Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brazil: Compeonato Brasileiro

Enduroonline.com.br - Mais

Andre Vidiz, Renata Velloso e Carolina Barbosa sagram-se campeoes brasileiros 2009 debaixo de muita chuva

A chuva nao deu tregua desde o final da tarde e toda a noite do dia anterior da prova. O dia amanhaceu chuvoso e a trilha estava altamente escorregadia, mas os competidores demonstraram garra e determinacao. Afinal, estava em jogo o titulo de campeao brasileiro da provas CEI*** 160 km e CEI** 120 km (Adulto e Young Rider).

Marcio Honorio em sua primeira prova de 160 km com Pantheon HTL dominou ate a quinta etapa, quando foi eliminado por manqueira. Antes dele, os cavaleiros que compunham o primeiro pelotao (Eduardo Xavier Barreto Jr com Elanna HEC, Mariana Damazio Rajao com Mustaz SC, Higor de Marchi e Van Herte Sweet e Renata Farinelli com Gran Farhuk) foram saindo etapa apos etapa, abrindo caminho para Andre Vidiz e Nuit Endurance.

Andre Vidiz, Renata Barbosa Carolina Velloso and becoming champions Brazil in 2009 under heavy rain

The rain gave no truce since the end of the afternoon and all night the day before the race. The day awoke to rain and the track was highly slippery, but competitors have shown guts and determination. After all, at stake was the title of champion of the Brazilian evidence CEI *** 160 km and CEI ** 120 km (Adult and Young Rider).

Marcio Honorius in his first race of 160 km with Pantheon HTL dominated until the fifth stage, when it was eliminated by lameness. Before him, the knights who made up the first wave (Eduardo Xavier Barreto Jr Elanna with HEC, Mariana Damazio Rajão with Mustaz SC, Higor de Marchi and Van Herte Sweet and Renata Farinelli with Gran Farhuk) were coming off stage by stage, paving the way for Andre Nuit Vidiz and Endurance.


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