Thursday, December 29, 2022

Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival starts December 29th

27 December 2022

- Hamdan bin Mohammed’s equestrian achievements have contributed immensely to inspiring and attracting the young generation of UAE citizens to this sport
- The festival’s final event, the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Cup, is sponsored by Emirates Airline, one the largest supporters of equestrian and racing in the country and worldwide
- Rashid bin Dalmook: The Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival reinforces the UAE’s global leadership in equestrian sports, particularly endurance racing

The 15th edition of the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival, one of the most prominent events of the season’s equestrian calendar, will kick off on Thursday, 29 December 2022, at the Dubai International Endurance City.

Organised by the Dubai Equestrian Club in cooperation with the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, the festival includes four races. The final race will be held on Saturday, 7 January 2023. The 119km Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Cup, the festival’s final and most prominent race, is sponsored by Emirates Airline, one the largest supporters of equestrian and racing in the country and worldwide.

The festival will start on 29 December with the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Race for Ladies. The next race, the Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Race for Private Stables, will be held on Tuesday, 3 January 2023. The races for Ladies and Private Stables will cover a distance of 101km. The Yamamah Endurance Cup for Mares will be held on 4 January and will cover a distance of 119km...

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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Great Britain: Meet the winning endurance rider who can tack up her horse with her toes - Full Article

H&H spends a morning with Philippa Verry at her yard situated between Dartmoor and Exmoor

Martha Terry
26 December, 2022 08:32

Philippa Verry is an extraordinary horsewoman, not that she’d like you to think of her as exceptional. She’s ridden at Olympia, hunted throughout her life with various packs, and – in her late 50s – turned her hand to endurance riding, and winning. All this without the use of her arms, since she was born without them as a side-effect of thalidomide. But Philippa has never let this apparent disadvantage deter her from achieving anything she wants in the equestrian world.

“I am not disabled,” she says, when H&H visits her Devon yard. “I can do whatever anyone else does. I have never had any problem doing anything; some jobs just take me longer. There’s always a way if you want to do something badly enough...”

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2022: A Year in Endurance - Full Story

The highlights of the year...

A group of fit horses and riders trot purposefully through the fields on a misty morning, starting a ride. Later, that same group of riders is maintaining their steady pace, winding their way through a wide trail in a wooded area, having completed mandatory veterinary inspections and rest periods. Finally, the lead horses and riders canter calmly and comfortably to the finish line of the 160km course. The sun is shining as they finish strong, with horses still eager to head down the trail.

This is Endurance. It’s a physical, mental, and strategic sport that tests the athletic ability of the horses and humans, their partnerships, and the discipline to ride strategically over a challenging course with varying terrain and weather.

The 2022 FEI Endurance competition year included challenges and satisfying moments, as any individual competition does. There were over 240 FEI Endurance events in 2022, with 2,886 horses and 2,073 athletes...

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Anna Arbezova is the champion of the endurance stables in Boudhieb - Full Article

December 22, 2022 by Editorial staff

Abu Dhabi (Al-Ittihad)

Jockey Anna Arbuzova on horseback “Polio Amigo” for the Gulf Stables was crowned with the title of the Private Stables Race over a distance of 101.34 km, as part of the first activities of His Highness the President’s Endurance Cup, held today in Boudheib International Endurance Village, in which 215 male and female riders participate.

The race champion covered the total distance in 3:49:23 hours, with an average speed of 26.51 km/h...

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Bahrain horse tests positive in French ride

FEI Tribunal issues Consent Award in equine anti-doping case

19 December 2022
Author: FEI

The FEI Tribunal has issued a Consent Award in an equine anti-doping case involving a Banned Substance.

In this case, the horse Elijah Solam (FEI ID 107JS65/BRN), tested positive for the Banned Substance Stanozolol following samples taken at the CEI1* 100 Fontainebleau (FRA) on 14 October, 2022.

The trainer, Jameel Ebrahim Ramadhan (FEI ID 10103145/BRN), admitted the rule violation and accepted the consequences. In its final decision the FEI Tribunal disqualified the horse from the event and imposed an 18-month ineligibility period on the trainer; the provisional suspension he already served shall be credited against the imposed ineligibility period. He was also fined CHF 5,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 1,000.

The full Decision is available here.

Monday, December 19, 2022

World Endurance Riders Told to Manage Pace Following Test Event - Full Article

Four of 13 starters completed the test ride for the title race in the UAE; footings expert to assess part of the natural desert track.

By Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson | December 18, 2022

Changes to parts of the track for the reallocated FEI World Endurance Championship in Butheeb, Abu Dhabi on February 25 have been proposed following last week’s test ride, the first 160-km ride at the venue in over 30 years.

Footings expert Dr. Lars Roepstroff will assess the track next month “to quell any remaining concerns” and in the championship itself there will be six loops (instead of the test ride’s five) to enable more horse recovery time, plus extra watering points.

The test ride saw just four of 13 starters complete, plus longer presentation times as horses that managed to progress beyond the third loop began to tire...

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Athlete Selection Procedures Now Available for FEI Pan American Endurance Championships

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 16, 2022, 5:00 PM EST

Lexington, Ky. – Selection procedures for athletes interested in competing at the 2023 FEI Pan American Endurance Championships for Seniors and Juniors/Young Riders are available on the Endurance section of

The Pan American Championships will take place in Llay Llay, Chile, November 10-12, 2023. Athlete/horse combinations will be selected based on the ranking formula outlined in the selection procedures documents. Athletes must submit their Application of Intent online no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on July 15, 2023, to be included for consideration and must designate at least two and no more than five selection events during the selection period of October 21, 2022, through August 15, 2023.

Click here for more information on the 2023 FEI Pan American Endurance Championships and to download the selection procedure documents. Contact Susan Edwards, USEF Director of Endurance, at with questions.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Butheeb (UAE) hosts successful Test Event for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 just one month following allocation

Lausanne (SUI), 15 December 2022

Butheeb (UAE) hosts successful Test Event for the FEI Endurance World Championship 2022 just one month following allocatio

Organisers for the 2022 FEI Endurance World Championship - which was only recently reallocated to Butheeb (UAE) at the FEI General Assembly in Cape Town (RSA) last November - pulled out all the stops to provide an open-house invitation for National Federations (NFs) and teams to experience first-hand the facilities on offer at the Butheeb International Endurance Village (BIEV).

The Test Event was held from 8 to 11 December, using an existing event in the FEI Calendar, and included three competitions from 1* to 3* with a healthy mix of international combinations taking the top positions - including Uruguay, Portugal and Great Britain, alongside the host nation UAE.

President of the Ground Jury and Chair of the FEI Endurance Committee Christian Lozano (FRA) was very impressed with the outcomes of the Test Event, explaining “the OC had just under one month to prepare for this test event, but they were keen to go ahead as this was an ideal opportunity to test all the systems in place and give the chef d’equipes the opportunity to get to know Butheeb and provide feedback on the facilities, the different logistical preparations as well as the track and footing.

“While this was used as a test event for the World Championship to be held from 20-26 February next year, this was not a test event of the World Championship track itself; for example, the 160km competition on Friday 9 December was held over 5 loops, unlike the Championship competition which will be held over 6 loops, giving the horses more recovery opportunities between loops.”

Technical Delegate Sharon Du Plessis (BOT) reiterated the intention of the Test Event, adding “we were able to see the full spectrum of the terrain on offer at Butheeb, with good, natural, wide tracks, fully secured and very little deep sand, with just five kilometres of deep sand areas to be modified for the Championship track – among other improvements to be made in the coming weeks.

“The whole community has been asking for more technical and slower tracks – and this is what they will get in Butheeb.”

In addition to testing the sporting and technical infrastructures, the OC held a hybrid information session for Chef d’Equipes on 10 December which proved very popular with approximately 60 participants, including fourteen NFs represented at the meeting in person, and a further 12 NFs joining online. The debrief began with members of the OC including Mustafa Mafoudi, and UAE National Federation representatives, Dr. Ali Tweisi, Mahmoud Zyoud and Abdullah Al Naqbi, Director of Administration and Support Services, Head of Media and Communication Department, presenting the venue and discussing some of the more logistical details.

FEI Endurance Director Christina Abu-Dayyeh (JOR) as well as FEI Director Technology and Sport Services Gaspard Dufour (FRA), alongside President of the Ground Jury Christian Lozano (FRA), Technical Delegate Sharon Du Plessis (BOT) completed the line-up, providing a broad panel to answer any questions or concerns raised by the participants.

With a little over two months to go, the OC actively encouraged the Chef d’Equipes to provide their feedback in a bid to find effective solutions for many of the more logistical and operational questions. Overall, the National Federations expressed their satisfaction with the conditions and facilities on offer, and the success of the Test Event, noting the further modifications to be made to the track prior to the Championship, with the six loops providing additional rest points and veterinary checks, and the additional water points as agreed during the meeting.

Executive Board Member and Chair of Group VII Sami Al Duhami (KSA) provided the closing remarks and noted the positive efforts and great collaboration with the Organising Committee and the UAE NF to deliver the Championship in February.

Following the Test Event and to quell any remaining concerns regarding the terrain, internationally renowned footing expert and Professor at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Lars Roepstroff has been commissioned to assess the Championship track in January of 2023. Roepstroff, who also has a background as the Swedish Team Veterinarian for Endurance, will then deliver a report to the FEI and the Organising Committee, with relevant feedback on the terrain and any potential improvements that might need to be made prior to the Championship.

“There is no “standard” terrain, this is a World Championship, and world-class riding and fitness is required in order to be successful and to ensure both horse and rider complete the course in good condition”, said FEI Endurance Director Christina Abu-Dayyeh (JOR).

“It’s important that a certain percentage of the track is natural and in keeping with the local environment, wherever that may be, and as you would expect at this level, every athlete taking part will need to plan and manage their ride and pace according to the conditions and according to their horse.

“We are confident the horses will be very well looked after, with great facilities and an experienced Organising Committee in Butheeb, ensuring all the veterinary checks and processes in line with the FEI Rules are fully adhered to.”

Friday, December 09, 2022

Timeframe: The UAE's first, record-breaking international endurance horse race - Full Article

1998 World Endurance Championship in Dubai surpassed all that came before

Hareth Al Bustani Dec 09, 2022

On December 10, 1998, the UAE cemented its growing commitment to the sport of endurance horse racing in the most spectacular fashion — hosting the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) World Endurance Championship.

Centred on Ghantoot Racing Club, with 162 riders from 37 countries competing, the event set a Guinness World Record for the largest number of participants at an official world championship event.

The event was made all the more remarkable by how young the sport was in the UAE at the time — having only been introduced to the country by the UAE Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, in 1992. However, it was a natural fit for a people who had, for millennia, cherished horse-riding not only as a sport and passion, but a way of life; with horses and camels not just a means of transport, but an extension of the rider.

The UAE’s first two endurance marathons, open to camels and horses, were held in January 1993 and March 1994 — with the first horse-only race, Al Asayl Endurance Race, setting the blueprint for things to come in December 1994. That year, Sheikh Zayed set up the Presidents Cup for Arabian horses, helping to raise the breed’s international profile in the years since...

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Thursday, December 08, 2022

‘Horses will die’ warning after UAE awarded world championship - Full Article

Eleanor Jones
8 December, 2022 17:26

“Horses will die” is the warning from campaigners, in response to the World Endurance Championships’ move to the UAE. The event had been to run in Verona in October, but the FEI pulled the plug as horse and rider safety “could not be guaranteed”.

The FEI reopened bidding and six venues were in the mix, including Samorin, Slovakia, and Pisa, Italy, both of which have previously hosted the event. But it will run at Boudheib International Endurance Village (BIEV), in February.

The FEI said “the safety and security of human and equine athletes is the FEI’s top priority”, and a spokesman added: “Under the guidance and support of the late former deputy UAE prime minister HH Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Boudheib protocol initiative was implemented in BIEV and other venues to ensure that the welfare of the horses and horsemanship prevail.”

But Sheikh Sultan, driver of the horse welfare-led initiative, died three years ago...

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Monday, December 05, 2022

CEF back in action with first-ever 80-km endurance race - Full Article

Jose Rodriguez T. Senase / Khmer Times
December 2 2022

The Cambodia Equestrian Federation (CEF) galloped back into action by holding its first-ever 80-km endurance race.

The competition was held on the heels of the CEF’s participation in the Princess Cup Thailand 2022 from November 21 to 27.

The CEF was represented in Thailand by Amrita Norodom, Rothanak Kong and Chantola Kiri.

“It allowed us to measure our skills against strong countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore and others gathered under the Princess Cup,” CEF President Tep Mona said...

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Friday, December 02, 2022

Replacement World Title Ride Dismays Endurance Stakeholders - Full Article

Riders who have trained over European terrain are unhappy to be facing a desert race, and there is astonishment that the troubled UAE won the bid.

By Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson | December 2, 2022

Reallocation of the FEI 2022 World Endurance Championship to the last week of February 2023 at Boudheib in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has met pushback from a variety of stakeholders.

Some competitors are dismayed that they now face a desert race after training for completely different terrain in Verona, Italy. Meanwhile the active “Clean Endurance” community is astonished that the UAE – a hub of doping and rule-breaking – has been rewarded with a prestigious championship, especially when equestrianism’s “social licence” is under the spotlight.

Clean Endurance also queried the technical suitability of Boudheib for a potentially fast-paced championship. It feels the FEI’s decision was influenced by the new organizer’s financial package which includes prize money of $545,000 USD, ten times the minimum requested in the bid document. Half will be split between all finishers, plus a best condition award...

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Great Britain Announces Team for FEI Endurance World Endurance Championship Bouthib (UAE)

1 December 2022

FEI Endurance World Endurance Championship Bouthib (UAE) February 2023

Team GB

The Selection Committee have selected the following combinations to represent GB at the World Endurance Championships. Their decision was not an easy one and commiserations go out to those who have been unsuccessful – hopefully they will come forward to be considered for the European Championships to be held in Ermelo, Holland in September 2023.

Chef D’Equipe for the team will be Fiona Bloom, MSc BSc(Hons) MCSP MHCPC ACPAT Cat A RAMP

“I am delighted we are able to send a full team for the championships, we will not underestimate the challenges, but it is a privilege to be alongside the experienced combinations and management team”.

Team Veterinary will be Georgina Vaughan, BVetMed MRCVS

‘I am excited to be working with an experienced team of horses and riders and I am looking forward to helping them prepare to the best of their abilities for the challenge ahead.’

Both Fiona and Georgina bring a massive amount of experience to guide their team with both having competed “in the sand”.

Read about the team members here

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Bahrain horse DQ'd, rider suspended

1 December 2022

The FEI Tribunal has issued a Consent Award in an equine anti-doping case involving a Banned Substance.

In this case, the horse Elijah Solam (FEI ID 107JS65/BRN), tested positive for the Banned Substance Stanozolol following samples taken at the CEI1* 100 Fontainebleau (FRA) on 14 October, 2022.

The athlete, Khalifa Mubarak Salem Sabt (FEI ID 10093534/BRN), admitted the rule violation and accepted the consequences. In its final decision the FEI Tribunal disqualified the horse from the event and imposed an 18-month ineligibility period on the athlete; the provisional suspension he already served shall be credited against the imposed ineligibility period. He was also fined CHF 5,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 1,000.

The full Decision is available here.

Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

Bob Langrish photo As an athlete, coach, and leader in the sport, Becky Hart had a profound impact on endurance riding in the U...