Thursday, June 13, 2013

Guatemalan Championship 2013 Results

June 8 2013

Little Tevis -Guatevis - RESULTS:

The finishing rate was very high, and achieve an average of 93% successful completion of all participants, which is well above the international average.

Categoría 1* 80 km:
Ovidio Vicente and Cabal, 1st place
Jaime Mansilla and Tarantela, 2nd place

Categoría 1/2* 40 km
1st place: Jonathan Johnston and Ali Yassir
2nd place: Scarlet Vargas de González and Correcaminos - BEST CONDITION
3rd place: Cesar Pozuelos and Dermont
4th place: Sandra Mansilla de González and Uru HEP
5th place: Alejandra Rodas and Merlín
6th place: Gaby Ufer and Kid
7th place: Amy Alonso and Nico-Hormigo
8th place: Byron López and Dominique

Cabalgata de 20 km
1st place: Andrea de Chacón and Triumph
2nd place: Julián and Kasta
3rd place: Oswaldo Chacón and Gallegos
4th place: Adriana and Frida
5th place: Andrés and Simpático

Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

Bob Langrish photo As an athlete, coach, and leader in the sport, Becky Hart had a profound impact on endurance riding in the U...