremy Reynolds and RR Gold Dust Rising, and Kelsey Russell and My Wild Irish Gold. Russell is the first USA Young Rider to ever make the senior World Championship team. In 6th and 7th places are Jeremy Olson and Wallace Hill Shade, and Valerie Kanavy and Just Gold.

After the final list is turned in, Ross will focus on the top 7 riders and horses (countries are allowed 5 riders, and 2 spare horses in the barn), working with them on their training schedules and final preparations. The team will fly over on August 12 to a private stable near the venue, where they will have 2 weeks to relax, top off on training, and get organized.

Ross is pleased with his team and very confident. His riders are athletes, and all horses are fit and have been through exhaustive numerous veterinary exams. The weather, Ross feels, is not a factor. "We're coming from heat and humidity training - all of our horses are on the east coast or in Iowa - and they're talking about it being very hot over there, at 78 degrees!" Ross says. "And if it rains, then I feel we even have a better advantage, because we over here, like the French do in Europe, experience different types of terrain and different types of weather.

"We used to dominate the sport, but since 1998 we've done nothing at the WEC or the WEG. Nothing. No teams, no individuals, nothing. And we've been finishing teams now, with a lot of 4th places. So now we're ready to step up."

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

5 Top French Endurance Veterinarians Present Open Letter to Endurance After Compiegne Controversies

June 22 2014

After a long weekend of endurance at Compiegne, France on May 23-25, five officiating endurance vets were left "tired, puzzled and bitter" after several unfavorable events occurred, among which were a photo of a "skeletal horse" that was allowed to compete that went viral, and a mare that died during the race.

While the event looked good on paper and appeared organized, late entries led to understaffing of officials, and the ground jury "had to cope with constant intense pressure from some competitors who constantly aim to appeal against judgments and try to cheat systematically." Treatment veterinarians also had to struggle with too many metabolic eliminations which required treatment.

"Our analysis of the reasons for this situation," the veterinarians wrote, "is that current practices of endurance in some group 7 countries is very far removed from the original spirit of our sport. These riders no longer follow the principle of making the most of the horse's performance on the day by listening to their mount, but push their horse beyond its capacity, which only a few of the best manage to tolerate the harmful effects. This kind of dangerous attitude goes beyond what actualy experienced vetgates and their team can cope with, and thus safety of the competing horses cannot be guaranteed anymore."

A large number of the treated horses recovered well, but a few who "were pushed too far" required further treatment. One of those horses, a mare who "developed a neurologic syndrome at the third vetgate" could not be saved by treatment and died.

These veterinarians have seen the progression of endurance racing in Europe from poorly ridden and managed horses, to "numerous elaborate and constantly evolving veterinary examinations at regular vetgates" which have improved the safety of the horses and awareness of the riders who have learned to take responsibility of their mounts, to a degradation of the sport where "jockeys" ride horses which they know nothing about, and doping agents "markedly mask typical symptoms of fatigue."

"At present, we are unfortunately faced with some riders who barely know their horses, do not respect them, and who are in the habit of cheating, lying and concealing information. In these conditions, 'modern' endurance cannot ensure the safety of horses and as practicing veterinarians we are faced with a situation we disapprove of, as well as the ineffectiveness or lack of real commitment from the FEI to solve this problem.

"These horses are put in grave danger by what we consider to be unethical and anti-sportive practices. Other riders and teams also disapprove of this situation which makes them cynical about the ethics of this competitive sport, and needs to be fought with great force."

These veterinarians recommend witness from outside endurance provide hindsight and objectivity to situations of abuse, and they call upon riders "to exert a respectful and ethical care upon riding their horses," and national and international organizations to implement strong measures to prevent abuse, particularly regarding doping.

The original letter went out in French on June 11, and has been officially translated. You can read the entire English version here:

3,000 volunteers are landing soon in Normandy! - Full Article

Thursday 19 June 2014

The volunteer program is in full swing since most volunteers officiating at the 2014 Games have already been assigned. Overall, no fewer than 3,000 volunteers are expected to come to Normandy from 23 August to 7 September 2014 to help us organize the 7th edition of the largest equestrian event in the world!

These volunteers come mainly from the Normandy region (56%), but also from all other regions in France (37%), and from abroad (7%). They are of all ages, since 40% of them are between 18 to 25, 18% between 26 and 36, 24% between 37 and 59, and 18% are over 60 years old!...

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FEI Bureau Allocates 2018 World Equestrian Games to Canada

By Edited Press Release
Jun 09, 2014

The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Bureau has unanimously approved Bromont/Montreal, Canada, as host city for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games.

The decision came after the FEI Evaluation Commission’s report was presented at the start of the bureau’s two-day meeting at FEI headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, today.

The Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park, venue for the Montreal 1976 Olympic equestrian events, will be the hub for the 2018 games. Bromont/Montreal is only the second host outside Europe following the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in 2010 which were staged in Lexington, Kentucky.

Lexington was the other remaining bidder for the 2018 games. The bureau felt that both bids were impressive but that Bromont/Montreal was the stronger of the two.

“We are really delighted to award the 2018 Games to Bromont/Montreal,” FEI President HRH Princess Haya said. “The Bromont Olympic Equestrian Park is an exceptional and proven venue, and will be the ideal location for the eighth edition of the FEI World Equestrian Games, our most global equestrian event.

“We are now just 75 days from the opening ceremony of the 2014 games in the heart of Normandy (France), when over 500,000 spectators and millions of TV viewers will watch the best equine and human athletes compete for world titles over two weeks of absolutely top equestrian sport," she continued. “And four years from now, the games will be heading to Canada, where we expect even larger audiences on the ground and on television as equestrian sport continues its global growth.”

The FEI had reopened the bidding process for the 2018 games in July of last year when the Canadian bid team for Bromont/Montreal was unable to provide the full public sector financial support that was required before an allocation could be made. Confirmation that the Canadian bid committee had subsequently secured substantial government backing was a crucial element in today’s decision.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

National Forest Trail Bill Introduced

American Horse Council 06/19/2014

On June 19, Congresswomen Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Tim Walz (D-MN) introduced the National Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act of 2014 (H.R. 4886). The bill would direct the Forest Service to take several actions to help address the current trail maintenance backlog that is adversely impacting all trail users on many national forests, including equestrians. The AHC, Backcountry Horsemen of America, and the Wilderness Society were significantly involved in the creation of this bill.

A June 2013, study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Forest Service trail maintenance backlog exceeds a half-billion dollars, and only one-quarter of the agency’s 158,000 miles of trails meets agency standards for maintenance. This maintenance backlog is causing access and safety issues for equestrians and all trail users on national forests.

The National Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act would direct the Forest Service to develop a strategy to more effectively utilize volunteers and partners to assist in maintaining national forest trails. It will also provide outfitters and guides the ability to perform trail maintenance activities in lieu of permit fees. Additionally, the bill would address a liability issue that has discouraged some national forests from utilizing volunteers and partner organizations to help perform trail maintenance and would direct the Forest Service to identify and prioritize specific areas with the greatest need for trail maintenance in the national forest system.

In the current fiscal environment it is unlikely Congress will appropriate additional funds to directly address the trail maintenance backlog. This bill will help improve trail maintenance without the need for additional funding.

The bill is supported by the AHC and many other recreation organizations.

'Minimalist' Endurance Saddle's Biomechanics Studied

The “desert style” technique employs a simplified, “minimalist” saddle—much lighter than standard endurance saddles—and longer stirrups,
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

By Christa Lesté-Lasserre
Jun 21, 2014

An old style of riding could bring new benefits to modern-day endurance racing. Endurance could head back to its roots and see its riders adopting the “desert style” riding technique which, one research team says, leads to better horse-rider harmonization and faster galloping.

“Confirming our hypothesis, the 'desert style' riding technique in our study provided for a considerable increase in the percentage and quality of riding in the seated canter, which translated into a net gain in speed,” said Sylvain Viry, PhD in equine biomechanics at the Institute of the Science of Movement of the University of Marseilles, in France. Viry presented the results of his preliminary study at the 2014 French Equine Research Day held March 18 in Paris.

“The proportion of the seated canter (greater than 80%) in the desert style technique was four times higher than values previously reported for horse-rider couples of the same level using traditional endurance riding techniques in similar racing conditions,” he said.

As European endurance circuits begin to include more high-speed work, riders have been seeking ways to enable their horses to gallop for longer periods, Viry said.

The “desert style” technique (also known as the “Harley Davidson” riding style, Viry said) employs a simplified, “minimalist” saddle—much lighter than standard endurance saddles—and longer stirrups, Viry said. The rider’s feet are placed more forward than in standard endurance equitation, the rider’s upper body is set farther back, and his or her pelvis takes on a high degree of mobility. It leads to a riding seat that is very similar to that used in desert competitions in the Middle East.

In their study, Viry and colleagues compared the dynamics of a single horse and rider combination being ridden in both the “traditional” and “desert” techniques during different phases of a 130-kilometer (80-mile) race. The team found that vertical movements between the horse and rider were significantly more aligned when the horse was ridden desert style, Viry said, and the horse spent considerably more time (81% vs. 51% of the time) in gallop compared to when he was ridden in a traditional style. The horse's overall speed also increased by 5.6% in desert-style tack, meaning the time it took the pair to complete the race was reduced.

“These results appear to indicate that this riding style is more efficient than traditional endurance riding styles,” Viry said.

But don't head to the tack store just yet: Further research on a larger group of horses and riders is needed before the researchers can make definite recommendations, Viry said. Future studies will also aim to address health and welfare effects of the desert style riding technique, he added.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

New FEI rules in endurance a 'great step foward' - Full Article

By Charlotte Ricca-Smith on 20th-Jun-2014

New endurance rules, which address “horse welfare and fair play”, have been approved by the FEI in time for the World Equestrian Games.

Step forward

The “fundamental" rule changes are in line with the recommendations of the Endurance Strategic Planning Group (ESPG) and will be implemented on 1 August 2014.

The ESPG was set up by the FEI last year to develop a 10-year plan to address the current problems in endurance riding.
“The new rules for endurance are a great step forward for horse welfare and fair play, and we strongly believe they address the key issues that the discipline has been facing,” said Brian Sheahan, chair of the FEI endurance committee and member of the ESPG...

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FEI Media Session Takes Place in Lausanne - Full Article

June 12, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland ~ Media representatives were invited to share insights and creativity in a discussion session on June 11 chaired by HRH Princess Haya of Jordan, FEI President, at HQ FEI, the HM King Hussein Building in Lausanne.

Asked for their input on a variety of media and promotional subjects were Marcio de Castro, Olympic Coordinator, TV Record Brazil; Ollie Williams, reporter for BBC Sport, CNN; Natalia Arriaga,Olympic correspondent for Agencia EFE; Steven Wilde, Commentator; Callum Murray, Editorial director, Sportcal; Dirk Willem Rosie, Editor in chief, Eisma Horsesmedia & De Paardenkrant; Mascha de Jong, Equestrian Correspondent De Telegraaf; Kim Lundin, freelance equestrian writer and photographer; EBU’s Garret Phelan, and Julien Schiess for Summer Sports; Beatrice Saunier, Head of TV & Media Business Affairs, France; and Pamela Burton, USA photojournalist, Editor,

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Australian Jennifer Annetts Looks Forward to WEG Endurance - Full Article

June 12, 2014 ~ shared by Meg Wade

Jenny Annetts, 27, has been riding endurance since she was eight years old and has completed more than 10,000km of competitive rides of 80km and above. After ten years of Pony Club in Glen Innes, Annetts went to Jamborree level, excelling at dressage and flat work events, but she found her real love was working with her horses to complete long distance competitions. Jenny finished her first 160km event the day after her thirteenth birthday.

Since that time she has excelled in competitions, winning the Victorian State Championship in 2011, and the NSW State Championship in 2012 and 2013...

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Austraila: Endurance Team Announced for the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games

16 June 2014

The Australian Endurance Team for the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games was announced today.

Congratulations to the following horse and rider combinations:

Jennifer Annetts and Castlebar Contraband

Alexandra Toft on Dream Dancer te

Penny Toft on Centre Fold te

Ben Hudson on Oso Edith

Sasha Laws King on Qacima du Sauveterre

Thursday, June 19, 2014

USEF Names Short List for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games U.S. Endurance Team

RELEASE: June 19, 2014
AUTHOR/ADMINISTRATOR: USEF Communications Department

Lexington, Ky.- The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has named ten horse-and-athlete combinations to the Short List for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games U.S. Endurance Team. Additionally, three combinations have been named as alternates.

The following horse-and-athlete combinations have been named to the Short List (in ranked order):

Heather Reynolds (Dunnellon, Fla.) and her own Chanses
Chanses is a 2005 Arabian gelding.

Ellen Olson (La Motte, Iowa) and Farzad Faryadi's Hot Desert Knight
Hot Desert Knight is a 2000 Arabian gelding.

Dr. Margaret Sleeper (Frenchtown, N.J.) and her own Syrocco Reveille
Syrocco Reveille is a 2000 Arabian mare.

Jeremy Reynolds (Dunnellon, Fla.) and his own RR Gold Dust Rising
RR Gold Dust Rising is a 2006 Arabian gelding.

Kelsey Russell (Williston, Fla.) and Valerie Kanavy's My Wild Irish Gold
My Wild Irish Gold is a 2003 Anglo Arab mare.

Jeremy Olson (La Motte, Iowa) and Amy Wallace-Whelan's Wallace Hill Shade
Wallace Hill Shade is a 2002 Half-Arabian gelding.

Valerie Kanavy (Fort Valley, Va.) with her own Just Gold
Just Gold is a 2005 Arabian gelding.

Lisanne Dorion (Williston, Fla.) with her own SH Sur Trad
SH Sur Trad is a 2004 Arabian gelding.

Dr. Nicki Meuten (Zebulon, N.C.) and her own FYF Dutch
FYF Dutch is a 2004 Arabian gelding.

Melody Blittersdorf (Jeffersonville, Vt.) with her own Synthetic
Synthetic is a 2000 Arabian gelding.

The following horse-and-athlete combinations have been named as alternates to the Short List (in ranked order):

Dr. Margaret Sleeper (Frenchtown, N.J.) and her own Syrocco Cadence
Syrocco Cadence is a 2003 Arabian mare.

Martha Rattner (Paris, Ky.) and James Hay's Indepen
Indepen is a 2002 Arabian stallion.

Willemina DeBoer (Hico, Texas) with her own Frisia Shaheen
Frisia Shaheen is a 2006 Arabian gelding.

Second Yellow Card Suspends Sheikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa

Chronical of the Horse
By: Taylor Joyce

The Fédération Equestre Internationale has suspended Bahrainian endurance rider Sheikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa beginning June 12 after he received his second yellow warning card in four months, this time during his ride at the Compiegne CEI** (France), May 23-25. He was charged with “abuse of horse.”

Compiegne marked Mubarak's first ride back at an FEI competition since the Sakhir CEI** (Bahrain) on Feb. 8, where he received a yellow warning card and a fine of $560 after a video brought to light maltreatment of his horse by people on foot as they neared the finish line in the lead. They chased Tarabic Carl and even possibly hit him to encourage him to keep going. Mubarak was charged with “abuse of horse” and “non-compliance with applicable endurance rules” at Sakhir after the video went viral, causing an Internet uproar. At that point, the Bahrainian National Federation suspended both the rider and the groom involved in the incident until the end of the endurance season.

Because Mubarak’s two offenses took place within a 12-month period, he’s banned from FEI competition for two months. His suspension will end on Aug. 11.

Five riders in total received yellow cards at Compiegne. Three of those were horse-related abuses. In addition to Sheikh Mohammed, Faleh Nasser S.S. Bughenaim of Quatar and Sheikh Hasher bin Mhod Thani Al Maktoum of the United Arab Emirates received yellow cards for "maltreatment of a horse."

Compiegne was also the event where an extremely thin horse was allowed to start the 160-kilometer CEI. Bahrainian rider Raed Mahmood rode Shakla's Sudden Impact. The horse did vet out at the second gate for lameness. Another horse, L Emerita di Gallura, died after being vetted out for metabolic reasons at gate 2 in the CEI.

Full article, Chronicle of the Horse

New measures against horse doping a step closer in UAE - Full Article

By on Jun 19, 2014 in Focus

The United Arab Emirates is a step closer to enshrining new measures against horse doping in law, after an advisory council approved draft legislation that outlines fines and bans for breaches.

The draft law passed by the government advisory council outlines fines ranging from Dhs20,000 ($US5400) to Dhs500,000 (US$136,100).

The proposed law covers all equestrian sports, including racing, endurance, and polo.

Bans on individuals range up to three years, with life bans possible for repeat offenders...

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Australia: State championship endurance ride in Wagin - Full Article

SIXTEEN horses and riders left the track of the Collie racecourse and headed into the forest with just their reliable headlights to guide them along the way on midnight on May 30.

This was the start of this year's state championship ride of 160kms.

Several riders were pinning their hopes on a completion to qualify for a start in the Tom Quilty National Championship Endurance ride to be held in early October from the Wagin sports ground.

Riders rode the event over five legs to return each time to the racecourse for the horses to be deemed fit by the veterinary panel to continue the ride...

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Australia: Enduros an enduring Eurobodalla passion - Full Article

June 19 2014

Contestants are clocking up forest miles in preparation for the Currowan Endurance Ride at Nelligen on July 5 and 6

Organiser Jenny Shepheard said the ride offered something for all levels, with 80km, 40km and 20km events, and that new entries were welcome.

Mrs Shepheard said a new ride based on “a flat grassy paddock” was a big improvement on past events.

“We have held two rides in the past and have had access problems so we have a fantastic new ride base,” she said.

“A farmer has kindly given us permission to use a few hundred metres off the Kings Highway on the outskirts of Nelligen, at the start of the River Road...

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Australia: Toowoomba rider makes most of French connection - Full Article

Ben Drewe | 18th Jun 2014 4:55 PM

TOOWOOMBA veterinarian Sasha Laws-King could use her professional knowledge for a different purpose in late August when she rides a French horse in the World Equestrian Games in France.

Laws-King has been selected as a representative for Australia in eventing at the World Equestrian Games, which will be held in Normandy, France from August 23 to September 7.

The former national youth representative will ride at open at the world championships for the first time after qualifying for the 160km endurance event on French horse Qacima Du Sauveterre.

"It's very exciting. It's always good to have a goal to work towards and certainly once I finished with my young riders world championships back in 2007, the aim was certainly to try for the seniors," she said...

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Horse racing-UAE govt advisory council passes draft law to combat horse doping


By Maha El Dahan and Martin Dokoupil

ABU DHABI/DUBAI, June 17 (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government advisory council passed a draft law against horse doping on Tuesday, aiming to clear a reputation tarnished by doping scandals in flat and endurance races.

The bill, which covers all equestrian disciplines from racing to polo, outlines financial penalties from 20,000 to 500,000 dirhams ($5,400-$136,100) for various doping offences.

A supervisory authority can also ban individuals from the sport for three years. In case of repeated offences a lifetime ban is an option.

"This is the first legislation on the level of law. Before there were just some regulations governing it," Rashid al-Shuraiki, the head of a Federal National Council (FNC) committee in charge of drafting the bill, told Reuters.

"We tried ... to have everything in it and not leave any loopholes, to give confidence to all participants in races in the UAE and to the UAE when it participates in races abroad," he said on the sidelines of a six-hour discussion about the draft.

Angered by doping in his Godolphin stables last year, UAE Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum initiated last May a decree that made the import, sale, purchase or use of anabolic steroids in horse sports a criminal offence under the UAE penal laws.

Godolphin's reputation suffered a serious blow when the British Horseracing Authority banned former trainer Mahmood al-Zarooni for administering anabolic steroids to horses at his Moulton Paddock stables in Newmarket.

U.K. border authorities last year also seized a shipment of unlicensed veterinary goods from a Dubai government jet.

The incidents caused serious embarrassment to Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed, Britain's leading racehorse owner and the world champion in endurance, who closed Zarooni's stables with around 200 horses and ordered internal investigation.


Zarooni won the 2012 Dubai World Cup - the world's richest horse race - for Godolphin with Monterosso, as well as English Classics the St Leger and 1,000 Guineas.

In September, Sheikh Mohammed's wife Princess Haya, who may run for re-election as a president of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), appointed former London police chief Lord Stevens to oversee an internal inquiry into the sheikh's global equine interests.

Lord Stevens's report cleared Sheikh Mohammed of any wrongdoing and concluded that Zarooni had acted alone.

In a document to the 40-member FNC explaining reasons behind drafting the law, the committee noted "a lack of consistency in test results from laboratories" which led to credibility doubts, adding international certification would be required.

The government is expected to send the draft to UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan for signing into law.

The draft law also forbids trading in banned substances and the purchase of such a substance is only allowed with special permission from the government. Controlled substances used for treating horses for ailments do not require such a permission but they are banned during the competition season.

The use of a number of mechanical and electrical devices used to massage horse muscles will also be banned, the FNC voted despite objections by a government minister that their use cannot be tested.

Endurance racing in the UAE, where both horses and riders often battle gruelling heat and desert dust in races as long as 160 km (99 miles) in one day, has been also mired in doping and horse welfare controversy.

The draft spelled out several doping cases where UAE riders were suspended as a result over the last two years. The FEI revised the discipline's rules earlier this month, saying its task force is looking at ways that new technology can be used to ensure horse welfare and provide a level playing field globally. (Writing by Martin Dokoupil; Editing by Pritha Sarkar)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Eighteen-Year-Old on $700 Horse Beats the Greats at Old Dominion

by Suzanne Bush

Extreme sports. You can visualize what they are even before you hear the pulsating music that plays along with the TV coverage. The pictures of skateboarders in midair, upside down, defying gravity, are wondrous and startling. How do they stay attached to those skateboards? The key words that define extreme sports: adrenalin and rush.

Imagine an extreme sport where determination replaces adrenalin and strategy replaces rush. Then spread the competition out over a period of time that overlaps one day's breakfast, lunch and dinner. One day's sunrise and sunset. Add some horses and a couple of rivers and mountains. Then give the sport a name that is both a promise and a challenge: endurance racing. It may not be as well-known as other branches of equestrian sports, but it is a clear and compelling connection to Americans' frontier past. Think about the Pony Express riders, racing across mountains, through snow and rain, night and day.

Most Esteemed

Two of the most esteemed endurance races in America are the Tevis Cup, a 100-mile race from Squaw Valley, Nevada to Auburn, California, and the Old Dominion, a 100-mile race through Virginia's Shenandoah Valley and the Blue Ridge Mountains. On a recent sweltering June weekend, a young rider from Norristown, Pennsylvania, defeated some of the country's premier endurance riders in the 32nd Old Dominion race. And that was just one of the highlights of Daryl Downs' weekend.

"He's absolutely remarkable! Only 10 horses finished because it was so hot. You talk about world class riders, and he beat them all!" Mike Marino, owner of Red Buffalo Ranch in Montgomery County, described his protégé's accomplishments. "Daryl graduated from high school Friday night, got up at 3:30 in the morning and drove to Virginia." Marino's enthusiasm and obvious pride erupt spontaneously as he talks about the convergence of events that brought a truly unique horse, an exceptional young rider and a seasoned endurance competitor together.

Downs didn't think about horses at all until the summer he was 12 years old. His mother had sent him and his sister to camp at Red Buffalo Ranch. "This kid came to me at 12. He came here, got into our camp and has never left," Marino said. "I converted him into a trail guide." But the trail guide had some reservations.

Slowest Horses

"It took me three years to get up enough confidence to lead the rides," Downs said. "I used to hang back on the slowest horses." Eventually, Downs began leading rides and then got interested in racing. "I started racing two years ago," he said. It wasn't that he was particularly athletic. He was looking for something different. "Nobody else did it, and it was something I was good at. People hear about it and think it's cool." Downs also wrestles. "Wrestling keeps me in shape for riding," and it also gives him something to do with all his energy in the winter.

But what about the horse? That's another story of chances taken and prizes won. "Here's a horse I bought at New Holland for $700," Marino said.

"Mike was getting ready to sell him, and I asked if I could try him," Downs explained as he described how the partnership between a novice endurance rider and a young horse named "Cincinnati" began.


Marino chose the horse's name with a nod to history, and it turned out to be very prophetic. "It was the name of Ulysses Grant's favorite horse," Marino said. And it was in Virginia that Grant finally defeated General Robert E. Lee to end the Civil War. One of Marino's other great endurance horses is named Traveller, which was Lee's horse. Another Red Buffalo Ranch rider, Devon Hangey, was riding Traveller and keeping up with Downs for most of the race.

Although final times have not been released yet, Downs thinks it took him about 17 hours to finish the race. "The closest anyone was to him was about 10 minutes," Marino said. Not a bad trip for a relative newcomer. "That was my first 100. I did a 55-mile race in April and got a second in that," Downs explained as he described what it was like to ride through the day and into the night. The pit crews meet the riders at the vet stops, where all horses are checked by veterinarians. The veterinarians can pull horses out at any of these checkpoints. The riders might grab a sandwich at the checkpoint, while the pit crew sponges down the horse. Downs' pit crew included his mentor Marino, an experienced and successful endurance rider who dispensed encouragement as well as advice.

"Devon got pulled at 80 miles because her horse was lame. I was with someone a lot for the last five miles. Toward the end, Mike told me what I could be doing to make sure I stayed ahead."

Steady Pace

The race is as much about strategy as it is about speed. In fact, riders get bunched up together and stay together for long distances. "In the middle we were just hanging out, just trying to keep people from catching up to us," Downs explained. "The pace is pretty steady, trotting and cantering."

After nightfall, things change. "It's hard. You don't really know where you're going and you hope the horse knows where he's going. There are glow sticks every hundred yards. That's how you know you're in the right place."

The Old Dominion course follows a trail that is fraught with history. It starts at the Northern Virginia 4H Center near Front Royal, on a plot of ground originally purchased by the United States Army as an ideal place to train military horses. The trail ascends the Blue Ridge Mountains, and then descends to the Shenandoah River. The Indians named the river Shenandoah, "The Daughter of the Stars." Riders cross the river and follow the trail into Fort Valley and the Massanutten Mountains. The trail takes riders back across the river near Sherman's Gap, and then back to the 4H Center.

"When we got out of Sherman's Gap, there were still other people with me." But then Downs and his horse made their move. "Cincinnati went flying up the hill. We stopped and listened for other horses. Then we went flying down the hill. He lost a shoe, and stumbled, but we kept going." Downs crossed the finish line around 1:00 a.m. He remembers the heat, the darkness and the camaraderie he shared with other riders—many of whom were far more experienced. "They say this is the hardest race. It's hard for me to say because I haven't done that many. It was very dangerous weather to be doing stuff like that," he explained. But he's a careful rider who pays attention to conditioning his horse and how his horse is feeling. "We don't ride with a heart monitor. I rely on what the horse is doing—listen to his breathing."

The Old Dominion whetted his appetite for another challenge, and he's looking forward to his next race, the Vermont Moonlight 100 in July.

Downs and Hangey worked together to condition Cincinnati and Traveller for the race. They spent weeks riding the horses up and down the hills in Evansburg Park, near the Red Buffalo Ranch. "We knew they were ready," Downs said. Then he recalled what someone once told him about endurance riding. "The one who trains the best is the one who has the most horse left at the end." This time the one with the most horse left at the end was an 18 year-old who had just graduated from high school, riding a seven-year-old horse named for one of the country's most successful—and controversial—military leaders.

The Pennsylvania Equestrian

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mohammed follows as Hamdan clinches Italian Endurance Race title - Full Article

By Wam
Published Saturday, June 14, 2014

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai attended the Italian Endurance Race at Ancona at which the Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum clinched the title for the second year in a row.

With riders from 13 countries taking part in the event, Emirati riders dominated all four stages of the 120-km race and won the first three places.

Sheikh Hamdan finished first with a time of 05:20.53 hours followed by Sheikh Hasher bin Mohammed Thani Al Maktoum (05:20.54 hours) and Ghanem Al Oaisi shared the third place with Abdullah Al Marri (05:20.55 hours)...

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Canada: Ride continues to grow - Full Article

By Lois Ann Baker, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder
Friday, June 13, 2014

Horse lovers from all over the world will be riding their way into the small hamlet of Berwick at the end of this month for the annual Stormont Endurance Race.

For over 10 years, the Ride has taken place in Berwick and over the past few years it has grown from a small local ride to an international event.

According to a press release from Sharon Anderegg, Logistics Manager of the Ride, there are only one or two events at this level in Canada and those take place out west.

The ride is sanctioned by the Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association, Endurance Canada and the Federation Equestre Internationale in Switzerland. Approximately 50 to 65 riders take part in the annual event...

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Turkey: Lasting to the Finish: Endurance - Full Article

The horse has always occupied a special place in Turkish history and culture. The new sport of Endurance Racing is proving popular as it helps people to rediscover this connection

Jane Louise Kandur Published : 14.06.2014

I spent much of my childhood in the saddle, or longing to be in the saddle. Horseback riding was my great passion, and I pursued it whenever I could. However, upon moving to Turkey, I turned my back on the sport. I had young children now, and without transport to get to and from the stables, riding just wasn't feasible. Six years ago a friend who wanted to start riding dragged me to a stables. Since that day, I have been trying to ride, on and off, whenever I can. Growing up in the United States, riding was the sport of cowboys; it belonged to the people, and anyone could do it, without spending a fortune on fancy gear. You could gallop through the hills, jump over rivers, feel the wind on your face, all for a small fee. But in Turkey I saw that everyone was in shiny boots, spanking new jodhpurs and a luxurious velvet hard hat.

The price of such equipment here makes this is a serious investment, and once you have made it, you feel compelled to go on. If the student wants to buy their own horse, this is even more of an investment, with the most basic horse starting at a price of around 30,000 euros.

However, a few years ago I met Efe and Yasemin Çehreli, who run Sırapınar Country Club. They have a different approach to equestrian sports. Efe started riding in 1998 as a hobby. But he was dismayed that this was a sport for the elite, and anyone who did not have the money to purchase a potential champion was scorned. He knew that horses run in the blood of Turks; in Turkish history the horse was a revered and treasured companion. But what Efe saw was that the horse had now become a vehicle of status, being divorced from its historic past.

Efe and Yasemin decided that the best way to break this stranglehold on riding was to become involved in the Equestrian Federation of Turkey. Efe became a licensed rider in 1998 and in 2006 qualified as a judge for show jumping competitions and then for dressage competitions, finally qualifying as a judge for endurance races. In 2013 Efe was appointed as a member of the endurance committee by the president of the Equestrian Federation.The Çehrelis passion and leading cause is the promotion of endurance riding...

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Friday, June 13, 2014

USA's Emilynn Dibassie tops the FEI Young Riders World Endurance Ranking

June 13 2014

As of May 31, 2014, USA's Emilynn Dibassie continues to dominate the Young Riders World Endurance Ranking, with over 100 points ahead of second place Teresa Sanchez of Uruguay. France's Nina Lissarrague is third. USA riders Taylor White and Taylor Stine rank 4th and 5th.

French riders hold the first two spots on the FEI Open Riders World Endurance Ranking. Philippe Tomas tops the list followed by Jean Philippe Frances. USA's Willemina DeBoer ranks third. Jeremy Reynolds has the 11th place, and Cheryl Van Deusen is 15th.

UAE riders hold the first two spots in the Open Combination World Ranking. Saif Ahmed Al Mozroui and Nopoli Del Ma are first, with Saeed Mohammed Khalifa Al Mehairi and Kedjari Des Serres are second. Tunisian rider Abdelkader Aouini and Nesseb are third. Steve Rojek and Trident are the highest ranking US rider in 12th.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Former church treasurer charged with murdering horse rider wife by deliberately swerving car off motorway and crashing into a tree - Full Article

PUBLISHED: 05:39 EST, 11 June 2014

A former church treasurer has been charged with murdering his horse rider wife by swerving off a motorway and smashing their car into a tree.

Tracy Maria Walters, 48, died in hospital two days after the collision on the M1 near Markfield, Leicester.
Her husband, Ian John Walters, 50, was behind the wheel of the black Mitsubishi L200 Animal when they careered off the south carriageway into a tree on March 21.

Mr Walters was also flown to Coventry's University Hospital with serious injuries but survived.
Today police confirmed Walters, a former Parochial Church Council treasurer at Christ Church in Swindon, Wiltshire, has this week been charged with Mrs Walters' murder.

A spokesman for Leicester Police said he appeared at Leicester Crown Court on Monday and was remanded in custody to appear again on June 23.

Mrs Walters, from Swindon, was a keen endurance horse rider - an equestrian sport in which participants take part in competitive long distance races...

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New rules for endurance to be operational on August 1 - Full Article

By on Jun 11, 2014

New endurance rules, sparked by concerns over excesses in the sport centered on the Middle East, have been approved by the FEI Bureau.

The rules will become operational on August 1, meaning they will be in place for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France.

The rule revisions are the end of a process that began last year, after several national equestrian federations in Europe raised concerns over what they viewed as excessive fracture rates and worrying numbers of doping infractions centered on the Group VII nations of Dubai, Qatar and Bahrain...

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

FEI Bureau approves Endurance rules revisions

10 Jun 2014

The FEI Bureau has today approved the revised Endurance rules during the second day of its in-person meeting in the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI). The revised rules, which are in line with the recommendations of the Endurance Strategic Planning Group (ESPG) and which received widespread support at the FEI Sports Forum in Lausanne (SUI) in April 2014, will be implemented on 1 August 2014.

Additionally, and in order to more formally recognise the HRH Princess Haya’s previously stated conflict of interest with regard to the discipline, the Bureau voted unanimously to officially mandate the 1st Vice President John McEwen to take over full responsibility for the entire Endurance discipline during Princess Haya’s term of office.

The FEI and the National Federations have consistently stressed the importance of putting the new rules in place as soon as possible rather than waiting for a vote at the FEI General Assembly in December, which would mean delaying implementation until 1 January 2015. Under Article 20.3 of the FEI Statutes, the Bureau can, in emergency situations, pass resolutions that are normally voted on at the General Assembly.

Brian Sheahan, Chair of the FEI Endurance Committee and a member of the ESPG, welcomed the rapid implementation of the new rules. “The new rules for Endurance are a great step forward for horse welfare and fair play, and we strongly believe they address the key issues that the discipline has been facing,” he said.

“We are all aware that the discipline has faced a number of difficult challenges recently, but the combination of the ESPG, the consultation process with the National Federations and other stakeholders, and the determination of the Endurance Committee and the team at FEI Headquarters to address the issues within the discipline has resulted in some fundamental rule changes specifically aimed at improving horse welfare protocols and ensuring a level playing field globally.

“Now we can go forward with confidence to the World Equestrian Games, knowing that we have the right regulations and the right officials in place to ensure horse welfare and fair play, and also knowing that the athletes and their teams are confident in the rules and their implementation. While we will of course continually monitor the effectiveness of the new rules to make sure they are fit for purpose, this is definitely a major breakthrough for Endurance that means that we can now turn the focus back onto the sport.”

In addition to the new rules and in response to one of the ESPG recommendations, the Endurance Task Force is looking at ways that new technology can also be used to ensure horse welfare and provide a level playing field for Endurance events around the world.

Following on from the strong support for the far-reaching initiatives outlined at the special Endurance session at the Sports Forum, a large number of the leading Endurance National Federations have expressed their further support in writing.

Notes to Editors:

Under Article 20.3 of the FEI Statutes, National Federations have 30 days to object to the amendments to the Endurance rules, but further changes can only be made if a majority of National Federations register their objections within the specified timeframe.

The new Rules for Endurance to be implemented on 1 August 2014 will be published shortly on the FEI website here. Any media requiring a copy of the rules should contact the FEI Press Team at

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Great Britain: New Chair confirmed for Endurance GB

25th May 2014

At its meeting this weekend, the Board elected John Hudson as the new Chair of Endurance GB, supported by Peter Claridge as its Vice Chair.

In recognition of the importance of Rides and Rules to its Members and to horse welfare, the Board also decided to create separate sub Committees for these core activities, and is pleased to announce that Jeni Gilbert has been appointed Chair of Rides and Julie Martin as Chair of Rules. The Board looks forward to continuing to work with its Members over the coming months to promote and develop the sport we all enjoy at every level within Great Britain.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Hannah is the mane attraction at British National Young Rider Endurance Championships - Full Article

Tring School pupil Hannah Maskell and her horse Joyces Choice cruised to victory at the British National Young Rider Endurance Championships at the weekend.

The U21 competition was held in the Cirencester Park part of the Bathurst Estate over an 80km course, with conditions far from ideal.

Heavy rain made the going slippy, while the sunshine that followed meant maintaining the horse’s heart rate and speed was difficult...

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Great Britain: WEG Qualified Combinations eligible for selection

31st May 2014

Carri Ann Dark and Kates Mate

Tricia Hirst and Madjin des Pins

Annie Joppe - Dilmun

Beth Langley – HS Ametista

Nikki Malcolm and Radja Al Mels

Annette Masterson and Millenium Chorus

Annette Masterson –El Sabio

Catriona Moon - Leila

Robert Newall and Loti Du Causannel

Nicola Thorne and Cleopatrah

Abigail Tennant and Barik

Anna Williams and Crystal Wissam

Friday, June 06, 2014

Uruguayans Pairs Selected for World Raid in Normandy (FRA)

El Raid Blog

June 5 2014

My Uruguayan friend Oscar Ricca and I provide the list of Uruguayans pairs selected for the next World Raid 2014, to be held in August in Normandy (FRA). Among these selected riders is Oriana Ricca, who with encouragement, love and suffering has achieved in the last classification of Castelsafrat CEI *** (FRA) on the back of the Spanish mare Jon Fernandez "Talita Kumi 50%," with which she will participate in the World.

Oriana Ricca with "Talita Kumi 50%."

Jorge Martinez with " Nagfour ".

Veronica with Koncke "Pharaoh of the Soul ".

Isha Judd "JQ Zarial ".

Federico Garcia with " EO Rabbis ".

Good luck to our Uruguayans in the coming World Raid 2014 friends.

Greetings from Gabriel.

The FISE announces the names of the Italian competitors chosen for the European Championship selections
29/05/2014 - evento sportivo

Excitement and adrenaline are growing by the day In Italy, host of the next 2014 European Championship Juniors and Young Riders.

The event takes place for the first time in our country and the blue team do not want to make a bad impression during this outstanding international appointment in which we definitely play the leading role as the host nation.

The Endurance Department of the Italian Federation of Equestrian Sports (FISE) has already prepared a list of pairs which will participate in the selections for the European Championships.

The selectors have chosen:

- Laliscia Costanza with Cold Ayre, Medusa del Ma and Pallas

- Leone Simonetta with Dolby Surround

- Marcucci Michela with Cherra

- Mariotti Elena with Palkaline d’A., Shaolin Roc’ H. and Zagara della Bosana

- Mandelli Federica with Ninfa di Chia

- Roghi Marina with Lellera

- Serioli Daniele with Pika de Cardonne

- Tavassoli Asli Carolina with Cold Ayre, Pallas and Soraya du Barthas

- Zappettini Luca with Sassifraga della Bosana and Vitex della Bosana

The competitors who have been chosen received the program of withdrawal from FISE and will have to confirm their participation in the selections by 9 June by sending an e-mail to the Federation at

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

41 Riders Entered for Mongol Derby

41 riders from 15 countries have entered August's Mongol Derby, known as "The Longest Horse Race on the Planet" and "the longest, toughest horse race in the world," across the wild and remote steppes of Mongolia.

Riders race 40 km at a time over 1000 km from urtuu to urtuu where they change horses, imitating Genghis Khan's postal system. The Monogolian horses are "semi-wild", and riders negotiate their routes by map and GPS.

Last year's Mongol Derby provided terrific drama:

Great Britain: Ro Al Lisain triumphs in Endurance Festival Cup - Full Article

Hisham Al Gizouli / 3 June 2014

Al Marri rides to victory as five-day extravaganza concludes

UAE riders continued their splendid performance with Ghanim Al Marri easing his horse Ro Al Lisain to a convincing win in the 100-km Shaikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Endurance Festival Cup on the final day of the Shaikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival’s five day extravaganza came at the King’s Forest in Tetford, UK on Sunday.

While Al Marri topped the pack of riders competing in the Purebred Arabian endurance horses’ category, the Spanish duo of Alejandro Dachs Izquierdo and Nuria Serrabassa Fabre made it a 1-2 in the category for Purebred Arabian horses that have earlier in their careers races in flat races.

Alejandro on Zen Al Maury and Nuria on Tidjari, two flat-race horses now in endurance, did very well to win the 100-km One Star which was run in four stages of 32kms, 32kms, 20kms and 16kms.

“All three of us in fact did an extra 12kms as we got lost in the forest,” said the 26 year old Alejandro. The winner of the 120-km Catalunya Championship in Barcelona last year, Alejandro is keen to fight and get a place in the strong Spanish national team...

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Thin Horse Uproar Adds Fuel To Endurance Welfare Fires - Full Article

June 2 2014

By: Pippa Cuckson

Shakla's Sudden Impact was allowed to start the Compiegne, France, 160-kilometer CEI despite his thin body condition. He was vetted out at the second gate for lameness.

The Fédération Equestre Internationale’s campaign to clean up endurance has suffered a setback due to an escalating outcry over a “skeletal” horse at the 160-kilometer CEI in Compiegne, France, on May 23.

The FEI has defended officiating veterinarians for allowing Shakla’s Sudden Impact, an entry from Bahrain, through the first horse inspection, but other experts have described the 12-year-old Arabian’s condition as “disturbing” and “disgusting” as debate still rages on social media 11 days after the event...

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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Glittering conclusion to World Arabian Racing Conference - Full Article

Sixth edition of event to be held in Poland as incentives announced for UAE breeders

Staff ReportPublished: 16:12 May 31, 2014

Dubai: The World Arabian Horse Racing Conference supported by the HH Shaikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Global Arabian Horse Flat Racing Festival concluded on a glittering note at the historic Guildhall in the City of London on Friday night.
Abdul Rahman Ganem Al Mutaiwee, UAE Ambassador to the United Kingdom, presented the Conference flag to Asim Mirza Al Rahma, the UAE Ambassador to the Republic of Poland to announce that the 2015 6th edition of the annual conference will be held in Warsaw, Poland.

Conference speakers, moderators, officials, Arabian horse racing breeders, UAE endurance riders, members of the media and envoys were felicitated at a dazzling ceremony that marked the end of the three-day conference.

Al Mutaiwee and Lara Sawaya, Executive Director of Festival and Chairman of Ladies Racing at IFAHR, thanked all the participants...

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Saudi equestrian wins Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Endurance Cup in AlUla - Full Article Arab News 09 February 2025 • Muhannad Alsalmi completed the race in 13 hours, 8 minutes, and 15 seconds ...