Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Mongolia: The Gobi Desert Cup challenges riders, body and soul - Full Article

4 June 2018

Race Preview made with the assistance of Heather Wallace.
Photo Credit: The Gobi Desert Cup.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 4 May 2018. The Gobi Desert Cup is a 480 kilometer endurance ride beginning outside Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. The challenge is focused on teamwork, horsemanship and immersion in the Mongolian culture as well as completing the marked course safely.

Now in its second year, this life-changing experience accepts no more than 20 riders from around the world to compete from 22 to 31 August 2018.

Each participant arrives at camp and is trained for two days on the tack and horses in preparation for the race to begin. This also gives the participants the opportunity to meet officials and discuss the rules and safety guidelines. Each rider has six horses for the length of the trip, one per day. Ride Director and Co-founder Camille Champagne notes: “The challenge focuses on testing your endurance and horsemanship by managing the horses over 80 km in one day.” Throughout the course there are two veterinary exams: one at 40 kilometers and the second at the end of the day’s ride, at approximately 80 kilometers.

“You may have what it takes, but it will take everything you’ve got.” Camille Champagne...

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