After a two night rest in Amsterdam, the group set out for Tours, France. One night there, then on to Spain. Days began at 3:00am, in order to take advantage of the cooler temperatures in the morning. Day three marked the teams' arrival in Lisbon, Portugal, and a short drive out to the ride site at Companhia das Lezirias. The facility is a beautiful ranch, complete with dressage rings, cross country and driving courses.

The terrain is much like south central Texas, rolling and arid. During the day, the horses are out in temporary paddocks, much the same as would be at an event in the US. At night, the horses go back to the stalls. Each day, the riders hand walk the horses and the horses are able to graze on the green grass along the edges of the rice paddies. The riders are able to take the horses out on what will be the start and finsh of the course.
THe course is fairly flat, with areas of deep sand and gravel. I think it is a bit harder than it appears at first glance. The climate is hot - mid 80's to 90s. The humidity is below 60%. The expected winning time is around 8 hours. First examination is Tuesday, the opening ceremony is Thursday, and the first inspection is Friday. The ride begins at 6:30 am on Saturday, which is 1:30 AM Saturday moring on the East Coast.
USA Team:
Darolyn Butler/ DJB Mercy Merci
Heather Reynolds/ Cal Flaming Emit
Cheryl Van Deusen/ DA Al Capone
Janice Worthington/ Molly’s Valiant Heart
submitted by Vonita Bowers, USA Chef d'Equipe. photos by Dewayne Brown

I want to wish the USA Team the Very Best of Luck. I am especially proud of my sister Cheryl. I am in the Middle East in Qatar and I extremely excited about the event. I will be monitoring the event on the webb site. Bring home the Gold USA. Please keep in touch. My email is
I want to wish the USA Team the Very Best of Luck. I am especially proud of my sister Cheryl. I am in the Middle East in Qatar and I extremely excited about the event. I will be monitoring the event on the webb site. Bring home the Gold USA. Please keep in touch. My email is My webb page is
I look forward to arriving Wed evening to help as crew for
central region rider, Darolyn, or anyone else who might need help. Should be a great event and lets do well ---go USA
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