The following horses have been ranked for the 2013 Young Rider World Championship to be held July 27th in Tarbes, France.
15.3” bay Arab/Walking Horse gelding, 11 y.o.
Owner: Amy Wallace Whelan
Rider: Christina Kimery
1,915 AERC miles
3rd place and awarded Best Condition in his first 100 mile ride, the 2010 White River Fall Pioneer
6th and received High Vet Score at the 2010 AERC National Championship (100 miles)
Tied for 2nd at the 2011 Biltmore FEI 3* (100 miles)
Placed 4th in the 2012 Biltmore FEI 3* (100 miles)
16 hand grey Arabian gelding
Rider: Jessica DiCamillo
Owner: Karen Binns-DiCamillo
Breeder: Sandy Skinner
5,640 AERC miles
Team gold and Individual silver medals at 2009 North American Young Riders Championship
1st place and Best Condition at 2010 Texas Bluebonnet Classic AHA Championship
15.3 chestnut Arab gelding, 11 y.o.
Rider: McCamey Kimbler, Kelsey Kimbler
Owner: Melody Blittersdorf
Breeder: Asgard Arabians - Dr. Tom and Halldis Sayvetz
825 AERC miles
1st place and Best Condition at 2013 FEI Berwick, Canada 1* 80 km
5th place at 2013 FITS 3* 160km
3rd place at 2013 Biltmore, 2* 120 km
15:1 chestnut Arab gelding, 12 y.o.
Owner: Mustafa Tehrani
Rider: Mary Katherine Clark, Katherine Gardener
4,335 AERC miles
3rd place 2013 FITS FEI 3* (100 miles)
(AHA 566164)
15.2 chestnut Arabian gelding, 19 y.o.
Owner: Pam Weidel
Rider: Katherine Gardener, Kelsey Russell
1,440 AERC miles
1st place 2012 FITS FEI 2* (75 miles)
3rd place 2012 Goethe Challenge 2* (75 miles)
5th place 2012 AERC National Championship (100 miles)
(AHA AA10435)
15.1 bay Anglo mare
Owner: Valerie Kanavy
Rider: Kelsey Russell
1,325 AERC miles
Winner of AHA’s 2012 National Championship Half Arabian
1st place 2012 Biltmore Challenge FEI 3*
2nd place 2012 AERC National Championship (100 miles)
15.1 grey Arab gelding, 9 y.o.
Rider: Sarah Jack
Owner: Don and Nicki Meuten
Breeder: Don and Nicki Meuten
1,950 AERC miles
Alternate for World Equestrian Games in 2012
1st featherweight and 3rd overall at 2012 National Championships at Biltmore
First FEI, first overall, Best Condition FEI and overall in 120km at Biltmore in May 2013