Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Zealand: Barack comes up Trumps - Full Article

January 25 2017

By Chelsea Boyle

As champion horse ‘Barack Obama’ was cantering cross country in a mammoth 160km race, his United States namesake was farewelling his presidency.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, Masterton’s Jenny Champion was on her way to winning her 10th endurance horse racing championship in Taupo.

Barack Obama, a “seasoned horse” at 19 years, proved more than up to the task in his third season of endurance racing.

“He would be the oldest horse out there competing, but he goes like a ten-year-old,” Champion said.

“He has an extraordinarily low heart rate...”

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Australia: Permanent home for Imbil endurance ride - Full Article

26th January 2017

IMBIL endurance ride founder Bob Sample could not be more pleased with his son Matt's equestrian centre project, which won support from Gympie region councillors this week.

The centre, which has already had a successful trial run as home base for endurance riders, will now be developed to allow riders and supporters to camp on-site during up to six three-day equestrian endurance events a year.

A staff report to Wednesday's council general meeting said neighbours were not all happy with the idea, but their submissions had formed the basis of conditions which council planners believed would "manage and alleviate concerns..."

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

The UAE Endurance Controversy Continues… 4 Years On

January 26 2017

In a controversy concerning UAE endurance horse deaths, doping, and cheating scandals spanning nearly 4 years, 8 more horse deaths this season (6 in the last month) has prompted AERC President Michael Campbell to pen another letter to USEF on behalf of AERC, strongly condemning the UAE's failure to adhere to horse welfare rules. While great progress has been made in Abu Dhabi, particularly by the Boutheib Initiative, Dubai has failed to show any such improvements.

In the letter, Campbell has urged USEF to register a protest with the FEI in the strongest terms, urging indefinite suspension of the UAE from all endurance competition until the Dubai endurance community can remedy the horse welfare situation. Removal of the 2016 WEC from Dubai, and previous suspension of the UAE from FEI competitions has failed to make an impression on Dubai.

The entire letter can be seen here:

The 4 years of documentation of the ongoing UAE controversy can be seen here:

UAE: FEI Endurance Rules Under Review Again Following More Horse Deaths - Full Article

January 25, 2017
by: Pippa Cuckson

Two horses sustained catastrophic injuries in a 40km qualifier at Dubai international Endurance City (DIEC) on January 23rd, bringing the total to five deaths at this venue in three weeks, and six since its winter FEI programme recommenced in mid-December.

After three fatalities earlier this month, the FEI met organisers and officials in Dubai. The renewed suspension of rides mentioned by the FEI as a possibility before the talks took place has not eventuated.

Instead the FEI will continue to work with new management at the UAE national federation, while the FEI endurance committee will revisit topics such as age of horse and rider, who can often be younger and less experienced than riders in other regions. It will also look at the “elite rider” status which, unlike other equine risk sports, allows riders in that category to start in championship events on horses they have not ridden before, never mind qualified...

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Great Britain: Ridgeway Rally: A private event

January 17, 2017

Ridgeway Rally is a private independent event. We are lovers of luxury and all things fabulous including our riding experience. A bit of camping in your lorry on your usual endurance event can be fun but sometimes, just sometimes, it would be amazing to hand your horse over to someone else at the end of a long ride and relax, and when you have riding again the next day, to go to a lovely hotel, get clean and dry, dine and be entertained as well as get to know the other people who are riding too. We created Ridgeway Rally to accommodate both, a great ride with luxury hotels and relaxing entertainment too for an all round superior experience.

For more information, see:

Sunday, January 22, 2017

UAE: Boudheib Initiative - 120km 2* CEI J/YR Presidents Cup a Success

January 22 2017

The last race in the Boudheib 3 day series of the Presidents Endurance Cup took place Saturday with the final of the 120km 2* CEI Junior Young Riders. Two rides take place within the one challenge using both the FEI rules and the Boudhieb Initative Best Endurance Challenge Award (BECA).

The BECA awards go to Magic Glenn All Dun ridden by Imke Lamsma from the Netherlands with an average speed of 15.602 and total points of 100.81. Magic Glenn is strained by Anzaq Mahmood from Al Maneyah Endurance Stables. Closely followed In 2nd place was Winca on 100.15 points, ridden by Ali Mohammad Al Hammadi and trained by Omar Rashid Al Jarwan from Al Nasr Endurance Stables and in 3rd position came A P Piton ridden by Shannon Cossor on 97.93 points - trained by Anzaq Mahmood from ABH Endurance.

The results are in for the FEI award going to Al Fatin in 1st place with an average speed of 18.750, ridden by Shaikh Hamad Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum trained at the M7 enduranece Stables. 2nd place goes to Tao Du Cavallon ridden by Hassan Jumaa Hassan Al Hamadi, trained by Abdul Kader Abdul Sattar from Al Maghaweer Stables and in 3rd place Willowmere Encore ridden by Ahmed Yousef Al Bloushi, trained by Tahnoun Ahmed Al Bloushi of Nad Al Sheba Stables.

For full details see:

Saturday, January 21, 2017

UAE: Boudheib's Beginners Endurance Rides

Boudheib Initiative Endurance

January 20 2017

Today Boudheib Endurance Village saw the start of yet another initiative endorsed by H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The Boudheib Academy for young Emirati students launched the first in what is to be a series of 'beginners endurance rides'. The course was set for 12km consisting of 2 loops with a vet check at the 6km stage. The young riders, ranging from 10 to 18 years of age, were charged with saddling their own mounts before setting off in 3 staggered groups at only walk and trot (cantering would amount to disqualification), frequent essential water stops along the way and attending to their horses needs at the finish (no grooms participation allowed).

The ride has been a resounding success, no disqualifications, and a fine time was had by all. On completion one young rider, when asked if he'd enjoyed it said 'it was perfect!". A great experience that these future endurance stars will remember for the rest of their lives and at the same time understanding the respect for their partner, the horse!!

Huge thanks go to Boudheib Academy trainer Kieran Treacey for the care and energy that he put into creating this event and the welfare of both his students and horses - congratulations Kieran.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Samorin Gets WEG 2022 - Full Article

January 16, 2017
by: Pippa Cuckson

Samorin in Slovakia looks set to run the 2022 World Equestrian Games, after the FEI confirmed it would not re-open the bidding following Kentucky’s withdrawal last week.

Only two venues applied to be considered for the 2022 renewal – the lowest number in the history of the WEG.

Samorin – developed by businessman Mario Hoffman, and officially known as the Napoli Slovak Equestrian Club – must be ratified by the FEI General Assembly in November.

But now it is aware there is no rival bid, Samorin will have the longest lead-time of any recent WEG venue. In a further head-start, Samorin already boasts a lavishly-appointed facility of indoor and outdoor arenas and permanent barn stabling servicing an established calendar of FEI jumping, dressage and endurance competitions. Covering 200 acres, it is one of the most extensive new-builds in Europe and also has a racetrack.

The FEI said today: “The bid process will not be re-opened. We have a very solid bid for the 2022 Games from our candidate Samorin in Slovakia, and are looking forward to working through the remaining bid process, including full assessment of the venue by the FEI Evaluation Commission prior to allocation of the 2022 Games by the FEI Bureau in November this year...”

Read more here:

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Camille Champagne Bargenquast calls on nominations for her inaugural Gobi Desert Cup - Full Story

Samantha Walton
17 Jan 2017

A north west Queensland endurance rider is calling for nominations for her inaugural ride through the Gobi Desert in south Mongolia.

After competing in the longest and toughest horse race in the world – Mongol Derby – Camille Champagne Bargenquast is preparing her own endurance ride in conjunction with an internationally experienced Mongolian vet and two endurance riders from America.

Ms Bargenquast is the co-manager of Linda Downs station located 225 kilometres south west of Mount Isa and will travel overseas to organise what she describes as “a most prestigious endurance ride”, the Gobi Desert Cup.

“While racing in Mongolia last year, I realised that three-quarters of the riders couldn’t handle the roughness of the horses and the race situation in general,” Ms Bargenquast said.

“From the food which consisted of floating bits of mutton fat in a soup, the danger of camping wherever at nights with semi-wild horses, the distance, being on your own with no assistance (only serious emergency) and no showers for 10 days. Those people around me weren’t prepared and their experience wasn’t a success.

“I was listening to the riders around me. They inspired us to create the Gobi Desert Cup.”

The Gobi Desert Cup is a 480km endurance race in which riders compete for six days, riding 80km a day. Starting at sunrise every morning, each must reach the camp before sunset. Two vet checks are held in a day; one at the 40km checkpoint and another one at the end of the 80km.

“Every night riders will camp together and enjoy the luxury of basic amenities and meals prepared by a five star chef,” Ms Bargenquast said...

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Monday, January 16, 2017

FEI imposes two year suspension in endurance case

16 Jan 2017

The FEI Tribunal has issued its Final Decision in the case involving Dr Pasha Syed Kamaal (IND), identified as support personnel in the 2012 equine anti-doping case of Glenmorgan (FEI ID UAE40813).

Samples taken from the horse, which was ridden by HH Sheik Hazza bin Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan (UAE) in the CEI3* 160 km at Al Wathba (UAE) on 10 February 2012, returned positive for the Banned Substance Propoxyphene, an opioid analgaesic, and its metabolite Norpropoxyphene.

In its Final Decision, the FEI Tribunal has imposed a two-year suspension on Dr Kamaal as a member of the Support Personnel, in accordance with Article 169 of the FEI General Regulations and Article 10 of the Equine Anti-Doping Rules. The period of Provisional Suspension, effective from 16 November 2015, has been credited against the period of ineligibility, meaning that Dr Kamaal will be ineligible through to 15 November 2017.

The Tribunal also imposed a fine of CHF 2,500 and costs of CHF 1,000.

Dr Kamaal has 30 days from the date of notification (13 January 2017) to appeal the decision to the CAS.

The FEI Tribunal had previously imposed a 27-month suspension on HH Sheik Hazza as the Person Responsible. This was reduced to 18 months on appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), although the CAS upheld the FEI’s principle of strict liability in the application of its equine anti-doping rules. During the FEI Tribunal and CAS proceedings, Dr Kamaal stated that he had administered the product Fustex to the horse the night before the event. Fustex contains Propoxyphene, although it is not listed as an ingredient.

Following the original case, the FEI issued a communique to stakeholders in July 2015 urging caution over the use of Fustex, an Argentinian product used to promote muscle growth. The communique stated that lack of knowledge regarding the ingredients of Fustex would not be a valid excuse in any equine anti-doping procedures.

Further details on the case can be found here.

Endurance UAE - Good, Bad, and Ugly - Full Article

16 January - 10h09 | Lulu Kyriacou

Endurance in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues to make equestrian headlines this week although not only for bad reasons. Although the FEI will be holding urgent talks with the UAE endurance organisers this coming week there was also a lengthy statement from 4* judge Francois Kerboul in support of Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan's Boudhieb Endurance Challenge which is aiming to change the current face of the sport within the Arabic nations.

In total three horses were listed as catastrophically injured during the recent Maktoum Cup meeting at the Dubai Endurance International City, the venue that was deposed as hosts for the 2016 World Championships when horse welfare could not be guaranteed according to the FEI. Since then a further sanction preventing international competition was imposed on the venue and the Maktoum Cup Festival of Endurance was the first CEI 160 to be held after this sanction was lifted. Another horse died during that race, making four at the venue in total and five in the Dubai area in the last three months. According to endurance expert Pippa Cuckson in her latest column for Horse Canada, the FEI are looking into improvements in training regimes as all four of the horses died on the first loop of the rides, leading to a suggestion that the horses may already have been suffering from pre-existing conditions caused by training techniques. It is also just as possible that these sort of injuries are caused by incidents during the mass starts of dozens of horse and it must be asked why the FEI are entering into what amounts to speculation on incidents that are not exactly a rarity.

A spokesperson for the FEI told Cuckson that "The catastrophic injuries that have occurred this season have all been in the first loop, so it suggests that these are pre-existing fractures and that there is a serious issue with training techniques. Data from all events, including national fixtures, is being fed into the Global Endurance Injuries Study (GEIS) and Equi-ratings is also providing the FEI with statistics for surveillance and monitoring.

“The FEI will continue to work closely with the new management at the Emirates Equestrian Federation and a strong course of action will be agreed upon depending on the outcome of these meetings, including a requirement for reduced speeds and heart rates, shorter presentation times to enforce slower speeds and/or potential suspension of CEIs in the calendar.”

​All about the money?
Unfortunately, the FEI can do little to stop large amounts of foreign riders accepting invitations to compete, many of whom are no doubt lured by the €25'000 guaranteed prize money just for completing...

Read more here:

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kentucky Horse Park Withdraws from Consideration for Hosting 2022 World Equestrian Games to Chart Its Own Course

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 13, 2017) – The Kentucky Horse Park Commission voted today to withdraw from consideration for hosting the ninth International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) World Equestrian Games, to be held in 2022.

Commission members expressed concerns regarding staging of the games and the potential conflict that hosting would create with the long-term goals of the Kentucky Horse Park, including limitations on potential Horse Park-generated revenue opportunities.



After more than one year of existence, the necessity of building a structured communication network has become obvious to convey what is happening in Bouthib.

We have seen and we know that names and designations are not always easily transcribed from one language to another, mainly when different alphabets having nothing in common are concerned (in this case the Arab characters and the Latin ones with English phonetic predominance). This is why the spelling fluctuates between Bouthieb, Boutheib, Bouthib or even Bou Thib according the transcribers' will more or less phonetically right. But if you really wish to communicate, you have to decide which spelling is suitable and stick to it. This is why Sh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan has decided that, from now on, the right spelling in English is "Boudheib", which phonetically speaking is the nearest possible way to write it in English.

Then a logo was created to clearly identify the Organizing Committee and avoid calling it "the one of Bouthieb" or "the organization of Bouthieb", etc.

The official logo of Boudheib Endurance

"Boudheib Endurance" has become the official name of the entity managing and promoting the innovations taking place in Boudheib.

The Bouthieb Protocol has become the "Boudheib Endurance Challenge Award" or "BECA".

But orthography and a name are certainly not enough. Communication is more demanding, otherwise nothing or almost nothing of what one does has a true existence in the eyes of others. Of course, the articles written and distributed throughout the world, with the multiple developments it generates are an efficient means, but it does not replace the other media anchor which penalized the action.

It has now been done with the opening of a Facebook page ("Boudheib Initiative") and a website to come soon ( This website will broadcast the live results of the events taking place in BIEV (official abbreviation of "Boudheib International Endurance Village"), situated among the dunes, next to Al Khatim in the center of Abu Dhabi. These results are at present exclusively broadcasted through the ATRM website which has a worldwide extent and shares the diffusion of the Boudheib Endurance events and will continue doing so.

Being aware that images have a tremendous power on the public, Boudheib Endurance has decided to have the BIEV events broadcasted on a live mode. Broadcasting live by streaming on Internet was preferred to the "traditional" TV process which is heavier to handle, more expensive and has less geographical extent than what the Internet network easily provides. The rides of January 5th and 6th 2017 were a successful test of that mode.

Read the full article here

François Kerboul
FEI 4* Judge, TD & CD
Architect dplg 13 01 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

UAE: More Horses Die During Dubai Endurance Rides - Full Article

January 12, 2017
by: Pippa Cuckson

Four horse fatalities in three rides have put endurance organisers in Dubai under threat of further disaffiliation from FEI competition.

Urgent meetings will take place in Dubai next week, where the FEI is expected to insist on tougher measures to reduce high speeds. Two of the four horses died in a single ladies’ ride on January 4th, both from the same barn. The FEI has also taken the unprecedented step of suggesting the fatalities could result from pre-existing fractures due to training techniques.

All four catastrophic injuries occurred at Sheikh Mohammed’s Dubai International Endurance City on December 12th, January 4th and January 7th. DIEC had only started staging FEI rides again in December, after the FEI imposed a seven-month moratorium on considering schedules for any type of event from DIEC. Last April, the FEI also removed the 2016 world championship event from DIEC, on the grounds that “horse welfare could not be guaranteed.”

A FEI spokesman said: “The FEI is extremely concerned that there have been a number of in-competition endurance fatalities in the UAE this season and has put in place a series of urgent high level meetings in Dubai next week to discuss the current issues...

Read more here:

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Canada: 2016 Young Riders Endurance Team Challenge - Full Article

December 22, 2016
by: Equestrian Canada

On November, 12, 2016 a team of talented young Canadians travelled to Ehrhardt, SC for the 2016 Young Riders Endurance Team challenge.

The event was the brainchild of a committed group of Endurance officials, including Canada’s Deanna Spiker DVM, following the cancellation of endurance at the 2016 North American Junior and Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC). It was hosted by Broxton Bridge Plantation and USA Southeast Endurance.

A total of 22 endurance riders, aged 14 to 21, from six teams representing Canada, Guatamala, Ecuador, and the United States, descended on the Broxton Bridge Plantation to contest a FEI 2* (120 km) event.

Read more here:

Monday, January 09, 2017

Spain's Maria Alvarez tops 2016 World Endurance Ranking

January 9 2017

Spain's Maria Alvarez Ponton topped the 2016 Open Riders World Endurance Ranking with 1848 points. France's Julien Lafaure was second with 1613 points, and Uruguay's Pilar Saravia was third with 1594 points. Cheryl Van Deusen was the highest ranking US rider with 1133 points in 29th place.

Atop the 2016 Open Combination World Endurance Ranking was Uruguay's Luis Crucci and HLD Patron with 424 points. Second was Uruguay's Oriana Ricca and Che Niebla with 388 points. Portugal's Ana Barbas and E Da Fuica were in third with 381 points. Canada's Wendy Maccoubrey and AM Mysterious Mopsa ranked fifth with 554 points, and USA's Kyle Gibbon and Rushcreek Quantum were ranked twelfth with 301 points.

Topping the 2016 Open Horse World Endurance Ranking was HLD Patron (Uruguay) with 424 points. Second was Waterlea Dawn Treader (ranked 135th in Open Combination with Bahraini rider Shaikh Naser Bin Hamad Al Khalifa) with 390 points. Third was Che Niebla (Uruguay) with 388 points.

Italy's Constanza Laliscia topped the 2016 Young Riders World Endurance Ranking with 1496 points. Uruguay's Belen Mendez was second with 1476 points. Uruguay's Valentina Mendez was third with 1307 points. Annie Whelan was USA's top rider, tied for thirteenth place with 1026 points. Kelsey Russell was just behind in sixteenth with 1015 points.

HH Sheikh Mohammed says UAE is a hub for equestrian endurance sports - Full Article

By viji Sunday, 08 January 2017

WAM -- The UAE has become a hub for equestrian endurance sports, and a factory producing champions who display the high stature of the UAE at global competitions, said Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

This year, the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Festival attracted riders from across the world, and provided a great opportunity to exchange experiences between Emirati riders and world champions, he said in remarks made at the closing of the 10th Mohammed bin Rashid Endurance Cup, the highlight of the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Festival.

The event - the largest of its kind in the world- was held at Dubai International Endurance City in Seih Al Salam.

He also expressed his satisfaction with the 160-km race, and praised the organisers for their efforts to produce an event that fits the stature of the UAE and Emirati champions...

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Sunday, January 08, 2017

UAE: Al Mazroui clinches Mohammad Endurance Cup - Full Article

January 8 2017
N. D. Prashant, Staff Reporter

M7 Stables rider makes the most of champion Hamdan’s absence

Dubai: Humaid Matar Rashed Al Mazroui on Rajas of M7 Endurance Stables won the HH Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup CEI***160km, presented by Longines, at the Dubai International Endurance City on Saturday.

Al Mazroui finished the race in 6:43:27 hours, followed by MRM Stables’ Mansour Saeed Mohammad Al Faresi on Tiswan Fageole and Salem Hamad Saeed Malhoof Al Kitbi on HLP Bask of M7 Endurance Stables in third.

With defending champion Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, not bidding for his hat-trick, the race was wide open.

His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and Shaikh Hamdan, who had won on Ajayeb in 2016 and Napoli Del Ma in 2015, followed the race closely from the sidelines.

In all, 263 riders took to the race around the gruelling sandy terrain around Arqub Al Jela and Al Bedud, comprising five loops of 40km, 35km, 35km, 32km and 18km...

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Saturday, January 07, 2017

Shut it Down. Right Now. - Full Article

Cuckson Report | January 6, 2017

If you want just a glimmer of understanding about what officials are up against in UAE endurance, watch this interview during a FEI ride at Dubai International Endurance City (DIEC) on Wednesday (January 4th).


It’s nine minutes of hysterics in both senses, from the shrillness of the discussion to the content which would be hilarious if it not so serious. It is a snapshot of the institutionalised disrespect for sporting authority in that region. It is also just a tiny component of the overwhelming evidence that, despite efforts to reform in recent years, desert racing has no business whatsoever sitting alongside properly regulated disciplines within the FEI family.

I have never seen anything like this shouting match between a TV presenter – from endurance specialists YAS Sport – and a senior judge in my 35 years reporting top level equestrianism. You’d almost be forgiven for thinking the cheaters are somehow the injured parties.

Hats off to the ground jury president for valiantly standing his ground regarding the process of fair play, horse welfare, and that he can’t know about rule-breaking that does not happen in front of his own eyes if he is not told about it – endurance isn’t exactly a contained arena sport!

The topic is less significant than the anarchic attitude, though this spat happened to be about ear-plugs, banned under FEI rules since January 2016. Their routine use, in tandem with extreme blinders, is a symptom of shoddy preparation. The trainers need another way to cocoon novice horses from the chaos of a mass start where they may be knocked about by other equally inexperienced horses piloted by people of limited skill.

Some readers may recall the picture that went viral after the 2015 President’s Cup, of the horse wearing taped-shut blinders and earplugs. He turned out to be one of the 500-odd “starters” in the “phantom rides” scandal. He was not, in reality, qualified to start the 160km President’s Cup. For all we know, that was his first ride ever.

The ear-plug ban is yet another FEI rule of which participants claim to be either unaware, notwithstanding their status as “professional” trainers at the premier UAE barns, or aware but proud to ignore. At this far from lady-like ladies’ ride at DIEC, the YAS presenter is claiming trainers cheerfully admitted to sending out horses in ear-plugs (also referred to as “blocks”). Yet, incredibly, the trainers reckon it’s the ground jury, not the trainers, who are at fault for catching and punishing some of the ear-pluggers, but not the others!...

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Friday, January 06, 2017

Endurance - Log In! 'Boudheib Initiative' joins facebook

Endurance riders & horses enjoying natural tracks through the UAE's forestry reserves, unique to Boudheib.


We are delighted to announce the launch of the new Boudheib Initiative facebook page.

Join us in our cause for the 'welfare of the endurance horse' and returning the sport of endurance back to its origins.

For results, debate, rules, events live streaming, current topical conferences, protocol issues & ideas and lots more besides. See you online.

Happy New Year from His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan
and all of us at the Boudheib Initiative team. (arriving soon)

Thursday, January 05, 2017

UAE awaits Shaikh Hamdan's participation - Full Article

James Jose/Dubai
Filed on January 4, 2017

Will Shaikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, make it a hat trick of the His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup will only be known before the pre-ride on Friday.

Shaikh Hamdan had won the CEI*** event, presented by Longines in 2015 and 2016 but is yet to confirm if he will take part in the 160km event to be run at the Dubai International Endurance City on Saturday.

"It is still too early to be sure about the participation of Shaikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and this will be confirmed by Friday when the pre-ride will start in the afternoon," Mohammed Essa Al Adhab, General Manager of Dubai Equestrian Club, said at the Dubai International Endurance City on Wednesday.

"Till then we are not sure if His Highness Shaikh Hamdan will attend or ride," he added.

The 2014 World Equestrian Games Champion Shaikh Hamdan, had won the ride in 2015 in 6.31.33 hours, onboard Napoli Del Ma from the MRM Stables.

Then, he repeated the feat last year by piloting Ajayeb of the MRM Stables to victory in 6.32.50 hours...

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Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

Bob Langrish photo As an athlete, coach, and leader in the sport, Becky Hart had a profound impact on endurance riding in the U...