Saturday, November 06, 2010

New Zealand: ESNZ firm on endurance groom selection policy - Full Article

November 6, 2010

by Robin Marshall

The groom selection policy that caused so much grief in the lead-up to the recent World Equestrian Games is not about to change, but the way team officials are selected in New Zealand is undergoing modification.

Before the Games, two riders selected for the country's endurance team pulled out after they were not allowed to bring their own grooms to the event. Equestrian Sports New Zealand (ESNZ) said at the time that the policy on team selection was changed in 2009, which was a major break in tradition for the sport.

After the decision by ESNZ not to allow their selected grooms, Sue Reid and Jenny Champion both pulled out of the team. They had both fund-raised to make the trip, as all members of the Kiwi endurance team were self-funded...

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