Friday, August 11, 2017

Mongol Derby Day 3 - Stories, photos, videos, map

Day 3. August 11, 2017.

12:15. No dramas this morning rider-side, though a film crew vehicle needed rescuing from a bog. Its rescuer then in turn required rescuing (standard). Horses fresh and seemingly behaving—or maybe Derbyists have learnt to clamp on a bit tighter. The pack of 20 that camped together at U5 is gradually spreading out; Day 3 usually sees the field widen and the ‘Racing’ group pull away from the ‘Adventure’ group. Start arguing amongst yourselves on who belongs in which category (then watch them muck up all predictions by end of day).

15:30. Bit more action this afternoon. Star riders from yesterday LW and RP each lost horse during kit adjustment but soldiering on, LW sans gear—including stirrups. RP lost bridle, bought new one off a herder. Resourceful. Frontrunners EF and MP have their first penalties, elevated heart rates. They’ll serve time at next stop, U11. Not likely enough time for anyone to overtake, though BA a leg away with a spotless record. Above, AK with her U6 pick while GK advises “You better stay on this one!”

18:15. Balls. We’ve jinxed BA, looks like, as he’ll now have two hours at the Penalty Urtuu for elevated heart rate. EF and MP will be long gone, as they’re nearly halfway through their sentence at U11 now and likely hold the lead this evening (barring mutant racehorses. Not unheard of in this country). Further back in the field, it looks like another ger cuddle puddle could be in order for the evening, with 17 riders thundering along in vicinity of each other. Keep those vets on their toes, lads. 

Rider Call Signs

You might catch us using abbreviated rider call signs on the Twitter and blog. Here's how you know who's who


• Annette Kriller - AK
• Amanda Charlton Herbert -AC
• Barry Armitage -BA
• Ceri Putman - CP
• Charlotte Wills - CW
• Christine Sarah Arndt - CA
• Clare Salmon - CS
• Cy Lloyd-Jones - CL
• Ed Fernon - EF
• Emma Manthorpe - EM
• Greg Chant - GC
• Hanna Schumacher - HS
• Jakkie Mellet - JM
• Jane Boxhall - JB
• James Lester - JL
• Jennifer Cook - JC
• Jodie Ward - JW
• Julia Fisher - JF
• Leslie Wylie - LW
• Louisa Ball - LB
• Lucy Taylor - LT
• Margaret Clare Summers - MS
• Marianne Williams - MW
• Marie Palzer - MP
• Mark Bauwens - MB
• Neil Goldie-Scot - NG
• Olivia (Liv) Wood - OW
• Paul Richards - PR
• Pierre Germain - PG
• Rebecca Hewitt - RHW
• Rebecca Pumphrey - RP
• Rick Helson - RHL
• Roberta (Bobby) Friend - BF
• Roberta McLeod - RM
• Rachel Land - RL
• Sally Toye - ST
• Suzann Holmqvist - SH
• Taylor Dolak - TD
• Taylor Williams*(B.Warton) - BW
• Victoria Twelves - VT
• William Comiskey - WC
• Warren Sutton - WS

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