Thursday, November 15, 2012

FEI Horses Must Be Microchipped

By Kentucky Equine Research Staff · November 7, 2012

The FEI General Assembly resulted in a change in veterinary regulations such that all horses to be newly registered with the FEI must be microchipped. The new regulation will go into effect on January 1, 2013. The microchip must be compatible with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785, and all microchip information must be entered in the horse's passport and reported to the USEF.

Microchip numbers consist of 15 digits of which the first three identify the manufacturer or country code and the remaining numbers are unique to each horse. A microchip carries the identifier that will be associated with a specific horse from the date of implant until the animal's death.

Owners should check with a veterinarian to schedule microchipping for their horses. The USEF recommends that horses be scanned for the presence of a microchip before a new chip is implanted, especially in the case of horses that have had more than one owner.

For questions regarding the new regulation, e-mail

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