Monday, August 31, 2009

Portugal: CEIO Nations Cup 2009 - 4 October 2009

CEIO 160 km Barroca D'Alva, Alcochete - 4th October 2009

Endur'All is now preparing the Nations Cup 2009 which will be the final of the circuit between France, Belgium, Italy and Portugal. Nations Cup 2009 is a 160 km course beside Tejo estuary, a natural reserve located in Barroca d'Alva, Alcochete, 30 km near Lisbon and the international airport.

The Competition
The competition will count with a presence of a large number of international riders that will not only be competing a 160 km but will be profiting a course through a beautiful landscape, a surrounding area of Lisbon that has revealed itself has a paradise at 20 minutes away from the capital. Tejo estuary, a natural reserve of the country that presents 325 square km of an enormous biodiversity and considered the biggest sanctuary of wild aquatic birds.

The course offers a unique terrain conditions for the practice of Endurance in Europe, since that has received the European Endurance Championship 2007 Open, and the Nations Cup CEIO 2006, 2007, and 2008. 160 km courses almost entirely cutting through estuary country criss-crossed with rice-paddies, canals and dukes as well as pine forests and oak plantations. We've chosen a pleasant, technical and fast course for the riders to enjoy but also to prove their level of competitiveness.

More information at

Namibia: Walvis Bay Hosts Endurance Horse Riding


by Albertina Nakale

WALVIS BAY - Excitement is mounting as horse riders prepare themselves for the annual International Horse Endurance Ride, which gets underway at Walvis Bay on Wednesday.

According to the Namibia Endurance Ride Association (NERA), a significant number of riders from South African and Botswana and hosts Namibia will be in action in this highly acclaimed competition.

"Walvis Bay is the ideal location for the competition. The dune landscapes provide for some of the toughest endurance rides, attracting riders from all over the world," said the secretary of NERA, Annette Hanekom.

The first endurance ride in Namibia was held in 1966 between Veldduin and Maroelaboom, and soon grew in leaps and bounds.

After the withdrawal of the South African Defence Force in 1989 endurance riding came to abrupt halt in Namibia. However, by 1990 the Grootfontein Endurance Ride Club was established and the first endurance ride after independence was held in April that year at Kranzfontein, near Grootfontein.

The maiden edition of the National Championships was held at Gobabis in 1992. Ever since the endurance sport has grown tremendously and there are currently more than 200 members and seven clubs.

"More important than the numbers is the quality of improvement that Namibia Endurance Riding has experienced. We have grown to become internationally competitive with our wonderful and tough horses.

While our riding routes are a true challenge in stamina, fitness and endurance."

As with the previous competitions the event has not only attracted top riders beyond Namibian borders but has lured high profiled technical delegates, veterinarians, supporters and friends.

"As you can imagine this is a healthy boost to the coastal economy and an opportunity to promote the area as a tourist attraction. The competition will be held in compliance with the regulations of the Federation Equestre International (FEI)."

The competition that wounds its way around Walvis Bay, covers a distance of 130 kilometers for the senior open division and 120 kilometers for the junior riders.

"This is the biggest equestrian event in Namibia. It does not only put the country on the international map, but also promotes Walvis Bay and the town's unique environment.

"According to our estimates, the income this event will generate will be thousands of dollars through accommodation, meals and other tourism activities as participants, officials and spectators will flock to the endurance championships," Hanekom concluded.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spain: Equipo espanol para el Mundial de Raid YR/J - Mas


Diego Haces ("Esso Starlet"), Agda Muixí ("Troian 3"), Uma Mencia ("Indian Tawfik"), Andrea Laura López ("Cal al Jakin"), Laura Vilaregut ("Arca") y Eulalia González ("Sadek P") han sido los binomios elegidos para representar a España, el próximo mes de septiembre, en el Campeonato del Mundo de Raid de Juveniles y Jóvenes Jinetes (Bábolna, Hungría).

Mediante un comunicado oficial firmado el 14 de agosto por el seleccionador nacional, Quico Yebra, la Real Federación Española de Hípica ha dado a conocer los nombres de los seis binomios que representarán a nuestro país en el Campeonato del Mundo de Raid de Juveniles y Jóvenes Jinetes, que se disputará del 5 al 6 de septiembre en Bábolna (Hungría), sede de una centenaria ganadería y una de las cunas del famoso caballo árabe Shagya.

Diego Haces ( "Esso Starlet"), Agda Muixí ( "Troian 3"), Uma Mencia ( "Indian Tawfik"), Laura Andrea Lopez ( "Cal at Jakin"), Laura Vilaregut ( "Ark") and Eulalia Gonzalez ( " Sadek P ") were the couples elected to represent Spain, next September in the Raid World Championship of Youth and Young Riders (Bábolna, Hungary).

Through a communiqué signed on 14 August by the national coach, Quico Yebra, the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation has announced the names of the six couples who will represent our country in the Raid World Championship for Junior and Young Riders , to be played from 5 to 6 September in Bábolna (Hungary), an ancient seat of livestock and one of the birthplaces of famous Shagya Arab horse.


France: Maria Alvarez, ganadora del CEI2* de Compiegne - Mas


Montando a "Julius de la Dromme", la española Maria Alvarez ganó el Raid Internacional de dos estrellas (CEI2*)-Trofeo de los Equipos del Festival Mundial de Endurance de Compiègne (Francia), en cuyo marco se corrieron los campeonatos del mundo de caballos de ocho y siete años, ganados, respectivamente, por la local Laetitia Gonçalves ("Nasdak de Sommant") y el qatarí Abugnaim Faleh Nasser Saleh ("Orette de Tanues"). En el Mundial de ocho años, Alex Luque ("O'Bajan XX-3") y David Fernández ("Enia") fueron cuarto y quinto, respectivamente.

Riding "the Dromme Julius," the Spanish Maria Alvarez won the International Raid two stars (CEI2 *)-Trophy Teams World Endurance Festival de Compiègne (France), under which ran the World Championships eight horses and seven years, won respectively by the local Laetitia Goncalves ( "Nasdak of Sommant") and Qatari Nasser Saleh Abugnaim Faleh ( "Orette of Tanu). At the World Cup eight years, Alex Luque ("O'Bajan XX-3 ") and David Fernandez (" Enia ") were fourth and fifth respectively.


Italy: Assissi Endurance Lifestyle



Within a month form its beginning there is an increasingly expectation for the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle, eleven days full of emotions, in the breathtaking town of san Francesco.

The Assisi Municipality is, as in previous years, a major partner of the event that is a great expression of the perfect union with the surrounding, increasing its strengths thanks to the unique beauties of city and its district that will host the Meydan City FEI Open European Endurance Championships 2009 and a plethora of other events.
Friday August the 28th at 11.00 a.m. in the Sala della Conciliazione in Assisi, the Major Mr. Claudio Ricci and the AEL CEO, Mr. Gianluca Laliscia, will attend the event presentation meeting focussed on 2009 programme and some event highlights.

Great worldwide authorities are going to be the event, just consider the fact that 28 nations will take part to the competition. We will let the numbers speak for themselves: 3 continents will take part to the event, 7 Royal families, 15 Sheiks, 18 private jets expected, 136 horse riders in the race, 24 official broadcasting companies and up to 11.200 estimated overnight stays.

Due to this reason we have considered strategically important to set this meeting in order to brief the Media and the Economical representatives to set the best hospitality for the thousands of people that are going to arrive in Assisi close to the event stats on September 17th 2009.

Assisi Endurance Lifestyle is a great opportunity to rediscover style and life quality and moreover an extraordinary occasion for our region and its promotion.

Italy: Stage nazionale: vince il gruppo - più

Notizia del 28/08/2009

Si è svolto ieri a Suno (NO) presso le strutture messe a disposizione dallo Chef d’Equipe Sergio Tommasi, lo stage di allenamento riservato ai cavalli in selezione, dal quale verranno designati i 6 binomi che rappresenteranno la squadra azzurra ai Campionati Europei Open di Assisi il prossimo 26 Settembre. Sportendurance ha seguito, come l’anno passato, unitamente allo staff tecnico della nazionale, tutti i test ai cavalli.
Giornata calda ed afosa quella di ieri giovedi 27 Agosto, quando cavalli e cavalieri sono stati chiamati ad un allenamento in tre fasi di circa 65-70km. Il gruppo ha lavorato per queste due giornate di test, in modo molto armonico; certo, il fermento per un appuntamento importante, accentuato anche dal fatto di “giocare in casa”, era percepibile, ma per tutte le due giornate il clima è stato sereno e l’intenzione di costruire un gruppo che possa lavorare e crescere compatto è già realtà.

Al termine della seconda giornata Sergio Tommasi C.T. della nazionale italiana endurance, molto disponibile ed estremamente gentile, si è concesso in esclusiva ai microfoni di Sportendurance per una breve intervista:

Mancano esattamente 30 giorni all’appuntamento più importante della stagione cioè il campionato europeo open. In quale stato di forma si sono presentati i cavalli e quale lavoro avete svolto durante questa due giorni di stage?

I cavalli si sono presentati tutti in buone condizioni, il primo giorno abbiamo effettuato tutti i test veterinari a riposo che ritenevamo opportuni, mentre il secondo giorno hanno fatto un allenamento in andatura di circa 66 km suddiviso in tre fasi. Prima della partenza sono stati eseguiti i prelievi ematici che si sono susseguiti fase dopo fase, per monitorare la reazione dei cavalli allo sforzo fisico e a determinare lo stato di condizione degli stessi.

It took place yesterday at Suno (NO) at the facilities made available by the Chef d'Equipe Sergio Tommasi, the internship training reserved for horses in the selection, which will be designated by the 6 combinations that will represent the Italian team at the European Championships Open Assisi on 26 September. Sportendurance followed, like last year, together with the technical staff of the national test for all horses.
Hot and muggy day than yesterday Thursday 27 August, when horses and riders were called to a workout in three phases of about 65-70km. The group has worked for these two days of testing, very harmonious, sure, the excitement for an important appointment, accentuated by the fact of "playing house" was perceptible, but for every two days the weather was sunny and the intent to build a group that can work and grow compact is already a reality.

At the end of the second day of the Italian national Sergio Tommasi CT endurance, very friendly and extremely polite, it was granted exclusive to the microphones of Sportendurance for a brief interview:

Missing exactly 30 days the appointment of the season that is the European championship open. In quale stato di forma si sono presentati i cavalli e quale lavoro avete svolto durante questa due giorni di stage? In what state of form occurred horses and what work you have done during the two days of work experience?

The horses are all in very good condition, the first day we did all the testing veterinarians at rest as we see fit, while the second day they did a workout in the gait of about 66 km in three phases. Prima della partenza sono stati eseguiti i prelievi ematici che si sono susseguiti fase dopo fase, per monitorare la reazione dei cavalli allo sforzo fisico ea determinare lo stato di condizione degli stessi. Before leaving blood samples have been performed that have followed step by step, to monitor the reaction of horses to physical effort and to determine the state of condition of the same.

più - More...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Australia: Jamie saddles up for a feat of endurance

Southeast Advertiser
24 Aug 09 @ 09:53am by Belinda Seeney

ENDURANCE horseracing takes not only talent and technical skill but plenty of patience.

Hawthorne teen Jamie Green (pictured) is top in his field, taking out the Australian National Endurance Championships (160km Youth) at Imbil in June.

The South-East Advertiser’s YoungStar sports category winner started the race at 3am and finished at 5pm to clinch the title.

Jamie’s endurance riding success has been swift considering he only began riding lessons three years ago.

“One of our neighbours was into it and we bought my first horse off them,” he explained.

“They asked me if I wanted to do an endurance ride with them and I just got hooked.”

The 14-year-old Churchie student said that an average endurance race lasted 10 to 14 hours.

The horses were examined by a veterinarian every 40km.

Mum Denise Green said Jamie spent every weekend and holidays at the family’s Mary Valley property, training and riding his horses.

“Living in Brisbane makes it difficult but his dad helps out by staying at the farm to do extra horse training before major rides, not to mention driving Jamie and his horses to each endurance event,” she said.

Jamie will travel to Victoria in September for the 160km Tom Quilty Gold Cup.

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USA: American Rider Alexandria Kirkland Prepared to Contend for 2009 World Championships

Alexandria Kirkland, training for the 2009 Young Rider/Junior World Endurance Championships

Sixteen-year-old Alexandria Kirkland will be the U.S. representative at the 2009 FEI Young Rider/Junior World Endurance Championships, held in Babolna, Hungary on September 5. The prestigious 75 mile horse race will be attended by 29 countries and over 120 competitors. Kirkland will be the sole American rider to compete at these Championships, and she is coming off of a solid individual bronze medal at the North American Championships last month in Indiana.

"After such a strong performance at the North American Championships, I have high hopes for these World Championships. My sponsors, Hought Endurance Tack and The Distance Depot, have provided me with everything I need to be successful in Hungary. Being the United States' only hope for a medal definitely puts the pressure on, but I am confident in the talent of my support crew and the horse." Kirkland says about the Championships.

Accompanying Alexandria will be her mother and her chief crew, Deborah Kirkland. It will be the first World Championships for both Kirkland and her crew, though her mother has been a crew member for Alexandria’s entire career in Endurance.

"I've been coaching and assisting Alexandria for over five years now," says Deborah Kirkland. "She has always been an intense strategist at races, and a fierce athlete. Alexandria will be riding a leased horse from France, a horse she's never seen before, on a course that she's never ridden, so she will have to use her experience and riding skill to be successful."

The United States Young Rider Endurance program has never captured a medal at a World Championships, and Kirkland hopes to be the first. In fact, the United States has not stood on the podium of a World Championships in over ten years, since Valerie Kanavy's gold medal at the 1998 World Endurance Championships. However, the US is hoping to change their luck in time for next year’s 2010 World Equestrian Championships in Kentucky.

"A good showing at the 2009 World Endurance Championships would absolutely set the stage for Team USA in 2010, when the Championships are on our home turf in Kentucky," said Kirkland. "Hopefully we can put America back on the top of the sport of Endurance."

Qatar: Al Shaqab Wins 130km Endurance Race in Compiegne, France

Impressive Fourth Victory of French Campaign

Compiegne, France – The Al Shaqab Endurance Team continued their winning ways in the recent competition in Compiegne, France as rider Faleh Nasser Abugnaim won the 130km event for seven-year-old horses.

Abugnaim skillfully guided his mount, Orette de Tanues, to the victory in 6:30.10. Second place went to Virginie Atger of France in 6:35. A total of 55 riders from throughout the Europe began the race the northern French city with 35 contestants completing the course.

Fifteenth after the first veterinarian check, Abugnaim aggressively moved to second by the second lap and was able to gain the lead during the fourth and final lap to secure the victory.

Al Shaqab, a member of Qatar Foundation, has been highly successful during their French riding campaign. Since arriving in late July the team has taken top honors in four separate events. The wins include 90km event in Tarbes, and two victories in St. Paulien, 90 km and 160 km races and the 130km Compiegne competition.

The team continues to train for the upcoming European Endurance Championships to be held in Assisi, Italy, September 26 and will attract riders from five continents.

Great Britain: Final selection for the World YR Championships

17th August 2009

The British Young Riders team to complete at the Young Riders World Championships at Babolna in Hungary in early September has now been announced ....

Carri Ann Dark on Esta Leonardo Diabo
Beth Langley on HS Ametista
Helen Perry on Wesam

Great Britain: British Team Selection for European Championships in Assisi

16th August 2009

Selection for the European Championships 2009 at Assissi took place this weekend at Waresley Park, Beds. The following horses and riders were successful and have been invited to compete for GBR in September in Italy ...

Beccy Broughton with Java Sunlight
Roz Clapp with Nazeeka
Fiona Hamilton with Sharifah
Annie Joppe with Dilmun
Catriona Moon with Leila
Christine Yeoman with LM Midday

Travelling reserve horse: LM Taquillero
1st non travelling reserve Rachael Atkinson with Vanash
2nd non travlling reserve Jan Cockley Adams Khadidja du Pont

Sunday, August 23, 2009

UAE: Sheik Hamdan bin Mohammed al Maktoum of Dubai Banned from Competing in Horse Races

August 14, 2009

Anne Lu - Celebrity News Service News Writer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (BANG) - Dubai's Crown Prince has been banned from riding in horse endurance races. The International Equestrian Federation (FEI) has forbidden Sheik Hamdan bin Mohammed al Maktoum from competing in any of its events for 10 months after his horse tested positive for a steroid.

The 26-year-old royal was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine.

Hamden is the son of Dubai's ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, who is currently serving six-month ban after one of his horses failed two drug tests.

Sheik Mohammed's horse trainer has also been banned from the sport after he admitted administering a steroid and a hypertension medication to his equines.

Hamden's horse Eo Fawati tested positive for anabolic steroids after a 120km endurance race in Bahrain in January.

In a written statement to the FEI, he claimed a private investigation at his family's stables had failed to discover how the drugs entered the horse's system.

More at NBCSports

Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Britain: Team GBR Launch Fundraising Auction

An Online auction has been launched by Equestrian Team GBR to raise funds to send the British Team to the World Equestrian Games in 2010. The site includes exclusive gifts, experiences and a huge array of items that will appeal to everyone. The auction forms a major part of Team GBR’s fundraising initiatives, which are now gathering momentum.

There are a number of lots on the site already that you can bid for. Items include the chance to join the eventing performance squad for winter training, a pamper day for two at Peter Jones in Slone Square, lessons with our equestrian stars, the 3ft tall Olympic mascot from Hong Kong and much, much more.

A World Equestrian Games includes the eight disciplines of dressage, eventing, show jumping, para-equestrian dressage, driving, endurance, reining and vaulting – for the British team this is more than 51 horses in total.

“The Games are being held in Kentucky, USA, the first time they have ever been held outside Europe,” comments Will Connell, Equestrian Performance Director. “To send a full team and remain one of the top equestrian nations in the world, we need your help. All proceeds of this auction will go towards sending the team to the Games and supporting our talented riders in their quest to compete and win on the World stage. Without your help we will not be able to send a full team.”

The Olympic and Paralympic teams are generously supported by lottery funding via UK Sport, but the non-Olympic sports of driving, endurance, reining and vaulting do not receive funding of any kind. GBP 500,000 is needed to support those teams and fund their trip to Kentucky next year.

The auction site has been launched with the generous support of the John Lewis Partnership who joined with the British Equestrian Federation as part of the British Olympic Association FTSE 100 partnership scheme.

The site is very easy to use, setting up an account will only take a few minutes and then you can start bidding straight away on any of the items. There is also the option to sign up for auction email alerts, to be the first to know about the exciting new lots being added to the site.

The British Equestrian Federation and all its member bodies are committed to sending a full team to the World Games and the auction site is just one way that people can get behind the Teams.

You can also show your support by joining Team GBR Ontrack. Supported across the British Equestrian Federation and launched in partnership with the equestrian Olympic and Paralympic teams via British Eventing, The British Show Jumping Association and British Dressage, Team GBR Ontrack brings together, for the first time, all equestrian and horse sport activity in the UK under one ‘supporters club’. There are two options to join, either free or a one-off fee of GBP 20 which brings with it a range of exciting benefits for you and the teams.

Everyone joining the full membership option will automatically be entered into a prize draw to win a VIP trip the World Equestrian Games in 2010 and the first 500 members will get a unique black membership card.

Ontrack will officially launch at an exclusive fundraising event in the Cotswolds on 8 September. With a champagne reception, luxury lunch, showcase of all World Equestrian Games sports and the opportunity to meet stars of the past and future, this is a not be missed event. Details of how to buy tickets are available on the website.

Also look out for the exciting Team GBR raffle which will be coming very soon with the exciting first prize of a GBP 100,000 Olympic Horsebox and some great runners-up prizes too.

Visit the auction via and find out more about the other initiatives at

Show your support:
o Bid on an auction item
o Buy a raffle ticket
o Join Team GBR Ontrack
o Buy a ticket for the first Ontrack fundraising day

It’s all great value, only takes a couple of minutes of your time and will make a real difference to our equestrian teams while giving you some great benefits, gifts and prizes in return!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Area rider finishes well in Tevis Cup
Tennessee (Lane) Mahoney "Tenney," former Grand County student and resident of a ranch owned by her family near Kremmling, recently placed sixth in the Tevis Cup, a 100-mile, one-day, equine race from Truckee, Calif., to Auburn, Calif.

The Tevis Cup race is considered one of the most, if not THE most, difficult horse race in the world. The 2009 race had entries from six countries and 33 states. About 180 riders entered and 87 completed the race.

Tenney and her husband, Sean Mahoney, train horses and teach riding at their home "Remuda Run," outside of Fort Collins.

Although Tennessee has been doing well in the Mountain Region AERC (American Endurance Riding Club) and has qualified her horse, DWA Pearl, through Federacion Equine Internacional to possibly compete in the Olympics, this was Tennessee's first time to ride in the Tevis Cup and her first time to ride Salty, a gelding of mixed breeds.

Tennessee began training in endurance riding with Global Endurance two years ago and she and her horse DWA (Drinkers of the Wind Arabians) Pearl have been selected to compete in the endurance riding Olympic Trials this October for the 2010 Olympics to be held in Kentucky that year.

Tennessee moved here from Virginia in 1989 when she was only 7 years old and had been doing horse work Western style both in Virginia, and at family ranches in Texas and New Mexico. She had done English riding and some jumping in Virginia since she was 3.

However, after moving to Colorado, she began riding in the local gymkanas and rodeos along with helping with cattle work at her home ranch. After going to High School at Fountain Valley School near Co. Springs, she learned to drive big Belgians in the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo and at the Denver Stock Show.
photo:Hannah Ritchie and Charlotte Davison are part of a team competing in the Mongol Derby

Thu, 20 Aug 2009 7:51p.m.

Two New Zealanders living in London are preparing to canter into the record books with the race of a lifetime.

Hannah Ritchie and Charlotte Davison are part of a team competing in the Mongol Derby - a race the organisers have called the biggest, baddest equine affair on the planet.

"It's based on the old postal system that Genghis Khan created," Ms Ritchie explains. "When he was developing his empire, basically his riders would ride 22 hours a day in the saddle and change horse every 40km so they could get a message from Mongolia to Western Europe. I think they did it in about 11 days."

Starting in the ancient capital of Kharkhorin, the 26 riders of the derby will cover 80km a day to finish up somewhere in the Khentii province of Mongolia two weeks later.

It's not so much a race as an endurance test. Riders will spend 14 hours a day in the saddle.

The Kiwi pair's trusty steed for the race is the native Mongolian horse. It's an ancient breed that's stocky with short legs and a large head and roams free for months at a time.

Between them the race competitors will go through almost 800 horses in Mongolia, but sourcing so many horses shouldn't be a problem. In Mongolia they outnumber people seven to one.

The competitors are only allowed to carry 10kg of supplies and there are no support vehicles following them. The only safety net is a GPS attached to each rider to ensure they can be found if things go seriously wrong.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

USA: Thistle Down riders complete course, despite rain

Frazee-Vergas Forum
by Dale Fet
photo:Almost 2 inches of rain altered the course at the Thistle Down Run near Frazee this weekend. Riders (from left) Alexis Visser of Pequot Lakes, Karen Kersten of Pine River and Tara Saley of Brainerd headed out of the campground on a timed run Sunday. Photo by Gale Kaas

The Thistle Down Run endurance horse ride near Frazee was a success with over 80 riders entering for the weekend in spite of less than ideal weather.

The temperature in the days preceding hovered in the mid-90s with the first real warm spell of the summer. It then cooled for Saturday, but rain showers forced everyone to bring out the rain gear as the wet weather continued through Sunday morning.

As it always seems to happen, the sun came out Sunday afternoon giving everyone a warm, sunny ride home.

Endurance riding goes on rain or shine and, true to form, these riders showed they are serious horse people who love to ride.

Ride managers Teresa and Dale Fett made extra trail checks to make sure trail markers stayed up during the rains and wind so riders would stay on course. A few route changes were made to adapt to the wet conditions as safety and wellbeing for both riders and their horses is first priority.

The ride was held in memory of Ben Piche on the family farm of his children Scott (Lisa) and Renae (Ken). Thanks to Les, Pat, and Ron Kertscher along with Vinton and Joyce Vogler who allowed the ride to also cross their property.

The local crew of volunteers included Spencer Fett, Donna Fett, Orlynn Hanson, Clio Jepson, Robin Holmer, Vernette Johnson and Jessica Looker who handled sign-up, timing, vet scribe and general duties. Joyce Vogler kept everyone well fed with her excellent culinary skills.

Riders were offered choices of 50- or 25-mile endurance and 25-mile competitive rides Saturday. Sunday offerings were 25-mile endurance, 25-mile competitive, and an 8-mile novice ride.

The course was divided into two loops of 16 and 8 miles. After completing a loop, riders must have their horse vet checked for any health issues and then must take a mandatory 40-minute hold in camp to allow horses time to eat and drink.

They then mount up again and take their next loop until their particular class is completed. Vet checks are performed at the end to make sure all horses are healthy with vetting chores being handled by Dr. Dean Peterson of Ham Lake and Dr. Travis Kuhlka of New Salem, N.D.

Clio Jepson of Frazee endured a heavy rain shower Sunday morning on an Arab mare (Mi) to win the 8-mile novice class. Also in novice was Lisa Piche, who just started riding a few months ago under the watchful eye of Teresa Fett, riding her late father-in-law's grade mare (Penny) to a 4th place finish.

Teresa Fett, besides being a ride manager, competed both days in 25-mile endurance on her two new 4-year-old registered Arabs (Lillee and Mistir Aaz) with completions. These young horses are just old enough to enter this class and will take two to three years to get the experience and endurance needed to compete in the top of this class.

A rider's potluck was held Saturday evening with awards being given out and then Spencer Fett turned on the DJ music to entertain riders for the evening.

[full article ...]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Canadian Endurance Team Wins Silver at Endurance Young Riders Championships
August 17, 2009

Ottawa, ON—Three Canadian young riders Lee Hutten, 17, Kate Coady, 20, and Ariel Macleod, 15, won the team silver medal at North American Young Riders Endurance Ride (NAYRER), held July 24, 2009, at the Clark State Forest in Henryville, Indiana. The competition was held in conjunction with the North American Junior and Young Riders Championships.

The three Canadians joined forces with two riders from Mexico and forming the International Canada/Mexico Team in which all five team members finished the ride. The Canadians rode together and each finished in a time of 11:18 over the five-loop 75-mile ride. Coady of , BC, earned an eighth place finish with Apache Eclypse, a 13-year-old Arabian gelding owned by Elroy Karius. Hutten of Chesterville, ON, rode I Bee Jazzin, her eight-year-old Anglo-Arab mare, to a ninth place finish. Riding A Salisbury Rose, a 10-year-old Arab mare also owned by Karius, Macleod of Montney, BC, finished in 10th place.

“To ride as a team was the best decision we made,” said Coady, who rode Apache Eclypse for the first time at the competition. “We helped each other along the way and the horses bonded, which made it easier to finish the last 10 miles. Elroy Karius and Gail Jewell donated my horse and Ariel’s horse, A Salisbury Rose. We would not have been able to attend the Championships without their generous support.”

“This was my first international competition, and I would definitely do one again,” Hutten, who started riding 10 years ago with Dessia Miller. “To prepare for this competition, I did two 50 mile rides and I conditioned my horse all winter. She really handled the distance of this ride very well.”

Mountain/Pacific Region team won the team gold medal, and the Central team was awarded bronze.

The winning time of 8:19 went to Kelsey Kimbler riding Junior CAHR of the Central Team. Junior CAHR was also named as the best conditioned horse.

“We are so very proud of these young riders, these horses and their devoted crew — a huge team effort and a huge success story,” said the chair of Endurance Canada, Daphne Richard. “Congratulations to all of the riders and thank you for a job well done.”

Complete results of the North American Young Riders Endurance Ride may be found at

For additional information on Endurance Canada and its programs, please visit the Endurance section of the Equine Canada website or e-mail

Written by Julie Cull

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Australia: Top lot goes to Dubai at Magic Millions Sporthorse Sale

17 August 2009

The Magic Millions inaugural Sporthorse Sale was held on Saturday evening at their Gold Coast Sale Complex.

109 lots comprising of dressage, jumping, eventing, polo, endurance, showing, breeding stallions and youngstock were put through the sale ring.

Lot 9 topped the sale at $46,000, a 6-year-old endurance mare offered by Toft Endurance Pty Ltd sold to Dubai. In total 39 lots sold for an average price of $10,600.

International buyers from Korea purchased 11 horses, 3 horses were sold to Dubai and Chinese buyers also attended the sale.

The horses were viewed and trialled in the preceding two days at the Gold Coast Polo and Country Club about 40 minutes from the sales complex. Show jumps, dressage arenas and a free-schooling yard were set up on the polo fields to enable prospective buyers an opportunity to try the horses.

On Saturday the horses were moved into the sales complex where they were able to be inspected in-hand but not ridden. Vet checks were available at the expense of the purchaser.

The horses were presented in-hand for the auction as they would be at a thoroughbred sale. The auction started at 5pm and concluded around 9pm.

Attendance was good with most of the seating filled. The bidding was reasonable however the majority of horses were passed in as they did not reach their reserve price (the highest bid of the evening was $75,000 for the black jumping stallion Dutch Choice but it fell short of the reserve).

It appeared that many people were just there as spectators and not as buyers, which was not unusual for the first year of the sale.

Feedback from the vendors was largely positive. Most agreed that the first year was always going to be the most difficult but they were eager for Magic Millions to persevere.

"It is really important that we stick with this idea and support Magic Millions," said Peter Toft of Toft Endurance, "it is exactly what our industry needs."

"I think it is a good idea and with some fine tuning it could work very well," commented Olympic rider Vicki Roycroft who, along with Adam Mellers, acted as an advisor for Jumping .

"I sold the three horses that I brought," said event rider Kevin McNab, "next year I'll bring a lot more."

David Chester, Managing Director of Magic Millions, said that they were very excited about the development of the sale and the marketing of Australian Sporthorses around the world.

"To create international exposure for Australian performance horses, will be of great benefit to the development of the industry as a whole, and we envisage this concept will only grow from strength to strength," said David.

Industry professionals from each discipline formed a sale committee to advise Magic Millions and to assist with the selection of horses. Jumping – Adam Mellers and Vicki Roycroft, Dressage – Brett Parbery, Polo – Ian "Ginger" Hunt, Eventing – Tim Boland, Showhorse – Kim Durante and Endurance – Peter Toft.
Photos coming soon.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bahrain: Royal team excel in Germany event

Gulf Daily News
Posted on » Sunday, August 16, 2009

BAHRAIN'S Royal Endurance Team starred in an endurance horse race in Germany, where they took first place in several race categories.

Yousef Taher riding French horse Siyam won the 160km race, which featured riders from the UK, Belgium and Germany, and consisted of six stages.

Taher finished in a time of nine hours 31 minutes and 12 seconds, as he contested the event with an average riding speed of 16kph.

Second and third place also went to Bahrain. Jaffar Merza took the runner-up spot after completing the ride in just a second behind his victorious compatriot, while Abdulrahman Al Sa'ad was also not far behind, finishing two seconds behind Taher.

In the 120km event, Ahmed Abdulla on his horse Rashken took the winner's trophy in 6:38:25. He had an average speed of 18.72kph.

Shereen Fayez, also of the royal team, won the under-18 female event also over 120km. She clocked a winning mark of 6:39:16 and a speed of 18kph.

In the men's under-18 race over 80km, Bahrain's Ahmed Al Guood finished in second place with in 5:03:23, while countryman Ahmed Janahi was fifth in the same distance's under-20 age category.


Following their victorious campaign, Royal Endurance Team leader Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa congratulated His Majesty King Hamad on the win and thanked His Majesty for the support to endurance riding and to all sports in the kingdom.

Shaikh Nasser pointed out that the Bahrainis' fine showing in Germany helped lift their spirits as they prepare to take part in several other European rides as well as the world championships.

Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation president Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad expressed his appreciation of the royal team's efforts in victory, and encouraged them to continue their strong display in their remaining events in the summer.

Mongolia: Inner Mongolian International Endurance Event
photo: the leading horse being vetted

The Long Horseride website

The Long Horse Ride is a journey on horseback from Beijing to London. It is scheduled to start out shortly after the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and to arrive in London in time for the 2012 London Olympics.

The ride will bring a message of goodwill from Beijing in the Beijing Olympic year to London in the London Olympic year. It also aims to raise money for disadvantaged children through its chosen charity Schoolchildren For Children.

Starting from the China Children Charity Monument on the Great Wall at Badaling, it will cross the steppes, deserts and mountains of China and Central Asia, following the Great Wall and the ancient Silk Routes. In the path of the Mongols and Huns, it will skirt the northern shores of the Caspian and Black Seas, before the final leg through the fields and forests of Europe.

[More Mongolia images...]

Friday, August 14, 2009

Capistrano Horses, Rider Finish 100-Mile Race

The Capistrano Dispatch

Vol.7, Issue 20, August 14-27, 2009
The Capistrano Dispatch

photo:Allan Horn is among the 87 riders who finished, after 169 start

Two San Juan Capistrano horses finished the grueling Tevis Cup 100-mile race in Auburn, Calif. on August 1. Capistrano residents Allan and Lauren Horn brought their two Arabian mares to Lake Tahoe to start the 100-mile race, which ends in Auburn.

The Western States Trail Foundation hosts the annual Tevis Cup race since 1955. It is world famous and is known as the toughest endurance ride in the world that covers 100 miles of treacherous trail with 22,000 feet of elevation descent and 17,000 feet of elevation climbs through narrow, steep canyons, mountains and river crossings. Horses and riders have 24 hours to complete the ride. The completion rate has historically hovered around 50 percent. Just to finish the ride is an accomplishment in itself and reflects the endurance motto, “To Finish Is To Win.”

Allan Horn rode his 13-year-old grey mare, Royal Sassha HP and Vista resident, Lynn Rigney rode Lauren’s 8-year-old mare, Red Hot Rosa to the finish line in just under 24 hours. They passed all the checkpoints and completed the ride. There are 13 checkpoints throughout the ride where veterinarians assess the condition of each horse before proceeding. Riders can be “pulled” at any point along the trail and most disappointing is to be pulled after crossing the finish line at the final vet check.
This years’ ride had 169 participants from six countries and 22 states. Only 87 riders completed the ride to earn a silver belt buckle. Allan said he did it for the meaning behind the buckle.

“It is a very prestigious ride and a very tough one for horse and rider. It says a lot about you as a rider and your horse. You need to come prepared and having done your homework. There is no margin for error on the trail.”

Because of the difficult trail, tragedy has beset the ride at various times in it’s history. This year a Maryland horse stumbled and slipped and went off the trail to his death. The rider, who was off at the time and leading his horse, was not hurt. Lauren said, “Personally, I don’t know if I ever want to attempt this ride. It’s too scary and too difficult for me. I knew my horse could do it and a friend wanted to ride, so I let her ride my horse. I crewed for Allan and Lynn and had a great time being part of the team and the fact that my horses completed the trail on their first attempt is reward enough for me.”

Lauren has a friend who has attempted Tevis seven previous times before and has not finished the ride. “This year was his year and he did it on his eighth try,” Lauren said. “Allan and I have been riding endurance for 12 years now, training on our local trails. Tevis has always been the ‘mother of all endurance rides’ and a goal of Allan’s. When you are gathering at the start a couple days ahead of time, there is a strong feeling of support and camaraderie. You truly wish everyone could experience a completion but you know in your head, only 50 percent will make it and be able to proudly wear the buckle. I’m so proud of my husband and our two horses. It really is an accomplishment.”

full article

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Australia: Local riders dominate endurance

Gympie Times

photo:GOING THE DISTANCE: Widgee horse endurance competitors Gayle Holmes and her husband Achmed Pshunov are back on their property after blitzing the field at the Queensland horse endurance state championships in Mackay at the weekend.
Gympie Times/Renee Pilcher

Matthew Lee | 14th August 2009

GYMPIE competitors dominated the Queensland horse endurance state championships held near Mackay at the weekend.

GYMPIE competitors dominated the Queensland horse endurance state championships held near Mackay at the weekend.

The headline event was staged at Denison Creek, 70km west of Mackay, attracting some of Queensland's best endurance horse riding talent.

Gympie entrants included the husband and wife duo of Achmed Pshunov and Gayle Holmes, as well as Craig Ellison, Bek Millard and Lane Zischke.

Gympie signalled its presence at the event when the first four placings were clinched by the local riders.

Zischke, meanwhile, collected first in the junior event.

Pshunov finished first with his wife trailing closely behind in second, while Ellison took out third and Millard fourth. Millard also returned home with first in the lightweight division.

The event itself was conducted over a gruelling 160km of varying terrain on a cattle station.

Five stages, or loops, rounded out a course many competitors regarded as the most testing they had encountered.

Two mountains broke up the landscape, with the largest of the pair dubbed Widow Mountain for its formidable presence.

After each loop, competitors were required to submit their horse for a thorough vet check to ensure the welfare of the animal was not at risk.

The procedure involved allowing the animal's heart rate to drop to 60 beats per minute before moving on to the compulsory vet check and a return to racing itself.

Gayle said she and her husband Achmed found the ride challenging.

“It was definitely a challenge, and a thinker's ride,” she said. “You had to pace yourself well to do well, and I think that really was the key to success.”

Gayle said the race was quick and the field contained exceptionally good horses.

“The standard was high, so Achmed and I are really pleased with how we performed,” Gayle said.

Gayle and Achmed rode together for the first three loops before being separated on the final two when Achmed's horse recovered faster at the end of a stage and moved through the vet check more quickly.

Initially, the pair found themselves trailing 40 minutes behind two frontrunners who set a lightning pace.

But Gayle said she was not concerned.

“Achmed was a little worried but I said to him that we had nothing to worry about,” she said.

“They went out too quickly and burned up a lot of energy, so it was always going to be a matter of time before we were able to catch them up.

“You have to leave something in the tank.”

And the pair certainly caught up to the two early leaders, converting a 40-minute deficit into a 20-minute lead as the race progressed.

Achmed maintained his lead over his wife to cross the finish line and collect the honours while Gayle came in second to greet her husband.

“You could not have asked for a better finish than that,” she said.

“We were very pleased with the outcome.”

Taking part in the Queensland championships is another event where Gayle has used her extensive bank of experience to strike spectacular success.

GAYLE first started endurance riding back in 1990, and in the time that has passed, has represented Australia twice in both America and Dubai.

Another of the Gympie competitors to leave her stamp in Mackay was Lane Zischke, who collected first place in the junior event.

Zischke was unable to be contacted for comment but put to shame many of her fellow rivals in the junior event to return home triumphant.

The talented young rider could have been forgiven for feeling a little sore after her win but would have already been casting her eyes on her next big event.

Meanwhile, Ellison was also keen to highlight the growing reputation of Gympie as a source of horse endurance talent.

“Gympie is definitely earning itself a place on the map in the sport,” he said.

“These latest results are incredible and to think the top four riders all came from Gympie.”

Ellison, who saddled up for his first ride in 1982, finished the race in third and clinched the top-three finish after some expert riding during the final stages.

The Gympie participant's final time was 11hrs18min and was achieved only after fighting back from eighth position with 70km of the race remaining.

“I started conservatively and my horse had enough to make up the ground on those other competitors,” he said.

Ellison said he was able to read the race well to finish as highly as he did.

“We started at midnight and by 5am it was two degrees, only to heat up to 30 degrees during the height of the day,” he said.

“That taxes the horse and you have to be aware of the conditions.”

Looking ahead, Ellison said he predicts Gympie would continue to post strong appearances at future horse endurance events in Australia and overseas.

“There is a lot of talent here, particularly in the young riders,” he said.
It was definitely a challenge, and a thinker's ride.

[More ...]

Qatar: Al Shaqab makes successful French endurance debut

Gulf Times

Tarbes, France: The Al Shaqab Endurance Team launched their 2009 French riding campaign in the first week of August posting impressive results in the competition held in Tarbes in the south of France.
Represented in two events that marked Al Shaqab’s first European competition of 2009, the team signalled they are ready for their French campaign.
They dominated the CEI 90km race by sweeping the top three finishes and were equally impressive in the gruelling CEI 130km Qatar Challenge event with a hard-fought second place effort.
Hamad Rashid al-Marri led the team to the impressive silver-medal finish in the prominent 130km competition.
The 20-year-old, aboard Muse du Real, covered the course in 7:19.52. The competition featured riders from France, Spain and Switzerland. The hilly course was an obvious challenge as 48 riders began the event and only 22 completing the race.
Hamad used a strategy of a slow early pace to tactfully move up during the competition and secure second.
Seventh after the first loop, Hamad gradually moved up to fifth at the next loop and was second by the third a position he held to the finish.
The team was phenomenal sweeping the top finishes in the CEI 90km competition. Hassan Tahous al-Nuaimi, a 21-year-old led the charge to register his first win of the year.
Aboard Bahia Cathare, Hassan covered the distance in 4:53.21.
He was followed by the rising talent of 13-year-old Faleh al-Subaey, who guided his mount Alhoa Zelus to a finish in 5:05.59. Close behind was Faleh Nasser Abugnaim, who piloted his mount Koheilan Bonita to third in 5:06.04.
The 19-year-old Abughenaim has been extremely consistent this year with a string of second place finishes in competitions held in Qatar.
The event attracted 38 international riders with the majority 27, able to complete the entire race.
Coming off a highly successfully 2008 campaign, highlighted by a second-place, silver-medal finish in the World Endurance Championship in Terengganu, Malaysia, the team is preparing for the prestigious European Endurance Championships.
Viewed as the most important competition of the year, the event will be held in Assisi, Italy on September 26.
The event attracted top riders and teams from five continents and will serve as a major preparation for the 2010 World Endurance Championship to be held in Lexington, Kentucky in the United States.- Agencies

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Australia: Young Riders leave for the World Championships Babolna Hungary 5/6 September

The four Australian horses to compete at this World Championships fly out from Sydney on Tuesday August 11. These horses will fly to Amsterdam via KL, Penang and Dubai before arriving in Amsterdam. They will rest for a couple of days before undertaking a 1400km road journey to Babolna. The riders and crew will be leaving at intervals between now and August 28 when The Chef d Equipe Dr Trish Annetts and Team Veterinarian Dr Robyn Mather will leave.

Team rider Allix Jones (NSW) together with her Mum Wendy, leave August 15 to meet up with Allix leased horse HS Saboteur who is based in Switzerland.

The Team is;
Allix Jones, NSW Angela Hawks, Qld. Alexandra Toft, Qld, Blake Freeman, NSW. Bridgette Nottle, Qld. Reserve rider, Tami Parnell, NSW.
Dakila Pascalle, Bemervale Justice, Zalman, Browtin Advocate, HS Saboteur.
Peter and Penny Toft, Mark and Lesley Freeman, Wendy Jones and Anna Williams, Jill Hawks and Ben Caslick,

The Australian Endurance Squad and the Young Riders Team wish to gratefully acknowledge the generous sponsorship from our sponsors Kentucky Equine Research and the advice from Dr Peter Huntington, and Dixon Smith Equestrian who are our very loyal sponsors.

Also we wish to announce the generous sponsorship from Equestrian Australia for the amount of $9000.00 as well as AE blue cotton dress rugs, to the Arabian Horse Society for the wonderful kersey green and gold rugs, to Zilco and LAS helmets for continued support and Nanango Heritage Endurance Riders Assoc. Inc. for sponsoring the Riders Team Jackets. A special thank you to the Chef, Dr Trish Annetts who was responsible for obtaining the majority of this sponsorship.

Barb Timms
AES Manager

South Africa: Local equestrians excel at 200km endurance ride

August 12 2009

Despite the icy-cold weather and the extremely difficult terrain, nine horse riders from the Capricorn Endurance Club participated in the Fauresmith 200km Endurance Race held in the Free State recently.

The race of 210kms gets completed over three gruelling days and only three out of nine local riders could endure until the end. Out of the 429 entries to the ride, only 225 managed to complete the endurance ride successfully. With the ride’s motto being "To finish is to win" it became understandable how so many riders fell out before the end of the race.

The locals who finished the race were Christo Scheepers (18th place standard weight category) on his horse Bouwman Quimram and Johann Jordaan (27th place in the heavyweight division) on Skarbek Mas'ud. Last but certainly not least was Louise Jordaan who finished fourth overall and took a third place in the junior division. Her horse Al Mu'barak also received the floating trophy for purest Arab horse to complete the ride in the shortest time.

Jordaan is currently in matric at Hoerskool Pietersburg and says it is a great honour to represent her school in competitions, especially with such a dedicated horse and support team at her side. - Keshia Jansens van Rensburg

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

UAE: Mohammed wins endurance ride

Gulf News

Euston Park, Norfolk: His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, clinched the top spot in the 120-km Euston Park Endurance ride on Monday.

Shaikh Mohammad won the gruelling "Ride with the Stars" event in a time of five hours, seven minutes and 47 seconds. Finishing second, a split second behind in 5 hours 07.48 seconds, was Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.

A strong field of 118 riders from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, France, Italy, Luxemborg, the United States of America, Australia, Ireland and England participated in the ride.

Shaikh Mohammad was riding Acadini, while Shaikh Hamdan partnered Jazyk.

Fauiz Al Turkmani finished in third place aboard Ridasa in a time of 5 hours 08.09seconds while Hussain Ali Al Mazroui was fourth. His time was 5 hours 08.10 seconds.

Shaikh Majid Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Culture, also participated in the ride.

Present at the event was Shaikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance, Shaikh Saeed Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum, Shaikh Mansour Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Shaikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan.

Experienced Spanish rider Maria Mercedes Alvarez Ponton finished fifth in a time of 5 hours 08.09seconds while her compatriot Jomi Ponti took sixth place.

A trio of French riders occupied the next three places. Cecile Totain was seventh in 5:16.15, O'Riley Campi eighth in 5:19.15 and Cecil Melito ninth in 5:26.39.

Karen Belanger from Belgium occupied tenth place.

UAE: Shaikh Mohammed made to wait

The National
Zoë Griffiths
August 04. 2009

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, will not be allowed to compete in International Equestrian Federation (FEI) endurance horse races until October 3 after an inquiry – the results of which were made public yesterday – confirmed one of his horses had been given banned substances.

He removed himself from events in April after his lawyers said horses at the Emaar Stables in Dubai had revealed traces of banned substances.

The investigation focused on Tahhan, a horse he rode at the CEI 120 kilometre endurance event in Sakhir, Bahrain on January 10 and the CEI 120 kilometre event in Dubai on February 28. The horse was found to have traces of two banned drugs in its system.

They were Guanabenz, a drug used to manage hypertension in humans, with a calming and pain relieving effect on animals, and, the anabolic steroid 16-b Hydroxy-Stanozolol, used by Ben Johnson at the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

The FEI’s tribunal panel yesterday banned Sheikh Mohammed for six months, backdated to April, and fined him 4,000 Swiss Francs (Dh13,840). His trainer, Abdullah bin Huzaim, received a ban of 12 months and a fine of 4,000 Swiss Francs. Bin Huzaim admitted giving the horse drugs without Sheikh Mohammed’s knowledge.

Under the governing body’s strict liability approach to anti-doping rules, the FEI found Sheikh Mohammed the principle person responsible and his trainer as the secondary individual responsible

Bin Huzaim defended his actions, saying he believed the horse was in need of the medication. In a letter to the tribunal panel, Sheikh Mohammed said that with an ownership stake in 700 endurance horses he could not be expected to be aware of each horse’s medication. He is one of the world’s leading owners and breeders of thoroughbred racehorses.

Sheikh Mohammed’s wife, Princess Haya of Jordan, is the president of the FEI and has been campaigning to clean up its doping problems. He is allowed to compete in non-FEI events.

South Africa: Local Lanel ranked nr 3 in the world

Limpopo Informant - full article
Grade 11 Stanford Lake College learner, Lanel van Nieuwenhuizen, has been chosen to represent South Africa in endurance riding at the Young Rider World Championships on 5 September in Babolna, Hungary. She and the rest of the team will be competing over a 120km distance. She is currently the number one Fei endurance young rider (14-21 years) in South Africa and is ranked third in the world.

Grade 11 Stanford Lake College learner, Lanel van Nieuwenhuizen (17), was recently chosen to represent South Africa in endurance riding at the Young Rider World Championships that will take place on 5 September in Babolna, Hungary.

She and the rest of the team will be competing over a 120km distance on horses especially hired for the team from France. The horses will be sent from France to Hungary for the championships.

The Van Nieuwenhuizen family lives in Louis Trichardt and when she is not at school, Van Niewenhuizen is riding one of her horses. Endurance riding is definitely a family activity. Her mother, Leonie, developed her love for all things horsy at an early age and bought her her first horse when she was just 7 years old. She.started endurance riding when she was 10 years old on her horse Studvet Sam. She still has Studvet Sam and he is her favourite out of the eight horses she currently has, although he is no longer her main competition horse. Her main competition horse is now Jozami Foxin. She has competed in Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Chili and Hungary – all on horses that she had never ridden before and, even more remarkably, finished in the top three riders every time.

Up until the age of 14 years, Van Nieuwenhuizen was not allowed to participate riding alone (as per this sport’s rules) but this was no problem as her mother is also a keen endurance rider and a Springbok.

Van Nieuwenhuizen’s father, Johan, is her groom. In endurance riding, the horse has to return to a certain spot every 30km for grooming and a check done by a veterinarian.

To date, Van Nieuwenhuizen has done over 8 000km in competition on 17 different horses. The basics of endurance riding is dressage and she has done numerous training and jumping courses.

Van Nieuwenhuizen is the number one Fei Endurance Young Rider (14 -21 years old) in South Africa. She is also currently the number three Fei Endurance Young Rider on the Fei world ranking list.

She represented South Africa for the first time when she was 14 years old and received her permanent Springbok number when she was 15 years of age. She also has her Protea colours. She has competed against senior riders over distances of 120km and 160km in Italy and South Africa. This means her saddle had to be loaded with weights for her to be able to pass the minimum weight requirement of 75kg. Van Nieuwenhuizen does well academically and when she is not on a horse, she plays hockey and netball. She plans to become a veterinarian or an equine physiotherapist and wants to continue endurance riding after school. Endurance is the fastest growing horsesport in the world and at an average ride in South Africa, one would find over 200 horses competing.

"Lanel loves her horses and loves riding and is very hard working," says her mom of her. - Karen Venter

Monday, August 03, 2009

USA: Individual Gold Determined by One Second at the North American Young Riders Endurance Ride

USEF Release: July 30 2009
By Leah Oliveto

The North American Young Riders Endurance ride took place on Friday, July 24. It was run concurrently with the FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) and for the first time all three North American countries were represented.

Held in the rolling hills of Henryville, IN, riders competed against the clock for team and individual medals. Heavy rains left the ride’s 75-mile course a bit more treacherous, requiring riders to be extra cautious.

The Individual Gold and Silver medals were determined by a mere second. Kelsey Kimbler and Junior CAHR finished with a winning time of 8:19:11, Jennifer Stevens and Sha Strike Two took Silver with a time of 8:19:12. Finishing 12 minutes later to capture the Bronze was Alexandria Kirkland and Latteefah.

Team medals are determined by combining the times of the fastest three completers from each team. Team Gold went to USA Mountain/Pacific with a combined time of 28:10:46, Team Silver went to International, comprised of two Mexican and three Canadian riders, which were one of the only teams to have all five riders complete the course. USA Central, led by Kimbler and Kirkland, took home Team Bronze.

The coveted Best Condition Award was given to Junior CAHR, ridden by Kimbler and owned by Kirsten Kimbler. This award is given to the horse judged to be in the best condition, using a scoring system that takes into account veterinary score, time to complete the course and weight carried.

The winning teams traveled back to the Kentucky Horse Park and were recognized during the NAJYRC closing ceremonies held on Sunday.

Tevis 2009: We're Going Home, K-Zar! Southern Horse Wins

photo:Sarah Engsberg and K-Zar take their victory lap celebrating their 2009 Tevis win.

K-Zar Emanuel, 15-year-old gray Arabian gelding won the 2009 Tevis Cup, crossing the finishing line at 10:20 p.m. Saturday (Aug. 1). Four miles from the finish, after crossing No Hands Bridge in the California moonlight, rider Sarah Engsberg urged her mount on with the words, "We're Going Home, K-Zar."

Engsberg, from Fairburn, Ga., arrived in California early to ride K-Zar three times over the final miles in the days preceding the event to assure he knew where "home" lay. He responded by cantering most of the final four miles to win by 11 minutes. Melissa Ribley, DVM, finished second, followed one minute later by Marcia Smith, DVM.

It was the first Tevis attempt for both Engsberg and K-Zar, although they did finish 6th in The Biltmore 100 in June 2009. The Tevis ride celebrated its 54th running this year, and many endurance riders consider Tevis to be the most demanding 100-mile horse event in the world.

Alison Bailey, K-Zar's owner, waited with a tense crowd at the finish line above the fairgrounds in Auburn, Calif. Frontrunner Jeanette Mero, DVM, Mariposa, Calif., was "pulled" only six miles from the finish line. Using cell phones and internet connections, the crowd attempted to learn the positions of their favorites.

When Engsberg and K-Zar emerged from the dark, tree-covered trail to canter across the finish line, cheers and a few shouts of surprise rippled through the crowd. With owner and crew pulling his saddle, KZar drank from the well near the trail's end. They sponged him with cool water and within minutes his pulse rate had dropped and he walked across a small wooden bridge to the official veterinary check. As Engsberg ran alongside the gelding for his presentation to judge his soundness, cheers again rose from the spectators. His obvious soundness confirmed his status as the first-place finisher.

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Poland: The Kuźnia endurance contest – good organization and attendance

The Kuźnia endurance contest – good organization and attendance. Kamilia Tobiasz became Polish Champion

Author: Maciej Kacprzyk | 2009-07-28

Mistrzyni Polski Kamilia Tobiasz, fot. Mateusz Jaworski

During the last weekend (24th - 26th of July) in Kuźnia Nowowiejska Equestrian Center (Poland) the International Endurance Contest, as well as the Polish Contest and the Polish Championship, was held. During three days, nine contests attracted as many (as for an endurance competition) as sixty five pairs from eight countries that participated: Czech Republic, Finland, Holland, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, United Arab Emirates and Poland, of course.

Yara de Boer z Holandii na Riki's Macho Man, fot. Mateusz Jaworski

On Friday the CEI/CEIJY2* 120 km contests as well as a domestic L-class 30 km contest were held. In all 9 pairs – 6 seniors (a CEI2* contest) and 3 juniors and junior riders (a CEIJY2* contest) – started in the 120 km contest. In the CEIJ2* contest the Young Riders and Juniors Polish Championship was about to hold. Unfortunately it didn’t come off because only one Polish pair took part in the contest and therefore the condition of the minimum of 4 pairs taking part necessary to the Polish Championship to occur, wasn’t fulfilled.

full article at

Mongolia: Elite endurance vets assist Mongol Derby organisers
Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor
31 July, 2009

Top international endurance vets are to assist organisers of the Mongol Derby in ensuring the welfare of horses involved in what is being dubbed the "longest, toughest horse race in the world".

Last week, H&H reported on the international row that had broken out over concerns that the welfare of 700 horses taking part in the 1,000km race would be compromised (news, 23 July).

But since then, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has stepped in to offer elite veterinary assistance to organisers, via the Mongolian government.

On Friday, 24 July, Ian Williams, head of non-Olympic sports for the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) met with Mongol Derby organisers on a "fact-finding" mission for the UAE.

"The UAE expressed a wish to provide high-level veterinary care, so we wanted a full briefing on provisions for the horses," he told H&H.

"It hasn't been finalised, but the UAE would like to provide a mobile equine hospital, along with international endurance vets to assess the horses before they race, and as they arrive at the urtuus [stations]."

[More ...]

Great Britain: ‘Private’ endurance ride sparks unrest among UK riders

(post dated)
Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor
2 August, 2009

A 120km 'private' endurance ride with an "unprecedented" prize-pot of £175,000 being organised and run by Dubai Equestrian Club (DEC) is causing consternation among UK riders.

The 120km event, called Ride with the Stars, will be held at Euston Park, Norfolk, on Saturday (2 August). It was announced on 14 July and will not be run under International Equestrian Federation (FEI) or Endurance GB (EGB) rules.

The ride is expected to attract a large field because every completing combination will receive prize-money.

Discussion about the last-minute addition to the endurance calendar is rife on the EGB members' forum.

One rider states: "Our ride organisers have put many hours of unpaid time into producing rides for this year and the future and, if we are not careful, they will not be there."

Others are concerned over welfare of horses ridden by inexperienced competitors keen to complete and win money.

"I would urge anyone who does not have extensive experience of competing at this level to think long and hard before entering," said another rider.

There have also been suggestions that the ride has been put on to allow Sheikh Mohammed to continue to compete. He is currently suspended from competition by the FEI while a doping enquiry is investigated (news, 16 April).

EGB chairman John Yeoman has warned members to remember the "very hard work" put in by ride organisers who are "understandably disappointed that this unscheduled ride is going to take place".

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UAE: Mohammed 'Rides with the Stars' to win the 120-km endurance in UK

WAM - Emirates News Agency
Aug 3, 2009 - 08:44 -

WAM Euston Park, Norfolk, Aug 03rd, 2009 (WAM): Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum rode his horse in Euston Park to win the 120-km endurance clocking in at 5:07:47 beating 118 riders who took part in the 'Ride with the Stars' event held here on Sunday.

The Arabian knight won the event with his unparallel perseverance and practice.

With the difference of a second, Dubai Crown Prince HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum finished second in the event, in which riders, both men and women, from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, France, Italy, Luxemburg, USA, Australia, Ireland and Britain participated with much fervor and enthusiasm.

Chairman of the Dubai Authority for Culture and Arts HH Sheikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikh Saeed Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum also participated in the endurance ride.

The event was attended by Dubai Deputy Ruler and UAE Finance Minister HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Australia: Toft to head up first Magic Millions sale

03 Aug 09 - by Brent O'Neill

TWENTY years as a trainer, 25 years as a competitor and a lifetime spent breeding horses.

Added up, Marburg’s Peter Toft knows what to look for in a horse.

Such is Mr Toft’s wealth of knowledge, he was handed the responsibility of selecting 14 endurance horses for next month’s inaugural Magic Millions Australian Sporthorse Sale, an auction of more than 100 equines from the six major equestrian disciplines.

As an experienced breeder and trainer of Arabian endurance horses, and a World Championship silver medallist, there are few better people to have on board for Australia’s first-ever sale.

“The concept of auctioning is not common here so this is a whole new adventure and it’s got enormous scope,” Mr Toft, 50, said.

“Magic Millions came to us, recognising us as the leading breeder in endurance horses.

“(Endurance equestrian) is a fascinating sport and it’s very fortunate we can incorporate something we enjoy in our business."The Sporthorse Sale will be held on August 15. Visit

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Sheik Mohammed Gets 6-Month Ban for Horse Doping

ABC News - full story
Equestrian federation bans its president's husband, Dubai ruler Sheik Mohammed, for 6 months
GENEVA August 3, 2009 (AP)

The International Equestrian Federation banned its president's husband — Dubai's Sheik Mohammed — from riding in endurance races for six months after his horse twice failed doping tests.

Sheik Mohammed accepted the suspension based on his horse Tahhan's positive tests for a hypertension drug and the steroid stanozolol, equestrian's governing body said Monday.

"Consistent with the FEI's strict liability approach to anti-doping rule violations, the panel has found Sheik Mohammed responsible for the doping of his horse," a tribunal panel said in a ruling published on the FEI's Web site.

His ban runs through Oct. 3, and he was assessed $4,200 in fines and legal costs.

The sheik's horse trainer, Abdullah bin Huzaim, admitted giving the horse drugs without the sheik's knowledge before the 74.5-mile desert races at Bahrain and Dubai.

Bin Huzaim was banned for a year and fined.

Sheik Mohammed's wife, Princess Haya of Jordan, is president of the FEI and has campaigned to clean up equestrian's doping and medication problems. She took no part in the disciplinary process.

The three-man panel said bin Huzaim, manager of the sheik's Emaar Stables in Dubai, "clearly wanted His Highness to do well with the horse. This behavior is not acceptable and needs to be sanctioned severely."

Full story

Sheik Mohammed gets 6-month ban for horse doping

Sheik Mohammed gets 6-month ban for horse doping

Associated Press - August 3

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The International Equestrian Federation has banned its president's husband from riding in endurance races for six months after his horse twice failed doping tests.

Dubai ruler Sheik Mohammed accepted that his horse Tahhan tested positive for a hypertension drug and the steroid stanozolol, the governing body said Monday.

His ban runs through Oct. 3, and was assessed $4,200 in fines and legal costs.

The sheik's horse trainer, Abdullah bin Huzaim, admitted giving the horse drugs before the 74.5-mile desert races at Bahrain and Dubai. He was banned for a year.

Sheik Mohammed's wife, Princess Haya of Jordan, is president of the FEI but took no part in the process.

Tevis: What a ride for Engsberg

Article by Todd Mordhorst Journal Sports Editor
Colfax Record

photo:Sarah Engsburg, of Fairburn, Ga., celebrates with her horse K-Zar Emmanuel Saturday night at the Gold Country Fairgrounds after winning the Tevis Cup endurance ride. Engsburg, a first-time Tevis rider, edged out a pair of experienced riders from the Foothills.

Tears accompanied Allison Bailey’s hoots and hollers Saturday night shortly after Sarah Engsberg rode across the finish line at the 54th Tevis Cup endurance ride.

Engsberg fulfilled a dream of Bailey’s late husband when she won the Tevis Cup title in her debut, edging out two experienced riders from the foothills.

Michael Bailey had ridden K-Zar Emmanuel to a national heavyweight championship in 2007 and passed away just a few weeks later. His wife Allison, from just outside of Charlotte, N.C., hooked up with Engsberg, from Atlanta, and set her up with K-Zar for Saturday’s 100-mile ride from Robie Point in Truckee to Auburn. It was a perfect fit.

“It was his dream to come and ride Tevis,” Allison said at the finish line.

“We paced conservative early and just built throughout the day,” Engsberg said. “We had a whole hell of a lot of good luck. This horse was prepared. He’s a phenomenal athlete… And our crew, our entourage/crew.”

Engsberg took the lead for good just past the Lower Quarry checkpoint after former leader Jeanette Montero was pulled. Engsberg held off three-time Tevis champion Marcia Smith, of Loomis, and highly regarded Melissa Ribley, of Grass Valley to reach Overlook Park first. Ribley was second and Smith finished third, unofficially.

Engsberg arrived in Auburn with her boisterous crew on July 24 and had little time to familiarize herself with one of the most challenging trails in endurance riding. Bailey and Engsberg made plans to enter Tevis back in January and the Georgia native had ridden K-Zar in three endurance rides prior to Saturday’s event.

“I loved Tevis, it was great,” Engsberg said. “I’ve never seen so many volunteers. I didn’t want for anything. The course was absolutely challenging. The last part was frightening, to be galloping in the dark on a trail I’ve only seen three times in the day time.”

The lead changed hands several times during the course of the day. Smith led for much of the first half of the ride. Engsberg was the first rider into Deadwood — 55 miles into the day. Potato Richardson, Tamara Stewart and Christopher were all within one minute of Engsberg. There were eight riders, including Smith, within five minutes of the lead at Deadwood.

At Robinson Flat — 38 miles into the ride — Engsberg was well back of the leaders in 16th.

“We just kept moving up throughout the day,” she said.

Gordy Ainsleigh, the Meadow Vista man who ran with the horses in 1974 and helped start the Western States Endurance Run, was pulled at Robinson Flat.

For further coverage of the Tevis Cup, including the Haggin Cup award winner, see Monday’s Journal.

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