Thursday, May 23, 2013

Great Britain: Atrocious weather fails to stop Golden Horseshoe endurance riders - Full Article

By on May 22, 2013

If it had been a three-day-event, it probably would have been cancelled, but the endurance riders at last week’s Golden Horseshoe Ride over Exmoor are made of sterner stuff.

The 180 competitive riders a rode through mud, wind and rain in the worse weather the famous event has experienced. But the poor weather failed to put a damper on the riders, and as one official put it, completing the event was “a triumph over adversity”...

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Young British equestrian star gallops to national championships in Spain after regional victory - Full Article Sixteen-year-old Jazmin Grahm won an 80km endurance event in Andalucía at the weekend and is one of just f...