Meydan Open Riders World Ranking
As of June 30, 2011
1. Valerie Kanavy - USA - 515 points
2. Margaret Sleeper - USA - 496 points
3. Nathalie Michel - France - 494 points
4. Alex Luque Moral - Spain - 490 points
5. Romain Laporte - France - 454 points
6. Lisa Riou - France - 446 points
7. Enora Boulenger - France - 442 points
8. Darolyn Butler - USA - 440 points
9. Virginie Atger - France - 436 points
10. Deborah Reich - USA - 425 points
11. Kristie Taprell - Australia - 422 points
12. Thani Mohammed Al Muhairi - UAE - 413 points
13. Sabrina Arnold - Germany - 395 points
14. Stephen Rojek - USA - 391 points
15. Sean Trafford - New Zealand - 382 points
16. Penny Toft - Australia - 364 points
16. Mercedes Tapia - Argentina - 364 points
16. Hernan Barbosa - Colombia - 364 points
19 . Jack Begaud - France - 358 points
20. Petr Jadlovsky - Czechoslovakia - 352 points
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
New Zealand: Young rider set for worlds

Horse endurance rider Emma Mason is going on a long journey.
A year 12 pupil at Upper Hutt College, Emma has been selected in the New Zealand Young Rider team for the World Champs in Abu Dhabi in December.
Her path to selection has been a long one already, both in her competitive miles on her horse and in the many places she's been to on the way to earning her recognition.
Making the worlds has meant a two-year commitment of travelling to Federation Equestrian International qualifying events throughout New Zealand, and, in the last phase, Australia.
The 16-year-old's "long list" selection was made last month but it came with a catch ... meaning a trip to Australia and another endurance event.
In April, Emma won the 160km New Zealand junior champs in Taupo, riding the 160km course on Tarelea Sheer Illusion in 11 hours 25 minutes at her first attempt at this distance, more than an hour ahead of the second finisher.
Emma won the North Island competitive trail riding champs earlier in the year and the national endurance champs at Easter...
Read more here:
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bahrain: Shaikh Nasser hails UAE win in UK endurance ride

Posted on » Tuesday, July 26, 2011
BAHRAIN Royal Endurance Team captain Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa hailed the victory of UAE Vice-President and Prime Minister and Rule of Dubai Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in the Euston Park 160-kilometre endurance ride, held Sunday near Newmarket in the UK.
Shaikh Nasser said that it is no surprise that Shaikh Mohammed was able to clinch the win in the gruelling six-stage event, given his vast experience in top-level international endurance races and the class of the UAE endurance team.
Shaikh Nasser was prevented from competing in the race due to an injury with his horse, while other Royal Team members, including Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation president and Al Khalidiyah Stables leader Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, were forced to make early exits also due to horse injuries.
Shaikh Nasser said that despite the disappointing results, the Royal Team must learn from their experience and apply the lessons in future endurance rides.
Shaikh Nasser added that the Royal Team is now more determined to do well in upcoming events, as they gear up to compete in the European Championships later this summer and then the World Endurance Championships next year.
The events at Euston Park on Sunday acted as a rehearsal for the worlds, which will be held at the same UK venue.
At the end of Sunday's 160km ride and upon the invitation of Shaikh Mohammed, Shaikh Nasser took part in the awarding ceremony where the top three were presented their respective trophies. Shaikh Mohammed led another two UAE riders onto the podium. Saeed Al Ameeri was the runner-up while Shaikha Maryam Al Qassimi came third.
Charity World Horse Welfare fund raiser
My name is Loes knopper and I am hoping you are willing to join us or help me promote a world wide fund raiser I am organising for World Horse Welfare.
The event I am organizing is on a big, nae HUGE, scale.
I am asking riders around the world to ride x amount of miles they are comfortable with and find sponsorship.
The idea is to ride a combined 24906 miles (the circumference of the Earth) and raise as much money as possible for the Charity World Horse welfare.
The date is set for September 25th this year.
So far I have 41 rides confirmed in 10 countries with several in the pipeline but we need even more to make this work.
To be successful we need to reach as many people as possible and I hope you are willing to help spread the word.
All information is to be found on my website but attached link will take you to a video I made explaining the idea.
It will only take just over 2.34 minutes of your life to watch.
Hoping for a response,
with kindest regards
Loes Knopper
On Horses for Horses
The event I am organizing is on a big, nae HUGE, scale.
I am asking riders around the world to ride x amount of miles they are comfortable with and find sponsorship.
The idea is to ride a combined 24906 miles (the circumference of the Earth) and raise as much money as possible for the Charity World Horse welfare.
The date is set for September 25th this year.
So far I have 41 rides confirmed in 10 countries with several in the pipeline but we need even more to make this work.
To be successful we need to reach as many people as possible and I hope you are willing to help spread the word.
All information is to be found on my website but attached link will take you to a video I made explaining the idea.
It will only take just over 2.34 minutes of your life to watch.
Hoping for a response,
with kindest regards
Loes Knopper
On Horses for Horses
Monday, July 25, 2011
Great Britain: Mohammad wins 160km ride

Receives trophy from Hamdan after qualifying for Endurance World Cup 2012
* Published: July 26, 2011
London: His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, won the 160km endurance race at London's Austin Park yesterday. The victory helped him qualify for the Endurance World Cup 2012, which will take place in August.
Shaikh Mohammad received the award from Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince, who also participated in the race and was deputed by the organising committee to present the award to the winners.
Avid fans
Shaikh Mohammad was crowned champion riding his horse, Pony Express, with a timing of 7:40.6 hours at an average of 20.86km/h. Altogether 65 riders, including Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad, the King of Malaysia, and some prominent riders from Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and those from UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Morocco, took part in the race. Shaikha Mariam Omar Al Qasimi came second in the race at 7:40.7 hours.
Article continues below
Shaikh Rashid Bin Dalmouk Al Maktoum came third at 7:40.8 hours. The race had six rounds of 38km, 29km, 30km, 20km, 23 km and 20km respectively.
Shaikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance, and a number of senior officials and avid equestrian fans were also present.
Important destination
Mohammad Al Adhab, Deputy General Manager of the Dubai Equestrian Club, praised Shaikh Mohammad's victory and achievement that qualifies him for the World Cup race.
All Adhab added that the race is an important destination, and represents one of the prominent rounds that Shaikh Mohammad has participated in during the summer.
"UAE riders proved their competence in the race, which is a small version of the World Endurance Cup, a fact that enabled them to occupy top places and gives a positive sign for their future participation," he added.
Great Britain: WEC Pre-ride Held
Monday July 25 2011
On July 24, Euston Park held the pre-rides for the 2012 World Endurance CHampionship, which we be held in 2012, exact date to be announced.
USA's Heather Reynolds finished first on Opium Lord in the FEI CEI** 120 km Endurance Ride at Euston Park on 24 July 2011. The pair crossed the finish line in 5:26.03, averaging 22.45 km/h, 8 seconds ahead of second place Khalifa Ghanem Al Marri of the UAE, riding Taita. Fatma Jaseem Saeed Al Marri of the UAE, riding Menvise Quatre Vents was 3rd, some 29 minutes later.
The USA's Cheryl Van Deusen finished 20th on Dacora
38 started, 21 finished, and 17 were eliminated.
Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum won the FEI CEI*** 160 km Endurance ride at Euston Park on 24 July 2011 in 7:40.06, averaging 20.86 km/h
In fact the first 8 finishers, all from the UAE, finished 1 second behind the next, all averaging 20.86 km/h for the finish. Spain's Alex Luque, riding Ikland, finished 9th, averaging 20.17 km/h, with Great Britain's Alice Beet riding Nediem, rounding out the Top Ten, in 8:17.56, averaging 19.28 km/h. The USA's Becky Hart finished 13th on Oued El Kebir Larzac (from the barn of Juma Ponti Dachs), in 8:43.47.
The reigning European and World Champion, Maria Alvarez Ponton from Spain, was eliminated on Bajzar on Loop 3; HM Tuanku Mizan Z Abidin Mahmud, the King of Malaysia, was eliminated at Vet Gate 4 on Parbella De Galonne.
72 started and 21 finished, with 51 eliminations.
USA's Devan Horn won the FEI CEI** 120 km YR on the same day, riding Tawmarsh Muharram, in 6:59.25, averaging 17.45 km/h. The pair finished 41 minutes ahead of Great Britain's Louise Rich, riding Oakleaze Farm Cziko.
7 started, 2 finished, with 5 eliminated.
Great Britain's Nicola Malcolm won the FEI CEI* 80 km on Khartoum With a K, in 3:55.47, averaging 20.36 km/h. The pair finished 12 seconds ahead of India's Jaswant Singh Tkn Singh on Baikorada, with Norway's Ellen Gutubakken riding Her Ofir in third. Great Britain's Richard Allen followed in fourth riding Quizz De Loperhet.
11 started, 6 finished, 5 were eliminated.
Great Britain's Chelsea Bristow was the only finisher from 3 starters in the FEI CEI* 80 km YR. She rode Sawson Bint Siwah, finishing in 5:04.53, averaging 15.74 km/h.
For more results and information, see
On July 24, Euston Park held the pre-rides for the 2012 World Endurance CHampionship, which we be held in 2012, exact date to be announced.
USA's Heather Reynolds finished first on Opium Lord in the FEI CEI** 120 km Endurance Ride at Euston Park on 24 July 2011. The pair crossed the finish line in 5:26.03, averaging 22.45 km/h, 8 seconds ahead of second place Khalifa Ghanem Al Marri of the UAE, riding Taita. Fatma Jaseem Saeed Al Marri of the UAE, riding Menvise Quatre Vents was 3rd, some 29 minutes later.
The USA's Cheryl Van Deusen finished 20th on Dacora
38 started, 21 finished, and 17 were eliminated.
Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum won the FEI CEI*** 160 km Endurance ride at Euston Park on 24 July 2011 in 7:40.06, averaging 20.86 km/h
In fact the first 8 finishers, all from the UAE, finished 1 second behind the next, all averaging 20.86 km/h for the finish. Spain's Alex Luque, riding Ikland, finished 9th, averaging 20.17 km/h, with Great Britain's Alice Beet riding Nediem, rounding out the Top Ten, in 8:17.56, averaging 19.28 km/h. The USA's Becky Hart finished 13th on Oued El Kebir Larzac (from the barn of Juma Ponti Dachs), in 8:43.47.
The reigning European and World Champion, Maria Alvarez Ponton from Spain, was eliminated on Bajzar on Loop 3; HM Tuanku Mizan Z Abidin Mahmud, the King of Malaysia, was eliminated at Vet Gate 4 on Parbella De Galonne.
72 started and 21 finished, with 51 eliminations.
USA's Devan Horn won the FEI CEI** 120 km YR on the same day, riding Tawmarsh Muharram, in 6:59.25, averaging 17.45 km/h. The pair finished 41 minutes ahead of Great Britain's Louise Rich, riding Oakleaze Farm Cziko.
7 started, 2 finished, with 5 eliminated.
Great Britain's Nicola Malcolm won the FEI CEI* 80 km on Khartoum With a K, in 3:55.47, averaging 20.36 km/h. The pair finished 12 seconds ahead of India's Jaswant Singh Tkn Singh on Baikorada, with Norway's Ellen Gutubakken riding Her Ofir in third. Great Britain's Richard Allen followed in fourth riding Quizz De Loperhet.
11 started, 6 finished, 5 were eliminated.
Great Britain's Chelsea Bristow was the only finisher from 3 starters in the FEI CEI* 80 km YR. She rode Sawson Bint Siwah, finishing in 5:04.53, averaging 15.74 km/h.
For more results and information, see
Great Britain: Horse trainer takes on toughest race in the world - Full Article
Monday, July 25, 2011
A HORSE trainer is taking on the toughest horse race in the world – a 1,000km route across the wilderness of the Mongolian plain – to raise money for charity.
Richard Allen, of Barley Mow Lane in Clothall, is taking part in the Mongol Derby to raise money for Mercy Corps – a charity which works to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people to build secure, productive and just communities.
Each year about 1,000 semi-wild Mongolian horses are selected and trained for just 20 or so riders who take part in the Mongol Derby, with riders changing steeds every 40kms.
The race starts on August 6, with participants only permitted to ride between 6am and 8pm, and is expected to last eight to 10 days.
Richard, 51, said: “We won’t know the route until the last minute.
“We have to take a handheld GPS and they download the coordinates and then you are on your own.
“There is a 10km-wide corridor and you have to stay within that.
“I’m worried about getting lost because I’m not very good with technology. I can just see myself as a bumbling idiot trying to read a GPS.
“I’m also slightly more worried about falling off than I would normally be..."
Read more here:
Monday, July 25, 2011
A HORSE trainer is taking on the toughest horse race in the world – a 1,000km route across the wilderness of the Mongolian plain – to raise money for charity.
Richard Allen, of Barley Mow Lane in Clothall, is taking part in the Mongol Derby to raise money for Mercy Corps – a charity which works to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people to build secure, productive and just communities.
Each year about 1,000 semi-wild Mongolian horses are selected and trained for just 20 or so riders who take part in the Mongol Derby, with riders changing steeds every 40kms.
The race starts on August 6, with participants only permitted to ride between 6am and 8pm, and is expected to last eight to 10 days.
Richard, 51, said: “We won’t know the route until the last minute.
“We have to take a handheld GPS and they download the coordinates and then you are on your own.
“There is a 10km-wide corridor and you have to stay within that.
“I’m worried about getting lost because I’m not very good with technology. I can just see myself as a bumbling idiot trying to read a GPS.
“I’m also slightly more worried about falling off than I would normally be..."
Read more here:
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Australia: High Performance Positions
22 July 2011
Equestrian Australia wishes to confirm the appointment of the following High Performance Endurance positions for the period including WEG 2014.
Team Veterinarian: Narelle Cribb
National Selectors: Barbars Timms, Anne Barnes and Patricia MacKay
Chef d’Equipe: Mark Freeman
Congratulations to the new appointees, Equestrian Australia looks forward to working with these people to increase the success of Endurance in Australia and overseas.
Kind Regards
Mandy Stephens
Sport Consultant (Jumping and Non Olympic)
Equestrian Australia Limited Phone: (+61) 02 8762 7723
Fax: (+61) 02 9763 2466
22 July 2011
Equestrian Australia wishes to confirm the appointment of the following High Performance Endurance positions for the period including WEG 2014.
Team Veterinarian: Narelle Cribb
National Selectors: Barbars Timms, Anne Barnes and Patricia MacKay
Chef d’Equipe: Mark Freeman
Congratulations to the new appointees, Equestrian Australia looks forward to working with these people to increase the success of Endurance in Australia and overseas.
Kind Regards
Mandy Stephens
Sport Consultant (Jumping and Non Olympic)
Equestrian Australia Limited Phone: (+61) 02 8762 7723
Fax: (+61) 02 9763 2466
New Zealand: Junior/Young Rider Team for FEI World Championships
18 July 2011
ESNZ Endurance has named a strong team of four horses and riders to compete in the Junior/Young Rider Endurance World Championship in Abu Dhabi on December 10 this year.
This will be the first time for the New Zealand Junior/Young Rider team to send kiwi combinations; in the past the riders have travelled over and ridden lease horses.
The team is:
· Tessa Deuss and Aspen-Hills Santa Ana, Wellington
· Emma Mason and Taralea Sheer Illusion, Wellington
· Sian Reid and AA Sabatage, Pokeno
· Georgia Smith and Aurora Australis, Taihape
The four girls bring together a mix of experience and strong ability with all competing at CEI 3* 160km level.
ESNZ Endurance has also selected Kevin James as the Chef d’Equipe and Susan Reid as the Coach for this team and event.
18 July 2011
ESNZ Endurance has named a strong team of four horses and riders to compete in the Junior/Young Rider Endurance World Championship in Abu Dhabi on December 10 this year.
This will be the first time for the New Zealand Junior/Young Rider team to send kiwi combinations; in the past the riders have travelled over and ridden lease horses.
The team is:
· Tessa Deuss and Aspen-Hills Santa Ana, Wellington
· Emma Mason and Taralea Sheer Illusion, Wellington
· Sian Reid and AA Sabatage, Pokeno
· Georgia Smith and Aurora Australis, Taihape
The four girls bring together a mix of experience and strong ability with all competing at CEI 3* 160km level.
ESNZ Endurance has also selected Kevin James as the Chef d’Equipe and Susan Reid as the Coach for this team and event.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Australia: The Enduros are Coming
July 22 2011
EXCITEMENT levels are building in Kilmore as, for the first time ever, endurance horse riders are set to have a home town event.
The Kilmore Endurance Ride will take place this weekend and will involve competitorsracing in 15km, 24km, 41km and an 80km ride.
The event has been well supported in the local community and by racing enthusiastsfrom around Victoria with encouraging numbers committed to attending, according toride organiser Emma Holland.
“We were hoping to have between about 80 and 100 people involved and it looks like wewill have 100 which is great” Ms Holland said.
“A lot of endurance riders are very excited about it. This is the first time we haveheld this in Kilmore.
“It's a big event and it takes a lot of work.
“We have had a lot of support from local businesses which is great. The Scouts andthe local shire have been great with all their help.”
First over the finish line in each division won't get all the glory for the weekendwith a number of other awards up for grabs.
Best presented horse or pony and best presented rider awards will keep entrants busyand a “compete is to win award,” which acknowledges the last competitor over the lineare just some of the other titles...
Read more here:
July 22 2011
EXCITEMENT levels are building in Kilmore as, for the first time ever, endurance horse riders are set to have a home town event.
The Kilmore Endurance Ride will take place this weekend and will involve competitorsracing in 15km, 24km, 41km and an 80km ride.
The event has been well supported in the local community and by racing enthusiastsfrom around Victoria with encouraging numbers committed to attending, according toride organiser Emma Holland.
“We were hoping to have between about 80 and 100 people involved and it looks like wewill have 100 which is great” Ms Holland said.
“A lot of endurance riders are very excited about it. This is the first time we haveheld this in Kilmore.
“It's a big event and it takes a lot of work.
“We have had a lot of support from local businesses which is great. The Scouts andthe local shire have been great with all their help.”
First over the finish line in each division won't get all the glory for the weekendwith a number of other awards up for grabs.
Best presented horse or pony and best presented rider awards will keep entrants busyand a “compete is to win award,” which acknowledges the last competitor over the lineare just some of the other titles...
Read more here:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Australia: Endurance ride in Bago Forest
20 Jul, 2011 11:59 PM
AN 80 kilometre endurance horse ride will be held in the Bago Forest later this month.
The ride - called the Bago Bush Ride - is organised by a local committee under the auspices of the NSW Endurance Riders Association, with all proceeds going to support the Riding for the Disabled Wauchope/Port Macquarie Centre.
The ride will be held on July 23 and 24.
The event comprises an 80 km endurance ride, a 40 km training (with a 60 km elevator option) and a 20km social ride. Entrants in the 80km ride must be members of NSWERA and qualified, however the other events are open to any rider.
Endurance riding is a family sport attracting riders of all ages. Riders under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
All rides are run under strict veterinary parameters. Again, the ride base will be the Wauchope Saleyards /Pony Club grounds following forest trails with a section through Bago Winery. Ride organizers would like to express their gratitude to both John O'Brien and Jim Mobbs for the use of their properties.
This year we have a celebrity rider, well known ABC radio personality (and horse lover) Fiona Wyllie.
Pre-ride vetting will commence at 1pm on Saturday. 20km entrants, however, may choose to vet from 7am on Sunday with an 8:30am start.
Recently two of the ride committee members tasted great success at the NSW State Championships. This 160km event was held on the June long weekend over challenging terrain at St Albans in the Hawkesbury Valley. Phil Coleman, riding Alnotarj Statistic and Ros Ryan riding Rainbows Reach Scout placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in their divisions. Competitors had to successfully pass the six stringent veterinary checks held throughout the duration of the ride. This was an outstanding achievement considering incessant rain resulted in treacherous conditions. Gary Thomas was another local rider to successfully complete.
Meanwhile members of the RDA Wauchope/Port Macquarie centre competed in the Regional Mounted Games Day hosted by the Manning Great Lakes RDA Centre earlier this month.
Robyn Coombes, RDA Coach for Wauchope/Port Macquarie Centre and Ride Secretary for the Bago ride, took two horses down to be ridden by some of our riders, who travelled down with their families.
It was a great day and our riders and horses won lots of ribbons on the day competing in the Flag Race, Barrel Race, Keyhole and Bending Poles.
For further details of the RDA fundraiser, Bago Bush Ride, contact Robyn Coombes on 6585-6761 or Ros Ryan on 0418 848 019.
For general information on endurance riding (including getting started), visit
20 Jul, 2011 11:59 PM
AN 80 kilometre endurance horse ride will be held in the Bago Forest later this month.
The ride - called the Bago Bush Ride - is organised by a local committee under the auspices of the NSW Endurance Riders Association, with all proceeds going to support the Riding for the Disabled Wauchope/Port Macquarie Centre.
The ride will be held on July 23 and 24.
The event comprises an 80 km endurance ride, a 40 km training (with a 60 km elevator option) and a 20km social ride. Entrants in the 80km ride must be members of NSWERA and qualified, however the other events are open to any rider.
Endurance riding is a family sport attracting riders of all ages. Riders under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
All rides are run under strict veterinary parameters. Again, the ride base will be the Wauchope Saleyards /Pony Club grounds following forest trails with a section through Bago Winery. Ride organizers would like to express their gratitude to both John O'Brien and Jim Mobbs for the use of their properties.
This year we have a celebrity rider, well known ABC radio personality (and horse lover) Fiona Wyllie.
Pre-ride vetting will commence at 1pm on Saturday. 20km entrants, however, may choose to vet from 7am on Sunday with an 8:30am start.
Recently two of the ride committee members tasted great success at the NSW State Championships. This 160km event was held on the June long weekend over challenging terrain at St Albans in the Hawkesbury Valley. Phil Coleman, riding Alnotarj Statistic and Ros Ryan riding Rainbows Reach Scout placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in their divisions. Competitors had to successfully pass the six stringent veterinary checks held throughout the duration of the ride. This was an outstanding achievement considering incessant rain resulted in treacherous conditions. Gary Thomas was another local rider to successfully complete.
Meanwhile members of the RDA Wauchope/Port Macquarie centre competed in the Regional Mounted Games Day hosted by the Manning Great Lakes RDA Centre earlier this month.
Robyn Coombes, RDA Coach for Wauchope/Port Macquarie Centre and Ride Secretary for the Bago ride, took two horses down to be ridden by some of our riders, who travelled down with their families.
It was a great day and our riders and horses won lots of ribbons on the day competing in the Flag Race, Barrel Race, Keyhole and Bending Poles.
For further details of the RDA fundraiser, Bago Bush Ride, contact Robyn Coombes on 6585-6761 or Ros Ryan on 0418 848 019.
For general information on endurance riding (including getting started), visit
Endurance Great Britain Squad Selection for European Championship - Full Article
Thursday 21 July 2011
Endurance squad announced for the FEI European Endurance Championships 2011
Endurance GB has today announced their selection of the squad of six horses and riders to represent Britain at the Senior European Endurance Championships in Florac, France (10th September 2011).
The selected squad comprises:
• Alice Beet riding her own recently acquired Adara Sauveterre
• Tricia Hirst riding her own and Philip Hirst’s Madjin des Pins
• Karen Jones riding her own Macadamia
• Catriona Moon riding her own Leila
• Christine Yeoman riding her own Richshakfy
• David Yeoman riding his own Haszar
The non-travelling reserves, in alphabetical order, are Rachel Atkinson (Vanash), Sally Hall (Barn Owl), Annie Joppe (Dilmun) and Nicky Sherry (Shimmering Blue Jasmine).
Annabelle Scofield, Chef d’Equipe for the Endurance squad commented on the selection: “We have a top class team of riders who all have competed successfully in international rides. Their horses have all proved that they are capable of the challenging terrain they will meet at Florac and the team will have every chance of delivering a very competitive performance. They have all worked really hard over a number of years as members of the British team squad, to produce well trained and very fit horses.”
At 24, Alice is the youngest member of the team, she commented on her selection; “I am really pleased. I know it is going to be mountainous but Adara is a small and compact horse and I know she is ideal for that type of terrain..."
Read more here:
Thursday 21 July 2011
Endurance squad announced for the FEI European Endurance Championships 2011
Endurance GB has today announced their selection of the squad of six horses and riders to represent Britain at the Senior European Endurance Championships in Florac, France (10th September 2011).
The selected squad comprises:
• Alice Beet riding her own recently acquired Adara Sauveterre
• Tricia Hirst riding her own and Philip Hirst’s Madjin des Pins
• Karen Jones riding her own Macadamia
• Catriona Moon riding her own Leila
• Christine Yeoman riding her own Richshakfy
• David Yeoman riding his own Haszar
The non-travelling reserves, in alphabetical order, are Rachel Atkinson (Vanash), Sally Hall (Barn Owl), Annie Joppe (Dilmun) and Nicky Sherry (Shimmering Blue Jasmine).
Annabelle Scofield, Chef d’Equipe for the Endurance squad commented on the selection: “We have a top class team of riders who all have competed successfully in international rides. Their horses have all proved that they are capable of the challenging terrain they will meet at Florac and the team will have every chance of delivering a very competitive performance. They have all worked really hard over a number of years as members of the British team squad, to produce well trained and very fit horses.”
At 24, Alice is the youngest member of the team, she commented on her selection; “I am really pleased. I know it is going to be mountainous but Adara is a small and compact horse and I know she is ideal for that type of terrain..."
Read more here:
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Mexico: Riders in FEI JYR Championships in Kentucky Next Week
18 July 2011
[google translation]
The Mexican Association of Equestrian Endurance Championship to send a representative to Junior Equestrian of North America in Lexington, Kentucky. The next will be held July 27 Equestrian Youth Championship in North America, supported by International Equestrian Federation, where participating countries of Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands.
Mexican Equestrian Federation, the delegation sent to represent Mexico in this
championship, which will be composed of young promises to participate in various disciplines, as Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Reining and Endurance. The Mexican representative Endurance Riders will be composed of Meixueiro Mariana Guzman (Puebla), Christopher Ugarte (Puebla) and Gerard Gabriel Gagnier Mendoza (Oaxaca), who will compete in the test by Team and Individual.
Endurance test will consist of covering the distance of 120 km FEI 2 * a Time limit, and count as a test for the World Youth Cup in Abu Dhabi. Endurance team will be led by Ricardo Galan Arias (Chef d'Equipe) and Mercedes Acuna Tradits (Head Veterinarian FEI). Note that in these qualifying stages, our riders are putting the Endurance of Mexico at the top, as Mariana Meixueiro, apart from winning first place in 80 km in the USA won the "Best Condition".
Christopher Ugarte in Chile is in 3rd place in 80 miles and also won the "Best Condition" and Gabriel Mendoza Mexican Gagnier is the rider with more racing 120 km 2 * FEI and the and his entire career to the global classification. We also have Jesus Lobato, who has competed in Chile and Argentina for the World Cup qualifiers, one second achieved in Chile place at 80 km are not only classified, but are also carrying the "Best Condition ", which is without doubt one of the most prized awards in the Endurance.
In the history of this discipline in our country is of great relevance to send for a second time representative, and in 2009 the riders Magali de la Rosa and Gabriel Mendoza Selim Gagnier participated in this test, earning a team silver medal.
Mexican Endurance Association congratulates these brave riders who are confident
they manage to land in the Middle East and put the Endurance of Mexico in the levels
[google translation]
The Mexican Association of Equestrian Endurance Championship to send a representative to Junior Equestrian of North America in Lexington, Kentucky. The next will be held July 27 Equestrian Youth Championship in North America, supported by International Equestrian Federation, where participating countries of Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands.
Mexican Equestrian Federation, the delegation sent to represent Mexico in this
championship, which will be composed of young promises to participate in various disciplines, as Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Reining and Endurance. The Mexican representative Endurance Riders will be composed of Meixueiro Mariana Guzman (Puebla), Christopher Ugarte (Puebla) and Gerard Gabriel Gagnier Mendoza (Oaxaca), who will compete in the test by Team and Individual.
Endurance test will consist of covering the distance of 120 km FEI 2 * a Time limit, and count as a test for the World Youth Cup in Abu Dhabi. Endurance team will be led by Ricardo Galan Arias (Chef d'Equipe) and Mercedes Acuna Tradits (Head Veterinarian FEI). Note that in these qualifying stages, our riders are putting the Endurance of Mexico at the top, as Mariana Meixueiro, apart from winning first place in 80 km in the USA won the "Best Condition".
Christopher Ugarte in Chile is in 3rd place in 80 miles and also won the "Best Condition" and Gabriel Mendoza Mexican Gagnier is the rider with more racing 120 km 2 * FEI and the and his entire career to the global classification. We also have Jesus Lobato, who has competed in Chile and Argentina for the World Cup qualifiers, one second achieved in Chile place at 80 km are not only classified, but are also carrying the "Best Condition ", which is without doubt one of the most prized awards in the Endurance.
In the history of this discipline in our country is of great relevance to send for a second time representative, and in 2009 the riders Magali de la Rosa and Gabriel Mendoza Selim Gagnier participated in this test, earning a team silver medal.
Mexican Endurance Association congratulates these brave riders who are confident
they manage to land in the Middle East and put the Endurance of Mexico in the levels
Great Britain: 2012 World Endurance CHampionship Pre Ride this Weekend
20 July 2011
The 2012 World Endurance Championship Pre Ride will be held on 24th July 2011 at Euston Park, Great Britain.
FEI classes will be: 160 km, 120 km, 120 km Young Rider, 80 km, and 80 km Young Rider.
Riders from Spain, UAE, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, France, Slovakia, German, Oman, Brazil, Netherlands, USA, and Russia have pre-entered the 160 km ride.
For more information, see:
The 2012 World Endurance Championship Pre Ride will be held on 24th July 2011 at Euston Park, Great Britain.
FEI classes will be: 160 km, 120 km, 120 km Young Rider, 80 km, and 80 km Young Rider.
Riders from Spain, UAE, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, France, Slovakia, German, Oman, Brazil, Netherlands, USA, and Russia have pre-entered the 160 km ride.
For more information, see:
South Africa: Fleet barefoot feet at Fauresmith 2011

Last week saw the biggest event on the South African endurance calendar take place: the SA National Championships at Fauresmith in the Free State. It’s a 3 day race over 201km, in freezing, sub-zero conditions, which attracts riders from all over the country as well as overseas. This year a record number of horses were on the starting line… 406!
The Eastern Cape Endurance Riding Union entered three teams for the event, and two of their members had the honour of being selected for the ERASA national teams. Top ranked EC rider, Laura Seegers from the Midlands Club, was on the national Standardweight team, and Werner Bosch of the Hofmeyr Club was on the Heavyweight team.
Laura – founder of Perseverance Arabian & Endurance Horses in Graaff-Reinet – was riding PSV Jedi in his first Fauresmith, and the two of them flew around the course in 8h36 to take 5th place! She was the first rider for her team to come in, and her fast time helped them take 2nd place.
All three of the Eastern Cape’s own teams placed well in their categories: the Young Riders came 3rd, the Young Riders Development Team came 5th and the Standardweight team came 4th. Our Young Riders did particularly well. Jenna Masterson of St Francis placed 6th, Megan King from Graaff-Reinet – on another barefoot horse, Moya, – came 8th and Liezl Botha of Tarkastad 10th; with Ashley Gower from the Perseverance stud coming 17th on PSV Mauser in their first ever Fauresmith.
Read more here:
British Team Announced for European Endurance Championships
18th July 2011
British Team announced to represent team Great Britain at the European Endurance Championships, Florac.
The selectors are pleased to announce that the following combinations have been selected to represent team GBR in Florac, France on the 10th September 2011:
Alice Beet & Adara Sauveterre
Tricia Hirst & Madjin des Pins
Karen Jones & Macadamia
Catriona Moon & Lelia
Chris Yeoman & ZT Richshakfy
David Yeoman & Haszar
The following non-travelling reserves are listed in alphabetical order and will be ranked in priority after the 14th August 2011:
Rachael Atkinson & Vanash
Sally Hall & Barn Owl
Annie Joppe & Dilmun
Nicky Sherry & Shimmering Blue Jasmine
18th July 2011
British Team announced to represent team Great Britain at the European Endurance Championships, Florac.
The selectors are pleased to announce that the following combinations have been selected to represent team GBR in Florac, France on the 10th September 2011:
Alice Beet & Adara Sauveterre
Tricia Hirst & Madjin des Pins
Karen Jones & Macadamia
Catriona Moon & Lelia
Chris Yeoman & ZT Richshakfy
David Yeoman & Haszar
The following non-travelling reserves are listed in alphabetical order and will be ranked in priority after the 14th August 2011:
Rachael Atkinson & Vanash
Sally Hall & Barn Owl
Annie Joppe & Dilmun
Nicky Sherry & Shimmering Blue Jasmine
British Success at Euston 3
14th July 2011
Alex Tennant took the win in the CEIJYR** 120km at the third Euston park ride on Sunday 10th July.
Alex Tennant and Earlsdon won at a speed of 16.93kph. Brett Corcoran and Bashir Shamyr at 14.44kph finished in 2nd continuing their successful 2011 season.
Lesley-Ann Parker finished 21st in a very strong field in the CEI** 120km at 16.74kph. This class was won by Saif Salem Mohammed Al Faresi and Ziryyaa at a speed of 21.55kph. There were 25 finishers from 50 starters.
Katie Parkin finished best of the Bristish in the CEI* 80km with Focus (17.97kph). Kirsty Wiscombe and Eskar also completed this class in 9th place at 14.6kph.
14th July 2011
Alex Tennant took the win in the CEIJYR** 120km at the third Euston park ride on Sunday 10th July.
Alex Tennant and Earlsdon won at a speed of 16.93kph. Brett Corcoran and Bashir Shamyr at 14.44kph finished in 2nd continuing their successful 2011 season.
Lesley-Ann Parker finished 21st in a very strong field in the CEI** 120km at 16.74kph. This class was won by Saif Salem Mohammed Al Faresi and Ziryyaa at a speed of 21.55kph. There were 25 finishers from 50 starters.
Katie Parkin finished best of the Bristish in the CEI* 80km with Focus (17.97kph). Kirsty Wiscombe and Eskar also completed this class in 9th place at 14.6kph.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Great Britain: Praise for ‘Drinking the Wind’ - Endurance Book
Praise for ‘Drinking the Wind’
Published on Wednesday 13 July 2011 15:01
ENDURANCE rider and author John Tytler Thomson is preparing to release the revised edition of his book ‘Drinking the Wind: At the limits of endurance’ later this month.
Forged from the basics of good old-fashioned horsemanship and high tech innovation, endurance riding, the sport of a million steps, isn’t for the faint hearted.
At the purest level or at the extremes of competitive distances it is the ultimate challenge of horse and rider over the natural elements.
‘Drinking the Wind’ is the extraordinary and inspiring version of one man’s recovery from a sudden and debilitating illness, an encounter with a ghostly horse and his progression to become a successful EGB endurance rider.
It is a story about courage, determination and the tough intense, often unforgiving conditioning, required to prepare a horse and rider for the extremes of endurance.
This is a remarkable account of the formidable bond forged between the rider and his pure-bred Arabian horse and their combined battle for the first Trans-Scotland 200mile endurance ride.
The first edition was met with high praise from all corners of the literary and equestrian world. Some have compared John to the likes of Bob Champion and Lance Armstrong - men who used their sport as a battle ground to fight back against a life-threatening illness.
Reader Lynn Healy said: “I have just finished reading the book and feeling rather emotional and overwhelmed to be honest. So inspirational! Such an achievement! He must be so proud of Omar and what has been done. It tells of the bond between a horse and human that is so precious and a real treasure.”
The book will be available in paperback from July 31, and is available on Kindle now.
Bahrain: Shaikh Nasser Praises HM King Hamad’s Support

Manama, July 17.
Captain of the Royal Endurance team Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa today credited His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the outstanding results achieved by the Bahraini riders in the European endurance races, asserting that HM the King’s close follow up and directives have had a great impact on riders and motivated them to bring about more successes so as to reflect the advanced level of endurance sport in the kingdom.
« The new achievement testifies to the wise leadership’s keen desire to upgrade the sport movement in the kingdom through providing the necessary support and creating favourable conditions for success in order to raise Bahrain’s position higher at international sport gatherings, » he said. Shaikh Nasser also praised the German media coverage of the races, adding that local media establishments highlighted the Bahraini Royal Endurance team’s superb performance.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
New Zealand: Award for riding duo

Marlborough's Heidi Bulfin and her horse Stonelea Sparkling Rose took out a major award at last week's National Endurance and Trail Riding annual meeting and prizegiving in Hamilton.
Bulfin, from the Marlborough Endurance and Trail Riding Club, won the Open CTR Horse and Rider of the Year title, with fellow Marlborough competitor Lorraine Stratford and her horse Jay runners-up. Jay was also inducted into the CTR Roll of Honour after reaching 1000 lifetime kilometres this season...
Read more here
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dominican Republic: First Endurance Ride of the Season
Asociacion de Endurance & Rally a Caballo de la Republica Domincana
Last Saturday July 2 in Dominican Republic was held the first endurance of 2011.
Julio Johnson on "Lucky" dominated the category of 40km, followed by Jean Paul Mateo on "El chulo" and Lisbelle Vargas on "Mickey".
In the 20km test Juan Arturo Biaggi dominated on "Ken", followed by Arturo Pichardo on "Chuppy" and Nelson Vargas on "Moonbelle".
22 riders participated to demonstrate their skills on the backs of horses during the course of the competition organized by the Equi-Club.
The first three places in each category received a stud from the arabian stallion "Medal of honor", of the valued in 1,000US . Victor Miguel Pacheco Mendez, owner of the ranch La Cuadra, congratulated and thanked the participants for the support given to the activity.
The next two endurance rides will be on September 3rd and November 19th in Capcana.
Ernesto Pimentel
For photos of the event, see
Last Saturday July 2 in Dominican Republic was held the first endurance of 2011.
Julio Johnson on "Lucky" dominated the category of 40km, followed by Jean Paul Mateo on "El chulo" and Lisbelle Vargas on "Mickey".
In the 20km test Juan Arturo Biaggi dominated on "Ken", followed by Arturo Pichardo on "Chuppy" and Nelson Vargas on "Moonbelle".
22 riders participated to demonstrate their skills on the backs of horses during the course of the competition organized by the Equi-Club.
The first three places in each category received a stud from the arabian stallion "Medal of honor", of the valued in 1,000US . Victor Miguel Pacheco Mendez, owner of the ranch La Cuadra, congratulated and thanked the participants for the support given to the activity.
The next two endurance rides will be on September 3rd and November 19th in Capcana.
Ernesto Pimentel
For photos of the event, see
Great Britain: Drinking the Wind Book Available

July 13 2011
The autobiographical book Drinking the Wind: At the limits of Endurance, by John Tytler Thomson, was released yesterday, July 12, and the Kindle version has been launched worldwide today.
Forged from the basics of good old-fashioned horsemanship and high tech innovation. Endurance riding, the sport of a million steps isn’t for the faint hearted. At the purest level or at the extremes of competitive distances, it is the ultimate challenge of horse and rider over the natural elements.
Drinking the Wind - is the extraordinary and inspiring version of one man’s recovery from a sudden and debilitating illness, an encounter with a ghostly horse and his progression to become a successful EGB endurance rider. This story is about courage, determination and the tough, intense, often unforgiving conditioning required to prepare a horse and rider for the extremes of endurance. This is a remarkable account of the formidable bond forged between the rider and his pure bred Arabian horse and their combined battle for the first Trans Scotland 200 miles Endurance Ride.
Struck down by a sudden stroke, paralysed, brain damaged and emotionally wrecked the writer is hospitalised. During the initial days of recovery a second trauma occurs which places the writer in a near death experience. From what appears to be a passage through the void an encounter with a ghostly horse generates a massive life change and sets the writer on a whole new direction. The story tells the initial battle for recovery, investigation into the near death experience, the void and spirit guides. When the writer finally decides that the entire episode should be put behind him and to rest, he thinks that the final piece of the puzzle is to learn to ride a horse and be at oneness with the equine guide. The experience and this decision baffles friends and family and the subsequent recovery after months of intense, demanding, physiological and psychological testing astounds doctors. In the early chapters the writer examines the benefits of the American concept of Hippotherapy and therapeutic riding, challenges the theory that talent is natural and god given at birth and instead follows the demanding psychological concept of “deliberate practice” and the belief in extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Within eighteen months, the writer, a person with little or no previous horse riding experience moves from an Endurance Great Britain novice to advanced class rider, comfortably winning various competitive classes along the way.
Reviews from 1st Edition
Drinking the Wind – “His book about his 200 mile Trans Scotland ride is an entertaining read. It had me laughing and crying, holding my breath and sighing with relief as I felt I was riding along side him with every page.
For me John can take his place alongside the likes of Bob Champion and Lance Armstrong. Men who when faced with life threatening illnesses have used their sport as a battle ground to fight back. Proving that they will not be beaten and “normal” life will continue.
The book is full of colourful descriptions of the scenery, places and people Team Omar encounter on route, as well as informative historical, geographical, botanical, theological and literary references. Clearly a lot of research has gone into producing this rounded and enjoyable read.”
Nikki Pearson, EGB Cumbria Branch Secretary
“I have just finished reading the book. Feeling rather emotional and overwhelmed to be honest. So inspirational! Such an achievement! He must be so proud of Omar and what has been done. It tells of the bond between a horse and human that is so precious and a real treasure.”
Lynn Healey, Culgarth
“I was drawn in from the very beginning. The story is so life affirming and encouraging.”
Kathy Low, Dundee
“This book is so emotionally charged in places I went through a box of tissues then found myself laughing hysterically at the wicked sense of humour. It is a remarkable story of a journey of achievement that anyone would be proud of. It is an inspiration. The description of the Scottish scenery, history and culture is breathtaking.”
Lesley & Laurence, Bury St Edmonds
“Awesome!! When is the movie coming out?”
Delores Wotring, South Carolina
“This is a book which manages to be powerful and moving, inspiring and informative all together. It tells the reader a lot about the almost magical bond that can be formed between horse and rider and much about the historic country through which John passed. And it says much too about the invincibility of the human spirit. This book will have a strong US readership.”
T Smith, London
ISBN 978-0-9560415-2-4
Metal Rabbit Editions
For worldwide paperback sales and distribution please contact:
Steve Beresford
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hendra Virus Continues Taking Toll on Australian Horses - Full Article
by: Erica Larson, News Editor
July 08 2011, Article # 18499
Australian animal health officials confirmed Thursday (July 7) that seven horses have now died or been euthanized as a result of contracting hendra virus, according to a report from World News Australia. The most recent confirmed case was located in New South Wales--the second case in that state this year and the furthest south the virus has ever been found.
The report indicates that the horse died Sunday (July 3) and laboratory tests confirming the presence of hendra virus in her body were returned yesterday. The farm the horse resided at has been quarantined, and three additional horses living on the property are under observation but aren't currently displaying any signs of illness.
The report also noted that:
* The seven hendra-affected horses were located in Queensland (five cases) and New South Wales (two cases) exclusively; and
* Six people in close contact with the latest fatality bring the total number of exposed humans to 15 in New South Wales and 17 in Queensland. These individuals will undergo "three rounds of tests over several weeks" before they are cleared of being infected with the virus.
The zoonotic virus can be deadly to humans if contracted and has been blamed for four human deaths since its discovery in the mid-1990s...
Read more here:
by: Erica Larson, News Editor
July 08 2011, Article # 18499
Australian animal health officials confirmed Thursday (July 7) that seven horses have now died or been euthanized as a result of contracting hendra virus, according to a report from World News Australia. The most recent confirmed case was located in New South Wales--the second case in that state this year and the furthest south the virus has ever been found.
The report indicates that the horse died Sunday (July 3) and laboratory tests confirming the presence of hendra virus in her body were returned yesterday. The farm the horse resided at has been quarantined, and three additional horses living on the property are under observation but aren't currently displaying any signs of illness.
The report also noted that:
* The seven hendra-affected horses were located in Queensland (five cases) and New South Wales (two cases) exclusively; and
* Six people in close contact with the latest fatality bring the total number of exposed humans to 15 in New South Wales and 17 in Queensland. These individuals will undergo "three rounds of tests over several weeks" before they are cleared of being infected with the virus.
The zoonotic virus can be deadly to humans if contracted and has been blamed for four human deaths since its discovery in the mid-1990s...
Read more here:
Australia Appoints High Performance Endurance Positions
12 July 2011
Equestrian Australia wishes to confirm the appointment of the following High Performance Endurance positions for the period including WEG 2014.
Team Veterinarian: Narelle Cribb
National Selectors: Barbars Timms, Anne Barnes and Patricia MacKay
Chef d’Equipe: Mark Freeman
Congratulations to the new appointees, Equestrian Australia looks forward to working with these people to increase the success of Endurance in Australia and overseas.
Kind Regards
Mandy Stephens
Sport Consultant (Jumping and Non Olympic)
Equestrian Australia Limited
12 July 2011
Equestrian Australia wishes to confirm the appointment of the following High Performance Endurance positions for the period including WEG 2014.
Team Veterinarian: Narelle Cribb
National Selectors: Barbars Timms, Anne Barnes and Patricia MacKay
Chef d’Equipe: Mark Freeman
Congratulations to the new appointees, Equestrian Australia looks forward to working with these people to increase the success of Endurance in Australia and overseas.
Kind Regards
Mandy Stephens
Sport Consultant (Jumping and Non Olympic)
Equestrian Australia Limited
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Alltech Will be Title Sponsor of Normandy 2014 FEI WEG
Alltech Unites with the Normandy 2014 Organizing Committee to Make the FEI World Equestrian Games a Success
[Caen, FRANCE] – Laurent Beauvais, chairman of the Basse-Normandie Regional Council and Normandy 2014 Organizing Committee, and Alltech president Dr. Pearse Lyons today announced that Alltech will be the title sponsor of the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Normandy. This joint signing represents an historic partnership in the world of equestrian sports with a commitment from Alltech to the value of €10 million. The seventh edition of the FEI World Equestrian Games will officially be known as the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Normandy 2014.
“Alltech is proud to continue our partnership with the World Equestrian Games,” said Alltech President and Founder Dr. Pearse Lyons. “These world championships of equestrian sport epitomize the values that we applaud: passion, excellence and performance. When the eyes of the world tune in to watch the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France, we will be there. Alltech’s sponsorship of equestrian sport brings the brand to life and creates value for our partners, generating strong ties with the end consumer of our products at moments of great passion. France and Normandy in particular, with its worldwide reputation of excellence in horse breeding, is a strategic location for our company. Alltech has a longstanding history of serving the agricultural community in France, and we are thrilled to support the event in Normandy and to share in the pride of this spectacular event. Given the inherent passion the people of Normandy have for the horse, we hope to leverage this sponsorship to support the communities in which we live and work."
Alltech’s commitment to supporting national and international equestrian sports began in 2006, when it agreed to become the first-ever title sponsor of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. More than half a million spectators from all 50 U.S. states and 63 countries attended the 2010 event in Kentucky, and another 500 million television viewers around the world tuned in. This year also marks the 20th anniversary of Alltech France, where Alltech has offices in both Paris and Nantes. The company has a strong corporate presence throughout Europe, where 36 of its offices are located. Vice-President for Alltech Europe, Mr. Marc Larousse oversees the European region from the Paris office.
Countdown to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Normandy 2014 officially begins on July 8, 2011. This day marks 1136 days out to the opening day of the event on August 17, 2014. More than 900 riders and 850 horses representing more than 60 nations are expected to convene in Normandy.
For more information on the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, please visit
[Caen, FRANCE] – Laurent Beauvais, chairman of the Basse-Normandie Regional Council and Normandy 2014 Organizing Committee, and Alltech president Dr. Pearse Lyons today announced that Alltech will be the title sponsor of the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Normandy. This joint signing represents an historic partnership in the world of equestrian sports with a commitment from Alltech to the value of €10 million. The seventh edition of the FEI World Equestrian Games will officially be known as the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Normandy 2014.
“Alltech is proud to continue our partnership with the World Equestrian Games,” said Alltech President and Founder Dr. Pearse Lyons. “These world championships of equestrian sport epitomize the values that we applaud: passion, excellence and performance. When the eyes of the world tune in to watch the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France, we will be there. Alltech’s sponsorship of equestrian sport brings the brand to life and creates value for our partners, generating strong ties with the end consumer of our products at moments of great passion. France and Normandy in particular, with its worldwide reputation of excellence in horse breeding, is a strategic location for our company. Alltech has a longstanding history of serving the agricultural community in France, and we are thrilled to support the event in Normandy and to share in the pride of this spectacular event. Given the inherent passion the people of Normandy have for the horse, we hope to leverage this sponsorship to support the communities in which we live and work."
Alltech’s commitment to supporting national and international equestrian sports began in 2006, when it agreed to become the first-ever title sponsor of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. More than half a million spectators from all 50 U.S. states and 63 countries attended the 2010 event in Kentucky, and another 500 million television viewers around the world tuned in. This year also marks the 20th anniversary of Alltech France, where Alltech has offices in both Paris and Nantes. The company has a strong corporate presence throughout Europe, where 36 of its offices are located. Vice-President for Alltech Europe, Mr. Marc Larousse oversees the European region from the Paris office.
Countdown to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games Normandy 2014 officially begins on July 8, 2011. This day marks 1136 days out to the opening day of the event on August 17, 2014. More than 900 riders and 850 horses representing more than 60 nations are expected to convene in Normandy.
For more information on the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, please visit
Australia: KER-Supported Endurance Rider Sam Marquis Returns from Injury

Six years ago, life dealt avid horsewoman Sam Marquis a devastating blow.
A horse-related accident left Marquis with severe back pain. Physicians performed spinal surgery, a procedure that left her with residual back pain and only partial use of her lower extremities. A second surgery a year ago provided hope that a less painful future was possible, and indeed riding once again figures prominently in her life.
After her spinal injuries, Marquis started a business called Helping Hand in which she helps people regain their confidence around horses after accidents. One of her clients, Simone Jelic, decided she wanted to learn more about endurance riding, and Marquis was the perfect person to instruct her...
Read more here:
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
China: British Rider Attends Endurance Event
6 July 2011
Mr. Richard Allen came from a farm nearby London of U.K., where he has trained up Arabian horses for endurance competitions. He had visited China twice for endurance competitions on China horses, last year, the Yinchuan endurance competion, and now the Yili Chaosu endurance competition.
On the competitors welcoming meeting, he was invited to have a speech before all the competitors. I considered him a respectable trainer and mentor for the endurance event, therefore, I am glad to have his speech written below for those who are interested in endurance events and for those who love horses:-
Good morning. Thank you for inviting me to talk to you today. It is a great honour.
This is my second visit to China. The first was last year when, thanks to the organization of Mr. Wu(乌扎拉先生), I was able to go to Yinchuan and be the first European to ride endurance in this country. In Yinchuan, I was given a tough little stallion to ride. Although he had no shoes, no special feed, and no special training, he was in good health and went fast and safe for 90 kms. For the first time I understood how good such a horse can be, and ever since I have had great respect for the Chinese horses.
Now, thanks to the generosity of my friend Mr. David Ha (夏海鸥先生), I am back in China to ride endurance in the Yili valley - one of the most beautiful places on earth. To ride beneath the amazing Tian Shan(天山), and experience the "four seasons in one day", is a very special privilege, and I must say again how grateful I am to be given this opportunity.
The Yili valley (伊犁超苏)is not just beautiful, I also think it is a perfect place to produce endurance horses. This is because you have two great assets.
The first, of course, is your horses. You have a lot of them! I have never seen so many horses in one place as were at the opening ceremony. And these horses are obviously blessed with two qualities an endurance horse needs: stamina and toughness. Just like my Yinchuan horse, my horse here was small and did not look very strong, but he surprised me with his ability to carry me for two days - I am not a small man, and I have eaten a lot of noodles...
Read more here:
Poland: Wild Finish in Distance Equestrian Race
Heigo Rohtla with Jethro ( Photo: Külli Rohtla )
By Kristopher Rikken
A collision with a deer in the heat of competition did not keep Estonian equestrian Heigo Rohtla and his horse Jethro off the pedestal at an international endurance riding competition in Poland, although the freak accident may have spoiled a chance at first place.
Rohtla was knocked from the saddle but was unhurt, and he and his mount finished in third place, with a time of 6:34:42 over the 120 km distance - close to a personal speed record, said Rohtla.
The incident happened practically on the home stretch, when a doe emerged from the forest. Jethro and the wild animal collided literally head-on and Rohtla flew from the saddle. "It's a good thing it was a female," said Rohtla, expressing relief he was not impaled on antlers.
In a gesture of good sportsmanship, the second-place finisher Magdalena Prikrylova (Slovakia) held up until Rohtla was back in the saddle, earning her a fair play award.
Polish rider Krzysztof Czarnota and Wened won the event with a time of 6:29:13.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Australia: Local Endurance Horse Ride

5 July 2011
Endurance Horse riding is now one of the fastest growing equestrian sports in Australia.
Bellingen’s only Endurance ride Sharon Foster has been involved in endurance riding for 19 years now and has seen lots of changes in the sport.
Sharon successfully competed two more than 80 km rides recently at Copmanhurst and Kundabung. Sharon says Endurance riding is a mentally and physical challenge for both horse and rider. You both have to be super fit. It is an exciting, and adrenalin pumping horse sport, I’m addicted anyway!
Endurance riding is were one horse/one ride combination, ride over distances of between 80km up to 400km marathons. These endurance horses need to be extremely fit and healthy.
All horses are required to pass a compulsory vet check before, during and after the ride, where heart and respiration rates are measured, temperatures taken and checks made for soreness or lameness. If the horse fails any one of these they are disqualified. Sharon says the rider also needs to be physically and mentally fit and healthy to be able to endure long hours in the saddle and riding a variety of terrains in all weather conditions and often starting a ride in the dark.
A little closer to home is our most local Endurance ride at Upper Corindi. The Clarence/Coffs Coast Endurance riding club is holding an 80km endurance ride on Sunday 7th July 2011. The ride base is at 287 Featherstone’s Road Upper Corindi. The turn off is about 30ks north of Coffs Harbour and another 14k to the base camp.
They are also running a social ride on the Saturday of 20kms for the first time riders and a 40km training ride on the Sunday.
The course takes riders through State Forest and private property and is a challenging ride with hilly terrain. Come and enjoy a fantastic weekend in the beautiful countryside. For more enquiries contact Malcolm and Megan Matters on 6649 2836 or email
Monday, July 04, 2011
China: Bayinbuluk Swan Lake Endurance Ride
4 July 2011
The 3rd Bayinbuluk Swan Lake China Endurance Riding Competition 2011 will open on July 15-17 in the Bayinbuluk prairie, Xinjiang, China. The games will adopt FEI Endurance Game Rules and is ranked international 1-star. The one-day race will cover 80 km in total.
The 3rd Bayinbuluk Swan Lake China Endurance Riding Competition 2011 will open on July 15-17 in the Bayinbuluk prairie, Xinjiang, China. The games will adopt FEI Endurance Game Rules and is ranked international 1-star. The one-day race will cover 80 km in total.
Australia: Golden Performance - Full Article
Gerard Walsh | 5th July 2011
FREESTONE has the top endurance horse-and-rider combination in Australia following the success of Cora Becker and Bones the Wizard in the FEI 160km three-star Australian National Championship at the Al Reef and RM Williams Endurance Festival Ride.
Becker went to the Australian championships at Toorbul near Caboolture with one strapper, husband Laurie Woodruff, and won the major event in eight hours, 46.34 minutes.
She was in the lead group of seven throughout.
Becker was at a disadvantage against competitors with a larger numbers of strappers who could prepare their horse quicker in hold time for the five veterinary checks as required in a 160km event.
As the lead group went into the last veterinary check, some of the horses were fatigued and the riders had to wait until the heart beat of their horse was under 64 beats a minute to continue.
Bones the Wizard was in top condition and passed the fifth check with flying colours which meant Becker was in third place at the start of the final 17km leg.
She caught the two horse-and-rider combinations in front of her with 10km to go and then took a 200m lead before winning by a second...
Read more here:
Gerard Walsh | 5th July 2011
FREESTONE has the top endurance horse-and-rider combination in Australia following the success of Cora Becker and Bones the Wizard in the FEI 160km three-star Australian National Championship at the Al Reef and RM Williams Endurance Festival Ride.
Becker went to the Australian championships at Toorbul near Caboolture with one strapper, husband Laurie Woodruff, and won the major event in eight hours, 46.34 minutes.
She was in the lead group of seven throughout.
Becker was at a disadvantage against competitors with a larger numbers of strappers who could prepare their horse quicker in hold time for the five veterinary checks as required in a 160km event.
As the lead group went into the last veterinary check, some of the horses were fatigued and the riders had to wait until the heart beat of their horse was under 64 beats a minute to continue.
Bones the Wizard was in top condition and passed the fifth check with flying colours which meant Becker was in third place at the start of the final 17km leg.
She caught the two horse-and-rider combinations in front of her with 10km to go and then took a 200m lead before winning by a second...
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Sunday, July 03, 2011
Germany: Shaikh Khalid races to victory

Posted on » Sunday, July 03, 2011
BAHRAIN Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation president and Al Khalidiyah Stables leader Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa triumphed yesterday in a 160-kilometre endurance horse race held in Dillingen, Germany.
Shaikh Khalid finished the gruelling, six-stage event just one second ahead of Supreme Council for Youth and Sports chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.
Shaikh Khalid and Shaikh Nasser were competing in the ride as part of Bahrain's Royal Endurance Team, of which Shaikh Nasser is the captain. Their fine performance earned the kingdom's representatives a superb one-two finish against a world-class field of riders.
The event was the first of a series of top-level endurance races that the team will be participating in across Europe this summer.
The Royal Endurance Team's riders were dominant yesterday from start to finish. They were among the group of early leaders in the opening stage, and they maintained their position in the front before capping their brilliant showing by claiming all three podium positions.
Shaikh Khalid registered a winning time of eight hours 26 minutes and 20 seconds. Shaikh Nasser was the close runner-up, while teammate Ahmed Janahi came third, another second behind Shaikh Nasser.
Among the other Royal Endurance Team members, Mohammed Abdulsamad finished in eighth place with a time of 9:24:30, while Salman Isa completed the event in ninth, a mere second behind.
The Royal Endurance Team managed to overcome the challenge of top riders from Germany and the Netherlands yesterday.
Their superb results gave them added confidence ahead of their next endurance ride, to be held on next Saturday at the same venue, also over 160km. They are then scheduled to compete in events in the UK, France and elsewhere.
At the end of the ride, Shaikh Khalid, Shaikh Nasser and Janahi received their trophies at an awarding ceremony.
Shaikh Nasser hailed the performance of the Royal Endurance Team, and said that it helps reaffirm their position as some of the world's best riders.
Bahrain's Ambassador to Germany Ahmed Mohammed Al Dosary was present at the event, and he congratulated Shaikh Khalid and Shaikh Nasser on the positive results they achieved.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Malaysia: Horse-endurance club sees big future
A notice board catches the eye of Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin during his visit to Al-Khamsa Endurance Club.
By Looi Sue-Chern
GEORGE TOWN: Penang now has its first horse-endurance riding club, and there are big plans for the state’s future in the field of equestrian sport.
Al-Khamsa Endurance Club, which aimed to further promote horse-endurance riding in Penang and nationwide, would train local riders to represent the state as well as the nation in local and international events.
Its president, A. Mutalib Ismail, said every state in the country had a horse endurance riding team except Penang — until now.
The club, open to everyone interested in taking up endurance riding, would prepare local riders to compete in the annual Malaysia Games (Sukma) under the Penang flag.
“We will not make it in time for this year’s Sukma but we will try next year,” he said.
“Sukma will not be our sole target. We also plan to take Penang to the international endurance-riding scene.” The Al-Khamsa Endurance Club is located on a 0.8ha piece of state-owned land in the Municipal Park here. It has a riding area for training use and stables for up to 30 horses.
The club was officiated by Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, an avid horse endurance rider, during his two-day working visit to Penang last week.
Mutalib said the club was honoured to welcome Tuanku Mizan and hoped the meaningful visit would be a stepping stone for the state to produce its first riders for Sukma.
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Australia: NSW State Endurance Championships
Published on Monday, June 27, 2011 in Sponsored Shows
The 2011 NSW State Endurance Championships were held in the beautiful Macdonald Valley centred on the village of St Albans. The event course travelled a distance of 160 kilometres over roads and trails around St Albans and in the surrounding National Park and private land. The maximum riding time permitted was 24 hours, including rest breaks and veterinary checks.
The motto of endurance riding is “To complete is to win". This philosophy dictates that all competitors who complete the course, and whose horses are passed as fit to continue at every veterinary check are considered winners, just as much as the placegetters. This certainly was true of the State Championships which were run under very difficult weather conditions on the June long weekend, with rain starting to fall late afternoon on Saturday, hardly stopping for the whole of Sunday and continuing into Monday. A week later the sun was shining, but some of the St Albans Common was still more than 0.5 metres underwater, having been 2 metres under on Tuesday night. Some water tubs, road signs and the solar lights which were supposed to mark the course are expected to wash up anywhere between St Albans and Palm Beach!
The event organisers, the St Albans Endurance Riders Association would like to congratulate all of the 41 riders who were successful...
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