On-line coverage of the North American 100 Mile Equine Endurance Championships.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Thursday, October 09, 2003
On Behalf Of Maggie Mieske
Hi all,
My fingers are freezing. Kudos to Cindy, Ruth and Carol....they are
wonderful. All of the people are wonderful here. I am looking forward to
being vetted under all of these wonderful and talented people who care
about our horses. There is some tough competition here. Some people
didn't show but it'll still be tough. We pre rode the trail
today...BEAUTIFUL!!! It's windy and chilly tonight though. Will blanket
the horses!!
Max and Malik vetted in with all As and have been eating and drinking like
piglets. :) This is an like we have never seen! The
big rocks make Malik snort and blow but he can't wait to see what is on the
other side of those hills! :) He's like that bear that went over the
mountain to see what he could see! :)
OK, ride meeting over, fingers freezing (I'm outside doing this!) so must
go and get some sleep and brief the crew and settle the horses in for
the night. Oh, and get some sleep. Yeah, right.
THANK YOU to everyone who made the NC possible. Oh, and we received the
prize for travelling the farthest...a basket of shampoos and Cowboy Magic
stuff. :) We'll need it after riding in all this dust!!
Good night, all....tomorrow!
Miles of smiles,
Hi all,
My fingers are freezing. Kudos to Cindy, Ruth and Carol....they are
wonderful. All of the people are wonderful here. I am looking forward to
being vetted under all of these wonderful and talented people who care
about our horses. There is some tough competition here. Some people
didn't show but it'll still be tough. We pre rode the trail
today...BEAUTIFUL!!! It's windy and chilly tonight though. Will blanket
the horses!!
Max and Malik vetted in with all As and have been eating and drinking like
piglets. :) This is an like we have never seen! The
big rocks make Malik snort and blow but he can't wait to see what is on the
other side of those hills! :) He's like that bear that went over the
mountain to see what he could see! :)
OK, ride meeting over, fingers freezing (I'm outside doing this!) so must
go and get some sleep and brief the crew and settle the horses in for
the night. Oh, and get some sleep. Yeah, right.
THANK YOU to everyone who made the NC possible. Oh, and we received the
prize for travelling the farthest...a basket of shampoos and Cowboy Magic
stuff. :) We'll need it after riding in all this dust!!
Good night, all....tomorrow!
Miles of smiles,
The turkeys have landed!
>On Behalf Of Maggie Mieske
>OK, well, I thought it sounded arrogant to say the eagles have
>landed. :) But we have arrived safe and sound in Red Rock! Malik and
>Max "know" this is it and have promptly begun eating and drinking
>EVERYTHING. I was concerned about Max for awhile but his attitude has
>improved. I think Malik GAINED weight on this trip as he ate and drank
>everything we ever gave him! :) I might have mentioned that I caught him
>napping a few times, too. :) He took it all in stride. Max is a little
>tucked up but I think he will improve with lots of water and CARROTS... I
>bought about 50 # of carrots at a grocery store today. He loves
>carrots. We will rehydrate him one way or another! :)
>Anyway, Carol will have a line in tomorrow and if she lets me, I'll hook
>up my laptop and send in a few notes!! :)
>Oh and thanks to Jennifer who is letting me retrieve my homework
>assignments and get a ridecamp fix from her house
>nearby! :) WoW! :) People are so great out here!! :)
>More later when I can!
>Miles of smiles (like about 2250!),
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
2003 Pan American Endurance Championship: Final Results
On Behalf Of Lori Stewart
Cia Reis of Pennsdale, PA (USA), won the individual Gold Medal at the 2003
Pan American Endurance Championship which took place on 13 September 2003 in
Trout Lake, WA. A member of the USA East squad, Reis rode Catch A Wave to
the Gold and also the Championship's Best Condition Award.
A member of the US Team that competed in last year's World Equestrian Games
in Jerez de la Frontera, Reis finished the ride time of 9:14.13. Heather
Reynolds of USA Pacific South, the defending Pan Am Gold Medalist, won the
Silver Medal with a time of 9:37:40 on Aleclipse. Vicki Crance of USA East,
won the Bronze Medal on RA Jestic Diamond in 9:43:13.
The team Gold Medal was won by the USA Pacific North team of Sharon
Westergard on MCM Phantazem "Taz", Pat Murray on CR Flash Gordon, Michele
Roush on PR Tallymark, and former World Champion Cassandra Schuler on ELD
The team Silver went to USA Mountain and the Bronze went to Canada West.
Full results of the 2003 Pan American Endurance Championships are available
on line at
Sunday, September 07, 2003
AERC National Championship 100 Mile Entrants
On Behalf of - Connie Caudill -
Listed below are the riders/horses that are entered in the
100 mile AERC National Championship to date.
It will be updated soon. Will also list the 50 milers before long.
Don't miss out on the fun, it's not too late for you to enter call today!
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Horses in Alberta
>On Behalf Of Mike Sherrell
August horse news
We spent August around Edmonton in Central Alberta, at the northern end of
the Great Plains, looking for flat pretty gaiting out of the heat of the
California summer, hoping for archetypal grasslands to wander or endless
dirt tracks through the north woods into our dreams as the ends of our lives
get nearer.
Thunderstorms roll through almost weekly, it seems, so in August when
California's dessicated yellow is getting as tiresome as the snow of
February must be in Canada, it's an inviting green, huge lawns of mown crops
and roadsides that make English country estate grounds seem like cramped
wannabes. The footing is excellent to good, lovely black alluvial dirt. But
the grasslands are cut into rectangles, sides running north-south and
east-west, in 80- and 160-acre blocks. Around many of them are fences to
keep the cattle, horses or sheep in, and around almost all of them are roads
for cars, often paved and in almost every other case wide, graded and
gravelled. West of Edmonton I did find the Jack Pine Provincial Grazing
Reserve, a big unfenced section of land to ride, and with a lot of effort
could imagine the freedom of riding as Arnold Rojas says the Spanish found
the New World, "half a world to ride across." But the cattle had had their
way with it, the brush and low tree limbs chewed, cow pies strewn across the
ground, bare dirt showing through the stubble. Not as bad as the grazed
parts of Pt. Reyes, because it was rolling and allowed riding in any
On the edge of the grasslands, between the prairie and the boreal forest,
as the ecologists call it, there is a zone called the aspen parklands. We
have never found more beautiful riding. Tall, slender, white-barked trees,
sometimes half golden in the long evening sun at the solstice it sets at
10:30 with a trail or track winding through like Hansel and Gretel or the
dream of our forgotten ancestors. Have you ever noticed that the paso gaits
at about the speed of a butterfly? The forest has elk and foxes and wild
strawberries and blueberries, and other berries you can pick from horseback.
We haven't found the endless trail, but we found some that were longer than
the horses were yet conditioned to ride, at Ft. Assiniboine Sandhills
Wildland Provincial Park, Cooking Lake/Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area,
Old Edmonton Trail in Sherwood Park, and (so far the best) Miquelon Lake
Provincial Park, where the trails are wherever there are no trees, and you
either need a GPS to get home, a lot of spare daylight, or an exceptional
sense of direction (and where the skull of a missing, presumed murdered,
prostitute was turned up last week).
The undergrowth in the aspen woods is impassible, but frequently there is a
lake or pond to be seen near the trail, often created by a beaver dam, their
lodge visible in the middle of it. The view then, just yards away, is
beautiful and inaccessible. These unattainable sights, sacred in their way,
framed by the white pillars of the aspen, reminded me of European church
architecture, unreachable ceilings and altars, gilt or marble, carved or
painted by masters, to be gazed at, to inspire longing for their beauty,
proffering the prospect of a union with the holy. I should have seen the
forest before going to Europe, because man learned what was beautiful from
looking at nature first, and the medieval church builders were much closer
to nature than we are, and it would be better if the churches reminded me of
the forest rather than vice versa.
At Ft. Assiniboine part of the trail system follows the old Yukon Trail.
But this is where it starts to get hilly, and the only ideal, flat part is a
few miles along the Athabasca River. We stabled the horses for a night at
the Horse Creek Ranch, a dude ranch which caters to Dutch and Belgian
tourists the owner picks up from training stables he's connected to in the
Low Countries. The people we met there had all been taking riding lessons in
Europe and were adequate to the quiet quarter horses of the ranch, but were
intrigued by our Peruvians. We let some of them ride, and one beanstalk of a
guy with legs too long for the stirrups and who said he'd taken the Pat
Parelli clinic, apparently very modish in Europe just now, was immediately
whizzing along on Grandiosa in fine gait, his legs dangling and not bouncing
at all.
Southeast of Ft. Assiniboine is the Whitecourt area, where the guide book
says there's lots of hiking but nowhere to hike to. That grabbed my
attention, because it sounded like all there was to do was wander through
the woods, in hopes of which I came all this way. Whitecourt bills itself as
the Snowmobile Capital of the World, and has scores of miles of snowmobile
track cut through the aspen forest. We scoped it out for future reference,
and found all kinds of entrances to the forest beckoning from alongside the
road. Some of these possible routes were "cutlines": Alberta is hydrocarbon
country, and the forest is sliced through with what are also sometimes
called seismic lines, straight lines cut through the woods for a couple of
miles, apparently at random, I gather as part of the oil prospecting
procedure. (It is said that oil prospectors are the profession most likely
to be grizzly fare.)
Canadian horse news: Grandiosa got galled by the cinch, so we've been
switching cinches and saddlepads it's possible that once the sore was
opened, it was kept open by irritation from the square front corners of the
Peruvian saddlepad we'd been using under Jean's expensive endurance saddle
and learning about different balms and antibiotics and salves and ointments
and potions and nostrums. Aquaralia started fighting the bit, perhaps
because she hadn't had a gradual enough introduction to it, perhaps because
this particular bit had something about it that bugged her, perhaps because
she's a horse that is just idiosyncratically unsuited to bitting, perhaps
because I'm not sensitive enough with bitted horses. I put her in Dale
Downey's hand-knotted Peruvian rope bozal, and she immediately became calm.
Now it remains to be seen whether a) she'll stay calm, and b) I can keep her
collected and in gait. She immediately started carrying her poll two or
three inches below where it was when she wore the bit and is understepping a
good eight inches. This is truly a difficult horse, but willing and sturdy
and worth a lot of trouble.
I may find the open grasslands or endless trail yet, in Wood Buffalo
National Park, home of the biggest free-ranging buffalo herd in the world,
or in Peace River country. The winter road from Ft. McKay to Ft. Chipewyan
is 100 unpaved miles, but I found out it's all sand, which would make it too
much of a slog for me, and in any case is heavily traveled by ATVs,
apparently since the big oil sands projects opened and brought up all these
blue collar motorheads. Too bad; the main roadside attractions are
apparently Indian villages.
But our last weekend, since we'd finally got the girls shod front and back,
I was able to try Aquarelia on 6 or 8 miles of the quiet, lightly travelled
gravelled roads that grid the entire agricultural zone of the province. The
gravel is marble size and smaller, and rounded, not jagged. You can almost
always find a line that keeps you in half an inch of gravel or deeper, so it
's not concussive and is conducive to the foot sliding when it hits
Aquaralia's hind shoes soon got sanded smooth and shiny. At the gait the
farmscape drifts by picturesquely big sunshiny bales, vast undulating
fields of yellow wheat or golden something safflower?, combines mowing,
trains, windbreak lines of trees, cattle, horses, flocks of crows pecking up
grasshoppers, etc., etc. From the map I think I could pick out at least 50
and possibly several hundred continuous miles of this sort of road, and
there are at least some little towns with motels that might be accessible
even the paved roads usually have huge shoulders, a hundred feet wide and
more, usually mown grass or crops that can be negotiated. There are
farmsteads every mile or so, almost always with livestock and thus feed. It
seems that the ingredients for horseback travel may be present.
On one of the very first rides, to the Blackfoot Trail, we encountered a
thoroughbred that was dancing around uncontrollably, and which swung around
suddenly and kicked Aquaralia. The kick was so hard that Aquaralia was
driven into my opposite thigh hard enough to bruise the inside of it.
Unfortunately Aquarelia was shielded by my ankle, which had to go into a
cast for the rest of the month. I brought the stirrup in to the doctor to
make sure the cast wouldn't be too big to go in, and fortunately the doctor
left enough of my toes free to let me spring into the saddle as usual, once
I'd got used to it. Every horse person I met asked me what happened, so I
was glad it was a horse accident. Anyway, the kick took place several miles
out in the woods, and gave me the curiously pleasureable realization that I
unable to get home except on my horse.
Back home in California, the bad news is that Grandiosa is still, after 12
months, lame in her left hind. DLSD is not ruled out, but the fact that it's
so far not bilateral would seem to militate against it. Julio Soto Jr. has
restored Traveller's gait, so all that remains is for me not to destroy it
again. Sherry Fairchild let me ride Dancer, who we bred 8 years ago and who
I like very much. She needs to have her head brought up; I could force her
into collection and make her gait, but it was hard for her and she got tired
and really didn't like it after just five or ten minutes. If Traveller weren
't all ready to go I'd love to work on Dancer. She's real smart,
hypersensitive and huge for a mare.
Mike Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834
AERC National Championship Ride
On Behalf Of Karen Chaton
If you have not already sent your entry in, you need to get it in
ASAP. You can find entries on the website
here: Please fax the filled out
form, and then mail the original with a check. Entries need to be received
by the 15th of September to guarantee a completion award (which, btw, will
be something really nice) and your meals.
Ride management has listened to the suggestions from riders after the
pre-ride in July and have a 2000 gallon water truck, 5 water buffalos and
riders will absolutely not ever have to go more than 7 miles at the most
between water stops! There will be live entertainment for four
nights. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be catered every day. They will
also have a ride steward present.
Volunteers wanted -- they are in the process now of coordinating all of the
volunteers. If you can help in any way please go to the website for more
information or email Carol Hoeft at:
We are working on putting a list of the riders and horses who have
entered. John and Steph are going to be taking care of the website
coverage on ride day.
Happy Trails,
in NV
If you have not already sent your entry in, you need to get it in
ASAP. You can find entries on the website
here: Please fax the filled out
form, and then mail the original with a check. Entries need to be received
by the 15th of September to guarantee a completion award (which, btw, will
be something really nice) and your meals.
Ride management has listened to the suggestions from riders after the
pre-ride in July and have a 2000 gallon water truck, 5 water buffalos and
riders will absolutely not ever have to go more than 7 miles at the most
between water stops! There will be live entertainment for four
nights. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be catered every day. They will
also have a ride steward present.
Volunteers wanted -- they are in the process now of coordinating all of the
volunteers. If you can help in any way please go to the website for more
information or email Carol Hoeft at:
We are working on putting a list of the riders and horses who have
entered. John and Steph are going to be taking care of the website
coverage on ride day.
Happy Trails,
in NV
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Havemeyer Equine Behavior Laboratory
This web site was developed to share information from our laboratory with veterinarians, veterinary students, animal behaviorists, animal scientists, graduate students, equine enthusiasts, and the public. Within this web site you will find both clinical veterinary and scientific works, written mostly to the veterinary practitioner or scientific equine behavior community, but also excellent tips and "popular press" items of possible interest to horse owners or enthusiasts.
More ...
More ...
Havemeyer Equine Behavior Laboratory
This web site was developed to share information from our laboratory with veterinarians, veterinary students, animal behaviorists, animal scientists, graduate students, equine enthusiasts, and the public. Within this web site you will find both clinical veterinary and scientific works, written mostly to the veterinary practitioner or scientific equine behavior community, but also excellent tips and "popular press" items of possible interest to horse owners or enthusiasts.
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More ...
Havemeyer Equine Behavior Laboratory
This web site was developed to share information from our laboratory with veterinarians, veterinary students, animal behaviorists, animal scientists, graduate students, equine enthusiasts, and the public. Within this web site you will find both clinical veterinary and scientific works, written mostly to the veterinary practitioner or scientific equine behavior community, but also excellent tips and "popular press" items of possible interest to horse owners or enthusiasts.
More ...
More ...
Havemeyer Equine Behavior Laboratory
This web site was developed to share information from our laboratory with veterinarians, veterinary students, animal behaviorists, animal scientists, graduate students, equine enthusiasts, and the public. Within this web site you will find both clinical veterinary and scientific works, written mostly to the veterinary practitioner or scientific equine behavior community, but also excellent tips and "popular press" items of possible interest to horse owners or enthusiasts.
More ...
More ...
FEI Press News 28/03
On Behalf Of Lori Stewart
Over 100 endurance riders and their horses from 11 countries are gathering
at the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest at Trout Lake, WA for the 2003 Pan
American Endurance Championship. The USA will field five teams while Canada
is sending two. The countries of Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Japan,
New Zealand, Romania, Spain and Sweden are also sending top ranked riders to
challenge the trails.
Competitors will begin the 100 mile (160 km.) ride over rolling terrain at
5:00 the morning of 13 September. Although they have a full 24 hours to
complete the ride, the winners are expected to cross the finish line in
about half that time. Riders will also be vying for the coveted Best
Condition and High Vet Score awards, which reward the excellent physical
condition of the top endurance horses.
USA Pacific South rider Heather (Bergantz) Reynolds will be looking to earn
her second consecutive individual gold medal, although the horse she is
riding is not the one she rode to success at the 2001 Pan Am Championship.
Reynolds, this year's Tevis Cup winner, said she thinks her chances of doing
well with the 7-year-old Arabian gelding Aleclipse are very good. "I feel
very good about the ride," she said.
The USA East team will be defending the Team Gold it won at the 2001 Pan
American Championship, with three of the winning four riders returning to
the squad. They will be joined by Valerie Kanavy and her Arabian gelding
Emphatic, co-winners at last year's World Masters Championship.
PAC 2003 organizer Stephanie Irving said preparations for the competition
are on schedule. This being one of the driest years in history, they are
working with the Forest Service on a fire prevention plan, and a strict
protocol to reduce the fire risk. The local volunteer fire department will
be keeping the camp and the trail supplied with ample water. "We're
fortunate that forestry officials are working with us to allow us to go
ahead with the PAC and to keep our riders, horses and the environment safe,"
said Irving.
For updated news and information, visit
Jan Mansfield, Janus Communications Inc.
T. 604.657.3828; F. 604.926.4333
Over 100 endurance riders and their horses from 11 countries are gathering
at the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest at Trout Lake, WA for the 2003 Pan
American Endurance Championship. The USA will field five teams while Canada
is sending two. The countries of Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Japan,
New Zealand, Romania, Spain and Sweden are also sending top ranked riders to
challenge the trails.
Competitors will begin the 100 mile (160 km.) ride over rolling terrain at
5:00 the morning of 13 September. Although they have a full 24 hours to
complete the ride, the winners are expected to cross the finish line in
about half that time. Riders will also be vying for the coveted Best
Condition and High Vet Score awards, which reward the excellent physical
condition of the top endurance horses.
USA Pacific South rider Heather (Bergantz) Reynolds will be looking to earn
her second consecutive individual gold medal, although the horse she is
riding is not the one she rode to success at the 2001 Pan Am Championship.
Reynolds, this year's Tevis Cup winner, said she thinks her chances of doing
well with the 7-year-old Arabian gelding Aleclipse are very good. "I feel
very good about the ride," she said.
The USA East team will be defending the Team Gold it won at the 2001 Pan
American Championship, with three of the winning four riders returning to
the squad. They will be joined by Valerie Kanavy and her Arabian gelding
Emphatic, co-winners at last year's World Masters Championship.
PAC 2003 organizer Stephanie Irving said preparations for the competition
are on schedule. This being one of the driest years in history, they are
working with the Forest Service on a fire prevention plan, and a strict
protocol to reduce the fire risk. The local volunteer fire department will
be keeping the camp and the trail supplied with ample water. "We're
fortunate that forestry officials are working with us to allow us to go
ahead with the PAC and to keep our riders, horses and the environment safe,"
said Irving.
For updated news and information, visit
Jan Mansfield, Janus Communications Inc.
T. 604.657.3828; F. 604.926.4333
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
GMHA 100/60 Results (ECTRA)
On Behalf Of Jane Soule
GMHA 3-day 100, South Woodstock, VT August 28-31, 2003
27 Start - 22 Finish
Champion: Daystar Challenge - Dan Boyer
Reserve: Nicholas - Janet Mayberry
1- Smoke Rise Finally - Steve Rojek
2- Lord Darshan - Liz Szeliga
3- Izusu - Charlotte Lester
4- Jake - Wendy Bejarano
5- Otis - Louise Townsend
1- Secret Autumn Twlight - Dan Rice
2- Seagull - Hernan Barbosa
3- Piper - Pam Karner
4- W A Prohets Fire - Kim Firestone
5- Hollowtree Exuberance - Allen Welles
6- BT Peter Gunn - Megan Meldrum
C- Shyrocco Lyric - Jenny Kimberley
1- Manyone Praise Song Furka - Krista Alderdice
2- Chelby - Marlene Bottesi
3- USA Pardons Lace - Anne Cameron
4- HFA Silver Savanna -Marcia Delaware
5- Mohave - Clara Steck
6- Elegant Pride - Lisa Conner
C- Every Little Kiss - Dorothea Meldrum
1 - DML Smoke Silver - Courtney Walker
GMHA 2 Day 60 - 20 Start - 15 Finish
Champior: Bask Tai Yin - Heather Hoyns
Reserve: VSF Otis - Connie Walker
1- Garzon's Gypsy Boy - Jennifer Broome
2- NLF Vigilant - Carl Lange
3- Velvet's Safire - Jenny Betrum
1- BAF Cubis Choice - Laura Pedersen
2- Haz-Mat - Shirley Ouelette
3- Prince Buddy - Pam Cameron
4- Ashmoro Billy Alan - Rhonda Batchlerer
1- Ramegwa Eldarapd - Meg Prive Bruno
2- Charlestown Raphael - Anne Marie Savino
3- GH Jessie Jolady - Debbie Houghton
4- Bebedigtine - Andrea Griffith
5- Riffler - Stacia Newell
1- Ramegwa Bear - Russell Price Bruno
GMHA 3-day 100, South Woodstock, VT August 28-31, 2003
27 Start - 22 Finish
Champion: Daystar Challenge - Dan Boyer
Reserve: Nicholas - Janet Mayberry
1- Smoke Rise Finally - Steve Rojek
2- Lord Darshan - Liz Szeliga
3- Izusu - Charlotte Lester
4- Jake - Wendy Bejarano
5- Otis - Louise Townsend
1- Secret Autumn Twlight - Dan Rice
2- Seagull - Hernan Barbosa
3- Piper - Pam Karner
4- W A Prohets Fire - Kim Firestone
5- Hollowtree Exuberance - Allen Welles
6- BT Peter Gunn - Megan Meldrum
C- Shyrocco Lyric - Jenny Kimberley
1- Manyone Praise Song Furka - Krista Alderdice
2- Chelby - Marlene Bottesi
3- USA Pardons Lace - Anne Cameron
4- HFA Silver Savanna -Marcia Delaware
5- Mohave - Clara Steck
6- Elegant Pride - Lisa Conner
C- Every Little Kiss - Dorothea Meldrum
1 - DML Smoke Silver - Courtney Walker
GMHA 2 Day 60 - 20 Start - 15 Finish
Champior: Bask Tai Yin - Heather Hoyns
Reserve: VSF Otis - Connie Walker
1- Garzon's Gypsy Boy - Jennifer Broome
2- NLF Vigilant - Carl Lange
3- Velvet's Safire - Jenny Betrum
1- BAF Cubis Choice - Laura Pedersen
2- Haz-Mat - Shirley Ouelette
3- Prince Buddy - Pam Cameron
4- Ashmoro Billy Alan - Rhonda Batchlerer
1- Ramegwa Eldarapd - Meg Prive Bruno
2- Charlestown Raphael - Anne Marie Savino
3- GH Jessie Jolady - Debbie Houghton
4- Bebedigtine - Andrea Griffith
5- Riffler - Stacia Newell
1- Ramegwa Bear - Russell Price Bruno
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
On our way west to PAC
On Behalf Of Laura Hayes
Thought I would drop a line to let RCers know Cia Ries and I are in Rock
Springs WY in our fourth stop over from PA/NY on our way to get Cia and
Wave to PAC.
We have been driving 400-500 miles each day, stopping at farms we find in
the travel book, and going riding each evening.
We stopped the second nihgt in Geneseo Illinois at the Doerfeld's of
Sandarac Arabian Fame. I spent much of my childhood and teens there, but
hadn't been back in 17 years. It was SOOO good - a lesson in life to keep
up with those you really love...
I have my Music horse, who is Wave's buddy and traveling companion. The
two of them are doing great together and we are really happy we brought
We are staying in Utah tomorrow and Washington the next night to be in
Trout Lake WA the following day.
What fun! We haven't even listened to our books on tape and I have not
read any of the several books I brought- Cia and I TALK too much, and laugh
The scenery is gorgous and we read all the local literature as we go from
town to town - so interesting!
Till I find another computer.....
Laura Hayes AERC#2741 (Am I Thelma or Louise???)
Thought I would drop a line to let RCers know Cia Ries and I are in Rock
Springs WY in our fourth stop over from PA/NY on our way to get Cia and
Wave to PAC.
We have been driving 400-500 miles each day, stopping at farms we find in
the travel book, and going riding each evening.
We stopped the second nihgt in Geneseo Illinois at the Doerfeld's of
Sandarac Arabian Fame. I spent much of my childhood and teens there, but
hadn't been back in 17 years. It was SOOO good - a lesson in life to keep
up with those you really love...
I have my Music horse, who is Wave's buddy and traveling companion. The
two of them are doing great together and we are really happy we brought
We are staying in Utah tomorrow and Washington the next night to be in
Trout Lake WA the following day.
What fun! We haven't even listened to our books on tape and I have not
read any of the several books I brought- Cia and I TALK too much, and laugh
The scenery is gorgous and we read all the local literature as we go from
town to town - so interesting!
Till I find another computer.....
Laura Hayes AERC#2741 (Am I Thelma or Louise???)
Thursday, August 14, 2003
PanAm 2003 Canadian Squads
Canada: Squad lists for 2003 Pan American Championship
Canada WEST
Chef d'Equipe - Monika Smith Canada
Team Veterinarian - James Carmalt
Assistant Chef d'Equipe - Jan Marsh
Crew Manager - Marin Marsh
Ride Rep - Eve Comrie
Canada West Squad in Ranked Order
1) Larry Handziuk and XXX Flashman 5653
2) Audrey Grieb and Special Delivery 5478
3) Myna Cryderman and SCA Dartagnan 5449
4) Daphne Richard and Cuchulain 4567
5) Trisha Dowling and AU Kari On 4314
6) Kevin Myers and Wyatt 4058
7) Lana Halisheff and BH Rinnah 3530
8) Karen Badger and What a Breeze 2121
9) Eve Comrie and Zephryr 2053
10) Kelvin Godin and Nero 1825
11) Susan Wensink and Rio's Amigo 656
12) Jenny Loverock and Indy 614
Canada West Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Myna Cryderman and Night Skye 4547
2) Myna Cryderman and TA Tango 4174
3) Kevin Myers and Dostoyevsky 3591
4) Trisha Dowling and ZF Porsche 3514
5) Lana Halisheff and XE Dream Catcher 2259
Canada West Alternate Riders in Ranked Order
1) Christy Janzen and Special Delivery 7011
2) Christy Janzen and BH Rinnah 5198
3) Christy Janzen and Nero 4998
4) Christy Janzen XE Dream Catcher 3927
Canada EAST
Canada East Chef d'Equipe - Kay Melvin
Canada East Team Veterinarian - Stan Alkemade
Canada East Sqaud in Ranked Order:
1) Wendy Benns and Flirt With Ecstacy 5539
2) Carol Steiner and MX Tio Vivo 4867
3) Yvette Vinton and EH Malachi 4756
4) Ruth Sturley and RBF Super Sport 3936
5) Deborah Strand and Aaristocat 3160
6) Nancy Beacon and Traverston Cob 2947
7) Joan Storrey and Aquilla (Soaring Eagle) 2338
8) Teresa Finnerty and Red Express 1682
9) Richelle Burnside and Briggadeere 1024
10) Jacquie Breckner and CH Kahlua 466
Canada East Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Yvette Vinton and JS Sedona Sun 3566
1) Jancquie Breckner and Traverston Cob 2180
Canada WEST
Chef d'Equipe - Monika Smith Canada
Team Veterinarian - James Carmalt
Assistant Chef d'Equipe - Jan Marsh
Crew Manager - Marin Marsh
Ride Rep - Eve Comrie
Canada West Squad in Ranked Order
1) Larry Handziuk and XXX Flashman 5653
2) Audrey Grieb and Special Delivery 5478
3) Myna Cryderman and SCA Dartagnan 5449
4) Daphne Richard and Cuchulain 4567
5) Trisha Dowling and AU Kari On 4314
6) Kevin Myers and Wyatt 4058
7) Lana Halisheff and BH Rinnah 3530
8) Karen Badger and What a Breeze 2121
9) Eve Comrie and Zephryr 2053
10) Kelvin Godin and Nero 1825
11) Susan Wensink and Rio's Amigo 656
12) Jenny Loverock and Indy 614
Canada West Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Myna Cryderman and Night Skye 4547
2) Myna Cryderman and TA Tango 4174
3) Kevin Myers and Dostoyevsky 3591
4) Trisha Dowling and ZF Porsche 3514
5) Lana Halisheff and XE Dream Catcher 2259
Canada West Alternate Riders in Ranked Order
1) Christy Janzen and Special Delivery 7011
2) Christy Janzen and BH Rinnah 5198
3) Christy Janzen and Nero 4998
4) Christy Janzen XE Dream Catcher 3927
Canada EAST
Canada East Chef d'Equipe - Kay Melvin
Canada East Team Veterinarian - Stan Alkemade
Canada East Sqaud in Ranked Order:
1) Wendy Benns and Flirt With Ecstacy 5539
2) Carol Steiner and MX Tio Vivo 4867
3) Yvette Vinton and EH Malachi 4756
4) Ruth Sturley and RBF Super Sport 3936
5) Deborah Strand and Aaristocat 3160
6) Nancy Beacon and Traverston Cob 2947
7) Joan Storrey and Aquilla (Soaring Eagle) 2338
8) Teresa Finnerty and Red Express 1682
9) Richelle Burnside and Briggadeere 1024
10) Jacquie Breckner and CH Kahlua 466
Canada East Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Yvette Vinton and JS Sedona Sun 3566
1) Jancquie Breckner and Traverston Cob 2180
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
AERC May 2003 conf call minutes
The AERC has published the minutes and the audio of their most recent Board
of Directors meeting:
of Directors meeting:
2003 PanAm Pacific South Zone Squad
Pacific South Squad and Alternates:
Brenda Brinkly/Windswift Taabi
Karen Bottiani/Movin' on Blues
Jonathan Bowman/Heigh Ho
Dave Cootware/Talasmans Cruzer +/
Nancy Elliott/Rbar Silver Storm
Carolyn Hock/GT Sando
Alexandra North/CV Butter Bea
Judy Reens/Benjih
Tammy Robinson/TR Sharkee
C.Louise Smith/Nelm's Sundance
Jeff Townsend/Kann Sam Count
Dennis Tracy/San Ffrancisco
Nicole Wiere/Rebel Fire Bask
Suzanne Ford-Huff/Chase Thewind AH
> Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
> Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe
> Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
John Teeter
208 875 1206 (208 834 2788)
Brenda Brinkly/Windswift Taabi
Karen Bottiani/Movin' on Blues
Jonathan Bowman/Heigh Ho
Dave Cootware/Talasmans Cruzer +/
Nancy Elliott/Rbar Silver Storm
Carolyn Hock/GT Sando
Alexandra North/CV Butter Bea
Judy Reens/Benjih
Tammy Robinson/TR Sharkee
C.Louise Smith/Nelm's Sundance
Jeff Townsend/Kann Sam Count
Dennis Tracy/San Ffrancisco
Nicole Wiere/Rebel Fire Bask
Suzanne Ford-Huff/Chase Thewind AH
> Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
> Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe
> Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
John Teeter
208 875 1206 (208 834 2788)
2003 Cracked Oats Crunch (NE) ride location change
On Behalf Of Mollie Krumlaw-Smith
We are having to change the ride location for the "Cracked Oaats Crunch"
ride being held on September 20, 2003 in the NE. We lost the entire trail
system in Cuyahoga during a flash flood a few weeks ago. The new ride
location will be the Scioto Trails State Forest in Chillicothe, OH. This
is the same trail system used for the Scioto Run Rides this past spring.
If you could put this on the web site it would be great. Need to get the
word out ASAP.
Thanks much,
Mollie Krumlaw-Smith
Ride Manager
We are having to change the ride location for the "Cracked Oaats Crunch"
ride being held on September 20, 2003 in the NE. We lost the entire trail
system in Cuyahoga during a flash flood a few weeks ago. The new ride
location will be the Scioto Trails State Forest in Chillicothe, OH. This
is the same trail system used for the Scioto Run Rides this past spring.
If you could put this on the web site it would be great. Need to get the
word out ASAP.
Thanks much,
Mollie Krumlaw-Smith
Ride Manager
2003 PanAm East Zone Squad
USA East Squad for 2003 PAC
Vicki Crance/RA Jestic Diamond
Kathryn Downs/Pygmalion
Cia Reis/Catch A Wave
Stagg Newman/Jayel Super
Valerie Kanavy/Emphatic /Shahdon
Meg Sleeper/Syrocco Blair / Shyrocco Troilus
Becky Harris/Ga Tyfa Mynte
Dinah Rojek/Phoenix
Lois McAfee/Galant Legacy
Steve Rojek/Smokerise Finally
Sue Greenall/Ramegwa Sharli
Lynne Gilbert/GM Chagall
Heather Hoyns/Just Bill
Bonnie Tobias/Mercury's Rahina
Lana Wright/Nathans Pride
Steve Rojek/Misu Nikki
Wendy Bejarano/Bie-Kin
Vicki Crance/RA Jestic Diamond
Kathryn Downs/Pygmalion
Cia Reis/Catch A Wave
Stagg Newman/Jayel Super
Valerie Kanavy/Emphatic /Shahdon
Meg Sleeper/Syrocco Blair / Shyrocco Troilus
Becky Harris/Ga Tyfa Mynte
Dinah Rojek/Phoenix
Lois McAfee/Galant Legacy
Steve Rojek/Smokerise Finally
Sue Greenall/Ramegwa Sharli
Lynne Gilbert/GM Chagall
Heather Hoyns/Just Bill
Bonnie Tobias/Mercury's Rahina
Lana Wright/Nathans Pride
Steve Rojek/Misu Nikki
Wendy Bejarano/Bie-Kin
2003 PanAm Pacific North Squad
Pacific North Zone Squad
Tony Benedetti/WA Absalute "Lou"
Dewayne Brown/Gulastras Splash
Elise/Geske/Ravi Das
Carol Giles/SAR Tiki Stranger
Shellie Hatfield/Shebas
Pat Murray/CR Flash Gordon
Sue Nance/Excalabar
Michele Roush/PR Tallymark
Sandy Schuler/ELO Triton
Marcia Smith/SA Proud Endeavoer
Joyce Sousa/LV Integrity
Kenny Stickler/Ofir me the Wind "Kidd
Dennis Summers/ SHA Ebony Rose
Susan Summers/Raymond Blur
Gloria Vanderford/ BA Dardanelle
Karen Vilander/NYR Crown Royal
Sharon Westergard/ MCM Phantazem "Taz"
Jazon Wonders/Milarepa
Elise Geske/Milarepa
Sharon Westergard/ CR Farazi
Jazon Wonders/Gandhi
Julie Barnfather/Peek-A-Boo
Tom Dean/Flame O Fyre
Randal Francis/OMR Silver Star
Tiffany Leonard/Prarie PK Glenda
April Burton/MC Sinatra
Vicki Giles/Robinhood
Marie Mallon/Zahin Al-Din "Zen"
Susan Summers/AM Humvee
Tony Benedetti/WA Absalute "Lou"
Dewayne Brown/Gulastras Splash
Elise/Geske/Ravi Das
Carol Giles/SAR Tiki Stranger
Shellie Hatfield/Shebas
Pat Murray/CR Flash Gordon
Sue Nance/Excalabar
Michele Roush/PR Tallymark
Sandy Schuler/ELO Triton
Marcia Smith/SA Proud Endeavoer
Joyce Sousa/LV Integrity
Kenny Stickler/Ofir me the Wind "Kidd
Dennis Summers/ SHA Ebony Rose
Susan Summers/Raymond Blur
Gloria Vanderford/ BA Dardanelle
Karen Vilander/NYR Crown Royal
Sharon Westergard/ MCM Phantazem "Taz"
Jazon Wonders/Milarepa
Elise Geske/Milarepa
Sharon Westergard/ CR Farazi
Jazon Wonders/Gandhi
Julie Barnfather/Peek-A-Boo
Tom Dean/Flame O Fyre
Randal Francis/OMR Silver Star
Tiffany Leonard/Prarie PK Glenda
April Burton/MC Sinatra
Vicki Giles/Robinhood
Marie Mallon/Zahin Al-Din "Zen"
Susan Summers/AM Humvee
2003 PanAm Mountain Zone Squad
Mountain Zone Squad and Alternates
Kim Abbott, AZ Zionastar
Karen BinnsDicamillo,NM RGS Snickerman
Crockett Dumas, UT OT Moniet Nessous
Pat Gisvold, MT Tezero's Khadesha
Bev Gray, UT Regalidon
Suzanne Hayes, MT Tezero's Gold
Suzanne Hedgecock, UT AA Montego
MJ Jackson, UT Eden's Bay Rum
Alexandra Luck, NM Mommesin
Martha McMurray, ID Crona Prince
Christoph Schork, ID DWA Sabku
Stephanie Teeter, ID Jaziret Bey Musc
Susan Obermeyer, CO Devosion
Abigail Allen, CO Barbaria
Linda Fisher, CO Misttique
Mark Daily, CO Big Sky Tezmartu
Joanne Thomas, CO Counts Magic Spel
Kim Abbott, AZ Zionastar
Karen BinnsDicamillo,NM RGS Snickerman
Crockett Dumas, UT OT Moniet Nessous
Pat Gisvold, MT Tezero's Khadesha
Bev Gray, UT Regalidon
Suzanne Hayes, MT Tezero's Gold
Suzanne Hedgecock, UT AA Montego
MJ Jackson, UT Eden's Bay Rum
Alexandra Luck, NM Mommesin
Martha McMurray, ID Crona Prince
Christoph Schork, ID DWA Sabku
Stephanie Teeter, ID Jaziret Bey Musc
Susan Obermeyer, CO Devosion
Abigail Allen, CO Barbaria
Linda Fisher, CO Misttique
Mark Daily, CO Big Sky Tezmartu
Joanne Thomas, CO Counts Magic Spel
2003 PanAm Central Zone Squad
2003 Pan-American Championships Central Zone
Final Squad Selection
Candy Barbo on Zalmara Din
Shelley Bridges on Laredo Bey
Darolyn Butler-Dial on Rockin' Adios
Margie Burton on Gypsy's Spirit
Michael Campbell on Mystic Music
Karron Goodman on Chance
Patsy Hoffman on Faa Iq
Cameron Holzer on Bru Fancy
Mark McBride on AJ Wyldfyre
Andrea Pace on Amber Orzelost
Doug Sandlin on Omars Apachee
Jan Worthington on Brown R.Timothy
Final Alternate Selection
Shelley Bridges on Windswift Pharrah
Joyce Mocilan on Louis Lafite
Jan Worthington on Mastermind
Genie Wunderlich on Reklassyc
Final Squad Selection
Candy Barbo on Zalmara Din
Shelley Bridges on Laredo Bey
Darolyn Butler-Dial on Rockin' Adios
Margie Burton on Gypsy's Spirit
Michael Campbell on Mystic Music
Karron Goodman on Chance
Patsy Hoffman on Faa Iq
Cameron Holzer on Bru Fancy
Mark McBride on AJ Wyldfyre
Andrea Pace on Amber Orzelost
Doug Sandlin on Omars Apachee
Jan Worthington on Brown R.Timothy
Final Alternate Selection
Shelley Bridges on Windswift Pharrah
Joyce Mocilan on Louis Lafite
Jan Worthington on Mastermind
Genie Wunderlich on Reklassyc
2003 Swanton Pacific results
On Behalf Of Barbara McCrary
I have tried several different approaches to posting SP results and all of
them have failed. Mostly the server says the files are too large. So I'll
distill it down to particulars:
Linda Dollar placed first in the 100 miler, Joyce Sousa in the 75
miler. B.C. in the 100 was won by Lori Oleson on Aleclipse, owned by Becky
Hart, and Alexandra North on CV Butter Bea took B.C. on the 75.
The weather was wonderful, and the moonlight was bright
that one could almost see colors. It was a beautiful day.
There were no metabolic pulls; only one horse pulled for lack of recovery
in the allotted time, the rest were lameness. No horses were pulled at all
until Cascade V.C., and that's well into the ride. Quite remarkable. The
vets were delighted with the care given the horses by their riders, the
wise pacing and the quality of conditioning.
A minute number of riders picked up on the flagging a 50k race on the same
day; their trail crossed ours in one place. But the riders soon got back on
trail. A few riders connected with the usual yellowjacket's nest, but we
had Benedryl along with us for just such an eventuality. All in all, the
ride went very well and we had an extremely high finish rate in the 75: 36
starters 32 finishers. The 100 started 25 and finished 17. We were
generally quite pleased with the way everything went.
Barbara McCrary
Ride manager, Swanton Pacific 75/100
"The most beautiful trail in the world"
I have tried several different approaches to posting SP results and all of
them have failed. Mostly the server says the files are too large. So I'll
distill it down to particulars:
Linda Dollar placed first in the 100 miler, Joyce Sousa in the 75
miler. B.C. in the 100 was won by Lori Oleson on Aleclipse, owned by Becky
Hart, and Alexandra North on CV Butter Bea took B.C. on the 75.
The weather was wonderful, and the moonlight was bright
that one could almost see colors. It was a beautiful day.
There were no metabolic pulls; only one horse pulled for lack of recovery
in the allotted time, the rest were lameness. No horses were pulled at all
until Cascade V.C., and that's well into the ride. Quite remarkable. The
vets were delighted with the care given the horses by their riders, the
wise pacing and the quality of conditioning.
A minute number of riders picked up on the flagging a 50k race on the same
day; their trail crossed ours in one place. But the riders soon got back on
trail. A few riders connected with the usual yellowjacket's nest, but we
had Benedryl along with us for just such an eventuality. All in all, the
ride went very well and we had an extremely high finish rate in the 75: 36
starters 32 finishers. The 100 started 25 and finished 17. We were
generally quite pleased with the way everything went.
Barbara McCrary
Ride manager, Swanton Pacific 75/100
"The most beautiful trail in the world"
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
2003 Helldiver, eh?
On Behalf Of Heidi Smith
With all the ride cancellations in the NW, hubby and I got a streak of
adventure and decided to make the trek all the way from the SE end of the
NW region to about as far away as we could get and still be in our
region--to the Helldiver ride on Vancouver Island, British
Columbia! That's right--up in the land of the eh!
Of course, this wasn't quite a last-minute decision--we DID have the lead
time to get Coggins tests, Canadian health papers, health papers on the
dog, certified weed-free hay, and all that good stuff that we have to get
for crossing the border. In addition, I found the website for the BC
ferry, so that we knew how much it was going to cost us to take our LOOOONG
rig over on the ferry.... (I can recall chiding my dog that if not for
him, we could have a regular truck instead of the extended cab with the
doggy bed in the back, and just LOOK what we could have saved!) We
decided to make a bit of a sight-seeing trip of it, so went to the ride on
the Washington side, and came home on the Canadian side, and saw lots of
great scenery. And for those of you who have not been on the BC
ferry--they are really nice folks, and if you get there at least 30 minutes
before sailing with livestock, you are guaranteed on, even if there is a
big line. :-) (I DID learn that one has to cover one's hay on the
ferry--flamable and all that--thank heavens there was still a stray tarp
under the seat in the living quarters of the trailer...) Oh, yeah--and the
food is good on the ferry, too! So after all that driving, we got to kick
back and enjoy ourselves while BC ferry did the driving....
From the ferry, one drives partway up the island, just past Courtenay, to
the ride site in a meadow that is a part of an equestrian center. Lots of
room, good directions, plenty of water, plenty of outhouses, and lots of
friendly Canadians! As we were pulling in, I turned to my husband and
said, "Gee, I wonder if we should have asked before we came just what Hell
we are supposed to dive off of?"
The ride was VERY well organized--with some of the best-marked trails I've
seen in a long time, water on the trail, well-organized vet checks, and
lots of friendly and efficient vets. It was 50 miles with no returns to
camp and very little repeat trail (what there was consisted of some two-way
going out and coming in)--so for those bored with repeat loops, HERE'S ONE
And they fed us not once but TWICE--barbequed burgers right off the grill
with all the fixin's the night before, and a REALLY big feed the night
after with awards....
But speaking of food--one question I've ALWAYS wanted to ask--maybe one of
the Canadians on the list has the answer, eh? WHY do you have to rub it in
by having a grocery chain called "Overwaitea?" I've wondered that for
years--I mean, I KNOW I'm "overweightea" but do you have to call a GROCERY
STORE that?? I mean, gee, that's how I GOT to be a heavyweight after
all... Anyway, Overwaitea donated the food for the big feed (thank
you Overwaitea for making me even more overweightea...), and ride
management had also drummed up lots of good support and donations for some
GREAT awards--including--get this--a SADDLE for BC on the 50....
We had one small mishap--hubby's horse took a bad stumble, and although he
seemed fine, he started to go off about 5 miles before the finish, and
despite walking the rest of the way in, was not quite fit to
continue. (The good news is that he is pretty much better after some icing
and wrapping and ionizing--just sore and bruised from hitting his fetlock
on the rocks..) My own horse sailed through with flying
colors--rack up one more 50 for the tubby lady making a comeback... :-)
And as we've mentioned before--the real successful ending is coming home
and having the horses feel so good coming off the trailer that they go
bouncing out to prance and trot and gallop with their tails up over their
backs, telling their pals all about it... Tudor didn't slow down for half
an hour, I don't think. (Guess that means I'm not riding him hard enough, eh?)
But back to the ride--this is one that any of you within range should put
on your calendar next year--take an extra day off, enjoy the ferry ride
over, and ride the Helldiver, eh?
PS: Turns out Helldiver is a lake up there--yeah, pretty lakes along the
trail--and we didn't have to dive into Hell after all.... :-)
With all the ride cancellations in the NW, hubby and I got a streak of
adventure and decided to make the trek all the way from the SE end of the
NW region to about as far away as we could get and still be in our
region--to the Helldiver ride on Vancouver Island, British
Columbia! That's right--up in the land of the eh!
Of course, this wasn't quite a last-minute decision--we DID have the lead
time to get Coggins tests, Canadian health papers, health papers on the
dog, certified weed-free hay, and all that good stuff that we have to get
for crossing the border. In addition, I found the website for the BC
ferry, so that we knew how much it was going to cost us to take our LOOOONG
rig over on the ferry.... (I can recall chiding my dog that if not for
him, we could have a regular truck instead of the extended cab with the
doggy bed in the back, and just LOOK what we could have saved!
decided to make a bit of a sight-seeing trip of it, so went to the ride on
the Washington side, and came home on the Canadian side, and saw lots of
great scenery. And for those of you who have not been on the BC
ferry--they are really nice folks, and if you get there at least 30 minutes
before sailing with livestock, you are guaranteed on, even if there is a
big line. :-) (I DID learn that one has to cover one's hay on the
ferry--flamable and all that--thank heavens there was still a stray tarp
under the seat in the living quarters of the trailer...) Oh, yeah--and the
food is good on the ferry, too! So after all that driving, we got to kick
back and enjoy ourselves while BC ferry did the driving....
From the ferry, one drives partway up the island, just past Courtenay, to
the ride site in a meadow that is a part of an equestrian center. Lots of
room, good directions, plenty of water, plenty of outhouses, and lots of
friendly Canadians! As we were pulling in, I turned to my husband and
said, "Gee, I wonder if we should have asked before we came just what Hell
we are supposed to dive off of?"
The ride was VERY well organized--with some of the best-marked trails I've
seen in a long time, water on the trail, well-organized vet checks, and
lots of friendly and efficient vets. It was 50 miles with no returns to
camp and very little repeat trail (what there was consisted of some two-way
going out and coming in)--so for those bored with repeat loops, HERE'S ONE
And they fed us not once but TWICE--barbequed burgers right off the grill
with all the fixin's the night before, and a REALLY big feed the night
after with awards....
But speaking of food--one question I've ALWAYS wanted to ask--maybe one of
the Canadians on the list has the answer, eh? WHY do you have to rub it in
by having a grocery chain called "Overwaitea?" I've wondered that for
years--I mean, I KNOW I'm "overweightea" but do you have to call a GROCERY
STORE that?? I mean, gee, that's how I GOT to be a heavyweight after
you Overwaitea for making me even more overweightea...), and ride
management had also drummed up lots of good support and donations for some
GREAT awards--including--get this--a SADDLE for BC on the 50....
We had one small mishap--hubby's horse took a bad stumble, and although he
seemed fine, he started to go off about 5 miles before the finish, and
despite walking the rest of the way in, was not quite fit to
continue. (The good news is that he is pretty much better after some icing
and wrapping and ionizing--just sore and bruised from hitting his fetlock
on the rocks..
colors--rack up one more 50 for the tubby lady making a comeback... :-)
And as we've mentioned before--the real successful ending is coming home
and having the horses feel so good coming off the trailer that they go
bouncing out to prance and trot and gallop with their tails up over their
backs, telling their pals all about it... Tudor didn't slow down for half
an hour, I don't think. (Guess that means I'm not riding him hard enough, eh?)
But back to the ride--this is one that any of you within range should put
on your calendar next year--take an extra day off, enjoy the ferry ride
over, and ride the Helldiver, eh?
PS: Turns out Helldiver is a lake up there--yeah, pretty lakes along the
trail--and we didn't have to dive into Hell after all.... :-)
2003 Gold Country Ride
On Behalf Of Lucy Chaplin Trumbulll
Did some volunteering at the Gold Country ride on Saturday
and took some pics - they aren't great (I was in a bad spot,
lighting-wise owing to the fact I was supposed to be directing
traffic, not taking photos), but...:
If anyone can help me put names to horses/riders, please
drop me a note.
Did some volunteering at the Gold Country ride on Saturday
and took some pics - they aren't great (I was in a bad spot,
lighting-wise owing to the fact I was supposed to be directing
traffic, not taking photos), but...:
If anyone can help me put names to horses/riders, please
drop me a note.
Fireworks 50
On Behalf Of Sandy. Holder
The recent Fireworks 50 was a great ride (location, food, EVERYTHING -
which I could write an entire story about and will - soon). It was a tough
ride as my boy and I are only used to 25/30 mile rides. He's only in his
second season of long distance riding and this was a real test/effort for
us both. Tally and I came into the last vet check and he'd been doing quite
well all day. When we came in, Kiki and Peter - two wonderful volunteers,
assisted us (no crews were allowed). And although Tally had been doing
well (EDPP stuff), we'd lost our last tube of electrolytes. My concern
grew as I remembered that the last 7 miles were going to be tough (river
crossing, steep inclines/declines, sand, etc.) and it had gotten hot. In
addition to that, I'd finished off my last water bottle w/ e-lytes and knew
that Tally would have to carry us back without me getting off.
Well, all I can say is, there are endurance riders and there are great
endurance riders, and there are a lot of definitions for dividing the
two. In the end, two great endurance riders offered and shared their
e-lytes (even use the same brand) at that check point, and I know in my
heart that it made all the difference to my boy on that long final phase of
the ride. At least one of them are heading to the Pan Am's, and even if I
can't remember your name, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. So to
you, and to all of those who share with those of us still learning (advise,
e-lytes, etc.), a big THANKS!!!!
Happy trails to all of you,
Sandy (who finished 'lame') and Tally (who but for a B in gut sounds had
all A's at the end)
The recent Fireworks 50 was a great ride (location, food, EVERYTHING -
which I could write an entire story about and will - soon). It was a tough
ride as my boy and I are only used to 25/30 mile rides. He's only in his
second season of long distance riding and this was a real test/effort for
us both. Tally and I came into the last vet check and he'd been doing quite
well all day. When we came in, Kiki and Peter - two wonderful volunteers,
assisted us (no crews were allowed). And although Tally had been doing
well (EDPP stuff), we'd lost our last tube of electrolytes. My concern
grew as I remembered that the last 7 miles were going to be tough (river
crossing, steep inclines/declines, sand, etc.) and it had gotten hot. In
addition to that, I'd finished off my last water bottle w/ e-lytes and knew
that Tally would have to carry us back without me getting off.
Well, all I can say is, there are endurance riders and there are great
endurance riders, and there are a lot of definitions for dividing the
two. In the end, two great endurance riders offered and shared their
e-lytes (even use the same brand) at that check point, and I know in my
heart that it made all the difference to my boy on that long final phase of
the ride. At least one of them are heading to the Pan Am's, and even if I
can't remember your name, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. So to
you, and to all of those who share with those of us still learning (advise,
e-lytes, etc.), a big THANKS!!!!
Happy trails to all of you,
Sandy (who finished 'lame') and Tally (who but for a B in gut sounds had
all A's at the end)
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Mountain Zone Pan Am Raffle Winners
On Behalf Of Susie Schomburg
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 1:25 PM
Susan Schomburg
The following were the winners of the Mountain Zone's Pan American raffle.
Drin Becker was the winner of the painting by Susan Norris-Romero, Bernita
Barfield was the winner of the ride entry package and Wesley Hedgecock was
the winner of the sweepstakes nominated gelding. Congratulations to the
winners and THANKS to everyone who supported the team by buying tickets.
Susie Schomburg
Tuesday, July 29, 2003 1:25 PM
Susan Schomburg
The following were the winners of the Mountain Zone's Pan American raffle.
Drin Becker was the winner of the painting by Susan Norris-Romero, Bernita
Barfield was the winner of the ride entry package and Wesley Hedgecock was
the winner of the sweepstakes nominated gelding. Congratulations to the
winners and THANKS to everyone who supported the team by buying tickets.
Susie Schomburg
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Seabiscuit by a $hort Head
by Bridget Byrne
Jul 27, 2003, 2:58 PM PT
There was a whole new dimension to the box-office race this weekend.
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over was clearly number one in overall dollars, with an estimated $32.5 million.
However its per screen average at 3,344 sites was only $9,719. That meant that in the per screen average run-off among wide release movies the equine saga Seabiscuit could claim a short head win with $10,809 from just 1,989 locations, although overall it only finished in fifth place with $21.5
More ...
Jul 27, 2003, 2:58 PM PT
There was a whole new dimension to the box-office race this weekend.
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over was clearly number one in overall dollars, with an estimated $32.5 million.
However its per screen average at 3,344 sites was only $9,719. That meant that in the per screen average run-off among wide release movies the equine saga Seabiscuit could claim a short head win with $10,809 from just 1,989 locations, although overall it only finished in fifth place with $21.5
More ...
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Audio of Seabisquit Races
louisa pierce -
Got o PBS.Org and you can hear the races, just like they did back in the 30s. It's very cool.
Got o PBS.Org and you can hear the races, just like they did back in the 30s. It's very cool.
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
IntNewsGroup: Athlete Representation Selected For U.S. Equestrian Board
On Behalf Of Lori Stewart
Athlete Representation Selected For U.S. Equestrian Board
Lexington, KY and Gladstone, NJ July 1, 2003 As required by the United
States Olympic Committee (USOC), the newly formed United States Equestrian
Federation Board must include at least 20% representation by eligible
Athletes on its Board and certain committees. There are two seats for each
of the Olympic disciplines of Dressage, Eventing and Jumping, one seat for
each of the FEI disciplines of Driving, Endurance, Reining and Vaulting,
one seat for a Paralympic athlete and one seat to be held by the USOC
Active Athletes Committee Representative.
The following athletes have been selected as voted on by their peers:
Sue Blinks of Wellington, FL
Robert Dover of Wellington, FL
Karen OConnor of The Plains, VA
Bruce Davidson, Sr. of Unionville, PA
Leslie Howard of Westport, CT
Anne Kursinski of Frenchtown, NJ
Chester Weber of Ocala, FL or Lisa Singer of Chadds Ford, PA (run-off pending)
Valarie Kanavy of Fort Valley, VA
Pete Kyle of Whitesboro, TX
Devon Maitozo of Los Angeles, CA
Athlete Representation Selected For U.S. Equestrian Board
Lexington, KY and Gladstone, NJ July 1, 2003 As required by the United
States Olympic Committee (USOC), the newly formed United States Equestrian
Federation Board must include at least 20% representation by eligible
Athletes on its Board and certain committees. There are two seats for each
of the Olympic disciplines of Dressage, Eventing and Jumping, one seat for
each of the FEI disciplines of Driving, Endurance, Reining and Vaulting,
one seat for a Paralympic athlete and one seat to be held by the USOC
Active Athletes Committee Representative.
The following athletes have been selected as voted on by their peers:
Sue Blinks of Wellington, FL
Robert Dover of Wellington, FL
Karen OConnor of The Plains, VA
Bruce Davidson, Sr. of Unionville, PA
Leslie Howard of Westport, CT
Anne Kursinski of Frenchtown, NJ
Chester Weber of Ocala, FL or Lisa Singer of Chadds Ford, PA (run-off pending)
Valarie Kanavy of Fort Valley, VA
Pete Kyle of Whitesboro, TX
Devon Maitozo of Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Fort Howes Rides -- June 5, 2003
On Behalf Of Fritz Harshbarger
Ashland, Montana (June 5, 2003): Riders and horses continued to arrive and
set up camp in a grass/alfalfa field 20 miles South of Ashland, Montana.
This is the site of the Fort Howes Endurance Rides, held each year on Bill
and Jan Stevens Circle Bar Ranch and the surrounding Custer National
Forest. There is a 50-mile and a 100-mile on Sunday, June 8. Fifty-mile and
25-mile rides will be held on June 7.
Today the Stevens' field is the home to a small village of mostly
self-contained horse rigs. Thursday night there were about 50 rigs. Thursday
the 100-mile riders were riding their horses out to check the trails and
make last minute adjustments. When new arrivals first let their horses out
the horses began immediately to eat grass. Pen areas were established for
each rig's horses. Friendly rivalries are being renewed. Riders from as far
away as Vermont, Virginia, Minnesota and Canada were converging with those
riders arriving from the Western states.
Much of the talk on Thursday centered around the weather. It seemed that in
two hour cycles there would be rain showers and then bright sun. There has
been plenty of rain this spring and the grass is high and abundant. Wild
flowers are in bloom. Most people arriving remarked at how beautiful the
site is this year.
This year's Fort Howes Endurance Rides are drawing a large field of
entrants. The 50-mile ride on Saturday, June 7, determines the AHA (Arabian
Horse Associations Region 6 championship. The 100-mile ride on Sunday is an
FEI qualifier and demonstration ride. Between 100 and 120 entrants are
The entrants in the 50-mile ride are given 12 hours to complete the course.
Entrants in the 100-mile ride are given 24 hours to complete the course. A
time of 13 hours is considered a good time in the 100-mile ride. Horses must
make mandatory, periodic stops during ride. During these rest stops a
veterinary checks the horse for soundness and metabolic fitness. If a horse
passes the veterinary check it can proceed on the next leg of the ride.
The Fort Howes Endurance Rides are held about 25 miles South of Ashland,
Montana, off Otter Creek Road. They are hosted by Bill and Jan Stevens on
the old Circle Bar Ranch. The rides traverse their property in the valley
and the Custer National Forest in the hills above their ranch. They include
100-mile, 50-mile and 25-mile rides.
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Ashland, Montana (June 5, 2003): Riders and horses continued to arrive and
set up camp in a grass/alfalfa field 20 miles South of Ashland, Montana.
This is the site of the Fort Howes Endurance Rides, held each year on Bill
and Jan Stevens Circle Bar Ranch and the surrounding Custer National
Forest. There is a 50-mile and a 100-mile on Sunday, June 8. Fifty-mile and
25-mile rides will be held on June 7.
Today the Stevens' field is the home to a small village of mostly
self-contained horse rigs. Thursday night there were about 50 rigs. Thursday
the 100-mile riders were riding their horses out to check the trails and
make last minute adjustments. When new arrivals first let their horses out
the horses began immediately to eat grass. Pen areas were established for
each rig's horses. Friendly rivalries are being renewed. Riders from as far
away as Vermont, Virginia, Minnesota and Canada were converging with those
riders arriving from the Western states.
Much of the talk on Thursday centered around the weather. It seemed that in
two hour cycles there would be rain showers and then bright sun. There has
been plenty of rain this spring and the grass is high and abundant. Wild
flowers are in bloom. Most people arriving remarked at how beautiful the
site is this year.
This year's Fort Howes Endurance Rides are drawing a large field of
entrants. The 50-mile ride on Saturday, June 7, determines the AHA (Arabian
Horse Associations Region 6 championship. The 100-mile ride on Sunday is an
FEI qualifier and demonstration ride. Between 100 and 120 entrants are
The entrants in the 50-mile ride are given 12 hours to complete the course.
Entrants in the 100-mile ride are given 24 hours to complete the course. A
time of 13 hours is considered a good time in the 100-mile ride. Horses must
make mandatory, periodic stops during ride. During these rest stops a
veterinary checks the horse for soundness and metabolic fitness. If a horse
passes the veterinary check it can proceed on the next leg of the ride.
The Fort Howes Endurance Rides are held about 25 miles South of Ashland,
Montana, off Otter Creek Road. They are hosted by Bill and Jan Stevens on
the old Circle Bar Ranch. The rides traverse their property in the valley
and the Custer National Forest in the hills above their ranch. They include
100-mile, 50-mile and 25-mile rides.
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
[DR] Trail to connect Carson to Sacramento
On Behalf Of Julie Suhr
In 1976, in honor of our 30th wedding anniversary on June 29th, Bob and I
mounted horses on the front walk of the Nevada State Capitol in Carson City
and rode over the coarse of six days to the front lawn of the state capitol
of California in Sacramento.
We arrived in Sacramento on the 4th of July, our country's bicentennial
birthday. We rode up the lawn to the capitol steps in Sacramento and were
followed by two motorcycle police officers who told us to leave in no
uncertain terms. We did, mission accomplished. So the trail that Karen
mentioned to us is feasible, but probably more obstacles to surmount than we
had in 1976.
Julie Suhr
In 1976, in honor of our 30th wedding anniversary on June 29th, Bob and I
mounted horses on the front walk of the Nevada State Capitol in Carson City
and rode over the coarse of six days to the front lawn of the state capitol
of California in Sacramento.
We arrived in Sacramento on the 4th of July, our country's bicentennial
birthday. We rode up the lawn to the capitol steps in Sacramento and were
followed by two motorcycle police officers who told us to leave in no
uncertain terms. We did, mission accomplished. So the trail that Karen
mentioned to us is feasible, but probably more obstacles to surmount than we
had in 1976.
Julie Suhr
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
[DR] Trail to connect Carson to Sacramento
On Behalf Of DreamWeaver
I copied the story for those of you that might not be able to view it. :-)
By Jill Keller, Appeal Staff Writer
Taking a horse ride, bike trip or hike from downtown Carson City up to and
around Lake Tahoe and into Sacramento may someday be a smooth and
continuous route connected by a single 200-mile trail.
Carson City is scheduled to be the first local government to officially
endorse a regional agreement to support the Capital to Capital Regional
Project officials will ask Carson's Parks and Recreation Commission tonight
for a recommendation to support the $30 million trail project to be
forwarded to the city's Board of Supervisors.
The idea is to increase public access to the Sierra Nevada and the north
fork of the American River, said John Ramirez, Placer County administrator
of parks and grounds.
The proposed regional link will offer transitions from oak forests to river
views, from high country to lake vistas, but it will only be available by
foot, horse or bike.
"We wanted a trail that the general public could hike to see these
spectacular areas," Ramirez said.
The existing trails are designed more for a "world-class athlete" and not
easily traveled by the average person, he said.
Some links of the proposed trail will:
-- Connect the American River Parkway Trail in Sacramento to the Pioneer
Express Trail through the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, to reach the
Auburn area of Placer County
-- Parallel the north fork of the American River
-- Skirt the Granite Chief Wilderness and pass through the more than 2,000
acres of recently acquired Shallenberger Ridge land near Donner Memorial
State Park
-- Continue through Martis Valley and connect to the Tahoe Rim Trial near
Tahoe City
-- Build new trail from the Tahoe Rim Trail through Kings Canyon to Carson
Connecting Carson with the rest of the proposed system and the Tahoe Rim
Trail fits into existing recreation plans for Kings Canyon, said Steve
Kastens, director of parks and recreation for the city. Most of the trail
from the city to the connection to the Tahoe Rim Trail is already in place.
Kings Canyon Road was historically used to go to Lake Tahoe.
"It's pretty much of a natural for us," Kastens said. "We just have to do a
few things to make it a reality here in Carson."
Placer County Supervisor Rex Bloomfield proposed the project more than a
year ago, and the county has secured $1.5 million in grant funding from
Placer County will seek signatures of commitment on a memorandum of
understanding from Washoe, Placer and Sacramento counties and Carson City
then use the document to apply for federal and state funds for the project.
The trail is expected to be completed within 10 years, if Placer County can
get funding and cooperation from the public within a reasonable amount of
time, Ramirez said.
The first phase of the project, which may begin in two years, will include
Carson City's connection to the Tahoe Rim Trail through Kings Canyon at
Spooner Summit.
Part of the plan will be to clear vegetation and level existing trails
along the path so horses, bicyclists and hikers can easily travel them,
Ramirez said.
Sacramento links have already been connected to Auburn, and the project has
gained letters of support from several local governments and agencies.
"There's been a lot of support; now we're after funding," Ramirez said.
If Carson parks and recreation commissioners recommend signing the
agreement with Placer for the project, it will be forwarded to the city's
Board of Supervisors for final approval.
What: Carson City Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
When: 5:30 p.m. today
Where: Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
I copied the story for those of you that might not be able to view it. :-)
By Jill Keller, Appeal Staff Writer
Taking a horse ride, bike trip or hike from downtown Carson City up to and
around Lake Tahoe and into Sacramento may someday be a smooth and
continuous route connected by a single 200-mile trail.
Carson City is scheduled to be the first local government to officially
endorse a regional agreement to support the Capital to Capital Regional
Project officials will ask Carson's Parks and Recreation Commission tonight
for a recommendation to support the $30 million trail project to be
forwarded to the city's Board of Supervisors.
The idea is to increase public access to the Sierra Nevada and the north
fork of the American River, said John Ramirez, Placer County administrator
of parks and grounds.
The proposed regional link will offer transitions from oak forests to river
views, from high country to lake vistas, but it will only be available by
foot, horse or bike.
"We wanted a trail that the general public could hike to see these
spectacular areas," Ramirez said.
The existing trails are designed more for a "world-class athlete" and not
easily traveled by the average person, he said.
Some links of the proposed trail will:
-- Connect the American River Parkway Trail in Sacramento to the Pioneer
Express Trail through the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area, to reach the
Auburn area of Placer County
-- Parallel the north fork of the American River
-- Skirt the Granite Chief Wilderness and pass through the more than 2,000
acres of recently acquired Shallenberger Ridge land near Donner Memorial
State Park
-- Continue through Martis Valley and connect to the Tahoe Rim Trial near
Tahoe City
-- Build new trail from the Tahoe Rim Trail through Kings Canyon to Carson
Connecting Carson with the rest of the proposed system and the Tahoe Rim
Trail fits into existing recreation plans for Kings Canyon, said Steve
Kastens, director of parks and recreation for the city. Most of the trail
from the city to the connection to the Tahoe Rim Trail is already in place.
Kings Canyon Road was historically used to go to Lake Tahoe.
"It's pretty much of a natural for us," Kastens said. "We just have to do a
few things to make it a reality here in Carson."
Placer County Supervisor Rex Bloomfield proposed the project more than a
year ago, and the county has secured $1.5 million in grant funding from
Placer County will seek signatures of commitment on a memorandum of
understanding from Washoe, Placer and Sacramento counties and Carson City
then use the document to apply for federal and state funds for the project.
The trail is expected to be completed within 10 years, if Placer County can
get funding and cooperation from the public within a reasonable amount of
time, Ramirez said.
The first phase of the project, which may begin in two years, will include
Carson City's connection to the Tahoe Rim Trail through Kings Canyon at
Spooner Summit.
Part of the plan will be to clear vegetation and level existing trails
along the path so horses, bicyclists and hikers can easily travel them,
Ramirez said.
Sacramento links have already been connected to Auburn, and the project has
gained letters of support from several local governments and agencies.
"There's been a lot of support; now we're after funding," Ramirez said.
If Carson parks and recreation commissioners recommend signing the
agreement with Placer for the project, it will be forwarded to the city's
Board of Supervisors for final approval.
What: Carson City Parks and Recreation Commission meeting
When: 5:30 p.m. today
Where: Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.
2003 Mt. Charleston Results(unofficial)
On Beahof of PEGGASIS
(This ride will be moving to the Fall, Sept. 17/18/19, 2004. It will be a
pioneer ride with a LD on Sunday. 55/50/30/50.)
Mt. C - 75 mile 12 riders 7 finished
Dabney Finch, riding Orzo (well sometimes) 1st FW & BC - 8:13
Pete Davies, riding Beeware 1st LW 8:34
Alison Farrin, riding Caer Donn 9:25
Tammy Robinson, riding TR Sharkee 10:55
Charlene Stueve, riding TR Hobo 10:56 1st MW
Nancy Donaldson, riding, KS Starbuck 11:13
Brooke Schick, riding TR Spirited Music 11:14
Betsy Mongrain, riding FS Any Question L
Richard Fuess, riding Red October M
Gary Glazer, riding Acting Up ROM
Richard Fonseca, riding Alidar ROM
Linda Morelli, riding OSO Etykan M
50 mile 6 riders all finished
Patty Danley, riding Rushcreek Dee !st LW and BC 7:15
Sandy Prior, riding Suntiki 1st FW 7:48
Barbara Fredy, riding Haat Shaatina 7:48
Dayna Weary, riding Heisman 10:00
Bruce Weary, riding Laredo 1st HW 10:00
Jodette Poe, riding Indian Magic 10:30
50 mile day 2, 9 riders all finished
Patty Danley, riding Rushcreek Dee, 1st LW and BC 7:09
Sandy Prior, riding Suntiki 7:49 1st FW
Jennifer Davies, riding Pokatia 8:28
Teren Lindsay, riding TA Sarena 1st Junior 8:50
Autunm Barclay, riding DBA Aerial Mist 8:50
Jodette Poe, riding Indian Magic 10:05
Mohamed Rouas, riding Blu Magic 10:25 1st MW
Tammy Robinson, riding TR Katie Bar The Door 10:29
Charlene Stueve, riding TR Whyatt 10:29
(This ride will be moving to the Fall, Sept. 17/18/19, 2004. It will be a
pioneer ride with a LD on Sunday. 55/50/30/50.)
Mt. C - 75 mile 12 riders 7 finished
Dabney Finch, riding Orzo (well sometimes) 1st FW & BC - 8:13
Pete Davies, riding Beeware 1st LW 8:34
Alison Farrin, riding Caer Donn 9:25
Tammy Robinson, riding TR Sharkee 10:55
Charlene Stueve, riding TR Hobo 10:56 1st MW
Nancy Donaldson, riding, KS Starbuck 11:13
Brooke Schick, riding TR Spirited Music 11:14
Betsy Mongrain, riding FS Any Question L
Richard Fuess, riding Red October M
Gary Glazer, riding Acting Up ROM
Richard Fonseca, riding Alidar ROM
Linda Morelli, riding OSO Etykan M
50 mile 6 riders all finished
Patty Danley, riding Rushcreek Dee !st LW and BC 7:15
Sandy Prior, riding Suntiki 1st FW 7:48
Barbara Fredy, riding Haat Shaatina 7:48
Dayna Weary, riding Heisman 10:00
Bruce Weary, riding Laredo 1st HW 10:00
Jodette Poe, riding Indian Magic 10:30
50 mile day 2, 9 riders all finished
Patty Danley, riding Rushcreek Dee, 1st LW and BC 7:09
Sandy Prior, riding Suntiki 7:49 1st FW
Jennifer Davies, riding Pokatia 8:28
Teren Lindsay, riding TA Sarena 1st Junior 8:50
Autunm Barclay, riding DBA Aerial Mist 8:50
Jodette Poe, riding Indian Magic 10:05
Mohamed Rouas, riding Blu Magic 10:25 1st MW
Tammy Robinson, riding TR Katie Bar The Door 10:29
Charlene Stueve, riding TR Whyatt 10:29
Monday, May 19, 2003
2003 PanAmerican Championship Squads: Canada
Canada: Squad lists for 2003 Pan American Championship
Canada WEST
Chef d'Equipe - Monika Smith Canada
Team Veterinarian - James Carmalt
Assistant Chef d'Equipe - Jan Marsh
Crew Manager - Marin Marsh
Ride Rep - Eve Comrie
Canada West Squad in Ranked Order
1) Larry Handziuk and XXX Flashman 5653
2) Audrey Grieb and Special Delivery 5478
3) Myna Cryderman and SCA Dartagnan 5449
4) Daphne Richard and Cuchulain 4567
5) Trisha Dowling and AU Kari On 4314
6) Kevin Myers and Wyatt 4058
7) Lana Halisheff and BH Rinnah 3530
8) Karen Badger and What a Breeze 2121
9) Eve Comrie and Zephryr 2053
10) Kelvin Godin and Nero 1825
11) Susan Wensink and Rio's Amigo 656
12) Jenny Loverock and Indy 614
Canada West Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Myna Cryderman and Night Skye 4547
2) Myna Cryderman and TA Tango 4174
3) Kevin Myers and Dostoyevsky 3591
4) Trisha Dowling and ZF Porsche 3514
5) Lana Halisheff and XE Dream Catcher 2259
Canada West Alternate Riders in Ranked Order
1) Christy Janzen and Special Delivery 7011
2) Christy Janzen and BH Rinnah 5198
3) Christy Janzen and Nero 4998
4) Christy Janzen XE Dream Catcher 3927
Canada EAST
Canada East Chef d'Equipe - Kay Melvin
Canada East Team Veterinarian - Stan Alkemade
Canada East Sqaud in Ranked Order:
1) Wendy Benns and Flirt With Ecstacy 5539
2) Carol Steiner and MX Tio Vivo 4867
3) Yvette Vinton and EH Malachi 4756
4) Ruth Sturley and RBF Super Sport 3936
5) Deborah Strand and Aaristocat 3160
6) Nancy Beacon and Traverston Cob 2947
7) Joan Storrey and Aquilla (Soaring Eagle) 2338
8) Teresa Finnerty and Red Express 1682
9) Richelle Burnside and Briggadeere 1024
10) Jacquie Breckner and CH Kahlua 466
Canda East Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Yvette Vinton and JS Sedona Sun 3566 Canada East Alternate Riders in
Ranked Order
1) Jancquie Breckner and Traverston Cob 2180
Canada WEST
Chef d'Equipe - Monika Smith Canada
Team Veterinarian - James Carmalt
Assistant Chef d'Equipe - Jan Marsh
Crew Manager - Marin Marsh
Ride Rep - Eve Comrie
Canada West Squad in Ranked Order
1) Larry Handziuk and XXX Flashman 5653
2) Audrey Grieb and Special Delivery 5478
3) Myna Cryderman and SCA Dartagnan 5449
4) Daphne Richard and Cuchulain 4567
5) Trisha Dowling and AU Kari On 4314
6) Kevin Myers and Wyatt 4058
7) Lana Halisheff and BH Rinnah 3530
8) Karen Badger and What a Breeze 2121
9) Eve Comrie and Zephryr 2053
10) Kelvin Godin and Nero 1825
11) Susan Wensink and Rio's Amigo 656
12) Jenny Loverock and Indy 614
Canada West Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Myna Cryderman and Night Skye 4547
2) Myna Cryderman and TA Tango 4174
3) Kevin Myers and Dostoyevsky 3591
4) Trisha Dowling and ZF Porsche 3514
5) Lana Halisheff and XE Dream Catcher 2259
Canada West Alternate Riders in Ranked Order
1) Christy Janzen and Special Delivery 7011
2) Christy Janzen and BH Rinnah 5198
3) Christy Janzen and Nero 4998
4) Christy Janzen XE Dream Catcher 3927
Canada EAST
Canada East Chef d'Equipe - Kay Melvin
Canada East Team Veterinarian - Stan Alkemade
Canada East Sqaud in Ranked Order:
1) Wendy Benns and Flirt With Ecstacy 5539
2) Carol Steiner and MX Tio Vivo 4867
3) Yvette Vinton and EH Malachi 4756
4) Ruth Sturley and RBF Super Sport 3936
5) Deborah Strand and Aaristocat 3160
6) Nancy Beacon and Traverston Cob 2947
7) Joan Storrey and Aquilla (Soaring Eagle) 2338
8) Teresa Finnerty and Red Express 1682
9) Richelle Burnside and Briggadeere 1024
10) Jacquie Breckner and CH Kahlua 466
Canda East Alternate Horses in Ranked Order
1) Yvette Vinton and JS Sedona Sun 3566 Canada East Alternate Riders in
Ranked Order
1) Jancquie Breckner and Traverston Cob 2180
Mt. Charleston Challenge - preliminary results
On Behalf Of Peggie
Hello all;
Just a quick update on the ride.
Dabney won the 75 mile and Orzo took BC
Patty Danley and Dee Dee won and Bc'd the 50.
When I left today, Patty was way ahead of everyone. Dee Dee looks great.
Sandy Prior was is 2nd place with Suntiki.
I'll post the results at a later time.
Happy Trails,
Hello all;
Just a quick update on the ride.
Dabney won the 75 mile and Orzo took BC
Patty Danley and Dee Dee won and Bc'd the 50.
When I left today, Patty was way ahead of everyone. Dee Dee looks great.
Sandy Prior was is 2nd place with Suntiki.
I'll post the results at a later time.
Happy Trails,
Quicksilver Ride Results
]On Behalf Of
This is a beautiful ride but an extremely difficult ride and all finishers
are to be congratulated.....mb
44 starts with 32 finishes
1 Jeremy Reynolds/LA Al Zarka Sudan -- BC
2 Vincent Howes/HF Zachary
3 Ulla Howes/Kesil
4 Mike Tracy/Aron Moon+/
5 Laura Fend/Stormy Weather MA - High Vet Score
6 Brenda BenklyWindswift
7 Ray Visco;SHASR Sky Rocket
8 Hayley Sullivan/SE Blue Max - 1st Junior
9 Suzanne Sullivan/Havanna Bey
10 Godfrey Sullivan/Asjah's Gift
11 Tamara Nute/Ibn El Pharo - Bridesmaid's Award
12 Ranelle Rubin/Banzit
13 Robert Yohe/Tamarron Red Rapture
14 Linda Glzaier Yohe/Tatopani
15 Lucas Belser/Khontessa
16 Peter David/LL Bayamo
17 Katie Alton/Hy Time
18 Jazon Wonders/Brahm Gyani
19 Jette Jark/Kabir
20 Nate Reynaud/Cocaina
21 Doug Raynaud/Comet
22 Gary Belser/LA Majestic
23 Martha Merriam/Duncan
24 Haily Daeumler/Alosha
25 Gloria Vanderford/Competition Sunny
26 Robert Finston/Windcharm CMF
27 Kenneth McKenzie/Tuff Stuff
28 Karla Perkins/Cherub
29 Kathy Mayeda/Beau Joust
30 Susan Siebert/Phoenix Affair
31 Lynn Wyman/TP Mystic Fire
32 Marjorie Vulk/Princess
Nancy Corbelletta/Steel Fire II - L
Rick Kastner/Jimmy - L
Cheryl Davidson/Victor - M
Marry Garren, MPA Silver - m
Sarah McGinn/Spotlight - M
Shayne Smith/KF Knight's M
Alexis Goldner/CR Montana - M
Carla Ambriz/Kemo's Bold - RO
Leisa Belser/April Windstar - DQ
Nancy Liegmann - OT
Trilby Pederson - OT
Georgina Robinson - OT
There were three horses on the ride with the TP name.
TP Classic Fire
TP Mystic Fire
TP Gypsy Fire
Interesting......The 23'd place horse, Duncan, is a great big Hanovarian.
LD finishes:
23 started and 18 finished
Elisabet Hyatt/Moonmars Mercedes
Cathy Gemperline/Airborne
Steve Staub/Rexcali ber
Debbie Boscoe/Alexander The Great - Horse Excellence Award
Katelin McLarney/Courage
Kerstin Leuther/Maique
Shaylin Hoye/Check
April McKenzie/Sports Kheki
Patrick Mcdonald/Shadow Batal
Deb Sell/Korbell
Brendalin Ashley/TP Gypsy Fire -- Horse Excellence Award
Julie Suhr/Linyanti
Heather Denison/EVG Rhys
Sheila Kumar/CAssy
Rachelle Winsted/Bayreem
Justin Dollar/Seven
Noel Powers/Mineral's Flax
Trina Romo/Major Score
Kate Tancer/Darlaski - M
Barbara Berlitz/Smoky - OT
Bob Denison/T.P. Classic Fire - OT
Jack McMenimon/Sheba Mac - OT
Lynda Moulton/ET's Mr Master - OT
This is a beautiful ride but an extremely difficult ride and all finishers
are to be congratulated.....mb
44 starts with 32 finishes
1 Jeremy Reynolds/LA Al Zarka Sudan -- BC
2 Vincent Howes/HF Zachary
3 Ulla Howes/Kesil
4 Mike Tracy/Aron Moon+/
5 Laura Fend/Stormy Weather MA - High Vet Score
6 Brenda BenklyWindswift
7 Ray Visco;SHASR Sky Rocket
8 Hayley Sullivan/SE Blue Max - 1st Junior
9 Suzanne Sullivan/Havanna Bey
10 Godfrey Sullivan/Asjah's Gift
11 Tamara Nute/Ibn El Pharo - Bridesmaid's Award
12 Ranelle Rubin/Banzit
13 Robert Yohe/Tamarron Red Rapture
14 Linda Glzaier Yohe/Tatopani
15 Lucas Belser/Khontessa
16 Peter David/LL Bayamo
17 Katie Alton/Hy Time
18 Jazon Wonders/Brahm Gyani
19 Jette Jark/Kabir
20 Nate Reynaud/Cocaina
21 Doug Raynaud/Comet
22 Gary Belser/LA Majestic
23 Martha Merriam/Duncan
24 Haily Daeumler/Alosha
25 Gloria Vanderford/Competition Sunny
26 Robert Finston/Windcharm CMF
27 Kenneth McKenzie/Tuff Stuff
28 Karla Perkins/Cherub
29 Kathy Mayeda/Beau Joust
30 Susan Siebert/Phoenix Affair
31 Lynn Wyman/TP Mystic Fire
32 Marjorie Vulk/Princess
Nancy Corbelletta/Steel Fire II - L
Rick Kastner/Jimmy - L
Cheryl Davidson/Victor - M
Marry Garren, MPA Silver - m
Sarah McGinn/Spotlight - M
Shayne Smith/KF Knight's M
Alexis Goldner/CR Montana - M
Carla Ambriz/Kemo's Bold - RO
Leisa Belser/April Windstar - DQ
Nancy Liegmann - OT
Trilby Pederson - OT
Georgina Robinson - OT
There were three horses on the ride with the TP name.
TP Classic Fire
TP Mystic Fire
TP Gypsy Fire
Interesting......The 23'd place horse, Duncan, is a great big Hanovarian.
LD finishes:
23 started and 18 finished
Elisabet Hyatt/Moonmars Mercedes
Cathy Gemperline/Airborne
Steve Staub/Rexcali ber
Debbie Boscoe/Alexander The Great - Horse Excellence Award
Katelin McLarney/Courage
Kerstin Leuther/Maique
Shaylin Hoye/Check
April McKenzie/Sports Kheki
Patrick Mcdonald/Shadow Batal
Deb Sell/Korbell
Brendalin Ashley/TP Gypsy Fire -- Horse Excellence Award
Julie Suhr/Linyanti
Heather Denison/EVG Rhys
Sheila Kumar/CAssy
Rachelle Winsted/Bayreem
Justin Dollar/Seven
Noel Powers/Mineral's Flax
Trina Romo/Major Score
Kate Tancer/Darlaski - M
Barbara Berlitz/Smoky - OT
Bob Denison/T.P. Classic Fire - OT
Jack McMenimon/Sheba Mac - OT
Lynda Moulton/ET's Mr Master - OT
Quicksilver Ride Results
]On Behalf Of
This is a beautiful ride but an extremely difficult ride and all finishers
are to be congratulated.....mb
44 starts with 32 finishes
1 Jeremy Reynolds/LA Al Zarka Sudan -- BC
2 Vincent Howes/HF Zachary
3 Ulla Howes/Kesil
4 Mike Tracy/Aron Moon+/
5 Laura Fend/Stormy Weather MA - High Vet Score
6 Brenda BenklyWindswift
7 Ray Visco;SHASR Sky Rocket
8 Hayley Sullivan/SE Blue Max - 1st Junior
9 Suzanne Sullivan/Havanna Bey
10 Godfrey Sullivan/Asjah's Gift
11 Tamara Nute/Ibn El Pharo - Bridesmaid's Award
12 Ranelle Rubin/Banzit
13 Robert Yohe/Tamarron Red Rapture
14 Linda Glzaier Yohe/Tatopani
15 Lucas Belser/Khontessa
16 Peter David/LL Bayamo
17 Katie Alton/Hy Time
18 Jazon Wonders/Brahm Gyani
19 Jette Jark/Kabir
20 Nate Reynaud/Cocaina
21 Doug Raynaud/Comet
22 Gary Belser/LA Majestic
23 Martha Merriam/Duncan
24 Haily Daeumler/Alosha
25 Gloria Vanderford/Competition Sunny
26 Robert Finston/Windcharm CMF
27 Kenneth McKenzie/Tuff Stuff
28 Karla Perkins/Cherub
29 Kathy Mayeda/Beau Joust
30 Susan Siebert/Phoenix Affair
31 Lynn Wyman/TP Mystic Fire
32 Marjorie Vulk/Princess
Nancy Corbelletta/Steel Fire II - L
Rick Kastner/Jimmy - L
Cheryl Davidson/Victor - M
Marry Garren, MPA Silver - m
Sarah McGinn/Spotlight - M
Shayne Smith/KF Knight's M
Alexis Goldner/CR Montana - M
Carla Ambriz/Kemo's Bold - RO
Leisa Belser/April Windstar - DQ
Nancy Liegmann - OT
Trilby Pederson - OT
Georgina Robinson - OT
There were three horses on the ride with the TP name.
TP Classic Fire
TP Mystic Fire
TP Gypsy Fire
Interesting......The 23'd place horse, Duncan, is a great big Hanovarian.
LD finishes:
23 started and 18 finished
Elisabet Hyatt/Moonmars Mercedes
Cathy Gemperline/Airborne
Steve Staub/Rexcali ber
Debbie Boscoe/Alexander The Great - Horse Excellence Award
Katelin McLarney/Courage
Kerstin Leuther/Maique
Shaylin Hoye/Check
April McKenzie/Sports Kheki
Patrick Mcdonald/Shadow Batal
Deb Sell/Korbell
Brendalin Ashley/TP Gypsy Fire -- Horse Excellence Award
Julie Suhr/Linyanti
Heather Denison/EVG Rhys
Sheila Kumar/CAssy
Rachelle Winsted/Bayreem
Justin Dollar/Seven
Noel Powers/Mineral's Flax
Trina Romo/Major Score
Kate Tancer/Darlaski - M
Barbara Berlitz/Smoky - OT
Bob Denison/T.P. Classic Fire - OT
Jack McMenimon/Sheba Mac - OT
Lynda Moulton/ET's Mr Master - OT
This is a beautiful ride but an extremely difficult ride and all finishers
are to be congratulated.....mb
44 starts with 32 finishes
1 Jeremy Reynolds/LA Al Zarka Sudan -- BC
2 Vincent Howes/HF Zachary
3 Ulla Howes/Kesil
4 Mike Tracy/Aron Moon+/
5 Laura Fend/Stormy Weather MA - High Vet Score
6 Brenda BenklyWindswift
7 Ray Visco;SHASR Sky Rocket
8 Hayley Sullivan/SE Blue Max - 1st Junior
9 Suzanne Sullivan/Havanna Bey
10 Godfrey Sullivan/Asjah's Gift
11 Tamara Nute/Ibn El Pharo - Bridesmaid's Award
12 Ranelle Rubin/Banzit
13 Robert Yohe/Tamarron Red Rapture
14 Linda Glzaier Yohe/Tatopani
15 Lucas Belser/Khontessa
16 Peter David/LL Bayamo
17 Katie Alton/Hy Time
18 Jazon Wonders/Brahm Gyani
19 Jette Jark/Kabir
20 Nate Reynaud/Cocaina
21 Doug Raynaud/Comet
22 Gary Belser/LA Majestic
23 Martha Merriam/Duncan
24 Haily Daeumler/Alosha
25 Gloria Vanderford/Competition Sunny
26 Robert Finston/Windcharm CMF
27 Kenneth McKenzie/Tuff Stuff
28 Karla Perkins/Cherub
29 Kathy Mayeda/Beau Joust
30 Susan Siebert/Phoenix Affair
31 Lynn Wyman/TP Mystic Fire
32 Marjorie Vulk/Princess
Nancy Corbelletta/Steel Fire II - L
Rick Kastner/Jimmy - L
Cheryl Davidson/Victor - M
Marry Garren, MPA Silver - m
Sarah McGinn/Spotlight - M
Shayne Smith/KF Knight's M
Alexis Goldner/CR Montana - M
Carla Ambriz/Kemo's Bold - RO
Leisa Belser/April Windstar - DQ
Nancy Liegmann - OT
Trilby Pederson - OT
Georgina Robinson - OT
There were three horses on the ride with the TP name.
TP Classic Fire
TP Mystic Fire
TP Gypsy Fire
Interesting......The 23'd place horse, Duncan, is a great big Hanovarian.
LD finishes:
23 started and 18 finished
Elisabet Hyatt/Moonmars Mercedes
Cathy Gemperline/Airborne
Steve Staub/Rexcali ber
Debbie Boscoe/Alexander The Great - Horse Excellence Award
Katelin McLarney/Courage
Kerstin Leuther/Maique
Shaylin Hoye/Check
April McKenzie/Sports Kheki
Patrick Mcdonald/Shadow Batal
Deb Sell/Korbell
Brendalin Ashley/TP Gypsy Fire -- Horse Excellence Award
Julie Suhr/Linyanti
Heather Denison/EVG Rhys
Sheila Kumar/CAssy
Rachelle Winsted/Bayreem
Justin Dollar/Seven
Noel Powers/Mineral's Flax
Trina Romo/Major Score
Kate Tancer/Darlaski - M
Barbara Berlitz/Smoky - OT
Bob Denison/T.P. Classic Fire - OT
Jack McMenimon/Sheba Mac - OT
Lynda Moulton/ET's Mr Master - OT
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
IntNewsGroup: USOC Concludes First Public Hearing On Equestrian NGB Application
On Behalf Of Lori & Rick Stewart
For further information, please contact:
Marty Bauman, United States Equestrian Team, (508) 698-6810, or
Sarah Holt, USA Equestrian, (859) 225-6974,
USOC Concludes First Public Hearing On Equestrian NGB Application
Gladstone, New Jersey and Lexington, Kentucky?May 7, 2003?As required under
United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Bylaws, the first of two public
hearings regarding the proposed new National Governing Body (NGB) for the
sport of equestrian was held on Saturday, May 3, 2003. Attending the
meeting were Armand Leone, Jr., U.S. Equestrian Team (USET) President;
Bonnie B. Jenkins, USET Executive Director; Kathy K. Meyer, USA Equestrian
Treasurer; Lori Rawls, USA Equestrian Executive Director; and John Collins,
The meeting was held to consider the joint application of USET and USA
Equestrian for the creation of a new NGB, to be formally named U.S.
Equestrian Federation, Inc. and to be publicly known as U.S. Equestrian.
The joint application was discussed with members of the USOC Membership &
Credentials Committee.
The meeting concluded favorably and both USET and USA Equestrian feel that
everything remains on track for final approval by the USOC. The two
organizations expect to receive a letter from the Committee in the near
future regarding any suggestions or changes the Committee might like made to
the application.
The Boards of both USET and USA Equestrian will meet in May and June to
review plans and to discuss formation of the new NGB. The first
organizational meeting of U.S. Equestrian Federation, Inc. will be on July
The second and final public hearing on the joint NGB application is
scheduled for September
13. Following this hearing, the Membership & Credentials Committee will
give its recommendation to the USOC Board of Directors who will meet on
October 18-19 to give final approval of the new NGB.
For further information, please contact:
Marty Bauman, United States Equestrian Team, (508) 698-6810, or
Sarah Holt, USA Equestrian, (859) 225-6974,
USOC Concludes First Public Hearing On Equestrian NGB Application
Gladstone, New Jersey and Lexington, Kentucky?May 7, 2003?As required under
United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Bylaws, the first of two public
hearings regarding the proposed new National Governing Body (NGB) for the
sport of equestrian was held on Saturday, May 3, 2003. Attending the
meeting were Armand Leone, Jr., U.S. Equestrian Team (USET) President;
Bonnie B. Jenkins, USET Executive Director; Kathy K. Meyer, USA Equestrian
Treasurer; Lori Rawls, USA Equestrian Executive Director; and John Collins,
The meeting was held to consider the joint application of USET and USA
Equestrian for the creation of a new NGB, to be formally named U.S.
Equestrian Federation, Inc. and to be publicly known as U.S. Equestrian.
The joint application was discussed with members of the USOC Membership &
Credentials Committee.
The meeting concluded favorably and both USET and USA Equestrian feel that
everything remains on track for final approval by the USOC. The two
organizations expect to receive a letter from the Committee in the near
future regarding any suggestions or changes the Committee might like made to
the application.
The Boards of both USET and USA Equestrian will meet in May and June to
review plans and to discuss formation of the new NGB. The first
organizational meeting of U.S. Equestrian Federation, Inc. will be on July
The second and final public hearing on the joint NGB application is
scheduled for September
13. Following this hearing, the Membership & Credentials Committee will
give its recommendation to the USOC Board of Directors who will meet on
October 18-19 to give final approval of the new NGB.
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
[RC] Washoe Valley AERC/CEI*** 100 results
On Behalf Of Connie Creech
AERC ride - 44 starters / 27 finishers
FEI ride - 27 starters / 17 finishers * denotes FEI rider
Best Condition - PR Tallymark ridden by Michelle Roush
1. Heather Reynolds / LF Master Motion 10:44 14.91 km/h
2. * Michelle Roush / PR Tallymark 11:37 13.77 km/h
3. * Alexandra North / CV Butter Bea 11:59 13.35 km/h
4. * Dennis Tracy / San Ffrancisco 12:17 13.02 km/h
5. * Jeremy Reynolds / LF Al Zarka Sudan 12:18 13.00 km/h
6. * Marcia Smith / SA Proud Endeavor+/ 12:18 13:00 km/h
7. * Sharon Westergard / CR Farazi 12:24 12.90 km/h
8. * Barry Waitte / Gulastras Streak 13:04 12.24 km/h
9. * Jeff Townsend / Kann Sam Count 13:11 12.13 km/h
10. * Judy Reens / Benjih+// 13:34 11.79 km/h
11. Robert Oram / Traveler 13:34 11.79 km/h
12. * Jenny Kirk / V Serrat 13:48 11.59 km/h
13. * Nancy Elliot / Sequoia 13:48 11.59 km/h
14. * Cassandra Schuler / Eld Triton 13:56 11.48 km/h
15. Vicki Giles / Robin Hood 13:56 11.48 km/h
16. * Shellie Hatfield / Shebas 14:08 11.32 km/h
17. Dave Rabe / Warrior 14:31 11.02 km/h
18. Carolyn Meier / KJ Mozart 14:31 11.02 km/h
19. * Beverly Gray / SHR Syncopated Lady 15:08 10.57 km/h
20. * Martha McMurray / Crona Prince 15:08 10.57 km/h
21. * C. Louise Smith / Lady Avalon 15:33 10.28 km/h
22. Sala Sherwood / Roper 15:49 10.12 km/h
23. Dannan Yeagley / Blue 16:47 9.53 km/h
24. * Gesa Brinks / Sparkling Sky 16:47 9.53 km/h
25. Gene Myers / Karahty's Gem 17:13 9.19 km/h
26. Cyndee Pryor / Steelin Home 19:00 8.42 km/h
27. Greg Pryor / SQR Qamaar 19:00 8.42 km/h
Non- Finishers
* Pat Murray / CR Flash Gordon
* Layne Simmons / Steppin Star
* Hal V. Hall / Bogus Thunder
* Lori Oleson / WRA Flaming Fire+/
* David Kaden / Flight Leader
* Ona Lawrence / TA Mubaarak
* Dave Cootware / Talasmans Cruzer+/
* Bob Spoor / LV Cavalier
* Carolyn Hock / GT Sando
* Marcio Honorio / Paris
Dale Nance / Miracle
Bethany Dearing / LF Miracle Shot
Nicole Marlo / CW Competitor
Michel Bloch / Monsier Joseph
Carol Myers / Apache
Richard Smith / Scotch Pine Wizon
Seiichi Hasumi / Maquina
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
AERC ride - 44 starters / 27 finishers
FEI ride - 27 starters / 17 finishers * denotes FEI rider
Best Condition - PR Tallymark ridden by Michelle Roush
1. Heather Reynolds / LF Master Motion 10:44 14.91 km/h
2. * Michelle Roush / PR Tallymark 11:37 13.77 km/h
3. * Alexandra North / CV Butter Bea 11:59 13.35 km/h
4. * Dennis Tracy / San Ffrancisco 12:17 13.02 km/h
5. * Jeremy Reynolds / LF Al Zarka Sudan 12:18 13.00 km/h
6. * Marcia Smith / SA Proud Endeavor+/ 12:18 13:00 km/h
7. * Sharon Westergard / CR Farazi 12:24 12.90 km/h
8. * Barry Waitte / Gulastras Streak 13:04 12.24 km/h
9. * Jeff Townsend / Kann Sam Count 13:11 12.13 km/h
10. * Judy Reens / Benjih+// 13:34 11.79 km/h
11. Robert Oram / Traveler 13:34 11.79 km/h
12. * Jenny Kirk / V Serrat 13:48 11.59 km/h
13. * Nancy Elliot / Sequoia 13:48 11.59 km/h
14. * Cassandra Schuler / Eld Triton 13:56 11.48 km/h
15. Vicki Giles / Robin Hood 13:56 11.48 km/h
16. * Shellie Hatfield / Shebas 14:08 11.32 km/h
17. Dave Rabe / Warrior 14:31 11.02 km/h
18. Carolyn Meier / KJ Mozart 14:31 11.02 km/h
19. * Beverly Gray / SHR Syncopated Lady 15:08 10.57 km/h
20. * Martha McMurray / Crona Prince 15:08 10.57 km/h
21. * C. Louise Smith / Lady Avalon 15:33 10.28 km/h
22. Sala Sherwood / Roper 15:49 10.12 km/h
23. Dannan Yeagley / Blue 16:47 9.53 km/h
24. * Gesa Brinks / Sparkling Sky 16:47 9.53 km/h
25. Gene Myers / Karahty's Gem 17:13 9.19 km/h
26. Cyndee Pryor / Steelin Home 19:00 8.42 km/h
27. Greg Pryor / SQR Qamaar 19:00 8.42 km/h
Non- Finishers
* Pat Murray / CR Flash Gordon
* Layne Simmons / Steppin Star
* Hal V. Hall / Bogus Thunder
* Lori Oleson / WRA Flaming Fire+/
* David Kaden / Flight Leader
* Ona Lawrence / TA Mubaarak
* Dave Cootware / Talasmans Cruzer+/
* Bob Spoor / LV Cavalier
* Carolyn Hock / GT Sando
* Marcio Honorio / Paris
Dale Nance / Miracle
Bethany Dearing / LF Miracle Shot
Nicole Marlo / CW Competitor
Michel Bloch / Monsier Joseph
Carol Myers / Apache
Richard Smith / Scotch Pine Wizon
Seiichi Hasumi / Maquina
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
[RC] The LBL Express
On Behalf Of Hickory Ridge Arabians
Hello Everyone,
As new rides become available for the endurance riders there
is always some interest on how the new ride went. To that end,
here is the LBL Express story.
On Wednesday before the ride we transported 3 horses to the LBL
ride site. Two for trail marking and of course JABASK KNIGHT aka
Irene for competition. Bianca Chevalier flew in from Oregon to ride
Irene. She did a teriffic job in taking him around the course and
finished with all A's for the day.
Back to the ride site. On Wednesday the trails were in perfect
condition. Some mud is the very low spots but generally in good
shape. On Thursday it began to cloud over, and by Thursday night we
had some good showers. There went the trail. Friday it did the same
thing with some hard showers. While marking the trail on Friday,
Truman Prevatt, Jim Holland and my husband Jerry Fruth were treated
to a royal soaking by mother nature.
There was a bit of confusion with the electrical fences. Matthew the
LBL Recreation Manager announced at the ride meeting that you could
have the fences, but during the day they would have to be turned off.
With a lot of children in the camp they wanted to be careful not
to shock one of the camp urchins. That seemed to please the riders.
Saturday began with open skies and by 10 am we had a perfect
day going. Sun and a temperature for the day of 71 degrees
made for a great ride day.
By and large the riders took the mud in stride. The mud at LBL
doesn't get deep with heavy rain. The base is a gravel, and stone
base which helps drain the soil. By Sunday afternoon the trail was
beginning to dry.
We had 53 entrants in the 50 and 32 entrants in the 25 mile
limited distance ride. ALL 32 limited distance riders completed
the ride, with an hour to spare, they didn't take six hours! They
were rewarded with a large round of applause at the
awards ceremony for taking such good care of their horses.
Vetting was done by Drs. Duane Barnett, Art King, Otis Schmitt,
and Melinda Poole. Otis was the treatment vet and had a relaxed
day. One horse on the first loop had a muscle pull or light
tie up which was attended to in speedy order because Otis was
posted about 8 miles out on the first loop of the 50 miler. He
was assisted by our ham operator at that location in notifying us
of a need for an ambulance. That was the only horse for the day
that required an ambulance ride back to camp.
As the day moved along all was going well until we had a race off
for the finish line. Two riders were booking it for home, rounded
a curve and found 6 trail riders standing in a mud hole giving
their horses a drink. At that point everyone scattered, but one the
endurance rider ran into a trail rider with each going down in the mud
hole. Both riders were covered in mud and both horses required
some vet attention. The riders are ok, and the horses are on the
We have been asked back by the Forest Service for next spring(last
weekend of April 2004), and they have asked us if we would like to do
a ride this fall. They had excellent reports from other trail riders
that our riders were very courteous when passing them out on the
The buffet before the awards cermony was one of the best. The
caterer had a vegetarian lasagna that was first rate. The dinner was
topped off with Mississippi Mud Pie and an array of other desserts.
They said our riders really like Chocolate. They will certainly be
asked back next year.
Special thanks goes to Nancy Gooch, and Jackie Mitchell as timers, Kim
Ruffin, Bobbie Dolchan and Nina Gibson Barnett as scribes, Lori Greco
and Joan Tipton as pulse in. .Thank you to Lori for helping to take
down ribbons on Sunday. Thank you to Truman and Jim for helping mark
the trail, and our crew of three ham operators that kept us informed
of the riders positions during the ride. Thank you to my good friend,
Bianca for designing the LBL logo and helping me with the ride. To
all the other volunteers who just stepped in and helped, you are
A very special thanks to Matthew Edwards of the USFS in helping put
the event together. As a land manager he is the very best. We are
looking forward to working with the land managers at LBL in the
future. They are definitely orientated towards recreation.
Like every place else in the nation they are short on funds for
trail maintenance, so we are going to see what can be done to
help them out.
Thank you to all the riders that attended!!! It was a great ride!!!
50 Milers 53 started, 41 finished
High Vet Score-Susan Kasemeyer
Best Condition-Susan Kasemeyer
1. Betsey Knight-1st Lightweight
2. Karen Cummings
3. Rick Melloan-1st Middleweight
4. Patricia Bullock-1st Featherweight
5. Wendy Manicini
6. Susan Kasemeyer(High Vet score & BC)
7. Linda Joyner
8. Teresa Mascaro
9. Patty Bass
10.Rachel Boyce
11.Nancy Kucera
12.Wendy Rosenbek
13.Melissa Frame
14.Sarah Hunt Engsberg
15.Joe Schoech-1st Heavyweight
16.Josie McGhee ( 1stJR)
17.Eva De Paulis
18.Judy Sandlin
19.Christina Frame
20.Chris Frame
21.Kajsa Vikman (Flew in from California)
22.Melissa Crain
23.Ronald Chapman
24.Brenda Kenley
25.Carol Ricketts
26.Ann Branch
27.Bianca Chevalier(Flew in from Oregon)
28.Cindy Laroy Young
29.Dee Dee Cushman
30.Laurie Tichenor
31.Debbie Sutton-tie
31.Alice Farrara-tie
33.Jim Barrett
34.Lisa Winburn
35.Megan Meckfessel
36.Kelli Kirchner
37.Jim Holland
38.David Bennett
39.Robin Burris
40. Patricia Harrop
41. Teresa Searcy
25 Mile Limited Distance
Best Condition-Marsha Millis
1. Marsha Millis
2. Megan Dickman
3. Dixie Hayes
4. Julie Jackson
5. Lorena Truett
6. Bruce Nagel
7. Ashley Creswell
8. Erin Darte
9. Stephen Cummings
10.Becky Spraque
11.Jerry Brown
12.Roger Abney
13.Jennifer Whittaker
14.Gwen Jackson
15.Tamara Schoech
16.Christy Wicke
17.Louisa Witten
18.Jan Shekell
19.Russell Dewitt-1st Junior
20.Rebecca Finlay(JR)
21.Robin Dewitt
22.Wendy Shields
23.Mary Ellen Shoemaker
24.Kathy Thompson
25.Eleanor Burnett
26.Tim Hughes
27.Vicki Hughes
28.Rachel Schmalzriedt(JR)
29.Shannon Cofield
30.Lisa Norris
31.Vicki Loren
32.Deb Blackburn
Diane Fruth-Ride Manager
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Hello Everyone,
As new rides become available for the endurance riders there
is always some interest on how the new ride went. To that end,
here is the LBL Express story.
On Wednesday before the ride we transported 3 horses to the LBL
ride site. Two for trail marking and of course JABASK KNIGHT aka
Irene for competition. Bianca Chevalier flew in from Oregon to ride
Irene. She did a teriffic job in taking him around the course and
finished with all A's for the day.
Back to the ride site. On Wednesday the trails were in perfect
condition. Some mud is the very low spots but generally in good
shape. On Thursday it began to cloud over, and by Thursday night we
had some good showers. There went the trail. Friday it did the same
thing with some hard showers. While marking the trail on Friday,
Truman Prevatt, Jim Holland and my husband Jerry Fruth were treated
to a royal soaking by mother nature.
There was a bit of confusion with the electrical fences. Matthew the
LBL Recreation Manager announced at the ride meeting that you could
have the fences, but during the day they would have to be turned off.
With a lot of children in the camp they wanted to be careful not
to shock one of the camp urchins. That seemed to please the riders.
Saturday began with open skies and by 10 am we had a perfect
day going. Sun and a temperature for the day of 71 degrees
made for a great ride day.
By and large the riders took the mud in stride. The mud at LBL
doesn't get deep with heavy rain. The base is a gravel, and stone
base which helps drain the soil. By Sunday afternoon the trail was
beginning to dry.
We had 53 entrants in the 50 and 32 entrants in the 25 mile
limited distance ride. ALL 32 limited distance riders completed
the ride, with an hour to spare, they didn't take six hours! They
were rewarded with a large round of applause at the
awards ceremony for taking such good care of their horses.
Vetting was done by Drs. Duane Barnett, Art King, Otis Schmitt,
and Melinda Poole. Otis was the treatment vet and had a relaxed
day. One horse on the first loop had a muscle pull or light
tie up which was attended to in speedy order because Otis was
posted about 8 miles out on the first loop of the 50 miler. He
was assisted by our ham operator at that location in notifying us
of a need for an ambulance. That was the only horse for the day
that required an ambulance ride back to camp.
As the day moved along all was going well until we had a race off
for the finish line. Two riders were booking it for home, rounded
a curve and found 6 trail riders standing in a mud hole giving
their horses a drink. At that point everyone scattered, but one the
endurance rider ran into a trail rider with each going down in the mud
hole. Both riders were covered in mud and both horses required
some vet attention. The riders are ok, and the horses are on the
We have been asked back by the Forest Service for next spring(last
weekend of April 2004), and they have asked us if we would like to do
a ride this fall. They had excellent reports from other trail riders
that our riders were very courteous when passing them out on the
The buffet before the awards cermony was one of the best. The
caterer had a vegetarian lasagna that was first rate. The dinner was
topped off with Mississippi Mud Pie and an array of other desserts.
They said our riders really like Chocolate. They will certainly be
asked back next year.
Special thanks goes to Nancy Gooch, and Jackie Mitchell as timers, Kim
Ruffin, Bobbie Dolchan and Nina Gibson Barnett as scribes, Lori Greco
and Joan Tipton as pulse in. .Thank you to Lori for helping to take
down ribbons on Sunday. Thank you to Truman and Jim for helping mark
the trail, and our crew of three ham operators that kept us informed
of the riders positions during the ride. Thank you to my good friend,
Bianca for designing the LBL logo and helping me with the ride. To
all the other volunteers who just stepped in and helped, you are
A very special thanks to Matthew Edwards of the USFS in helping put
the event together. As a land manager he is the very best. We are
looking forward to working with the land managers at LBL in the
future. They are definitely orientated towards recreation.
Like every place else in the nation they are short on funds for
trail maintenance, so we are going to see what can be done to
help them out.
Thank you to all the riders that attended!!! It was a great ride!!!
50 Milers 53 started, 41 finished
High Vet Score-Susan Kasemeyer
Best Condition-Susan Kasemeyer
1. Betsey Knight-1st Lightweight
2. Karen Cummings
3. Rick Melloan-1st Middleweight
4. Patricia Bullock-1st Featherweight
5. Wendy Manicini
6. Susan Kasemeyer(High Vet score & BC)
7. Linda Joyner
8. Teresa Mascaro
9. Patty Bass
10.Rachel Boyce
11.Nancy Kucera
12.Wendy Rosenbek
13.Melissa Frame
14.Sarah Hunt Engsberg
15.Joe Schoech-1st Heavyweight
16.Josie McGhee ( 1stJR)
17.Eva De Paulis
18.Judy Sandlin
19.Christina Frame
20.Chris Frame
21.Kajsa Vikman (Flew in from California)
22.Melissa Crain
23.Ronald Chapman
24.Brenda Kenley
25.Carol Ricketts
26.Ann Branch
27.Bianca Chevalier(Flew in from Oregon)
28.Cindy Laroy Young
29.Dee Dee Cushman
30.Laurie Tichenor
31.Debbie Sutton-tie
31.Alice Farrara-tie
33.Jim Barrett
34.Lisa Winburn
35.Megan Meckfessel
36.Kelli Kirchner
37.Jim Holland
38.David Bennett
39.Robin Burris
40. Patricia Harrop
41. Teresa Searcy
25 Mile Limited Distance
Best Condition-Marsha Millis
1. Marsha Millis
2. Megan Dickman
3. Dixie Hayes
4. Julie Jackson
5. Lorena Truett
6. Bruce Nagel
7. Ashley Creswell
8. Erin Darte
9. Stephen Cummings
10.Becky Spraque
11.Jerry Brown
12.Roger Abney
13.Jennifer Whittaker
14.Gwen Jackson
15.Tamara Schoech
16.Christy Wicke
17.Louisa Witten
18.Jan Shekell
19.Russell Dewitt-1st Junior
20.Rebecca Finlay(JR)
21.Robin Dewitt
22.Wendy Shields
23.Mary Ellen Shoemaker
24.Kathy Thompson
25.Eleanor Burnett
26.Tim Hughes
27.Vicki Hughes
28.Rachel Schmalzriedt(JR)
29.Shannon Cofield
30.Lisa Norris
31.Vicki Loren
32.Deb Blackburn
Diane Fruth-Ride Manager
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Monday, April 28, 2003
Back Country Horsemen of California
BCHC's Public Lands Committee
BCHC's Public Lands Committee - Working for California
The Public Lands Committee (PLC) continues its efforts to keep our mission
in plain view for both ederal and state public land managers.
During 2002, PLC members from BCHC-Sequoia Unit and BCHC-Kern Sierra Unit
provided detailed analyses of the Giant Sequoia Monument Management Plan.
Their work helped our development of comments from the Public Lands
PLC Members from BCHC-Caballeros del Sol Unit, BCHC-Borrego Valley Unit and
BCHC-San Diego Unit responded to the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park General
Plan and Draft EIR. That clarified the entire Public Lands Committee's
understanding of issues while developing our comments.
Throughout 2003 we will assist our federal congressional representatives in
developing "Right to Ride" legislation with the goal of solidifying the
historical importance of our western culture by preserving and facilitating
the continued use of pack and saddle stock in wilderness areas.
The Committee will also continue working with state legislative
representatives on California's state park issues.
Barbara J. Ferguson,
Vice President, Public Lands
BCHC's Public Lands Committee - Working for California
The Public Lands Committee (PLC) continues its efforts to keep our mission
in plain view for both ederal and state public land managers.
During 2002, PLC members from BCHC-Sequoia Unit and BCHC-Kern Sierra Unit
provided detailed analyses of the Giant Sequoia Monument Management Plan.
Their work helped our development of comments from the Public Lands
PLC Members from BCHC-Caballeros del Sol Unit, BCHC-Borrego Valley Unit and
BCHC-San Diego Unit responded to the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park General
Plan and Draft EIR. That clarified the entire Public Lands Committee's
understanding of issues while developing our comments.
Throughout 2003 we will assist our federal congressional representatives in
developing "Right to Ride" legislation with the goal of solidifying the
historical importance of our western culture by preserving and facilitating
the continued use of pack and saddle stock in wilderness areas.
The Committee will also continue working with state legislative
representatives on California's state park issues.
Barbara J. Ferguson,
Vice President, Public Lands
[RC] Hog Wild day 1 - 50's
On Behalf Of Tammy Robinson
I want to thank everyone that attended this years ride. We thought things
went very well this year. A very BIG "Thank You" to all of my volunteers
this year. We would never be able to ever have this ride if it wasn't for
T he weather was great and the trails ended up in good condition due to
this years rains. Wild Flowers and green grass everywhere. It has taken 4
years now and I do feel that we finally have it down. Every year we learn
something to do it better for next years ride. If you have any in put on
this subject, please feel free to email us. Please don't ask for us to
remove hills. Just can't move mountains yet :)
Any Volunteers, or riders that didn't get their T-Shirts please let us know.
We didn't have any Jr riders in the 50 miler this year so we have decided to
give the 1st Jr. Polar Fleece Blanket to the 1st Jr in the 35 miler. We did
the same on day 2 and you should have seen the smile on that little girls
50 Miler - 72 starters 67 finishers
1. Terry Roselle Cayenne Kate 5:56 1st
2. Dabney Finch Orzo 6:16 1st
featherweight BC
3. Linda Morelli Falling Leaf 6:16.01
4. Julie Herrera CV Sweet Dal 6:21
5. Kirstin Loft Mallone 6:25
6. Fred Beahm WMA Challenge 6:25.01
7. Jonathan Bowman Height Ho 6.26 1st
8. Charlene Lewis-Stueve TR Hayhook Hobo 6:41 1st
9. Chris Paschke BRR Moon Far 7:04
10. Sandra Bartsch Sun Roader 7:07
11. Melody Wong Kay Cee 7.07.01
12. Carl Bruno Oso Denmark 7.08
13. Mike Maul Rroco-my-sol 7.14
14. Jan Jeffers DS Mi Mstik 7.14.01
15. Robert Ribley Cveli 7.21
16. Michelle Mueller Sky Bask 7:36
17. Tracy Schroeder SA Feat 7:36.01
18. Blayne Chenoweth Killians Red 7:37
19. Teresa Bitondo Magniffire 7:47
20. Tracey Cary Fire Mt. Redcloud 7:52
21. Marci Cook AA Allusion 7:52.01
22. Callie Thornburgh Muddy 7:58
23. Elfta Hilzman Luna 8:08
24. Cora Greene Chihoulis 8:23
25. Mae Chase-Dunn Benjamin 8:25
26. Maureen Elliot Don Juan 8:25.01
27. Cheryl Searer Quicksilver MBN 8:25.02
28. Dale Wheeler One-to-nine 8:32
29. Betsy Mograin FS Any Question 8:34
30. Alison Farrin Caer Donn 8:34.01
31. Kristin Olko Hammod 8:36
32. Gabriele Mitteregger Myden Windsong 8:36.01
33. Quinby Dunlap Granite Annie 8:36.02
34. Michelle Warner MJA Sans of Tyme 8:38
35. Nancy Donaldson KS Starbuck 8:38.01
36. Tiffany D'Virgilio Sweet Khemoshah 8:47
37. Sandy Prior Suntiki 8:47.01
38. Barbara Fredy Dawid's Star 8:47.02
39. Nannette Young Sensational Flame 8:58
40. Gail Shifrin SA Sherzeena 8:58.01
41. Nina Bowmar Spider 8:58.02
42. Chris Herron On Your Toes 9:10
43. Cherry Stockton Zip 9:19
44. Don Bowen Wild West 9:35
45. Christine Haack MM /avengionce 9:50
46. Scott Ehredt TR Solitaie 9:50.01
47. Dave Braithwaite Scamper Sam 9:55
48. Claire Toomey River Foxtrot 9:55.01
49. Jackie Bungardner Zayante 9:55.02
50. Mary Ellen Kautz Fire Mt. Odyssey 9:55.03
51. Nicki Frances Ramey MMF Elentari 9:55.04
52. Connie Wilhorn DR Storm 9:59
53. Sue Benson Rocky 9:59.01
54. Jane McGrath Fire Mt. Scamp 10:00
55. Marci Cunningham Koztarr 10:00.01
56. Bart Eskander Deuce 10:02
57. Cheri Briscoe MMF Faramir +/ 10:07
58. Suzanne Porrazzo Goals Raindance 10:07.01
59. Christine Jones Neziah's Naledi 10:07.02
60. Bruce Weary Rebel 10:21
61. Dayna Weary Heisman 10:21.01
62. Deborah Huebsch Stand Bye Me 10:59
63. Tracey Tromp Snow Dragon EA 10:59.01
64. Saundra Hill Carraval De Ocala 10:59.02
65. Anne Nilsson The Mischief Maker 10:59.03
66. Robin Everett Ice Storm Aam 10:59.04
67. John Parke Remington 11:04
Suzy Kelley La Petie Dancer L
Tim Couture Indikator M
Cynthia Hamberg Encanto Boy L
Vicky Vaughan Totally Klipse L
Terry Banister Ebey L
I want to thank everyone that attended this years ride. We thought things
went very well this year. A very BIG "Thank You" to all of my volunteers
this year. We would never be able to ever have this ride if it wasn't for
T he weather was great and the trails ended up in good condition due to
this years rains. Wild Flowers and green grass everywhere. It has taken 4
years now and I do feel that we finally have it down. Every year we learn
something to do it better for next years ride. If you have any in put on
this subject, please feel free to email us. Please don't ask for us to
remove hills. Just can't move mountains yet :)
Any Volunteers, or riders that didn't get their T-Shirts please let us know.
We didn't have any Jr riders in the 50 miler this year so we have decided to
give the 1st Jr. Polar Fleece Blanket to the 1st Jr in the 35 miler. We did
the same on day 2 and you should have seen the smile on that little girls
50 Miler - 72 starters 67 finishers
1. Terry Roselle Cayenne Kate 5:56 1st
2. Dabney Finch Orzo 6:16 1st
featherweight BC
3. Linda Morelli Falling Leaf 6:16.01
4. Julie Herrera CV Sweet Dal 6:21
5. Kirstin Loft Mallone 6:25
6. Fred Beahm WMA Challenge 6:25.01
7. Jonathan Bowman Height Ho 6.26 1st
8. Charlene Lewis-Stueve TR Hayhook Hobo 6:41 1st
9. Chris Paschke BRR Moon Far 7:04
10. Sandra Bartsch Sun Roader 7:07
11. Melody Wong Kay Cee 7.07.01
12. Carl Bruno Oso Denmark 7.08
13. Mike Maul Rroco-my-sol 7.14
14. Jan Jeffers DS Mi Mstik 7.14.01
15. Robert Ribley Cveli 7.21
16. Michelle Mueller Sky Bask 7:36
17. Tracy Schroeder SA Feat 7:36.01
18. Blayne Chenoweth Killians Red 7:37
19. Teresa Bitondo Magniffire 7:47
20. Tracey Cary Fire Mt. Redcloud 7:52
21. Marci Cook AA Allusion 7:52.01
22. Callie Thornburgh Muddy 7:58
23. Elfta Hilzman Luna 8:08
24. Cora Greene Chihoulis 8:23
25. Mae Chase-Dunn Benjamin 8:25
26. Maureen Elliot Don Juan 8:25.01
27. Cheryl Searer Quicksilver MBN 8:25.02
28. Dale Wheeler One-to-nine 8:32
29. Betsy Mograin FS Any Question 8:34
30. Alison Farrin Caer Donn 8:34.01
31. Kristin Olko Hammod 8:36
32. Gabriele Mitteregger Myden Windsong 8:36.01
33. Quinby Dunlap Granite Annie 8:36.02
34. Michelle Warner MJA Sans of Tyme 8:38
35. Nancy Donaldson KS Starbuck 8:38.01
36. Tiffany D'Virgilio Sweet Khemoshah 8:47
37. Sandy Prior Suntiki 8:47.01
38. Barbara Fredy Dawid's Star 8:47.02
39. Nannette Young Sensational Flame 8:58
40. Gail Shifrin SA Sherzeena 8:58.01
41. Nina Bowmar Spider 8:58.02
42. Chris Herron On Your Toes 9:10
43. Cherry Stockton Zip 9:19
44. Don Bowen Wild West 9:35
45. Christine Haack MM /avengionce 9:50
46. Scott Ehredt TR Solitaie 9:50.01
47. Dave Braithwaite Scamper Sam 9:55
48. Claire Toomey River Foxtrot 9:55.01
49. Jackie Bungardner Zayante 9:55.02
50. Mary Ellen Kautz Fire Mt. Odyssey 9:55.03
51. Nicki Frances Ramey MMF Elentari 9:55.04
52. Connie Wilhorn DR Storm 9:59
53. Sue Benson Rocky 9:59.01
54. Jane McGrath Fire Mt. Scamp 10:00
55. Marci Cunningham Koztarr 10:00.01
56. Bart Eskander Deuce 10:02
57. Cheri Briscoe MMF Faramir +/ 10:07
58. Suzanne Porrazzo Goals Raindance 10:07.01
59. Christine Jones Neziah's Naledi 10:07.02
60. Bruce Weary Rebel 10:21
61. Dayna Weary Heisman 10:21.01
62. Deborah Huebsch Stand Bye Me 10:59
63. Tracey Tromp Snow Dragon EA 10:59.01
64. Saundra Hill Carraval De Ocala 10:59.02
65. Anne Nilsson The Mischief Maker 10:59.03
66. Robin Everett Ice Storm Aam 10:59.04
67. John Parke Remington 11:04
Suzy Kelley La Petie Dancer L
Tim Couture Indikator M
Cynthia Hamberg Encanto Boy L
Vicky Vaughan Totally Klipse L
Terry Banister Ebey L
[RC] Gastric Ulcer Study
On Behalf Of Michele Roush Shaw
I would like to publickly thank Dr. Barney and Linda Fleming for all their
time and effort in putting together their tour around the country doing
endoscopy on our horses to look for gastric ulcers. It seems to me to be a
bit of a thankless job, and a lot of driving!
Thank you, also, to the people who participated and had their horses scoped.
Kudos to you for wanting to know more about what goes on inside your horses.
I would like to add that there is no shame or embarrassment involved in
learning that your horse has ulcers, and that it should not be construed as
a reflection upon you as a horse manager. The shame should come from
sticking your head in the sand and not wanting to know whether your horse
has ulcers or not.
I would encourage people to take advantage of the opportunity to look at
your horse's stomach, should that opportunity arise. It is better to make
informed decisions.
I would like to publickly thank Dr. Barney and Linda Fleming for all their
time and effort in putting together their tour around the country doing
endoscopy on our horses to look for gastric ulcers. It seems to me to be a
bit of a thankless job, and a lot of driving!
Thank you, also, to the people who participated and had their horses scoped.
Kudos to you for wanting to know more about what goes on inside your horses.
I would like to add that there is no shame or embarrassment involved in
learning that your horse has ulcers, and that it should not be construed as
a reflection upon you as a horse manager. The shame should come from
sticking your head in the sand and not wanting to know whether your horse
has ulcers or not.
I would encourage people to take advantage of the opportunity to look at
your horse's stomach, should that opportunity arise. It is better to make
informed decisions.
Friday, April 25, 2003
[RC] Seabisquit: An American Ledgend
Blatant commercialism: (but steph's read it twice and carol has it
Ready to go I think:)
Ready to go I think:)
[RC] Seabiscuit movie starring Shirley Temple
On Behalf Of joan
I just this week watched "Seabiscuit, the movie" (I believe that's
what it's called) on one of the classic movie channels. It stars
Shirley Temple, the love interest of Tim Knowles. It's a great movie
that even shows some actual race footage. Check your cable listings.
I just this week watched "Seabiscuit, the movie" (I believe that's
what it's called) on one of the classic movie channels. It stars
Shirley Temple, the love interest of Tim Knowles. It's a great movie
that even shows some actual race footage. Check your cable listings.
[RC] Listen to the Seabiscuit races on PBS.Org
On Behalf Of louisa pierce
Got o PBS.Org and you can hear the races, just like they
did back in the 30s. It's very cool.
Got o PBS.Org and you can hear the races, just like they
did back in the 30s. It's very cool.
Thursday, April 24, 2003
[RC] USET Festival of Champions 75 mile Endurance Ride
On Behalf Of Lori & Rick Stewart
The annual USET Festival of Champions extravaganza takes place June 19-22,
2003. See for more information.
This year the USET is hosting an FEI/AERC sanctioned 75 mile ride, Saturday,
June 21. It is open to all with no limit on entries, however there will be
no separate AERC Division.
Entry is $150 per person which includes the stall and initial bedding as
well as a ticket to the Competitors Party on Friday night.
For an entry and more information contact:
Mary M. Lutz, Director of Endurance Activities
United States Equestrian Team
Pottersville Road
Gladstone, NJ 07934
(908) 234-1251 - phone; ext. 15
(908) 234-9417 - fax
The annual USET Festival of Champions extravaganza takes place June 19-22,
2003. See for more information.
This year the USET is hosting an FEI/AERC sanctioned 75 mile ride, Saturday,
June 21. It is open to all with no limit on entries, however there will be
no separate AERC Division.
Entry is $150 per person which includes the stall and initial bedding as
well as a ticket to the Competitors Party on Friday night.
For an entry and more information contact:
Mary M. Lutz, Director of Endurance Activities
United States Equestrian Team
Pottersville Road
Gladstone, NJ 07934
(908) 234-1251 - phone; ext. 15
(908) 234-9417 - fax
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
IntNewsGroup: FEI Press News FEI PRESS NEWS 13/03
On Behalf Of Lori & Rick Stewart
Following the conclusion of successful discussions with both sponsors and
the FEI, the International Sport Horse Show has now confirmed that they will
indeed be organising this year?s FEI Open European Endurance Championships
which will be held at Punchestown (Ireland) in conjunction with the European
Eventing Championship. It will be the first time that the Europeans of the
disciplines of Endurance and Eventing are organised together.
The Endurance Championship will take place on Sunday 21 September 2003 and,
subject to agreement from the FEI Bureau and Endurance Committee, it will be
run as a one day event run over a 160 kilometres course in the picturesque
Wicklow Hills.
Over 100 competitors from up to 25 countries are expected to take part in
what promises to be an historic event in which the course will be routed
through the beautiful valleys and hills of Kildare and Wicklow. In a novel
and innovative site design, the main Vet Gate at Punchestown will be located
beside the Main Arena where, on the Sunday whilst the Endurance
Championships are in progress, the top eventers will be fighting for the
final places in the show jumping phase of the European Eventing
The European Eventing Championships return to historic Punchestown after a
gap of 12 years. Sponsored in a joint Public / Private partnership by Bord
FÃ ilte, the Irish Tourist Board through the International Sports Tourism
Initiative, and IFG Group plc, one of Ireland?s leading companies in the
growing financial services sector, the championship that will take place
from 18 to 21 September, is expected to attract large numbers of overseas
visitors to Ireland in mid September.
The Punchestown site, which has recently undergone a major ?20m
refurbishment, will have a course specially designed for the Eventing
Championships by the Irish course designer Tommy Brennan
Booking both tickets and accommodation can all be done on the International
Sport Horse Show?s web site at
Press accreditation and hotel reservation for accredited media will start
this week and close on 15th May.
Accreditation and hotel reservation forms will be e-mailed to media. If you
wish to be added to the media mailing list, or make sure that your
name/publication is in it, please send your request to .
An official press conference to present the European Eventing and Endurance
Championship will take place at Badminton (GBR) on Sunday 4 May.
For more information, please contact
Lucia Montanarella, Press Officer
ph. +39 335 6165415
The ATHENS 2004 Organising Committee for the Olympic Games will host the
official equestrian test event in the form of a CIC**, from Friday, 15
August to Sunday, 17 August at the Markopoulo Olympic Equestrian Centre. The
format of this Eventing competition aimed at testing the infrastructure and
organisation of the 2004 Games will be a CIC and the level of difficulty
will be two stars (**).
The schedule will be available as of tomorrow 23 April at Athens 2004
Olympic Games website at the following address: All NFs wishing to participate in this
event shall consult this website for further information.
Muriel Faienza, FEI Communications
1005 Lausanne Switzerland
T 41 21 310 47 47 F 310 47 60
FEI Press News mailing list
This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list
If you no longer wish to receive the FEI Press News, unsubscribe by E-mail
to: (no subject required)
Send administrative queries to
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
Following the conclusion of successful discussions with both sponsors and
the FEI, the International Sport Horse Show has now confirmed that they will
indeed be organising this year?s FEI Open European Endurance Championships
which will be held at Punchestown (Ireland) in conjunction with the European
Eventing Championship. It will be the first time that the Europeans of the
disciplines of Endurance and Eventing are organised together.
The Endurance Championship will take place on Sunday 21 September 2003 and,
subject to agreement from the FEI Bureau and Endurance Committee, it will be
run as a one day event run over a 160 kilometres course in the picturesque
Wicklow Hills.
Over 100 competitors from up to 25 countries are expected to take part in
what promises to be an historic event in which the course will be routed
through the beautiful valleys and hills of Kildare and Wicklow. In a novel
and innovative site design, the main Vet Gate at Punchestown will be located
beside the Main Arena where, on the Sunday whilst the Endurance
Championships are in progress, the top eventers will be fighting for the
final places in the show jumping phase of the European Eventing
The European Eventing Championships return to historic Punchestown after a
gap of 12 years. Sponsored in a joint Public / Private partnership by Bord
FÃ ilte, the Irish Tourist Board through the International Sports Tourism
Initiative, and IFG Group plc, one of Ireland?s leading companies in the
growing financial services sector, the championship that will take place
from 18 to 21 September, is expected to attract large numbers of overseas
visitors to Ireland in mid September.
The Punchestown site, which has recently undergone a major ?20m
refurbishment, will have a course specially designed for the Eventing
Championships by the Irish course designer Tommy Brennan
Booking both tickets and accommodation can all be done on the International
Sport Horse Show?s web site at
Press accreditation and hotel reservation for accredited media will start
this week and close on 15th May.
Accreditation and hotel reservation forms will be e-mailed to media. If you
wish to be added to the media mailing list, or make sure that your
name/publication is in it, please send your request to .
An official press conference to present the European Eventing and Endurance
Championship will take place at Badminton (GBR) on Sunday 4 May.
For more information, please contact
Lucia Montanarella, Press Officer
ph. +39 335 6165415
The ATHENS 2004 Organising Committee for the Olympic Games will host the
official equestrian test event in the form of a CIC**, from Friday, 15
August to Sunday, 17 August at the Markopoulo Olympic Equestrian Centre. The
format of this Eventing competition aimed at testing the infrastructure and
organisation of the 2004 Games will be a CIC and the level of difficulty
will be two stars (**).
The schedule will be available as of tomorrow 23 April at Athens 2004
Olympic Games website at the following address: All NFs wishing to participate in this
event shall consult this website for further information.
Muriel Faienza, FEI Communications
1005 Lausanne Switzerland
T 41 21 310 47 47 F 310 47 60
FEI Press News mailing list
This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list
If you no longer wish to receive the FEI Press News, unsubscribe by E-mail
Send administrative queries to
Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,
Information, Policy, Disclaimer:
Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
IntNewsGroup: European Championships - Ireland 2003
On Behalf Of Lori & Rick Stewart
Note: Date of the event is on or about September 20,2003.
Hello Ian and Everyone,
I think it is a good idea that we receive input from the NF's about the
change in the distance for the European Continential Championships (from a 2
x 100, to a 1 x 160 ). I would personally be in favor of this change but I
am forwarding this message to the Group IV Countries for their input.
If I can be of further service in this matter, or answer any questions that
the federation countries might have, please advise.
Carpe Diem
>From: "Ian Williams"
>Subject: European Championships - Ireland 2003
>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:49:08 +0200
>Good Afternoon Gentlemen,
>We have just received word that the sponsorship has been secured for the
>above event and we are now faced with the choice of changing this from the
>day X 100km to a 160km I day event. More funds are available which now
>this possible.
>As the FEI EC will need to request permission for this change from the
>Executive Board I am about to issue the following email/fax to all National
>Dear Sir/Madame
>We have today received confirmation from the organisers at Punchestown that
>the above championships will definitely take place.
>Their recent discussions with sponsors have been concluded successfully.
>This now means funds are available for the organisers to construct an
>additional vet gate and to run the event as a 1 day 160km if so wished.
>For the existing European Championships, accepted as a 2 day X 100km per
>day, to now change it needs the permission of the FEI Executive Board.
>Before approaching this FEI board we would like your confirmation that you
>would like this change of distance and are happy with the event to now run
>as a one day competition.
>Under the new qualification criteria, running this as a 160km I day ride
>will also mean that it can be used as a qualifier for the World
>Championships in 2004, which at present it could not.
>As time is short we would request your reply by the 30th April 2003.
>Dependent upon the view of all participating countries the FEI board will
>then be approached as necessary.
>We await your urgent response.
>I will keep you updated on the feed back from the NFs as received.
Note: Date of the event is on or about September 20,2003.
Hello Ian and Everyone,
I think it is a good idea that we receive input from the NF's about the
change in the distance for the European Continential Championships (from a 2
x 100, to a 1 x 160 ). I would personally be in favor of this change but I
am forwarding this message to the Group IV Countries for their input.
If I can be of further service in this matter, or answer any questions that
the federation countries might have, please advise.
Carpe Diem
>From: "Ian Williams"
>Subject: European Championships - Ireland 2003
>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:49:08 +0200
>Good Afternoon Gentlemen,
>We have just received word that the sponsorship has been secured for the
>above event and we are now faced with the choice of changing this from the
>day X 100km to a 160km I day event. More funds are available which now
>this possible.
>As the FEI EC will need to request permission for this change from the
>Executive Board I am about to issue the following email/fax to all National
>Dear Sir/Madame
>We have today received confirmation from the organisers at Punchestown that
>the above championships will definitely take place.
>Their recent discussions with sponsors have been concluded successfully.
>This now means funds are available for the organisers to construct an
>additional vet gate and to run the event as a 1 day 160km if so wished.
>For the existing European Championships, accepted as a 2 day X 100km per
>day, to now change it needs the permission of the FEI Executive Board.
>Before approaching this FEI board we would like your confirmation that you
>would like this change of distance and are happy with the event to now run
>as a one day competition.
>Under the new qualification criteria, running this as a 160km I day ride
>will also mean that it can be used as a qualifier for the World
>Championships in 2004, which at present it could not.
>As time is short we would request your reply by the 30th April 2003.
>Dependent upon the view of all participating countries the FEI board will
>then be approached as necessary.
>We await your urgent response.
>I will keep you updated on the feed back from the NFs as received.
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
On Behalf Of Hickory Ridge Arabians
Southeastern Trails Conference
JULY 17-20, 2003
Gainesville, Florida
Sheraton Hotel
(352) 486-7040 (775)719-0969
Hosted by: The Friends of San Felasco,Inc.
Helen F. Koehler
1950 SE 111th Court
Morriston, FL 32668
Southeastern Trails Conference
JULY 17-20, 2003
Gainesville, Florida
Sheraton Hotel
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On Behalf Of Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Please note who is helping out from endurance. The Ambassador
Endurance organisation ????? This seems to be made up of ex-FEI (well,
I would hope that they are ex) who seem to be mainly promoting the UAE.
The home page for the site is most enlightening and probably contains
more pictures of a certain patron of equestrian sport than almost
anyone needs. They also have the nerve to list Egypt as a participant.
There hasn't been an honest endurance race in this country in the last
two years....and the Ambassador's race was a total fiasco, albeit
highly entertaining locally.
Maryanne Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
Please note who is helping out from endurance. The Ambassador
Endurance organisation ????? This seems to be made up of ex-FEI (well,
I would hope that they are ex) who seem to be mainly promoting the UAE.
The home page for the site is most enlightening and probably contains
more pictures of a certain patron of equestrian sport than almost
anyone needs. They also have the nerve to list Egypt as a participant.
There hasn't been an honest endurance race in this country in the last
two years....and the Ambassador's race was a total fiasco, albeit
highly entertaining locally.
Maryanne Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
In conjunction with the FEI World Cup Final, which starts today in Las
Vegas, the FEI is pleased to announce a new online riders biography
The biographies of all riders participating in the World Cup Final are
available for commentators, media representatives and any interested
After having selected the jumping discipline on the homepage, you can
1) Consult the biography of each individual rider by clicking on the
rider's name,
2) or print the biographies of all riders participating in the World
Final in a printer friendly pdf file.
For several months, the FEI has worked on a global biography project
including the development of a database of riders for all disciplines.
This development includes the requirements of the International Olympic
Committee and will be used for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Information
riders includes present and past results, rankings and personal data.
After a test version at the 2002 World Equestrian Games, the FEI
riders' biography service will be offered to all Super League events,
World Cup Finals and Championships at senior level in 2003, thanks to the
invaluable cooperation of many contributors, among whom:
Show Jumping Archive
Umberto Martuscelli & Mauro Battistini
Cindy Velstra-Timmer
Ambassador Endurance
Thomas Cathomen
Dan Wall
Lucia Montanarella, Mediancer, and the FEI Secretariat.
The information on riders will be completed and constantly updated
during the year. Your comments and input are always welcome.
Muriel Faienza, FEI Communications
1005 Lausanne Switzerland
T 41 21 310 47 47 F 310 47 60
Friday, April 04, 2003
[RC] IntNewsGroup: USA Equestrian and USET Submit NGB Application to USOC
USA Equestrian and USET Submit NGB Application to USOC
The United States Equestrian Team (USET) and USA Equestrian (USAE)
submitted to the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) today documents containing
bylaws and an application to be the Olympic Sport Organization and National
Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of equestrian.
The new organization is to be formally called the United States Equestrian
Federation, Inc. and it will be commonly referred to and marketed as U.S.
The bylaws and application, as proposed to the USOC Membership &
Credentials Committee, are cerrently available on the respective websites
of both USAE ( and the USET (
The website postings provide for the 30-day public notice for the public
hearing to consider the application that is required by the Ted Stevens
Olympic and Amateur Sports Act and the USOC Bylaws. The USOC Membership and
Credentials Committee meeting and Public Hearing will be on Saturday, May
3, 2003 at the Denver Airport Gateway Marriott. Representatives from both
the USET and USAE will be in attendance. The second and final Public
Hearing will be held in September at a date to be determined. The final
recognition of the US Equestrian Federation, Inc. as NGB will rest with the
USOC Board in the autumn.
USAE Vice President, David J. O'Connor said, "This is an important and
exciting step in creating the new organization for the future of equestrian
Armand Leone, Jr., USET President, also hailed the submission. "The
working group is to be commended for focusing on the mission at hand and
the best interests of the sport. This is a great day for all involved in
equestrian sports."
If you do not want to receive email of this kind from USA Equestrian,
please go to
and update your USA Equestrian Email Subscription.
If you require further assistance in opting out of emails, please contact
Information Technology at
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