The « Grand Parquet Endurance » association is happy to present you with a new event happening in France : an International Endurance Ride Competition (CEI ***, CEIY ** ** IEC, IEC *) taking place in Fontainebleau on march 30-31 2012.
The event is hosted on the « Grand Parquet » spot, one of the most beautiful equestrian site in France, very comfortable, as well for the horses as for the riders.
The courses are displayed in daisy shape around the site, in the magnificent Fontainebleau Forest, on excellent quality grounds (almost no asphalt).
Electronic timing will be applied to the riders.
Stage Equestrian Grand Parquet
Fontainebleau is a city deeply attached to its equestrian heritage. Since François I to Napoleon III, the kings of France favored Fontainebleau and its surroundings for exceptional hunting.
Built in 1920 on a former site of "hunting shooting" Royal Hippodrome Grand Parquet quickly became a prestigious race. It is called the "Parquet of the Emperor" and the high society of the time were found there. It was around 1950 that this site was redesigned to become a place of equestrian competitions, suitable for all disciplines.
Since then, every year, the Grand Parquet hosts high level equestrian competitions, as well as many sporting events and events.
Message from the President
2011: the first!
2012: Confirmation!
2013: a new step ...
While our association will celebrate its Grand Parquet Stamina third year of existence next summer, the appointment given to all endurance enthusiasts on the site of Grand Parquet Fontainebleau became a fixture of the season starts! After a successful first edition in 2011 (* and ** level), our association was entrusted in 2012 to organize a round selective for Team France at the World Championships (160 km - ***) a guarantee of confidence Federation to our knowledge.
No time to rest for 2013 is looming as a step further: a double selective. It is with great pride that we have accepted the challenge of organizing a round selective Seniors Team France in the upcoming European Championships to be held at Most in the Czech Republic, as well as handle selective for Youth Team of France in the upcoming World Championships, to be held in Tarbes!
Be assured that here each member of the association will give the best of himself to make this new edition a success.
I want to thank our many supporters, without whom this adventure would not have the same flavor. They know and recognize.
I can not continue without a special thought to our friend, gone too soon. Faithful from the beginning, he was a major player in first editions. We will never forget ...
I conclude by wishing you, on behalf of the association Grand Parquet Stamina and all its members, an excellent year of endurance and a good preparation for the 29 and 30 March 2013.