Wednesday, September 21, 2011

France: National Finals for Young Endurance Horses at Uzes

Horsereporter Blog - Full Article

Posted on September 20, 2011 by worldreporter

Finales Nationales Des Jeunes Chevaux D’endurance Equestre a Uzes

September 19, Uzes, France ~More than 600 endurance horses aged 4-6 are expected to compete October 7,8,& 9 at Uzes in the Languedoc-Rousillon region, known as the cradle of endurance in France. The National Stud at Uzes has developed the discipline of endurance for the past 19 years and has confirmed hundreds of young French horses to the sport.

Each year, another nation is invited to discover these French finals. Last year the riders of Brazil were invited and rode horses that were prepared by the breeders of the region. This year an official delegation has been chosen from China to further their emerging interest onto the endurance scene. In past years, riders and trainers from Italy, Germany and Great Britain, Belgium and Sweden have been successful in this ride...

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