Thursday, September 07, 2017

Gobi Desert Cup: Endurance horse-trek the brainchild of western Queensland rider - Full Article

ABC North West Qld By Zara Margolis and Harriet Tatham
Posted Tue at 12:58pm

After competing in the world's longest equestrian race in Mongolia, adventurer Camille Champagne Bargenquast thought she would create her very own endurance event.

In 2015, Ms Champagne Bargenquast spent $30,000 representing Australia in the Mongol Derby; a 10-day, 1,000-kilometre endurance race that she said many competitors failed to compete.

"It was very scary at times. I remember a particular time I was fearing for my life in the race — it's tough," Ms Champagne Bargenquast said.

Undeterred by the challenge Ms Champagne Bargenquast, who lives on Linda Downs station, 220 kilometres south-west of Mount Isa and 8,000 kilometres from Mongolia, will launch the inaugural Gobi Desert Cup on September 6.

The event is a six-day, 480-kilometre, multi-stage endurance race.

"I met wonderful people there,'' she said of her fist endurance ride in Mongolia.

"Together we decided to organise an endurance event which would allow people who did not want to go through the roughness of the event to participate on quiet horses..."

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