Friday, December 02, 2022

Replacement World Title Ride Dismays Endurance Stakeholders - Full Article

Riders who have trained over European terrain are unhappy to be facing a desert race, and there is astonishment that the troubled UAE won the bid.

By Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson | December 2, 2022

Reallocation of the FEI 2022 World Endurance Championship to the last week of February 2023 at Boudheib in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has met pushback from a variety of stakeholders.

Some competitors are dismayed that they now face a desert race after training for completely different terrain in Verona, Italy. Meanwhile the active “Clean Endurance” community is astonished that the UAE – a hub of doping and rule-breaking – has been rewarded with a prestigious championship, especially when equestrianism’s “social licence” is under the spotlight.

Clean Endurance also queried the technical suitability of Boudheib for a potentially fast-paced championship. It feels the FEI’s decision was influenced by the new organizer’s financial package which includes prize money of $545,000 USD, ten times the minimum requested in the bid document. Half will be split between all finishers, plus a best condition award...

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