Friday, August 29, 2014

Canadian Endurance Team Races Through the Trenches - Full Article

August 29 2014

Equine Canada Communications - One hundred and sixty-five horse-and-rider combinations, representing 42 nations, set off on the five-loop, 160 km endurance race across the coast of Sartilly, FRA on August 28. With unfavourable weather conditions the trails turned to mud trenches sinking a foot deep causing issues on course. Canadians took on the race with a strategic plan and several tactics to approach the race technically.

Reflecting on the race day, Chef d'Equipe Maura Leahy remarked, "We came into this event expecting to have four personal bests. So it was disappointing having not completed, but that is a part of Endurance. Everybody, the riders, crews and officials have done a wonderful job getting the horses through the loops. We are glad to have four healthy and happy horses and humans."

Leading the Canadians was Jessica Manness of Dugald, BC and Greater Glide (Flaming Tigre X Flaming Streak), her 13-year-old Arabian gelding. They completed four loops in 9:58:40 staying at a consistent pace. At the end of the fourth loop Manness entered the veterinary inspection. It was determined that the horses may have some electrolyte imbalances earning a ME veterinary check code meaning the horse has a metabolic concern. After further testing and treatment for the decreased electrolytes in the veterinary clinic Greater Glide was released with a clean bill of health.

"We were in the middle of the pack to start which is where I wanted to be," commented Manness. "Before we started I set all the times I wanted to achieve and I stayed on them until our last loop. The trail was harder than I had anticipated. It was muddy and had a lot of hills across the in-lands. The second loop was mostly on the beach and on the asphalt roads. My immediate concern was how the hard ground would impact my horse, but he isn't showing any signs of soreness which is good..."

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Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

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