Saturday, June 19, 2010

State lawmakers updated on last 100 days until WEG - Full Article

World Equestrian Games will welcome 62 countries

Posted: 06/18/2010

FRANKFORT, Ky. – In 100 days, the Kentucky Horse Park will become the first non-European location in 20 years to host major international equine championships known as the FEI World Equestrian Games.

And this week, state lawmakers on the Kentucky General Assembly’s Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Tourism learned from event organizers how over 2,000 volunteers, over 300 temporary and permanent facilities, affordable $25 per person general admission tickets and competitors from as many 62 countries can make this Kentucky-based 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG) a worldwide success.

Only 59 countries submitted competition entries for the 2006 WEG held in Aachen, Germany, said WEG 2010 Foundation CEO Jamie Link.

“I think that says a lot about what we are attempting to do here,” said Link, adding that nearly 1,000 athletes currently intend to participate in the 16-day event to be held Sept. 25-Oct. 10 at the Kentucky Horse Park...

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