Saturday, May 22, 2021

Sick horse dashes US hopes at World Endurance Champs - Full Article

May 22, 2021

The USA has pulled its team out of the FEI World Endurance Championships in Italy after one of its horses developed a viral infection.

The team’s five horses had travelled and been stabled together over the past two weeks, leading to the decision by the US team to withdraw from the event near Pisa. The horse had developed a fever on Thursday, May 20, and the US team immediately put in place additional biosecurity measures to prevent any possible transmission of disease.

The affected horse requires monitoring under the FEI’s Return to Competition protocols following an EHV-1 (Equine herpes virus) outbreak in Europe earlier in the year. Measures include advance PCR testing, temperature monitoring of horses as well as enhanced examination on arrival procedures. Stringent biosecurity measures and mitigation plans, in line with the FEI Veterinary Regulations, also form part of the measures.

US Equestrian CEO Bill Moroney said the health and safety of the team’s horses are of the utmost importance...

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