Friday, June 08, 2007

Assisi Endurance Lifestlye: Endurance sport forges Italy-UAE partnership

Assisi Endurance Lifestyle presented today in Rome at the Hotel Bernini Bristol
Assis Endurance Lifestyle

This morning, at the Hotel Bernini Bristol of Rome, a press conference was held to introduce the economic-institutional aspects of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle.
The main topic of the conference was the development of commercial relations between Italy and the United Arab Emirates, a country where Endurance is the national sport par excellence.
His Eminence Abdulhamid A. Kazim (Ambassador in Italy of the United Arab Emirates), Giuseppe Lomurno (Chairman of, Gianfranco Caprioli (Permanent Under-Secretary for the Promotion of Exchange of the Ministry of International Trade), Paolo Angelini (Executive of the Department for International Promotion and Co-operation ICE), Aurelio Forcignanò (Director of the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Perugia), Stefano Cimicchi (Sole director of APT Umbria); Claudio Ricci (mayor of the Municipality of Assisi); Rocco Girlanda (Chief Executive Officer of Edicor/Lifestyle Magazine) and Gianluca Laliscia (Chief Executive Officer of Umbria Endurance Equestrian Team) took part in the event.
Abdulhamid A. Kazim (Ambassador in Italy of the UAE) highlighted the fact that the event planned to be held in Assisi from 21st to 24th June represents an occasion of enrichment in the bilateral relations between Italy and the UAE, as well as dialogue among people of different cultures. Horsemanship is highly regarded in the United Arab Emirates and, thanks to this sport, we have managed to cross boundaries and spread our values of loyalty, friendship and co-operation.
The Permanent Under-Secretary for the Promotion of Exchange of the Ministry of International Trade Gianfranco Caprioli explained how In the last few years the region of the Persian Gulf has been one of the main targets for the Ministry of International Trade, which aims at creating an on-going co-operation with the United Arab Emirates for the growth of Italian small- and medium-sized companies.
The market of the UAE is a major reality, not only for large companies but also for small- and medium-sized firms, stated Paolo Angelini (Department for International Promotion and Co-operation ICE). For the next two years ICE is going to invest in this geographical region and will support Italian companies in setting up activities, relations and trade exchange.
Thanks to sistemaeventi and to ICE we are in the process of developing significant relations with the United Arab Emirates, confirmed Aurelio Forcignanò (Director of the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Perugia) during the press conference. Umbria will not be the only region involved in this project. We have in fact widened the area of interest also to the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Lazio, Tuscany, the Marches and Abruzzo.
In the course of the Assisiendurancelifestyle event there will be the opportunity for women entrepreneurs to meet, and to create an economic bridge between the West and the United Arab Emirates.
The one in Assisi is just one of a series of important events organised by the Umbrian territory explained Stefano Cimicchi (Sole director of APT Umbria). The Assisi Endurance Lifestyle is a means of communicating strong and brave values in that it combines a specific discipline with other aspects of life such as cultural and economic exchange.
We are working to modernize the area and to host high-profile events of this type stated Assisi’s mayor Claudio Ricci. The Assisi Endurance Lifestyle is becoming an all-encompassing project of integrated communication which enhance the whole territory around Assisi and the region of Umbria.
Rocco Girlanda, Chief Executive Officer of Edicor introduced the new publishing project Lifestyle, launched with Il Corriere dell’Umbria, which aims at following each phase of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle. Girlanda highlighted the success met by the first issue of the Lifestyle Magazine: more than 50 thousand copies have been sold and in 26 outlets it was sold out. Increasingly sport is linked to tourism and to the economy of a territory concluded Gianluca Laliscia, a.d. By now this link is also being recognised by this sector’s analysts, according to which sports tourism is no longer a niche phenomenon. While being an international sports event, the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle also represents an occasion for doing business for Umbria, a region which is spreading on European and world scale. We believe that this event can become a regular rendezvous for all Endurance enthusiasts as well as for those Italian entrepreneurs who are interested in the new opportunities of development offered by the United Arab Emirates. In terms of excitement, the entrance of the riders (the participants to the Endurance race) in the city of Assisi will undoubtedly be an unforgettable moment for all participants and for the whole Umbrian community.
On 22nd June the theatre Lyrick of Assisi will host the International forum Italy-United Arab Emirates– Development guidelines for common growth - Economy, Tourism, Sport and Culture. At the end of this conference a group of Italian entrepreneurs will meet a group of entrepreneurs from the Emirates with the aim of developing B2B relations.
Finally, by way of confirmation of the international flavour of these Umbrian events, a video-message by Princess Haya bint Al Hussein (Chairperson of FEI) will be broadcast during the press conference in Rome. This is how Her Royal Highness wanted to be close to the organisers of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle.

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