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Endurance season 2007: a few bright marks albeit a crisis
Author: Maciej Kacprzyk | 2007-12-10
The 2007 endurance season in Poland has come to an end. Contestant-and-horse pairs bravely took on the long kilometers during 10 events: one of international rank (Warka), four labeled as All-Polish (thrice in Koczek and once in Bieruń) and five regionals (Gieniusze, Zabajka, Bieruń). A couple of events scheduled in the calendar did not come to pass, including an international competition in Ciosny near Łódź. There were also problems with the attendance, only the Polish Championships in Warka drew a larger number of contestants and horses.
This year in the riders’ ranking, composed by the Endurance.pl website which adds up points for each start using the same method for the last 4 years, 48 riders were classified. The winner was Beata Dzikowska from KJ Champion, who gained 454,9 points (with three completed events). Second came Kamilia Kart, also from KJ Champion, who scored 452,8 points (with five completed events). The third place belonged to Marcin Tobiasz from JKS Pogórze, who achieved 432,2 points (with two completed events). Among the juniors and young riders the highest classified contestant was Olga Ciesielska from KJ Champion Łódź – placing ninth in the general classification with 222,9 points for three completed events.
In the horses’ ranking, composed using the same rules as the riders’ ranking, 54 horses were classified. The most points were gathered by Cyryl 1995 (Sinus – Cyrla by Algomej), bred by Kurozwęki, who scored under Beata Dzikowska. Together they grabbed the silver medal of the Polish Senior Championships, among others. The second place belonged to Ester 1994 (Wermut – Eskadra by Algomej), bred by Kurozwęki, who competed under Kamilia and Marcin Tobiasz. It is worth to mention that Ester and Marcin Tobiasz were the only Polish pair who completed the 160 km ride this year. At third spot we find Shanokk 1998 (Santos – Sinjah by Eskan), bred by Saleska Arabians (DE), who gained his points under Olga Ciesielska and Kamila Kart.
In the young horse championships, which for many years have been compiled by Ewa Szarska, 19 horses were classified in all (six 4-year-olds, four 5-year-olds and nine 6-year-olds). The young horse classification is based taking into consideration marks from the veterinary card and the length of the race, while the 6-year-olds also have the additional factor of speed.
And so the 4 year old classification was won by the Kabardian gelding Neron under Patrycja Bereznowska.
In the 5 year old age group the winner was the pure bred Arabian mare Pisarka (Pesal – Pytia by Pepton), bred by A. Wójtowicz, under Maciej Kacprzyk (author of the article). This robust mare, after a very successful season, was purchased by Dorota Krzywicka, who plans a further sport, as well as breeding career for her.
Among the 6-year-olds the top spot was occupied by the Małopolska breed gelding Koral under Maja Kijowska.
Summarizing the 2007 season we must say that there was as much crisis as during the last two years. Few contestants, few horses, neglect from the organizers – these are the problems that have haunted this equestrian discipline for years. The positive aspects are the numerous and successful starts of our contestants abroad – anyone who was able to tried their luck in Germany, Holland, France, Slovakia or Hungary. These results can be considered as the most valuable:
- 2nd and 3rd place over 100 km in Ermelo (Holland) by Beata Dzikowska on the mentioned Cyryl and Dorota Krzywicka atop the Małopolska breed Sahib (by Grandorr oo),
- 2nd place over 160 km at the event in Topolcianky by Marcin Tobiasz atop Ester
- 45th place at the Young Horses’ World Championships by Ewelina Preis atop Ashmin 1999 (Fawor – Aktorka by Embargo), bred by Z. Górski, who after a successful performance was sold to France.
Also the Senior Polish Championships, won in style by Sebastian Karaśkiewicz atop Grand 1997 (Entyk – Greczynka by Etogram), bred by Kurozwęki, can be considered successful. Their level was indeed high.
For the upcoming year three All-Polish events have been initially planned (April – Gieniusze, May – Ciosny, October – Koczek) and two bearing an international rank: in Ciosny (Young Riders’ and Juniors Championships) and in Warka (Senior Polish Championships). I personally still lack such places as Janów Podlaski or Białka on the endurance event map. As a comparison the stud in Babolna, which has been organizing international events for a couple of years now, will organize the Young Riders’ and Juniors European Championships in 2009.
The overall picture of endurance after the 2007 season is not heartwarming, but among the chaos of amateurism and mishaps it is possible to notice some bright marks, which allow for some cautious optimism. Endurance rides, being the quickest developing equestrian discipline in the world, are simply destined for success, especially in Poland – a country renowned for not just beautiful, but also valiant Arabian horses.