Monday, September 07, 2009

France and the UAE shared the gold - More

Espanya, cuyo mejor resultado fue el octavo puesto de Eulalia Gonzalez y "Sadek P", consiguio clasificar a la mitad de sus binomios.

Segun los resultados provisionales, 67 binomios se clasificaron, 22 fueron eliminados y seis se retiraron.

Con un tiempo de cinco horas, 15 minutos y diez segundos (5:15:10) y una velocidad media de 22,464 kilometros hora (kms./h.), tras correr la ultima fase a 29,478 kms./h., el emirati Al Marouqi Hussain Ali y "Sergai" se hicieron con la victoria individual, por delante de su compatriota Bin Faisal Al Qasimi He Sh Abd y "Castlebar Sobia" (5:15:12 y 22,462 kms./h.).

Laetitia Goncalves (5:20:01 y 22,124 kms./h. sobre "Jasmina des Ayssade") gano el bronce para Francia, que clasifico a cinco binomios entre los once primeros (puestos 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th y 11th).

France team gold and individual bronze, and the United Arab Emirates, team silver and individual gold and silver, were the winners of the Raid World Championship for Junior and Young Riders (Babolna, Hungary).

Spain, whose best result was eighth place Eulalia Gonzalez and "Sadek P", managed to qualify for half of their couples.

On Saturday, September 5 was played in Babolna (Hungary) on Raid World Championship for Junior and Young Riders, proof of 120 kilometers with the participation of riders and horses from 29 countries, including six Spanish.

According to provisional results, 67 couples were classified, 22 were eliminated and six were retired.

With a time of five hours, 15 minutes and ten seconds (5:15:10) and an average speed of 22.464 kilometers hour (Km / h), after running the last stage to 29.478 kms. / H, the UAE Hussain Ali Al Marouqi and "Sergai" were made with the individual victory, ahead of compatriot Bin Faisal Al Qasimi Abd I Sh and "Castlebar Sobia" (5:15:12 and 22.462 kms. / h).

Laetitia Goncalves (5:20:01 and 22.124 kms. / H on "Jasmina des Ayssade") won the bronze for France, which qualified for five couples among the first eleven (post 3, 4th, 5th, 9th and 11th). - More

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