Thursday, December 29, 2022

Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival starts December 29th

27 December 2022

- Hamdan bin Mohammed’s equestrian achievements have contributed immensely to inspiring and attracting the young generation of UAE citizens to this sport
- The festival’s final event, the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Cup, is sponsored by Emirates Airline, one the largest supporters of equestrian and racing in the country and worldwide
- Rashid bin Dalmook: The Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival reinforces the UAE’s global leadership in equestrian sports, particularly endurance racing

The 15th edition of the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival, one of the most prominent events of the season’s equestrian calendar, will kick off on Thursday, 29 December 2022, at the Dubai International Endurance City.

Organised by the Dubai Equestrian Club in cooperation with the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, the festival includes four races. The final race will be held on Saturday, 7 January 2023. The 119km Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Cup, the festival’s final and most prominent race, is sponsored by Emirates Airline, one the largest supporters of equestrian and racing in the country and worldwide.

The festival will start on 29 December with the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Race for Ladies. The next race, the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Race for Private Stables, will be held on Tuesday, 3 January 2023. The races for Ladies and Private Stables will cover a distance of 101km. The Yamamah Endurance Cup for Mares will be held on 4 January and will cover a distance of 119km...

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Great Britain: Meet the winning endurance rider who can tack up her horse with her toes - Full Article

H&H spends a morning with Philippa Verry at her yard situated between Dartmoor and Exmoor

Martha Terry
26 December, 2022 08:32

Philippa Verry is an extraordinary horsewoman, not that she’d like you to think of her as exceptional. She’s ridden at Olympia, hunted throughout her life with various packs, and – in her late 50s – turned her hand to endurance riding, and winning. All this without the use of her arms, since she was born without them as a side-effect of thalidomide. But Philippa has never let this apparent disadvantage deter her from achieving anything she wants in the equestrian world.

“I am not disabled,” she says, when H&H visits her Devon yard. “I can do whatever anyone else does. I have never had any problem doing anything; some jobs just take me longer. There’s always a way if you want to do something badly enough...”

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022: A Year in Endurance - Full Story

The highlights of the year...

A group of fit horses and riders trot purposefully through the fields on a misty morning, starting a ride. Later, that same group of riders is maintaining their steady pace, winding their way through a wide trail in a wooded area, having completed mandatory veterinary inspections and rest periods. Finally, the lead horses and riders canter calmly and comfortably to the finish line of the 160km course. The sun is shining as they finish strong, with horses still eager to head down the trail.

This is Endurance. It’s a physical, mental, and strategic sport that tests the athletic ability of the horses and humans, their partnerships, and the discipline to ride strategically over a challenging course with varying terrain and weather.

The 2022 FEI Endurance competition year included challenges and satisfying moments, as any individual competition does. There were over 240 FEI Endurance events in 2022, with 2,886 horses and 2,073 athletes...

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Anna Arbezova is the champion of the endurance stables in Boudhieb - Full Article

December 22, 2022 by Editorial staff

Abu Dhabi (Al-Ittihad)

Jockey Anna Arbuzova on horseback “Polio Amigo” for the Gulf Stables was crowned with the title of the Private Stables Race over a distance of 101.34 km, as part of the first activities of His Highness the President’s Endurance Cup, held today in Boudheib International Endurance Village, in which 215 male and female riders participate.

The race champion covered the total distance in 3:49:23 hours, with an average speed of 26.51 km/h...

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Bahrain horse tests positive in French ride

FEI Tribunal issues Consent Award in equine anti-doping case

19 December 2022
Author: FEI

The FEI Tribunal has issued a Consent Award in an equine anti-doping case involving a Banned Substance.

In this case, the horse Elijah Solam (FEI ID 107JS65/BRN), tested positive for the Banned Substance Stanozolol following samples taken at the CEI1* 100 Fontainebleau (FRA) on 14 October, 2022.

The trainer, Jameel Ebrahim Ramadhan (FEI ID 10103145/BRN), admitted the rule violation and accepted the consequences. In its final decision the FEI Tribunal disqualified the horse from the event and imposed an 18-month ineligibility period on the trainer; the provisional suspension he already served shall be credited against the imposed ineligibility period. He was also fined CHF 5,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 1,000.

The full Decision is available here.

Monday, December 19, 2022

World Endurance Riders Told to Manage Pace Following Test Event - Full Article

Four of 13 starters completed the test ride for the title race in the UAE; footings expert to assess part of the natural desert track.

By Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson | December 18, 2022

Changes to parts of the track for the reallocated FEI World Endurance Championship in Butheeb, Abu Dhabi on February 25 have been proposed following last week’s test ride, the first 160-km ride at the venue in over 30 years.

Footings expert Dr. Lars Roepstroff will assess the track next month “to quell any remaining concerns” and in the championship itself there will be six loops (instead of the test ride’s five) to enable more horse recovery time, plus extra watering points.

The test ride saw just four of 13 starters complete, plus longer presentation times as horses that managed to progress beyond the third loop began to tire...

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Athlete Selection Procedures Now Available for FEI Pan American Endurance Championships

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 16, 2022, 5:00 PM EST

Lexington, Ky. – Selection procedures for athletes interested in competing at the 2023 FEI Pan American Endurance Championships for Seniors and Juniors/Young Riders are available on the Endurance section of

The Pan American Championships will take place in Llay Llay, Chile, November 10-12, 2023. Athlete/horse combinations will be selected based on the ranking formula outlined in the selection procedures documents. Athletes must submit their Application of Intent online no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on July 15, 2023, to be included for consideration and must designate at least two and no more than five selection events during the selection period of October 21, 2022, through August 15, 2023.

Click here for more information on the 2023 FEI Pan American Endurance Championships and to download the selection procedure documents. Contact Susan Edwards, USEF Director of Endurance, at with questions.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Butheeb (UAE) hosts successful Test Event for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 just one month following allocation

Lausanne (SUI), 15 December 2022

Butheeb (UAE) hosts successful Test Event for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 just one month following allocatio

Organisers for the 2022 FEI Endurance World Championship - which was only recently reallocated to Butheeb (UAE) at the FEI General Assembly in Cape Town (RSA) last November - pulled out all the stops to provide an open-house invitation for National Federations (NFs) and teams to experience first-hand the facilities on offer at the Butheeb International Endurance Village (BIEV).

The Test Event was held from 8 to 11 December, using an existing event in the FEI Calendar, and included three competitions from 1* to 3* with a healthy mix of international combinations taking the top positions - including Uruguay, Portugal and Great Britain, alongside the host nation UAE.

President of the Ground Jury and Chair of the FEI Endurance Committee Christian Lozano (FRA) was very impressed with the outcomes of the Test Event, explaining “the OC had just under one month to prepare for this test event, but they were keen to go ahead as this was an ideal opportunity to test all the systems in place and give the chef d’equipes the opportunity to get to know Butheeb and provide feedback on the facilities, the different logistical preparations as well as the track and footing.

“While this was used as a test event for the World Championship to be held from 20-26 February next year, this was not a test event of the World Championship track itself; for example, the 160km competition on Friday 9 December was held over 5 loops, unlike the Championship competition which will be held over 6 loops, giving the horses more recovery opportunities between loops.”

Technical Delegate Sharon Du Plessis (BOT) reiterated the intention of the Test Event, adding “we were able to see the full spectrum of the terrain on offer at Butheeb, with good, natural, wide tracks, fully secured and very little deep sand, with just five kilometres of deep sand areas to be modified for the Championship track – among other improvements to be made in the coming weeks.

“The whole community has been asking for more technical and slower tracks – and this is what they will get in Butheeb.”

In addition to testing the sporting and technical infrastructures, the OC held a hybrid information session for Chef d’Equipes on 10 December which proved very popular with approximately 60 participants, including fourteen NFs represented at the meeting in person, and a further 12 NFs joining online. The debrief began with members of the OC including Mustafa Mafoudi, and UAE National Federation representatives, Dr. Ali Tweisi, Mahmoud Zyoud and Abdullah Al Naqbi, Director of Administration and Support Services, Head of Media and Communication Department, presenting the venue and discussing some of the more logistical details.

FEI Endurance Director Christina Abu-Dayyeh (JOR) as well as FEI Director Technology and Sport Services Gaspard Dufour (FRA), alongside President of the Ground Jury Christian Lozano (FRA), Technical Delegate Sharon Du Plessis (BOT) completed the line-up, providing a broad panel to answer any questions or concerns raised by the participants.

With a little over two months to go, the OC actively encouraged the Chef d’Equipes to provide their feedback in a bid to find effective solutions for many of the more logistical and operational questions. Overall, the National Federations expressed their satisfaction with the conditions and facilities on offer, and the success of the Test Event, noting the further modifications to be made to the track prior to the Championship, with the six loops providing additional rest points and veterinary checks, and the additional water points as agreed during the meeting.

Executive Board Member and Chair of Group VII Sami Al Duhami (KSA) provided the closing remarks and noted the positive efforts and great collaboration with the Organising Committee and the UAE NF to deliver the Championship in February.

Following the Test Event and to quell any remaining concerns regarding the terrain, internationally renowned footing expert and Professor at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Lars Roepstroff has been commissioned to assess the Championship track in January of 2023. Roepstroff, who also has a background as the Swedish Team Veterinarian for Endurance, will then deliver a report to the FEI and the Organising Committee, with relevant feedback on the terrain and any potential improvements that might need to be made prior to the Championship.

“There is no “standard” terrain, this is a World Championship, and world-class riding and fitness is required in order to be successful and to ensure both horse and rider complete the course in good condition”, said FEI Endurance Director Christina Abu-Dayyeh (JOR).

“It’s important that a certain percentage of the track is natural and in keeping with the local environment, wherever that may be, and as you would expect at this level, every athlete taking part will need to plan and manage their ride and pace according to the conditions and according to their horse.

“We are confident the horses will be very well looked after, with great facilities and an experienced Organising Committee in Butheeb, ensuring all the veterinary checks and processes in line with the FEI Rules are fully adhered to.”

Friday, December 09, 2022

Timeframe: The UAE's first, record-breaking international endurance horse race - Full Article

1998 World Endurance Championship in Dubai surpassed all that came before

Hareth Al Bustani Dec 09, 2022

On December 10, 1998, the UAE cemented its growing commitment to the sport of endurance horse racing in the most spectacular fashion — hosting the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) World Endurance Championship.

Centred on Ghantoot Racing Club, with 162 riders from 37 countries competing, the event set a Guinness World Record for the largest number of participants at an official world championship event.

The event was made all the more remarkable by how young the sport was in the UAE at the time — having only been introduced to the country by the UAE Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in 1992. However, it was a natural fit for a people who had, for millennia, cherished horse-riding not only as a sport and passion, but a way of life; with horses and camels not just a means of transport, but an extension of the rider.

The UAE’s first two endurance marathons, open to camels and horses, were held in January 1993 and March 1994 — with the first horse-only race, Al Asayl Endurance Race, setting the blueprint for things to come in December 1994. That year, Sheikh Zayed set up the Presidents Cup for Arabian horses, helping to raise the breed’s international profile in the years since...

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Thursday, December 08, 2022

‘Horses will die’ warning after UAE awarded world championship - Full Article

Eleanor Jones
8 December, 2022 17:26

“Horses will die” is the warning from campaigners, in response to the World Endurance Championships’ move to the UAE. The event had been to run in Verona in October, but the FEI pulled the plug as horse and rider safety “could not be guaranteed”.

The FEI reopened bidding and six venues were in the mix, including Samorin, Slovakia, and Pisa, Italy, both of which have previously hosted the event. But it will run at Boudheib International Endurance Village (BIEV), in February.

The FEI said “the safety and security of human and equine athletes is the FEI’s top priority”, and a spokesman added: “Under the guidance and support of the late former deputy UAE prime minister HH Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Boudheib protocol initiative was implemented in BIEV and other venues to ensure that the welfare of the horses and horsemanship prevail.”

But Sheikh Sultan, driver of the horse welfare-led initiative, died three years ago...

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Monday, December 05, 2022

CEF back in action with first-ever 80-km endurance race - Full Article

Jose Rodriguez T. Senase / Khmer Times
December 2 2022

The Cambodia Equestrian Federation (CEF) galloped back into action by holding its first-ever 80-km endurance race.

The competition was held on the heels of the CEF’s participation in the Princess Cup Thailand 2022 from November 21 to 27.

The CEF was represented in Thailand by Amrita Norodom, Rothanak Kong and Chantola Kiri.

“It allowed us to measure our skills against strong countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore and others gathered under the Princess Cup,” CEF President Tep Mona said...

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Friday, December 02, 2022

Replacement World Title Ride Dismays Endurance Stakeholders - Full Article

Riders who have trained over European terrain are unhappy to be facing a desert race, and there is astonishment that the troubled UAE won the bid.

By Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson | December 2, 2022

Reallocation of the FEI 2022 World Endurance Championship to the last week of February 2023 at Boudheib in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has met pushback from a variety of stakeholders.

Some competitors are dismayed that they now face a desert race after training for completely different terrain in Verona, Italy. Meanwhile the active “Clean Endurance” community is astonished that the UAE – a hub of doping and rule-breaking – has been rewarded with a prestigious championship, especially when equestrianism’s “social licence” is under the spotlight.

Clean Endurance also queried the technical suitability of Boudheib for a potentially fast-paced championship. It feels the FEI’s decision was influenced by the new organizer’s financial package which includes prize money of $545,000 USD, ten times the minimum requested in the bid document. Half will be split between all finishers, plus a best condition award...

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Great Britain Announces Team for FEI Endurance World Endurance Championship Bouthib (UAE)

1 December 2022

FEI Endurance World Endurance Championship Bouthib (UAE) February 2023

Team GB

The Selection Committee have selected the following combinations to represent GB at the World Endurance Championships. Their decision was not an easy one and commiserations go out to those who have been unsuccessful – hopefully they will come forward to be considered for the European Championships to be held in Ermelo, Holland in September 2023.

Chef D’Equipe for the team will be Fiona Bloom, MSc BSc(Hons) MCSP MHCPC ACPAT Cat A RAMP

“I am delighted we are able to send a full team for the championships, we will not underestimate the challenges, but it is a privilege to be alongside the experienced combinations and management team”.

Team Veterinary will be Georgina Vaughan, BVetMed MRCVS

‘I am excited to be working with an experienced team of horses and riders and I am looking forward to helping them prepare to the best of their abilities for the challenge ahead.’

Both Fiona and Georgina bring a massive amount of experience to guide their team with both having competed “in the sand”.

Read about the team members here

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Bahrain horse DQ'd, rider suspended

1 December 2022

The FEI Tribunal has issued a Consent Award in an equine anti-doping case involving a Banned Substance.

In this case, the horse Elijah Solam (FEI ID 107JS65/BRN), tested positive for the Banned Substance Stanozolol following samples taken at the CEI1* 100 Fontainebleau (FRA) on 14 October, 2022.

The athlete, Khalifa Mubarak Salem Sabt (FEI ID 10093534/BRN), admitted the rule violation and accepted the consequences. In its final decision the FEI Tribunal disqualified the horse from the event and imposed an 18-month ineligibility period on the athlete; the provisional suspension he already served shall be credited against the imposed ineligibility period. He was also fined CHF 5,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 1,000.

The full Decision is available here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

UAE: Sherineh shines in 17th edition of the National Day Cup race - Full Article

28 November 2022
Gulf Today, Staff Reporter

Sherineh Al Falasi aboard Serafino of the Commando stables was crowned champion of the 17th edition of the National Day Cup race for a distance of 120 km, which was organized by the Emirates International Endurance Village in Al Wathba.

Sherineh’s victory gave the Commandos Stables, owned by Sheikh Hazza Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, their first title in this championship.

The race was held under the patronage of Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court, joining the festivities ahead of the UAE’s 51st National Day.

Organised by the Emirates International Endurance Village in cooperation with the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, the 120-km four-stage race drew the participation of more than 243 male and female riders representing stables from all over the country...

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Bringing Through Endurance's Next Stars - Full Story

16 November 2022
Words by Stacey Stearns
Photos courtesy of André Vidiz

We speak to athlete André Vidiz...

A 160km Endurance track stretches through picturesque countryside. Teams of horses and riders steadily progress through the course, stopping every 20 or 30km for a mandatory veterinary inspection and rest period.

The Endurance competition is the culmination of years of effort though. It’s also about love – for the horse, the partnership the rider forms with the horse, and the sport. André Vidiz is a second-generation Endurance competitor from a family steeped in the traditions of the sport and the thrill of adventure. He’s established his own name in international Endurance competitions though, representing Brazil in numerous events over the years and consistently appearing in the World rankings...

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Patagonia: The Gaucho Derby Academy Wants You! - More

The Gaucho Derby Academy is a multi-day immersive and educational experience which trains equestrians to be able to tackle our 500km Gaucho Derby. Across the six day experience, riders will learn about the culture and lifestyle of the gauchos of Patagonia. They will put their horsemanship skills to the test while tackling some of the toughest terrain on the planet and clearing the vet checks along the way.

Then you’ll spend some time working with the gauchos as they round up the local wild horses.

Our team of international event managers, local gauchos, equine experts, medics and veterinarians will lead the courses on navigation, riding the gnarly terrain, wilderness survival and managing horse health throughout this adventure. Once you’ve graduated you’ll be confident in your skillset to tackle the beast that is The Gaucho Derby. The following is the itinerary for this truly unique Academy brought to you by the team at The Equestrianists.

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Friday, November 11, 2022

FEI moves Endurance World Championship to UAE on eve of General Assembly - Full Article

By Ali Iveson
Thursday, 10 November 2022

The International Equestrian Federation (FEI) has appointed Boudheib International Endurance Village (BIEV) in the United Arab Emirates to host its next Endurance World Championship.

The event is due to take place between February 20 and 26 in 2023 but will still be known as the 2022 World Championship.

Verona was scheduled to host the Endurance World Championship from October 19 to 23 but the FEI cancelled that arrangement in September, citing concerns over track readiness.

The FEI Board ratified the decision to take the event to the UAE at a meeting in Cape Town today, which precedes the South African city hosting a hybrid General Assembly.

"We are very pleased with the decision to award the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 to Boudheib," FEI President Ingmar De Vos said...

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Boudheib (UAE) named host of FEI Endurance World Championship 2022

10 November 2022
Author: FEI

The world renowned Boudheib International Endurance Village (BIEV) is set to host the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022, following a decision made by the FEI Board during its meeting in Cape Town (RSA) today.

The BIEV venue, which was strongly recommended by the FEI Endurance Committee, is situated approximately one hour from Abu Dhabi’s city centre will be the venue for the rescheduled World Championship. In September 2022, the FEI terminated the Host Agreement with Isola della Scala in Verona (ITA) that was originally scheduled to host the biennial event from 19 to 23 October 2022. This decision also included the provision to reopen the bid process in order to find a new host for the Championship.

With October to March being the winter season in Abu Dhabi and the period for outdoor and equestrian events, the World Championship will now take place from 20 to 26 February 2023, with the ride itself scheduled for Saturday, 25 February.

“We are very pleased with the decision to award the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 to Boudheib,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos said.

“The FEI Board was impressed with the world-class permanent infrastructure and facilities offered by the BIEV and the proven ability of the Organisers to guarantee all the logistical organisation for our human and equine athletes in a short period of time.

“The safety and security of human and equine athletes is the FEI’s top priority, and the Organiser’s track record of commitment to horse welfare was a key factor in the decision to award this Championship to Boudheib.

“We are confident that the Organisers will give our athletes a Championship to remember and that the venue will deliver on all its promises.”

Since 2004, around 147 FEI and 153 National Endurance events have been held at the BIEV which will host the FEI Endurance World Championship for the first time ever.

The venue has earned global recognition for its modern and well-equipped clinic that has digital x-ray, ultrasonography and other diagnostic services, highly qualified veterinary staff and laboratory technicians. Located close to the Central Vet Gates and the Holding Area, the clinic includes examination areas, stables for in-patient treatment as well as observation and administrative areas.

The track, which passes through a forestry reserve, is designed to naturally regulate pace and to challenge the skill of the riders. The BIEV is known for producing technical rides that prioritise horse welfare.

Under the guidance and support of the late former deputy UAE Prime Minister H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Boudheib Protocol Initiative was implemented in BIEV and other venues around the world to ensure that the welfare of the horses and horsemanship prevail. Another initiative guided by the vision of Sheikh Sultan is the Boudheib Academy, which trains young Endurance athletes by teaching proper riding techniques and the basics of horsemanship.

For the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022, the BIEV will offer prize money to all finishers including a prize category for Best Condition. The total prize money for teams, individuals, horses in best condition and all finishers is AED 2,000,000 (approximately USD 545,000).

Also agreed at the FEI Board meeting today was the allocation of the Mexican qualifier of the Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup™ 2022 to a new venue, San Miguel De Allende from 26 to 30 April 2023.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Verona Endurance Problems Flagged 16 Months Pre-Cancellation - Full Article

FEI reveals that concerns were raised about the 2022 World Endurance Championship venue during the test ride in May 2021.

By: Horse Sport staff | November 2, 2022

Five new venues have applied to host the delayed 2022 FEI World Endurance Championship, as it emerges that the original Verona site was known to have many problems 16 months before the FEI removed the event at short notice.

When the cancellation was announced on September 8 this year, reference was made to difficulties in completing the final preparation works because of the concurrent staging of a “rice festival” on the same site.

However, has learned that problems went back to at least May 2021, when the obligatory test ride took place, causing both riders and the FEI’s own technical committee to voice concerns and the organizer be replaced. New deadlines to resolve them since then were repeatedly not met during 2021 and 2022...

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Thursday, November 03, 2022

Pessoa, Hoy Unopposed in Poorly-Contested FEI Elections - Full Article

A very small pool of candidates means that four riders will enjoy a “shoo-in” to the FEI sports committees.

By: Horse Sport staff | October 27, 2022

International riders have only until October 31 to vote for their rider representatives on the FEI sport committees, but for many it has been an academic exercise due to the lack of candidates.

German eventing legend Bettina Hoy, dressage’s Yvonne de Losos Muniz of the Dominican Republic, vaulting’s Lambert Lerclezio of France and driving’s Franz Schiltz of Luxembourg are the only candidates in their respective disciplines, and so are set to take up their new roles unopposed for the next four years.

For the jumping committee, the politically experienced Rodrigo Pessoa has one rival, but this is Russia’s Vladmir Tuganov who, like all Russians, is indefinitely suspended from FEI participation because of the invasion of Ukraine...

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Thursday, October 27, 2022

FEI to Increase Powers to Eliminate ‘Horse-Unfriendly’ Performance - Full Article

New FEI ethics commission recommends that rounds and tests which go against the ‘principles of horse welfare’ be subject to elimination.

By: Horse Sport staff | October 24, 2022

The FEI is set to empower judges to eliminate anyone whose riding goes against horse welfare, as efforts continue to safeguard equestrianism’s ‘social licence’ and combat growing negativity among the general public.

The FEI’s new Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWB) has issued six initial recommendations to be actioned by the end of this year. The FEI board has resolved to take them forward to its General Assembly next month, as equestrian becomes more aware of its ‘social licence’ to exist...

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bids in for rescheduled endurance World Championships - Full Article

Lucy Elder
25 October, 2022

Italy is bidding to retain its position as host of the 2022 endurance World Championships after the plug was pulled weeks ahead of the scheduled event.

This year’s championships were set to be held in Verona from 19 to 23 October, but were cancelled in September as the safety of horses and riders “could not be guaranteed” (news, 15 September).

The FEI reopened the bidding, and has extended the cut-off date for the 2022 championships to be held to 30 April 2023...

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Sitting on Top of the Endurance World

21 October 2022

We speak to World No.1 Julia Montagne...

Endurance is about strategy, with the top athletes knowing that a course of 100 to 160km is best handled in the individual phases of the race.

In essence, the strategic rider treats the four phases of a 160km endurance competition individually; they focus on each 40km phase, completing the mandatory veterinarian inspections, without losing sight of the race’s finish line.

Julia Montagne of France is currently sitting on top of the FEI World Endurance rankings, with a comfortable lead in the point standings. She trains and competes multiple horses at FEI competitions with Endurance Vilaltella based in Portugal. The consistent performance of Julia and her Endurance horses has led to her long stretch as the world’s highest-ranked athlete.

“This year has been amazing, and I hope we will have more results still at the end of the year,” Julia said.

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Friday, October 21, 2022

Endurance: Italy relaunches bid for FEI World Championship - Full Article

The proposal was officially presented to the FEI by the Italian Equestrian Federation. The Italian National Olympic Committee’s support in the words of its president Giovanni Malagò

Bologna, October 20, 2022 – The same Organizing Committee that organised the unanimously praised 2021 edition of the event – Italia Endurance asd and srl – has taken action to order to keep the next FEI Endurance World Championships in Italy, proposing the date of April 29th 2023 and confirming Pisa San Rossore Racecourse as the venue, a facility that has also proved to be a real equestrian paradise for this discipline.

The Championship, previously assigned to Isola della Scala – Verona, should have taken place in October 2022, but the FEI unfortunately decided to cancel the event a few days earlier due to organizational problems and has consequently reopened the global process for bids...

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Powys mum finishes world's toughest horse race in Mongolia - Full Article

13 October 2022
By Matt Jones

A POWYS mum has described the experience of completing a 1,000 kilometre endurance horse race in Asia as “everything I could have hoped for and more”.

Zoe Geddes, from Llanidloes, competed in the Mongol Derby in August – described as the longest and toughest horse race on earth.

The race involves traversing 1,000km (621 miles) of untamed Asian wilderness, in which riders must compete using up to 30 different horses.

Mum-of-two Zoe, 28, had ambitions of becoming the first British winner and actually led the 10-day race at one stage, eventually finishing a credible 8th out of a field of 48 starters...

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Bahrain Royal Team riders triumph in France - Full Article

15 Oct 2022

Royal Endurance Team’s Abdulrahman Al Zayed clinched victory in the 160 kilometre race and Mayoof Al Rumaihi won the 127km contest in the International Endurance Race of Fontainebleau in France yesterday.

The Royal Endurance Team riders were supported by His Majesty King Hamad, who witnessed the races.

His Majesty’s representative for humanitarian work and youth affairs, Supreme Council for Youth and Sport (SCYS) chairman and Royal Endurance Team captain Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa praised the well-earned achievements of the team, affirming that the results embody the support extended to equestrian sport by His Majesty as well as the backing of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister...

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Bahrain: Royal Team set for Fontainebleau race - Full Article

12 October 2022

His Majesty King Hamad’s representative for humanitarian work and youth affairs and Royal Endurance Team captain Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa has said that the team is confident of achieving positive results in the International Endurance Race of Fontainebleau in France.

The Royal Endurance Team will participate in the 160km, 127km and 120km races in the event, taking place this weekend.

Shaikh Nasser will compete in the 160km race and the other jockeys of the team will participate in the rest of the races...

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Monday, October 10, 2022

Bahrain takes Gold as FEI Endurance Championships conclude this weekend - Full Article

10 October 2022
Author: Zein Jardaneh

Second-time gold winner HH Sheikh Nasser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, with the horse Lola De Jalima from Bahrain took the top prize again at the FEI Endurance World Championship for Young Horses held on Sunday 2 October, 2022 in Vic (ESP). Athletes completed a mountainous and challenging 120 km-long course, over four loops.

In a tight competition, with the first and second vet gates busy with horses riding in together, Lucía Lateulade with the horse JM Hadamo from Uruguay came in second. Carlos Pacheco Perez with his mount Ella De Fontaines from host-country Spain claimed bronze.

HH Sheikh Al Khalifa has successfully completed 13 FEI Championships in Endurance, including this one, since the start of his career, out of a total participation in 19 Championships. The first time he took the top prize was in August 2012, when he won the FEI Endurance World Championship for Young Horses in Bablona (HUN)...

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Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Wales: Disappointment for Fiona as championships are postponed - Full Article

4th October 2022 4:00 am

The owner of a horse-riding school in Llangattock has qualified for the Equestrian Endurance World Championships in Verona, Italy with her horse, Balishla.

62-year-old Fiona Griffiths from Bwlch has run Golden Castle Riding School for 30 years but has always enjoyed competing in endurance as well.

She has spent the last 18 years training a horse to be fit enough to represent Great Britian.

Fiona and Balishla needed to gain many qualifications and win competitions to qualify including completing two gruelling 160km rides in one day...

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Shaikh Nasser Wins: His Majesty closely followed Royal Team in Spanish race - Full Article

3 October 2022

His Majesty King Hamad’s representative for humanitarian work and youth affairs and Royal Endurance Team captain Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa has written another chapter in the history of Bahrain by winning the title of the FEI World Endurance Championship for eight-year-old horses in Spain, outclassing 57 elite riders representing 20 countries in the 120km race.

Shaikh Nasser clocked 6 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds on his way to victory...

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Monday, October 03, 2022

Kilmurry McMahon’s Martin gearing up for 2023 Mongol Derby - Full Article

Páraic McMahon
September 28, 2022

KILMURRY MCMAHON native Martin McMahon has been selected as one of only 40 riders to compete in the 2023 Mongol Derby, the longest and toughest equestrian race in the world.

He has accepted the challenge as a means of raising funds for three charities close to his heart, Pieta House, the Irish Cancer Society and MS Ireland, and is now embarking on a major fundraising drive to enable him to partake in this gruelling race and by doing so to assist his chosen charities.

This 1,000-kilometre race, which takes place in August annually, has no marked course, no packed lunches, and no beds to sleep on, with each race participant required to navigate and survive on their own, relying on their life and horsemanship skills to steer 25 semi-wild Mongolian horses during the entire race...

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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

XXXI Brazilian Endurance Championship in Brasília - Full Article
2nd September 2022

Brasília, Brazil. Friday 19 and Saturday 20 August 2022

On the weekend of August 19th and 20th the XXXI Brazilian Endurance Championship was held in Brasília, capital of Brazil. The Championship took place in Brasília’s Country Club facilities with the tracks going through Brasília’s University Farm (Fazenda Água Limpa – FAL – UnB), with breathtaking views and a perfect windy dry weather. Distances offered included the 20 and 40 km in the Graded Endurance Ride and 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 160 km against the clock.

The championship united people from different states from Brazil, including Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Distrito Federal and Rio de Janeiro. In total, there were 92 riders, of which 19 were disqualified. This was the first Brazilian endurance competition with live broadcast and where all competitors were equipped with a GPS tracking device during the race...

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wondai rider wins Queensland endurance event

Sarah Sullivan photo - Article and photos


Victoria Barber proves to be a champion in the true sense of the word, as ERLE LEVEY reports.


“I’m still learning from horses … they teach us every day.’’

Wondai rider, trainer and endurance horse breeder Virginia Barber is a champion in the true sense of the word.

Not only does Virginia encourage other riders to participate in the sport, she is now Queensland Endurance Riding Association (QERA) State Champion 2022...

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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

FEI reopens Bid Process for FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 following cancelation of Verona

8 September 2022

On 8 September 2022, the FEI Board confirmed the termination of the Host Agreement for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 that had been set to take place in Verona (ITA) from 19 to 23 October. The decision, taken during the Board’s monthly teleconference, also includes the provision to reopen the bid process in order to find a new host for the Championship.

The resolution puts an end to a lengthy preparation process, which began after the event’s allocation by the FEI Board in December 2020. It also confirms a formal notice of termination of the Host Agreement sent to the Verona Organising Committee on 26 August 2022, reflecting the FEI’s concerns including but not limited to track readiness, athlete safety, and the lack of detailed planning schedules in the lead up to the Championship. Following the notice of termination, the Organising Committee was given 10 days to remedy the situation and address the issues raised.

During the teleconference, the Board reviewed the documents and responses received from the Organising Committee as well as the feedback from the Technical Delegates on the latest information provided. The FEI Board also took note of the tight deadlines for the completion of the track due to the delays in planning and necessary upgrades, as well as the constraints on carrying out the necessary work during the month of September until early October due to the Fiera del Riso taking place at the same venue. The FEI Board could only conclude that, regretfully, the information and details provided by the Organising Committee were insufficient to justify maintaining the Championship.

“This was not a decision we took lightly, as we fully understand the ramifications it will have, but we had to take our responsibilities and respect the assessment of our technical experts,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos said. “We waited until now, because we had genuinely hoped that the issues that had been previously raised with the Organising Committee would have been resolved following several site visits and meetings, but unfortunately, this was not the case. To cancel earlier would have been premature, and to cancel any later, would have been even more disruptive.

“There is no doubt a lot of hard work and commitment, both from the Organising Committee and the FEI, as well as numerous experts have gone into the planning of this event.

“This is really unfortunate for everyone involved but if the experts are of the opinion that the safety of the athletes - both human and equine – cannot be guaranteed, the Board has no other option but to follow their recommendations.

“Athletes around the world, as well as National Federations have been preparing for this Championship, and we are extremely conscious of the impact the cancellation will have on their plans. However, previous experiences have taught us that there is no room for compromise when it comes to athlete and horse welfare. We will now focus all our attention on finding a new host for the FEI Endurance World Championship.”

The Board decided that the rescheduled Championship should take place no later than 30 April 2023 to allow organisers from all regions of the world to bid and given that other FEI Endurance Championships are scheduled to take place later in 2023. The bid process for the Championship will be reopened on Monday, 12 September when the application criteria and allocation deadlines will be announced.

The qualification obtained for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 will remain valid and the nominated entries will be reopened with an extended qualification window.

Doddie'5 Dazzlers raise £40,000 for MND research - Full Article

11 September 2022
By John Hislop

TWO Borders women known as Doddie’5 Dazzlers have pushed their bodies to the limit in the world’s longest and toughest horse race.

And in the process they have raised around £40,000 to help find a cure for MND.

In 1224 Genghis Khan set up the world’s first long-distance postal transmission system, using a massive network of horse stations known as Urtuus at 35km intervals.

And for ten days each August, the Mongol Derby recreates this legendary system along the entire 1,000km course.

Riders use semi-broken Mongolian horses which are only 12-14 hands high, but they are the toughest and most fit-for-purpose partners imaginable.

Last month Alice Gully, 46, from Heriot and Kate Mactaggart, 46, from Jedburgh took part in the race, riding in temperatures which ranged from freezing to 38 degrees centigrade. The pair survived ‘brutal’ conditions along the 1,000km route across mountains, rivers and desert through the Mongolian Steppe, living on a diet of offal and mutton...

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Monday, September 12, 2022

Endurance World Championship 2022 Needs New Venue - Full Artice

The FEI has reopened the bid process after terminating the host agreement with the Verona organizing committee for the event Oct. 19-23.

By: FEI Communications | September 9, 2022

On 8 September 2022, the FEI Board confirmed the termination of the Host Agreement for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 that had been set to take place in Verona (ITA) from 19 to 23 October. The decision, taken during the Board’s monthly teleconference, also includes the provision to reopen the bid process in order to find a new host for the Championship.

The resolution puts an end to a lengthy preparation process, which began after the event’s allocation by the FEI Board in December 2020. It also confirms a formal notice of termination of the Host Agreement sent to the Verona Organising Committee on 26 August 2022, reflecting the FEI’s concerns including but not limited to track readiness, athlete safety*, and the lack of detailed planning schedules in the lead up to the Championship. Following the notice of termination, the Organising Committee was given 10 days to remedy the situation and address the issues raised.

During the teleconference, the Board reviewed the documents and responses received from the Organising Committee as well as the feedback from the Technical Delegates on the latest information provided. The FEI Board also took note of the tight deadlines for the completion of the track due to the delays in planning and necessary upgrades, as well as the constraints on carrying out the necessary work during the month of September until early October due to the Fiera del Riso taking place at the same venue. The FEI Board could only conclude that, regretfully, the information and details provided by the Organising Committee were insufficient to justify maintaining the Championship...

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Verona loses right to host FEI Endurance World Champs - Full Article

September 10, 2022

Verona has lost the hosting rights for the 2022 FEI Endurance World Championships that were to have run in Italy from October 19 to 23, and the FEI is seeking new bids for the event.

The cancellation was formally advised following FEI concerns “including but not limited to track readiness, athlete safety, and the lack of detailed planning schedules” in the lead-up to the event. Following the notice of termination, the organising committee was given 10 days to remedy the situation and address the issues raised.

At its meeting via teleconference on September 8, the FEI Board “could only conclude that, regretfully, the information and details provided by the organising committee were insufficient to justify maintaining the championship”...

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Monday, September 05, 2022

Canada: A race of a different kind - Full Article

By: Karen McKinley
Posted: 3:02 AM CDT Monday, Sep. 5, 2022

It wasn’t your typical trail race on Saturday, with endurance riders and ultramarathoners meeting to see whether horses or humans are better at long-distance racing.

Four ultramarathoners and three endurance riders hit the trails early in the morning to take on a 50-mile (80.4 kilometre) course as part of a fun fundraiser for Souris River Bend Wildlife Management Area, as well as a training run for runners and riders.

The endurance riders — Ethen Garn, Wendy Carnegie and Shannon Lightfoot — were the first to mount up and go at 8 a.m. as soon as their horse were cleared to ride by veterinarian Glenn Sinclair. At 8:30 a.m. sharp, ultramarathoners Mark Timmons, Clayton Swanton, Roxanne Moreau and Corey Mohr headed down the river trail and on to their leg of the race...

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Great Britain: Organisers of The Red Dragon Ride Subsidize Costs to Support Riders

The British Horse Feeds & The Golden Paste Company’s Red Dragon Festival of Endurance: Costs Reduced to Support Riders

The Red Dragon Festival of Endurance (30 September – 2 October 2022) is set to be a bumper year as organisers have subsidised stabling costs to support competitors and ensure the event remains popular despite the increased cost of living.

Long-standing title sponsors, British Horse Feeds (BHF) and The Golden Paste Company (GPCo), are thrilled to continue with their support and provide hundreds of pounds worth of prizes, as well as hosting the Best Crew Member recognition award.

Hattie I’Anson, BHF and GPCo International Business & Strategic Lead Manager said: “It is great that Red Dragon has gone from strength-to-strength despite the challenges it has faced over the last few years. This is testament to the hard work of the organisers and volunteers who keep the show on the road and do an incredible job.

“We have some great prizes for riders this year, including Speedi-Beet, Fibre-Beet, Cooked Linseed and the natural turmeric supplement TurmerAid™.”

With classes for every level, from novice to experienced rider, this year’s competition at the Royal Welsh Showground is guaranteed to provide an exciting atmosphere for competitors as they head out into the breath-taking terrain of the Cambrian Mountains.

For 2022 the event is hosting the Riding Club Endurance Team Championship.

John Hudson, co-organiser of the event with his wife Jane said: “The names of British Horse Feeds and The Golden Paste Company have become synonymous with Red Dragon. We are so pleased to be working closely with Hattie and her team again. We are looking forward to a great weekend of endurance riding at all levels.”

One of the most highly anticipated events in the endurance calendar and a culmination of the season for many riders, this year’s event is not to be missed!

For more information and to enter click or tap on the link below:

The British Horse Feeds' & The Golden Paste Company's Red Dragon Festival of Endurance

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

FEI Issues Formal Notice of Termination for 2022 Verona WEC

August 29 2022

FEI World Endurance Championship Update

Last Friday, 26 August 2022, the FEI issued a formal notice of termination to the Organizing Committee for of the FEI World Endurance Championship 2022 in Verona (ITA) set to be held from 19-23 October.

The termination notice reflects the FEI's serious concerns regarding the planning and preparation of the Championship and specifically the readiness of the track, and is in line with the FEI's right to terminate as per Article 23b of the Horse Agreement (HA).

According to the Host Agreement, the Organizer has until 5 September (10 days from the receipt of the termination notice as per the HA) to remedy the situation.

We understand that National Federations are preparing travel and training arrangements, and while the final outcome of this process is yet to be known, we believe it is important that all National Federations are aware of the current situation.

Based on the feedback and responses received, the FEI Board will assess the situation at its Bard Teleconference on 8 September 2022 and decide whether the Championship in Verona can proceed or not at which point the FEI will inform all National Federations of the Board decision(s) and any other relevant information.

FEI Communications Department

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Survive Iceland Endurance Race Begins Today!

August 25 2022

‼️SURVIVE ICELAND – the biggest endurance race‼️

The Icelandic equestrian association Landssamband hestamannafélaga] is organizing an AMAZING endurance race! 😍😍😍

Today will be the start of the 280km race, that will take 4 days. The route takes the riders across the Icelandic highlands.

10 teams from all over the world are going to compete in this spectacular event! 🤩 Vets are regularly going to check on the horses‘ welfare and the riders need to change horses every 25-35km 😍

This is an amazing and very different event and focuses a lot more on other qualities of our horses – compared to competitions. Stamina and strength will take you to your goal 🏆

We wish all horses, riders and organizers a healthy, fun and fair race! 😍

If you want to follow the race a little bit: the riders take spot trackers with them, so you can always see their position on this map:

Emirates Knights reap full mark in Rashford - Full Aricle

The UAE riders won the full mark in their participation in the endurance races in the Rashford Arenas in Norfolk, Britain, and our riders excelled in the three rounds that started last June and concluded the day before yesterday through a group of races of different classification and distances.

August 23, 2022
By Tariq Saeed

The UAE riders won the full mark in their participation in the endurance races in the Rashford Arenas in Norfolk, Britain, and our riders excelled in the three rounds that started last June and concluded the day before yesterday through a group of races of different classification and distances.

The results of the last round, which spanned over two days, resulted in the jockey Salem Hamad Malhouf Al Ketbi winning first place for the second time in a row in the 160 km challenge, and Malhouf won the World Championship for the ability to ride “Aigol Email” for M7 Stables, and came in second place The jockey Abdullah Ghanem Al-Marri on the “Cali de Punklet” horse for F3 Stables, while the British rider won the third place on the “Majdi” horse...

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Australia: Endurance horse ride at Johns River attracts 100 riders

Photo:Jo Arblaster Animal Focus - Full Article

August 22 2022

A TOTAL of 110 endurance horse riders entered the inaugural Johns River Endurance Ride.

After four previous failed attempts to run the ride the organising committee was delighted as the weather was sensational for the event.

On Saturday 36 riders signed up for the shortest event, the 20km ride. More than a dozen of those backed up for another 40km event the next morning.

In the 80km ride there were 43 starters coming from all over NSW to try and gain one of the brand new ride Endurance Buckles. To Complete Is To win is the motto of endurance riding...

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Sunday, August 21, 2022

2022 August Mongol Derby: It’s an Asian Affair

Mongolians make their mark in the world’s toughest horse race, finishing first and joint second, as a Chinese rider completes the podium

After a two year absence, the world’s longest and toughest horse race, The Mongol Derby, was run twice this year to make up for lost time due to Covid. The first race in July was won by American Deirdre Griffith and South African Willemein Jooste, but the second edition had a more homely feel to it, with two Mongolians amongst the strong starting pack.

After a two year absence, the world’s longest and toughest horse race, The Mongol Derby, was run twice this year to make up for lost time due to Covid. The first race in July was won by American Deirdre Griffith and South African Willemein Jooste, but the second edition had a more homely feel to it, with two Mongolians amongst the strong starting pack.

Based on the ancient horse messenger system used by Genghis Khan, in a country where the horse is king, at 1000km the Derby is the toughest test on the planet for equestrian endurance riders. Whilst horses are changed roughly every 35km, at checkpoints strung out throughout the country, riders must endure being in the saddle for up to 200km a day and face the challenges of riding over twenty-eight different semi-wild horses, with varying temperaments and bucking abilities, the inevitable falls and mishaps that happen along the way and navigating through challenging terrain, from giant sand dunes to freezing mountain passes. 

The thirteenth Mongol Derby kicked off on the 10 th of August with a truly international field; 46 riders, from twelve different nations, with Swede Olof Sundstrom taking the early lead on day one.

Whilst the weather changed on day two, from blistering sunshine to near freezing rains, the lead didn’t. Then disaster befell the leader on day three, as Olof awoke to find his horse missing. He’d chosen to camp out alone to gain extra riding time, rather than spending the night at one of the horse stations. In this scenario riders ‘hobble’ their horses (loosely connecting their front legs together with rope to prevent them being able to roam too far), but Mongolian steeds have a knack of managing to hop away, as Olof found out. Whilst herders found the Swede’s horse, he had to hitch a ride to the next horse station and sit out a two hour penalty, his lead gone. By the end of the day eight riders were vying for the lead, spread out between horse stations 9 and 10.

Day four brought rain, a lot of it, which meant a new set of challenges for competitors, but not enough to separate anyone from the leading pack; as eight riders bedded down that evening, hoping their clothes might be a little drier in the morning.

Day five saw two riders drop away from the leading group, with six making it to horse station 17 together. American and Mongolian riders where showing particularly well with the six made up of - Abbi Bell (USA), Bilegbat Erdensukh (Mongolia), Callie King (USA), Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar (Mongolia) Rochelle Latka (USA) and Victoria Wang (China).

The morning of day six and a new twist for the Mongol Derby. Station 17 was a ‘lottery station’. Normally riders get to pick their horses from a line-up, first come first served, but at lottery stations (as used throughout the Gaucho Derby – an epic Patagonian race with pack horses, also run by Mongol Derby organisers The Equestrianists) riders have to ride what they’re given:

“This levels the playing field somewhat, and, to be frank, makes the whole thing a damn sight more exciting as a spectator sport.” – Tom Morgan, founder of The Equestrianists

Despite an initial fall from Rochelle Latka, on a particularly lively steed, the first lottery station did little to separate the riders up front, with the Mongolians local skills coming in handy when Erdene-Ochir’s stirrup leather snapped and the two men (riding together) managed to fashion a replacement from a goat leather lead rein.

Stations 19 and 20 were also lottery stations. Riders are allowed two picks and can swap their first horse for another if they’re not happy with their initial decision. Both Abbi Bell and Victoria Wang, took advantage of this after their first picks were a little too ‘spirited’, opting for safer, but perhaps slower, rides. This saw them both fall behind the leaders, as did Rochelle Latka, leaving just American Callie King in joint lead with the two Mongolians at horse station 21.

Day seven saw Callie sneak ahead of the Mongolians, with Erdene-Ochir finally hitting the deck as he was thrown off a particularly acrobatic livewire, proving even the locals can get caught out. He quickly made up for his mistake by rapidly catching Callie, before overtaking her to take the lead into the evening, with Callie just ahead of Bilegbat, Victoria and Rochelle.

With only three legs of racing left on the final day (at least for those at the head of the race), riders were on edge. Little separated the top five and everyone wanted to ride fast, if they pushed too hard however they risked getting a penalty (added time at the end) if their horse’s heart rate didn’t drop quickly enough, which, at this stage in the race, would inevitably mean throwing away any chance of a win.

In the end it was the Asian riders who got this fine balance right, with Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar managing to keep hold of his overnight lead and 19 year old Bilegbat Erdensukh and Victoria Wang crossing together in joint second, Callie King taking a very well fought fourth place.

“It’s brilliant for the race to get its first outright Mongolian win and I hope riders from around the world continue to get inspired by The Mongol Derby. Life in general is overtly manicured, we need a bit of toughness and chaos to dig deep and find out what we are really capable of." – Tom Morgan,
The Equestrianists founder

Visit for more details

Comments from the finish line:

Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar
28 years old

Current City/State/Country of residence
Mongolia, Tuv province, Altanbulag soum, 2nd bag
Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar

What was it like crossing the finish line as the winner of the world’s toughest horse race?

I’ve never crossed a finish line like this before so I never knew what that was like. When people welcomed me with cheers, milk and a Khadag (ceremonial scarf), it was amazing. I thought to myself how wonderful Mongolian culture and tradition is. The most beautiful moment was when I was coming in through the banners. I have never competed in a big international competition like this before, so winning this is truly an honour and brings me great pride. I think of it as one big lucky strike in the one life that was granted to me.
Do you have a favourite memory from the race that you could tell us about?
It was the times I spent with the other amazing racers from overseas. We communicated with each other using body language and hand gestures. If we (the Mongolian riders) were also abroad, we would’ve faced all the challenges they were going through in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. So helping them along the way, using hand gestures to communicate with each other, was the most memorable moment for me. 

You had such a positive attitude for the entirety of the race. How did you keep your spirits high
even through adversities? 

Throughout the race I thought to myself how wonderful it would be if we all treated each other so nicely, kindly and with a big smile. I am a man who always has a smile on their face. I thought to myself that we as Mongolians should show the world that we are people with joy and happiness on our faces, not melancholy or anger. They probably wonder what we are like.
You rode a few legs with Bilegbat, the one other Mongolian competitor. How was it being able to
ride together?

Riding with Bilegbat was great, we used to talk about crossing the finish line together but unfortunately he received a 4 hour penalty at station 22. He said to me it would be ridiculous to wait for him for 4 hours, so I rode on. I didn’t think to compete with Bilegbat, but rather wanted to bring fame and glory to my country Mongolia, to cross the finish line showing our way of life that is so  intertwined with our horses and animals. It was awesome riding with Bilegbat, he is very talkative and we discussed every topic during our rides together. We became very close and had many discussions.

There were a lot of new things you had to learn for this race including the navigation systems and
the vetting process. How was that? Is there anything you learned during the race that you will keep with you?
What I learned is how to use a GPS, which I’ve never used before. GPS shows you a direct way, which was a bit difficult. When I followed the GPS direct line, there would mountain after mountain. When
 you cross over many mountains, your horse wouldn’t go eventually. But I learned my lesson in the end. Instead I used the topography map and tried riding through the open plain. Otherwise, there would be mountains. Horses wouldn’t really go over rocky hilly terrains no matter what. English is definitely needed when riding with other fellow riders to understand each other. I learned a few words and phrases from my fellow riders. 

I’ve learned several sentences and phrases that I can use when meeting with foreign people, which I’m keeping to use later. As Mongolians we’ve never listened to the heart rates of the horses, we only ride them when we need to, but in truth we should calm the horses when we reach our destination. From the race and vet check, I’ve learned to keep the horses calm and to love them. In the future I’ll be keeping these vet parameters, as I love my horses.

Victoria Wang
31 years old

Current City/State/Country of residence, City/State/Country you are originally from and what’s
your link to New Zealand?

I currently live in Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand. I am originally from Beijing, China.
 I was working and living in New Zealand for around 5 years, but none of my family is living in New
Zealand - everyone is back home in Beijing.

It’s the world’s toughest horse race for a reason, what was the toughest part for you? Can you
describe a moment where you really had to pull through either mentally or physically?
 The toughest part for me was the pre-race preparation before flying out to Mongolia - it was like a  mental torture sometimes. The Mongol Derby is not something you see or experience every day, so I did not have any clue whether my preparation was in the right way or not. I tried to contact the previous riders for tips or to study the YouTube videos uploaded by other riders, but still I felt quite unsure and anxious all the time about the race. I made a training plan for myself, but every day I felt I hadn’t trained enough, so the three months before August I was always living in anxiety, and I had to convince myself that the gym work was progressing.

During the race I did experience some tough time, but not too bad. One moment I did not expect was between HS22 and HS23, I made a wrong horse selection and my horse parked half way - he wouldn’t move at all unless I got off and led him forward. It was about 12km away from HS23, and it was in the hottest time of the day. There were several big mountains in front of us. When I realised that I had to walk for the rest of the leg, I was a bit lost and did not know what to do. Luckily it didn’t take too long for me to get my brain to work again. I calculated the time and it wasn’t too bad, even if I walked to HS23, so then I accepted the reality and pulled myself together and started walking forward.
There were several highs and lows in the race, what was your high?

The highlight was riding a beautiful grey horse from HS25 to HS26. I spotted the horse because he was wearing a special halter, and then the herder led him out of the group and he just looked strong and fast. When I rode him out of the horse station I could not hold him at all. At one second I thought I was going to die because if I lost my balance and fell off at that speed I definitely will have some serious injury. Then he slowed down slightly and I got all the control back. He just kept going for the rest of the leg at an enjoyable speed, and remained in balanced movement. Very special horse.

A lot of riders race to raise funds for a charity close to their hearts. Who was your charity and how
did you decide to raise funds for them?

There are three charities…
 • Steppe and Hoof, Mongolia -
Steppe and Hoof is set up to help herders and their animals in Mongolia. Without the local herders and the mighty Mongolian horses we could not enjoy the Mongol Derby at all, so they need to be looked after well.
• HOPE Equestrian Therapeutic Centre, China -
As a Beijing local, I hope that more people in China could get interested in horses, and that they can also understand that horses are not just for entertainment or competitions, sometimes horses can help the general public in their daily lives.
• Beyond the Barriers, New Zealand -
They give retired racehorses a second career to develop and help them to find a good home after  racing. Definitely plays an important role in the racing industry and I respect them a lot.
 What was it like crossing the finish line in second place of the world’s toughest horse race?

It still feels unreal. I did not expect I could get the second place tie because there are so many riders 
who are more professional than I am. I would have been happy enough if I just completed the race without any penalties, so this result is like the icing on the cake.


Bilegbat Erdensukh
19 years old

Current City/State/Country of residence
Mongolia, Tuv Province, Bayan Soum, 3rd bag
Bilegbat Erdenesukh

What excited you most about this race and the challenge that comes with it?

The moment the race started and everyone bolted out of the start line was truly an exciting moment, I felt so many different feelings all at once. I thought to myself, “Wow, I guess this is how competitive and fast we’ll be competing throughout the race!” But I came to learn that that wasn’t the case at all. When it comes to moving from horse station to horse station, it’s mostly a game of who is smarter and more tactical. I had to learn to navigate, make sure the horses’ heart rate and physical well-being was sorted and also to let the vet know the horses’ scars and scratches. I always had to remind myself to not forget to do this.

What is your background with horses? And what is your current day-to-day like?

I was 4 years old when I first rode a horse and I was 5 when I competed for the first time in a horse race. I passed out on the horse during the race so I wasn’t able to place above 5th place. The second time I raced, there was really heavy rain and I got really hypothermic. An ambulance had to come and get me. A day in my life would be; in the summertime, I’d get up at 5am, work with my horses and graze them. From around 11am until 7pm, I’d just be outside tending to the horses, watering  them, scraping their sweat, and at night I’d water them again and let them graze. My summers are usually spent outside with the horses, in the middle of the steppe.

You were in last place after the first day of the race and made an incredible come back, passing 10
people on the second day. Tell us how you kept your mind in the race and managed to pull off
such an impressive feat.

It didn’t feel difficult as I figured there was definitely an opportunity when I noticed how most of the
riders weren’t far ahead of me.

When I found out I was in the lead I had much control. There wasn’t much need of staying in the stations for a long time. With only a cup of tea in my system I saved a lot of time, as opposed to the other riders who seemed to stay longer.   

What was it like crossing the finish line in second place of the world’s toughest horse race?

Thinking back now, I think my excitement stole a lot of my recollection of how I crossed the finish line. I wasn’t fully aware of what I was doing but I remember crossing hand in hand with Victoria Wang as we understood each other through hand signs very well. When I stood up raising my hand she instantly got my intention and we trotted in together.


Saturday, August 20, 2022

August Mongol Derby Day 10: Here comes the cavalry - Full Article

Holly Conyers
20th August 2022

Mercifully for those still out on the steppe, the Mongolian weather gods awoke on Day 10 of the August 2022 Mongol Derby feeling a little ashamed of themselves for their stormy strop yesterday, and pulled out all the stops to redeem themselves. The sun was out, there was a pleasant breeze in the air, and nary a rain cloud in sight. Hallelujah.

With the inviting lights of the party at finish camp practically within sight this morning from HS27, just one final leg away, Brittany Hook (BHO) and Jessica Di Pasquale (JDP) sprang out of bed full of beans, ready to mount up and charge for the line at 7am on the dot. There was time for a final family portrait at HS27 before they started on their final leg of the adventure of a lifetime. The pair were the first to blaze through the flags at finish camp this morning, to many cheers from the assembled crowd...

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Friday, August 19, 2022

August Mongol Derby Day 9: When it rains, it pours - Full Article

Holly Conyers
19th August 2022

If riders thought they had seen rain during the Derby so far, or for that matter anywhere else in their lives, Day 9 of the August 2022 Mongol Derby was here to laugh in their faces and highlight their ignorance. Crew members and riders alike were awoken this morning by the din of raindrops akin to bullets hammering gers and tents, as the previously amiable blue sky and fluffy clouds were replaced by a solid wall of dark grey cloud and sheets of driving rain, all hints of sunlight extinguished. Temperatures plummeted, boots filled with icy rain and substandard waterproofs were blasphemed and exchanged for dry crew kit. It’s been quite frankly hellish out there, but that hasn’t stopped 13 more of our astonishing August 2022 Mongol Derby cohort chugging over the finish line. And those who were still going by the mid afternoon were rewarded with another seismic change in the weather: a beautiful evening, complete with glowy pink sunset. Never a dull moment...

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Swansea Building Society backs the Welsh Equine Endurance Team - Full Article

August 18 2022
Lisa Baker, Editor, Welsh Business News & News from Wales

Swansea Building Society will sponsor the Welsh Equine Endurance Team for the second year running at the Home International Endurance Championships – one of the most prestigious equine events in Europe.

The event will take place between the 9th – 11th September at Longnewton, near Melrose, in the Scottish Borders. Last year, the Welsh team romped home to win the Celtic Challenge and came second in the Home International. This year, the team is aiming to go one better and win both trophies.

The competition has horses and riders competing over courses ranging from 40km in one day to a two-day 160km competitive endurance race contested by the Endurance GB home international teams: England, Scotland and Wales...

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August Mongol Derby Day 8: A home win - Full Story

Holly Conyers
17th August 2022

Day 8 of the August 2022 Mongol Derby, and we are bursting with pride to report that a first home-grown champion has done it: Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar (EOU) has held off the pack of riders hounding him to clinch victory for Mongolia in the Mongol Derby. And what a champion he is: a supernaturally talented horseman with limitless reserves of good cheer and kindness, his elation on crossing the line will be a memory we cherish for a long time to come. Complete with a hands-free crossing, of course...

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August Mongol Derby Day 7: The heat is on - Full Story

Holly Conyers
17th August 2022

Day 7 of the August 2022 Mongol Derby has drawn to a close. Our leading rider is only two horse stations from reaching nirvana: the finish line, complete with cold drinks, hot showers and clean clothes. And yet, it’s looking like the title could go down to our second nail-biting dash for the line of the summer. Erdene-Ochir Uuganbayar (EOU) has shaken off the rest of the leading pack and has made it to HS25, but the unflappable Callie King (CKI) continues with her quietly determined stormer of a race and lurks just behind him, camped between HS24 and HS25 and no doubt ready to launch herself back onto the steppe first thing in the morning. Which of these two, or any of the others snapping at their hocks, will hurtle over the line first?...

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New Zealand: Horse prevails in Central Otago's Only Fools and Horses race 3 March 2025 Joe Shaw Four legs have - unsurprisingly - triumphed over two in the inaugural Only Fools and...