Friday, April 15, 2011

India: Majestic Marwari beats enchanting English - Full Article

By Yana Bey Apr 14 2011

A beautiful grey stallion, Pratham, ridden by Thakhat Singh, beat British thoroughbreds in National Endurance event

Amid the momentous happen­ings in the world of adventure sport this February, a land­mark event in the little-known and cl­ose-knit circle of Indian equestrian sp­orts was eclipsed. For the first time, in the National Endurance champ­ion­ship, a Marwari horse beat English th­oroug­hbreds to win the 100-km event.

Endurance events are long-distance riding events that test the physical and mental stamina of both horse and rider. There are 40-km, 60-km, 80-km, 100-km and 120-km events. The last two, being very taxing, see the fewest number of participants.

This year, just four horses took part in the National Endurance 100-km event — held in Jodhpur on February 27. Two were English thoroughbreds but the other two were sons of the soil - beautiful specimens of the Marwari, the horse native to the region. All the four were from Jodhpur with both Marwaris belonging to the All-India Marwari Horse Society.

The winner was a beautiful grey stallion, Pratham...

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