Saturday, June 30, 2007

FRA: 2007 Florac First to Finish


There were 74 Horse/Rider teams at the 4:00AM start. At this time, 7 have finished this world class course. 26 teams are still on the course as night falls in the Florac valley! Detailed Results

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

FEI News: 'Formula 1' Finish receives warm approval

At the CEI 3* 120km event held last weekend, on the outskirts of the world famous Italian city of Assisi, the proposed 'Formula 1' finish was tested to much approval.

This test is the third in a series of trial events being undertaken as part of the Endurance Review which is being conducted during 2007 and early 2008.

The first trial involved a scientific study of Endurance horses competing in Dubai in February this year. The second trial, held in Portugal in the spring, tested the use of four vet gates (rather than five) over a 160 km course to ensure riders took more responsibility for the care of their horses rather than relying of the Veterinary Officials.

Last weekend's trial involved the closing of the out gates onto the course loops one hour after the arrival of the first horse to cross the finish line. Any horse stopped by the use of the 'Formula 1' finish at a Vet Gate was still required to complete all Vet examinations and, in doing so, meet all of the parameters to continue even though not being required to do so.

All of the horses effected by the closure of the course were supportive of the trial and felt that it was in line with the need to protect the horse in Endurance competition.

Whilst the riders were confident in their horse's ability to go on and complete the full distance despite the unusual hot temperatures experienced on the day, they felt that the closing of the course and the ability to still be placed in the overall standings was good for the sport.

Ian Williams, FEI Director of Endurance who was present at the event commented, 'Those involved in the trial were very positive with the outcome. We will now pass the findings on to the FEI Endurance Task Force who will consider the possibilities further. We will need to also further trial this style of finish over 160km to gain a full picture of its effect'.

The Organisers had worked hard to attract the general public to this showcase event. Fashion shows, an open air Gala Dinner and breathtaking firework display took place on the eve of the competition. Some 10,000 people watched the event on the day, increasing to over 20,000 who attended the prize-giving ceremony and the following musical entertainment, all of which took place below the floodlit medieval city of Assisi with its many churches and cathedrals.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Christiana, South Africa CEI*** 120km Race

The Timaru Herald
The New Zealand endurance horse riding team which includes Timaru's Linda Pullar has taken a win in Christiana, South Africa.

Pullar, riding a loaned 10-year-old grey South African mare, was the second kiwi rider home and a strong contributor to New Zealand's success.

Pullar was selected among the four-strong kiwi team to compete against South Africa at last year's Horse of the Year Show in Hastings.

During the 122km event Pullar said her loaned horse was well behaved, especially as there were a number of animals in the wildlife park.

She was delighted with how scenic the event was, taking in sights of eland, springbok, a rhino and giraffe.

"Some riders saw monkeys and zebras but there was no time to lose concentration on the ride as the stones under the soft red soil posed a continuous hazard."

As the ride was on flat terrain and Pullar was used to the rolling New Zealand hills she said she found herself getting quite sore from riding in the same position and in an unfamiliar saddle.

The kiwis managed to finish the day with the fitter horses however, several of their opponents failing the required veterinary testing.

"When our final rider came in we were jumping for joy and hugging each other.

"It's a day that we will never forget."

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

2007 Ride & Tie World Champions!

June 21 2007 - Humboldt County, California

Photo by Corey Rich

San Diego woman Rufus Schneider, and partner Tom Johnson, repeated a feat accomplished only once before in the history of Ride & Tie. This past weekend Schneider became the second woman ever to win the Ride & Tie World Championship since the sport's inception in 1971. The 34-mile race, which combined two runners taking turns riding their team horse across a rugged hilly course, took place June 16th in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park in northern California.

At the tail end of the race another record was set: Madison Trocha became the youngest runner to ever complete a Ride & Tie World Championship at nine years of age. Madison partnered with her horse Barbie and her father Bob Trocha to best the previous youngest record, set by a ten-year-old girl in 1983. The oldest person completing this year's Championship race was 72 years of age.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Italy: Assisi - Giacchero First to Finish Riding India


Assis Endurance Lifestlye: Bab Al Sham's Endurance Cup concluded with Italian rider Patrizia Giacchero taking the top prize on 'India' in a ride time of 7:27:19. The 120km course traversed fields and hills, with spectacular views of historic architecture and Italian countryside all around.

The venue was at the Misura Endurance Village, near Perugia Italy. Misura Endurance Village was built with a modern artistic open-air theme, to provide guests and competitors with a functional and elegant venue. Open-air restaurants, bars, galleries and shops dot the beautiful setting of the Endurance Village.

The organizers of this gala Endurance Event provided transportation, accomodation, stabling, and lodging for competitors from across the European continent. 94 horse and rider teams entered the event and 20 received completion times.

Full coverage of the event can be found at Endurance.Net - Assisi.

Top Ten Finishers:

1 Patrizia Giacchero / ITA India 07.27.19

2 Daniela Blasi / ITA Los Angeles Estashadek 07.37.11

3 Diana Origgi / ITA Primula Baia 07.44.23

4 Nicholas Cianfrocca / ITA Dameliette 07.44.26

5 Maria Alvarez Ponton / ESP Kalynka De Montegut 07.52.15

6 Marta Bravi / ITA Big Sky Fyrre 08.37.17

7 Ivan Fondriest / ITA Sharaby 08.38.19

8 Loris Venturi / ITA Zodjaco 08.38.19

9 Mario Cutolo / ITA Zyad El Asil 08.53.07

10 Vincenzo Catalano / ITA Parytet 09.01.15
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Friday, June 22, 2007

Japan: National Joba Club and NTT DoCoMo at Endurance Ride

Japan's Perfect Ride

It really was a perfect ride. After a few days of rain and unsettled weather, ride day dawned with bright blue sky and comfortable riding temperatures. It couldn't have been much better weather! And all of the work- the plans - paid off for a smooth and exciting event. The meals, the meetings, the awards, the trail, the pre-ride symposium, the transport of vets and officials from Narita airport to the small country town of Kita-Karuisawa - everything was 'right'. The completion rate was pretty good - 10 out of 18 finishers - in spite of (or maybe because of) a tough course. The race felt much like those we have in the USA. I think the fact that Hasumi san has 4 Tevis buckles and knows what 'real endurance' is about had something to do with this. Riders did their own thing, the pressure to win was not strong, to finish was a big deal.

And relative to events I've seen around the world, I would call this one a 'world class' event, as good as it gets. An incredible effort was made by so many people, from organizers to volunteers, from local people to Tokyo transplants (Hasumi san recruited employees from his publishing company to come out and help!) to foreign officials and vets - a sincere effort and willingness to give 100% was the mode.

The ride's main sponsor was Joba Ride - the horse 'robot' training machine made by National. There was a booth set up near the vetting area with several units for people to try - it was almost like a carnival ride atmosphere - the little horse robots were working all day long. This machine has become very popular in Japan, and honestly I want one! It's a great workout for abdomen and glut's and legs. I think I can even type at the computer while I'm riding....

The rider tracking provided by NTT DoCoMo - a cellcom company - was incredible, and to my knowlege the first of it's kind. Every rider carried a cellphone with GMS coverage, and a GPS tracking system. Several guys were set up in the office/community room with wires and computers and software to project the tracking onto a large screen, syncronized with a map of the course. We knew at every moment exactly where every rider was. Officials, crews, OC, we all knew how the race was going, when riders would be in, when the passed the check points, etc. Fantastic!

I haven't been to any other rides in Japan, but I heard from many that they were all well run. There's a very active group in Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan, that ran Japan's first endurance ride, and many since then including the National Championship rides. They were all here - with or without horses (which have to be ferried from island to island) - to ride or crew or help.

...and I heard talk about 'next year' - I think this ride is a keeper!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Australia: Riders saddle up at Moyston

The Ararat Advertiser
June 22

MOYSTON - Riders from across the State will be saddling up this weekend for an endurance event in Moyston.

Around 150 people have signed up for the big weekend of riding which will encompass four events.

There will be a 87 kilometre, 45km, 25km training ride and 25km harness ride.

The course will take in undulating bush tracks, sandy and gravel roads in and around Moyston.

It is being run by the Moyston community in conjunction with the Victorian Endurance Riders' Association.

Rides begin at the Moyston Recreation Reserve on Sunday, the start time for the 87km ride is 5am, the 45km at daylight, the 25km at 9.30am and the harness at 10.30am.

The track takes in the Moyston West, Stears, Redmond and Moyston to Pomonal and Halls Gap Roads, it also encompasses the Mount William Picnic Ground.

Motorists are being urged to take care in these areas on Sunday and avoid them where possible.

Police will be escorting horses and riders across the highway, motorists are reminded that horses have the right-of-way.

Not just a one day event endurance rides are generally a weekend affair and the Moyston community is capitalising on this by creating a social community event.

Tomorrow night entertainment and a spit roast will be provided at the recreation reserve in the lead up to the event.

The entire community is invited along to enjoy a roast and listen to some music.

Funds raised from the evening's events will go towards the Moyston Country Fire Authority.

The Moyston community organised the weekend as an opportunity for the district to gather as well as raise funds for the CFA.

Action will begin at the recreation reserve tomorrow morning.

Nominations open for the event 10am, from then on it will be all go.

All horses are required to be assessed and passed by a vet before taking part in the endurance event and this process will begin at 12noon.

Later in the day competitors will have a chance to practise on the track, at 5.30pm there will be a race briefing.

Following this entertainment will begin.

ITA: 94 at the Starting line for Endurance Cup

PERUGIA- Saturday 23rd June at 6.30 in the impressive arena of the Misura Village, 94 horses and riders will be present behind the starting line of the Bab Al Shams Endurance Cup FEI-CEI 3* 120 Km in what promises to be a spectacular start.
In all its magnificence, St. Francis’ Basilica will watch over a scene which is destined to remain in the mind and the heart of both participants and spectators.
94 riders, from 15 countries throughout the world will take part in this highly technical race.

21 foreigners and 73 Italians will take part in the race.

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Gulfnews: Malaysia set to host World Endurance Championship

By M. Satya Narayan, Staff Reporter,
Published: June 19, 2007, 23:36

Abu Dhabi: The 2008 FEI World Endurance Championship will be held in November at the Terengganu International Endurance Park in Setiu Terengganu, Malaysia.

The event, which is held once every fours years, was last held in Dubai in 2005 (2004 event). This is the first time that a tropical country will host the event.

The Yayasan Diraja Sultan Mizan (YDSM) and the Equestrian Association of Malaysia (EAM) will jointly stage the event which is being held for the third time in Asia. The UAE had hosted it in 1998 and 2005.

The UAE, gold medallists at the Doha Asian Games last year, will be starting as one of the favourites.

According to the organisers, the Terengganu International Endurance Park, situated a few kilometres from the South China Sea, will offer the best of Malaysia's natural beauty. and hospitality, as well as:

"The course is designed to provide a safe yet challenging competition, taking riders along the stunning coastline, through palm plantations, along canal banks and through natural vegetation forests," according to the championship's website.

"A long and wide grassy stretch of track provides ample space for the start of the competition and egress from the venue, and for a safe finish line and entry back into the Endurance Park," the organisers said.

Meanwhile, a pre-ride will be held in November to give veterinarians and officials a chance to experience the venue and the course, with the goal of experiencing and understanding the unique challenges of Endurance competition in tropical climate.

Apart from the UAE and Bahrain, Malaysia have made a mark in the sport ever since the UAE invited them to take part in the 1998 World Championship.

New Zealand: Endurance duo riding high

By DAVID DAWKINS - The Marlborough Express | Thursday, 21 June 2007

Marlborough's young endurance riders have continued to excel on the international endurance riding scene with Kimberley Ryan and Kylie Avery both recently returned from major overseas rides.

Ryan was part of the New Zealand junior team that competed in the Trans-Tasman Challenge in Nanango, Australia, last weekend while Avery was chosen to compete at a privately-funded ride in South Africa at the start of June.

Avery was selected for the team to travel to South Africa after winning the 100km CEI two star at the Horse of the Year in May.

She continued her good form in South Africa, placing fifth in the 122km CEI two star ride and helping the Horse of the Year endurance team to gold in the eight nation tournament.

While Avery is becoming an old hand on the international riding scene Ryan's trip across the ditch was her first opportunity to ride internationally.

While the New Zealand team failed to come away with the Trans-Tasman Trophy honours for the first time in the competition's four-year history Ryan had an excellent day on a personal level.

She was the only New Zealand rider to complete the FEI three star 160km ride and placed sixth in the youth division, missing fifth by a single minute.

Making the feat all the more impressive was the fact it was the first-ever 160km completion for the 17 year old student at Telford Rural Polytechnic, on just her second attempt at the distance.

"It was awesome. We rode as a team the whole way with all the horses pulling each other and helping each other along," Ryan said.

However, as the ride wore on the three New Zealand open riders faltered and as each lap passed another was vetted out until Ryan was left alone to ride the sixth and final loop in the dark, not finishing until 9.30pm, another new experience.

"I'd rode in the dark before, but it has always been starting not finishing," Ryan said.

The ride was made all the more challenging by stormy local weather conditions that forced a remarking of the first three loops of the track and meant for a bitterly cold race day.

Ironically the wet weather made the course a lot more like home for Ryan as it took away a lot of the hardness the Australian tracks are renowned for.

While Ryan praised the efforts of the open riders who helped her through the first five laps she was also thrilled about the performance of her leased mount Splendercrest Dryad. The duo only met two days prior to race day but hit it off immediately.

"She was very tough, very goey. She was still pulling after the 160km. It was the second 160km complete for her and she just kept going and going and going."

Ryan made such an impact on the Australian stables that she has been invited back to ride in Australia later in the year by Jay Randell, the owner of Splendercrest Endurance Stud.

However, Ryan is going to have to put the offer on hold. The end of year date's are likely to clash with exams for her Certificate in Agriculture and even for international endurance riders school has to come first - at least for now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

USA: Wabash man enters race along Santa Fe Trail

Wabash Plain Dealer

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 10:44 AM EDT

It extends nearly 1,200 miles, crosses five states, and was the nation's first international commercial highway. But in September, tens of thousands will converge on the Santa Fe Trail to witness an 515-mile, 13-day adventure known as the Great Santa Fe Trail Horse Race.

Among the nearly 100 participants will be rural Wabash resident Mike Urschel. He and his 11-year-old purebred Arabian, Josh, will make their ninth endurance ride when the race begins in Sante Fe, N.M., on Sept. 3. Their journey will end in Missouri on Sept. 15.

Urschel is no stranger to horses or riding. At 55, he currently holds four spots in the World Championship Barrel Racing competition set for Oct. 29, in Augusta, Ga.

He owns four other purebred Arabians and also boards an American Paint. The home he shares with his "companion, partner and best friend," Bev Staats, is nestled back a mile lane amid hay fields and forest.

Urschel considers himself a simple man. He's been employed by 1st Ayd Corporation for the past 20 years, selling industrial maintenance supplies. He has a grown son and twin daughters and leads a relatively quiet life.

For the last five or six years Urschel has had some physical problems to deal with. He had several serious shoulder injuries from a fall he took and shattered his heel from a 15-foot fall. Just when it looked like he was on the road to recovery, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Urschel's reaction to the news, however, was not what one might expect.

"I was diagnosed last March," he told the Plain Dealer. "But it's a relief finally knowing. I'm just thankful to be alive. Parkinson's doesn't really bother me because I like to stay active and that seems to be helping it."

He then added, "I get a little shaky at times, but the horses don't mind."

Kokomo neurologist Dr. Nancy Frappier has been caring for Urschel and encourages him to ride, he said, noting, "She told me it would be beneficial."

But optimistic or not, some things have gotten more difficult for Urschel. He's noticed he is not as steady as he used to be. There is some muscle stiffness at times, the memory tends to fade, and there are also those occasions when he is unable to speak.

"Sometimes it's a hard road to travel," he said.

"I guess that probably bothers me the most," he explained. "With my work I have to be able to talk to the customer."

But Urschel's optimism seems to never wane. Even at 55, he constantly looks ahead. He has ridden competitively in 43 rides, logging close to 2,000 miles. In 2001, he received recognition for having the best conditioned horse in 13 states. In the upcoming Santa Fe Trail race, he is the only Hoosier of the 78 that have qualified thus far.

"To finish is to win," he advocates.

He hopes to promote the sport of endurance riding and doesn't focus on his Parkinson's. "I'd rather be on the trail every day than sitting around doing nothing," he said.

Staats, who will travel with him to Santa Fe, will do his vet checks, when Urschel and Josh arrive at designated checkpoints.

"She's my pit crew," Urschel said.

Staats also remains encouraged by Urschel's attitude and likes the fact that Josh, who has suffered injuries in the past, will be on the long trail with him.

"His horse takes care of him," she said. "They take care of each other."

Urschel is seeking help to offset the cost of his $3,500 entry fee or other road expenses. Anyone interested in helping may send checks made out to "The Great Race" in care of First Farmers Bank & Trust, 1004 N. Cass St., Wabash, IN 46992.

Australia: Floods provide test of endurance

Monday, June 18, 2007

Malaysia: Sultan's Cup 2007 (WEC Test Event) Schedule Online

Malaysia: The Sultan's Cup 2007 scheduled for November 9-11 will be a pre-ride test event for the 2008 World Endurance Championship. Riders from around the world will ship their horses to Terengganu International Endurance Park for this prestigious event.

The FEI (draft) Competition Schedule and Ride Info can be found on the 2008 World Endurance Championship website .

Montana: Ovando woman rides her horses to glory

by Betsy Cohen of The Missoulian

Imagine a few hours in the saddle, riding a horse nonstop at a steady trot up and down mountain trails.

Think of the pounding and jarring over uneven, sometimes unforgiving and rocky ground.

For most of us, it's not too hard to imagine the soreness and aches that would follow.

Over two days recently, Ovando rancher Suzanne Hayes racked up two national championship endurance titles - logging 15 hours in the saddle and 150 miles - at the Arabian Horse Association's National Endurance Ride Championships in Montana's Custer National Forest near Ashland.

On June 9, Hayes rode her 7-year-old Arabian-thoroughbred cross named Chevy in the 50-mile competition, finishing the ride in about five hours and earning the national championship title in the half-Arabian division. The following day, Hayes climbed aboard her World Endurance contender, a 12-year-old Arabian-quarter horse cross named Quincy for the 100-mile competition, finishing the ride in 10 hours and earning the reserve championship title.

Hayes didn't need any aspirin to recover from her whirlwind 150-mile weekend in the saddle. The achievement of finishing and the giant silver trophies she received at trail's end fully numbed any soreness and stiffness.

Adding to the sweetness of it all, both horses received “best conditioned” honors by the competition's team of veterinarians, and out of 180 competitors, Quincy was chosen to receive the veterinarian's highest score for fitness and soundness.

“I'm really excited,” Hayes said. “It feels really good to have done so well.”

With two major championships under her belt, Hayes is now eyeing in earnest the American Endurance Ride Conference National Championships in Boise, Idaho, at the end of August, the World Endurance Championship in Malaysia in 2008 and the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in 2010.

Ambitious as her goals may sound, Hayes, 53, has been competing in endurance rides since she was 11 years old. She earned a bronze medal in the Pan American Championship in 1991, was selected to be on the U.S. Equestrian Team for international competition, and was a member of the U.S. silver-medal squad in the 1992 World Championship in Barcelona, Spain.

Hayes made the U.S. team again for the 2005 World Endurance Championship in Dubai, but just weeks before the competition Quincy came up lame and couldn't compete.

Emotional days, weeks and months followed the let down, Hayes said. It had taken the duo years to achieve the level of fitness and mental edge needed for international competition, riding alone nearly every day through rain, heat and snow, some 15 to 25 miles at a stretch in the mountains behind her Ovando ranch.

Quincy's soundness issue, which arrived unexpectedly and with vengeance was a bit of a mystery. Hayes' response was to give him a full year off and turn him out to pasture to heal and rest. When he began to step out soundly and all traces of lameness were gone, Hayes slowly started him on a reconditioning program last year.

This spring, her old friend showed Hayes he was fully recovered.

Hayes' goals at the Arabian national championships was to ride conservatively and if any hint of lameness showed up, she would pull him out of the competition.

But the 100 miles didn't faze the horse.

When she crossed the finish line, Quincy's eyes were bright and his stride even and strong and she knew they had left the dark days of recovery and broken dreams in the dust.

The honors given to Hayes and Quincy by the competition vets was perhaps the most rewarding part of the weekend, Hayes said.

“To me, the horse's welfare is much more important than winning or even finishing a ride,” Hayes said. “My game plan all along was to finish with a sound and happy horse.”

As for Chevy, Hayes couldn't be more pleased.

The youngster is showing he as the grit for competition and a cheerful attitude that makes it fun.

“He's still in the building process and I still don't allow him to go fast as he is capable of,” Hayes said. “I want this horse to last a long time.

“He's a candidate for the World Games in Kentucky. They both are.”

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shining Moon 100: Tamotsu Sasaki and Dameon PJ First to Finish

June 17, 2007
Shining Moon 100 Mile Ride, an FEI CEI*** event was won by Tamotsu Sasaki riding Dameon PJ, a 10 yr Arabian gelding owned by Seiichi Hasumi. A ride time of 13:12 earned Sasaki and Dameon an FEI Certificate of Capability, and the honor of being the first team to complete a 100 mile endurance ride in Japan.

The ride was the dream of Seiichi and Harumi Hasumi and brought riders and officials from around the world to the small resort town of Karuizawa, nestled at the foot of the live volcano, Mt. Asama. Japan Equestrian Federation and the sponsorship of National 'Joba Ride' helped make the event a success. A huge crowd numbering close to 500 people turned out to observe and help work the ride. National, local and International press covered this premier event. Entry fees were waived and the event offered full amenities to competitors and spectators alike.

Coverage, results and photos of the event can be found at

UAE: Ruling body keen on new measures

Photo: Yousuf Ahmad Al Beloushi played a stellar role in Al Reef Stable's domination as he finished as the top trainer as well as the top rider. (Gulf News)

Gulf News
By M. Satya Narayan, Staff Reporter

The Secretary General of the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, Hussain Mohammad Hussain, termed the recently-concluded endurance season a highly successful and memorable one for the sport in the UAE.

"The 2006-07 UAE endurance season has been featured with quite a few achievements both at the national level as well as the international level," Hussain Mohammad said.

"The UAE team of Shaikh Rashid Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Shaikh Ahmad Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Shaikh Mayed Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum created history by winning the team gold medal when endurance made its debut at the Doha Asian Games. Shaikh Rashid also won the individual gold while Sultan Bin Sulayem won the bronze," the official said.

"In April this year, Shaikh Ahmad and Shaikh Mayed, along with Mansoor Ahmad Al Subose and Mohammad Ahmad Ali Al Subose, won the team silver in the World Junior Championship held in Buenos Aires while Shaikh Abdullah Bin Faisal Al Qasimi won the individual bronze and Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Faisal Al Qassimi finished fourth."

"Both these achievements once again reasserted the UAE's supremacy in the sport of endurance and the top riders will now begin to focus on the future challenges," said Hussain Mohammad.

"Regarding the UAE season, the officials and veterinarians - both from the UAE as well as those invited from abroad according to FEI rules, together ensured that a high standard of competition was held. The number of international riders using the UAE to prepare themselves and qualify for international events again saw an increase this season," he added.

High quality

"Quite a few officials from the UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation, as well as other equestrian bodies in the UAE, have been invited to officiate in international rides and this once again reflected the high quality of cadres present in the country," the Secretary General said.

"We are keen to build on this success and hope to bring in more changes in the next season," said Hussain Mohammad Hussain.

JPN: 2007 Shining Moon

5:45pm Local Time - Tamotsu Sasaki riding Dameon PJ have opened a 45 minute lead over the field with 51Km remaining! All are riding into the evening with the approach of darkness at the Shining Moon

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Monday, June 11, 2007

NZL: Why this Sample Horse is Fit For A King

WHO does the King of Malaysia trust to pick out the best horse in the country for him to ride in a marathon 160km event?

It's simple - the Kenilworth's Sample family.

And Brook Sample - who is also a national endurance horse-riding champion - chose a seven-year-old Arabian-Appalachian cross gelding called Pharoah for the king to ride in the weekends endurance event near Nanango.

Brook's father Bob said his son picked out the gelding from the family's 200 hoses on their Kenilworth farm and even decided not to compete against Sultan Mizan in the gruelling race held on Saturday.

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Australia wins team events at Nanango endurance ride June 12, 2007

H.M. Tuanku Mizan Zaind Abidin and Taljarri Moonlight Pharoah.
Picture: Franz Venhaus, EFA

Australia won both team events at the Nanango Forest Endurance ride at the weekend. The event was host to an international FEI 3* 160km ride, along with the Trans Tasman FEI 3* 160km and FEI 2* 110km.

Matthew Sample won the ride in 9:46:17, riding Brookleigh Ricardo. Best Conditioned went to fourth place-getter, Kristie McGaffen riding Ryton Remy.

The King of Malaysia, H.M. Tuanku Mizan Zaind Abidin, riding a loan horse from Brook Sample, the arab-appaloosa cross Taljarri Moonlight Pharoah, finished in 12th place.

Riding as an individual, New Zealand's Sandie MacLean, on Macedonian Rakkali, placed 7th in the time of 11:51:11.

New Zealand CEI** 107km team members Jordyn Piripi, Selwyn Boler, Alison Higgins and Kimberley Ryan all completed the ride on Saturday.

Fellow New Zealander David Marshall made his return to competitive endurance riding after a two-year absence, finishing in eighth place in the 107km ride. He rode Dakila Renoasette, in the time of 6:02:37. Also placed in this event was Mark Tylee riding Brookleigh Maestro, finishing 12th in a time of 6:10:00.

Kiwi endurance team wins gold in South Africa

Kiwi endurance team wins gold in South Africa

June 12, 2007

New Zealand's Horse of the Year team won gold at the Christiana CEI** 122km ride in South Africa on June 2.

The New Zealand placings were: Teresa Birkett 3rd, Kylie Avery 5th, Linda Pullar 7th and Lois Hosking 9th.

Struan Duncan qualified in the 80km ride and has since gone on to compete at a 92km ride in Cape Town, where he also qualified.

In Christiana, eight nations were represented at the ride.

Competitors report that the ride was a surreal experience, riding amongst galloping herds of zebra, waterbuck, wildebeast, inpala and springbok as well as rhino, giraffe, ostrich, monkeys, mongoose and more. "It has certainly been a trip of a lifetime for all involved. The South African Endurance community hosted us all very well and we have all made some special friendships along the way," a spokesman said.

Earlier, New Zealander Sandie MacLean placed second on Sanniesgun Sadan in the Open 80km ride at the South African Freestate Championships on May 25. She also completed on Sadan the day before in a stepladder ride over 80km.

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Nanango: Sample and Partners CEI*** Results

Ride Name: Sample and Partners CEI 3 Star, held on 9/06/2007
Location: Nanango
Distance: 160km 3 Star 1 Day

Open Division
1, Matthew Sample - Brookleigh Ricardo 9:46:17
2, Penny Toft - Don 9:53:22
3, Jeremy Robertson - El Sufwahn 10:32:10
4, Kristie McGaffin - Ryton Remy 10:43:15 Best Conditioned Horse
5, Meg Wade - Castlebar Balik 11:18:06
6, Wendy Chambers - Rokewood Shasada 11:39:09
7, Sandie Maclean - Macedonian Rakkali 11:51:11
8, Derek Armitage - Moorah Park Mickerby 11:53:58
9, Derryn Nix - Rowallan Rufous 11:54:20
10, Susan Sutcliffe - Saayid's Simply Red 11:55:06
11, Margaret Boland - Alandell Karlinta 11:57:03
12, H.M. Tuanku Mizan Zaind Abidin - Taljarri Moonlight Pharoah 12:12:50
13, Paul Brown - Brookleigh Scarlett 12:12:51
14, Mr Sopyan - Brookleigh Kentara 12:12:52
15, Renee Saxby - Cherox Assassin 12:33:38
16, Patricia Waddell - Box Hill Tonderburine : 12:33:39
17, Mohd Shuarb Ishak - Blue Bronco 12:33:48
18, Nadiah Tan Sri Tajudin - Bramall Jazzmin 12:34:14
19, Louis Botha - Sunhaven Brooklyn 12:34:34
20, Amir Ghani Ahmad - Miss Matawhero 12:34:35
21, Mal Caldwell - Celandra Ramazar 12:36:40
22, Anne Criner - Zara Farm Ayesha 12:39:01
23, Debbie Bugden - Conderosa Rassim 13:15:13
24, Raewyn Carter - Mt Eerwah Siridion 13:30:00
25, Mark Nimon - Abbeywood Solitare 14:32:12
26, Alwyn Torenbeek - Mary-Anne 14:50:00
27, Yukinobu Horiuchi - Pardon 14:50:02

- Tom Bouzianis - Conderosa Salima WDN (Leg 0)
- Sonya Ryan - Abrock Ned V/O Lame (Leg 6)
- Elisabeth Paton - Rafyke V/O Lame (Leg 5)
- Ursula Keenan - Sundown Park Eastwind V/O Lame (Leg 5)
- Bryan Priddle - Genet Zac V/O Lame (Leg 4)
- Garry Bennett - Freelance Gaytu Boysey V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Amily Daw - Magic Glen Hi Di V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Marion Lengronne - Dardanga Fingal V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Sarah Hamer - Boxhill Zac V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Yuko Kimoto - Bullarto Fiorelli V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Albert Knight - Abbeywood Rumor V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Clare Fleming - Mangueira Moksha V/O Lame (Leg 2)
- Tony Standfield - Sha'Almalih V/O Lame (Leg 2)
- Lesley Nancarrow - Zenith Park Quill V/O Lame (Leg 2)

Youth Division
1, Sasha Laws-King - Tubbarubba Cheval 10:37:03 Best Conditioned Horse
2, Chloe Lyons - Stanpark Strike 10:39:58
3, Saasha Turrell - Mingara Sampson 12:04:38
4, Kaylea Grogan - Hillbrae Zoro 12:04:39
5, Sharna Harvey - Binks 12:33:40
6, Kimberley Ryan - Splendacrest Dryad Time: 12:33:41
7, Vanessa Tiffen - Hirstglen Texas Rose 12:43:25

- Katherine Ryan - Meltharina Mars WDN (Leg 0)
- Brooke Warner - Zalman V/O Lame (Leg 6)
- Lisa Stoffel - Esau V/O Lame (Leg 6)
- Shelley-Ann Kimber - Gift V/O Lame (Leg 5)
- Terri Anderson - Ashwind V/O Lame (Leg 4)
- Aime Newton - Stanpark Simone V/O Metabolics (Leg 3)

Ride Name: SAMPLE AND PARTNERS FEI 2 STAR, held on 9/07/2007
Location: Nanango
Distance: 107km FEI 2 Star

Open Division
1, Jason Kirk - Magic Glen Coul Me 5:18:00 Best Conditioned Horse
2, Joyce Corbett - Reeflex 5:42:00
3, Dean Chamberlain - Zara Farm Shadasj 5:47:00
4, Emma Holland - Shardell Azrark 5:51:02
5, Stephen Gray - Raaward Samaya 5:51:32
6, Corey Nix - Dunbar Mahadik 6:02:35
7, Jonnie White - Die Kinder Spyder 6:02:36
8, David Marshall - Dakila Renoasette 6:02:37
9, Gayle Holmes - Capptain's Creek Rupert 6:07:00
10, Michelle Morrison - Summit Park Raz 6:07:01
11, Heather Ellis - Agape Genesis 6:07:15
12, Mark Tylee - Brookleigh Maestro 6:10:00
13, John Davidson - Rose Lane El Rayo 6:13:00
14, Chelsea Miller - Tierview Maverick 6:35:00
15, John Dugan - Quick and Easy 6:39:00
16, Linda Tanian - Magic Glenn Lashele 6:41:00
17, Asher Batty - Castlebar Oslo 6:41:05
18, Selwyn Boler - Argents Fire 6:55:00
19, Akhmed Pshunov - Aloha Spartacus 7:00:00
20, Sarah Pembroke - Mario 7:24:35
21, Sue Crockett - Alamo Kipling 7:24:42
22, Julie Kemp - Al Baraq 7:27:00
23, Alison Higgins - Danbar Silk N' Satinn 7:31:03
24, Ken Moir - Drumlin Moonshine 7:38:22
25, Karen Hamelink - Belgari Bentley 7:45:01
26, Dale Hargreaves - Sundust Frisco 7:50:51
27, Sarah Love - Koorong Elijah 7:51:55
28, Fiona Fenech - Pilgrim 8:04:10
29, Jane Davidson - Malcolm 8:25:03
30, Caroline Gillam - Dunwingeri Saahma 8:41:12
31, Paul Fitzgerald - Merton Amadeus 8:44:11
32, Fiona Green - Elfar Jonjaq 9:09:27
33, Warwick Toft - Bremervale Felicity 9:24:08
34, Helen Toft - Bremervale Bay Malibu 9:24:09
35, Stephen Harris - Kasban Pierre 9:26:17

- Noriko Hasegawa - Splendacrest Perfection WDN (Leg 4)
- David Horton - Ambira Bansim V/O Lame (Leg 4)
- Yvonne Knight - Abbeywood Romeo V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Scott Barker - Hadji of Damascus V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- James Sheahan - Manana Gaylord V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Gemma Haywood - Castlebar Calipo V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Arch Felton - Magic Glenn Charlie Brown Lame (Leg 3)
- Claudia Reid - Ningadoo Taban V/O Lame (Leg 1)
- Stuart Cottle - Magic Glenn Aaron V/O Lame (Leg 1)
- Simone Krahnen - Kyuna Cherakee V/O Lame (Leg 1)
- Paul Lengronne - Deep Forest Contest Lame (Leg 0)

Youth Division
1, Angela Hawks - Crysari 5:40:00 Best Conditioned Horse
2, Tarnia Kittel - Raaward Chanelle 5:42:00
3, Ian Davidson - Tristram Nicholas 6:13:00
4, Amanda Powell - Shonavale Kamilla 6:18:00
5, Nick Fry - Rivalyn Shianne 6:29:00
6, Brittnee D'Hondt - Timbertop Adonis 6:32:22
7, Danielle Van Eck - Veloce Mamma Mia 6:32:26
8, Carmel Trevorrow - Niarob Ngym-El-Sadat 6:45:00
9, Terrence Weier - Crystabarbara 7:00:03
10, Tami Parnell - Churinga Desire 7:00:05
11, Corey Lunt - Shardell Sharana Golden 7:06:00
12, Jordyn Piripi - Murland Park Mikahla 7:31:09
13, Aanja Hamelink - Kilkivan Msalute 7:45:00
14, Amaya Fenech - Cedar Springs The Full Monty 8:04:11

- Rebecca Miller - Midu Ariel V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Hayley-Jean Steuer - Sasam V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Ingrid Ambrosiussen - Tarwarri Sharhim V/O Lame (Leg 3)
- Bridget Nottle - Kadeen V/O Lame (Leg 1)
- Rochelle Knihinicki - Castlebar Demon V/O Lame (Leg 1)
- Sarrah Lee Fenech - Monty V/O Lame (Leg 0)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Namibia hosts World Riders at Walvis Bay

Namibia Endurance news

Namibia Endurance Ride Association
31/05/2007 Team from Brazil also at Walvis bay ride.

Brazil has announced their "Young Rider Team" to ride at the Walvis bay Championships. Guilherme Santos was nominated as Coach and the team, Aline Hnório, Ana Carla Maciel, Karina Arroyo, Mariana Salles, Naira Dias and Patrícia Taliberti to ride in Namibia, representing Brazil. It looks like the Walvis bay Africa Championships will be an interesting event with riders from all over the word. Here at home, our local riders and the NERA Committee are all preparing for the biggest Equestrian event of the year in Namibia.
31/05/2007 NHF APPALOOSA 2nd Annual Fun Day

30/05/2007 Australia rides with us at Walvisbay 2007

An Australian team will be taking part in the Walvisbay 2007 Championships. The final Australian team will be announced on the 07 June. (We will keep you posted) The Chef D'Equipe, Australian Endurance Team, Dr Trish Annetts and her team are sure to give our Namibian riders good competition, and more international exposure. They are well experienced riders and compete regularly on international rides. Check out the Australian website .

NERA will announce the Namibian Team in a few days to come. Keep a look out for updates and info about the ride on the Walvisbay Africa Championships 2007 webpage, it will soon be updated almost daily, during and after the event.

28/05/2007 Walvisbay 2007

The NERA organizing team is getting ready for the Walvisbay 2007 Africa Championships. The BIGGEST event for endurance horse riding in Africa for 2007, is coming closer. Visitors and riders from around the world has shown interest in the Walvis Africa Championships and we are sure to see many of them at the ride.

As we have so many top performing horses and riders, it will most certainly be a huge task selecting the Namibian team. Competition will be even stronger this year than last year, with more international teams participating. We foresee an exciting and fun filled ride. In conjunction with we hope to bring you up to date reporting and pictures of the event, as it happens.
Start practicing, get your horses ready!!!
For more info contact us at: e-mail:

Friday, June 08, 2007

NZL: Charolette Wadsworth - New Endurance Rider

Marlborough's equine enthusiasts continue to produce outstanding results, with nine year old competitive trail rider Charlotte Wadsworth the latest to achieve national accolades.

Competing against riders aged up to 18 the youngster and her mount, BTR Windy Spirit, claimed the national junior distance horse and rider of the year title and the season-long New Zealand points title.

In her first year of the sport, Wadsworth made an immediate impact competing in Marlborough, Nelson, Christchurch and Ruahine. Riding out on her own for the first time, Wadsworth wasn't fazed competing in rides from 20 to 40km which often required her to spend up to four hours on the course.

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Assisi Endurance Lifestlye: Endurance sport forges Italy-UAE partnership

Assisi Endurance Lifestyle presented today in Rome at the Hotel Bernini Bristol
Assis Endurance Lifestyle

This morning, at the Hotel Bernini Bristol of Rome, a press conference was held to introduce the economic-institutional aspects of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle.
The main topic of the conference was the development of commercial relations between Italy and the United Arab Emirates, a country where Endurance is the national sport par excellence.
His Eminence Abdulhamid A. Kazim (Ambassador in Italy of the United Arab Emirates), Giuseppe Lomurno (Chairman of, Gianfranco Caprioli (Permanent Under-Secretary for the Promotion of Exchange of the Ministry of International Trade), Paolo Angelini (Executive of the Department for International Promotion and Co-operation ICE), Aurelio Forcignanò (Director of the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Perugia), Stefano Cimicchi (Sole director of APT Umbria); Claudio Ricci (mayor of the Municipality of Assisi); Rocco Girlanda (Chief Executive Officer of Edicor/Lifestyle Magazine) and Gianluca Laliscia (Chief Executive Officer of Umbria Endurance Equestrian Team) took part in the event.
Abdulhamid A. Kazim (Ambassador in Italy of the UAE) highlighted the fact that the event planned to be held in Assisi from 21st to 24th June represents an occasion of enrichment in the bilateral relations between Italy and the UAE, as well as dialogue among people of different cultures. Horsemanship is highly regarded in the United Arab Emirates and, thanks to this sport, we have managed to cross boundaries and spread our values of loyalty, friendship and co-operation.
The Permanent Under-Secretary for the Promotion of Exchange of the Ministry of International Trade Gianfranco Caprioli explained how In the last few years the region of the Persian Gulf has been one of the main targets for the Ministry of International Trade, which aims at creating an on-going co-operation with the United Arab Emirates for the growth of Italian small- and medium-sized companies.
The market of the UAE is a major reality, not only for large companies but also for small- and medium-sized firms, stated Paolo Angelini (Department for International Promotion and Co-operation ICE). For the next two years ICE is going to invest in this geographical region and will support Italian companies in setting up activities, relations and trade exchange.
Thanks to sistemaeventi and to ICE we are in the process of developing significant relations with the United Arab Emirates, confirmed Aurelio Forcignanò (Director of the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Perugia) during the press conference. Umbria will not be the only region involved in this project. We have in fact widened the area of interest also to the General Confederation of Italian Industry of Lazio, Tuscany, the Marches and Abruzzo.
In the course of the Assisiendurancelifestyle event there will be the opportunity for women entrepreneurs to meet, and to create an economic bridge between the West and the United Arab Emirates.
The one in Assisi is just one of a series of important events organised by the Umbrian territory explained Stefano Cimicchi (Sole director of APT Umbria). The Assisi Endurance Lifestyle is a means of communicating strong and brave values in that it combines a specific discipline with other aspects of life such as cultural and economic exchange.
We are working to modernize the area and to host high-profile events of this type stated Assisi’s mayor Claudio Ricci. The Assisi Endurance Lifestyle is becoming an all-encompassing project of integrated communication which enhance the whole territory around Assisi and the region of Umbria.
Rocco Girlanda, Chief Executive Officer of Edicor introduced the new publishing project Lifestyle, launched with Il Corriere dell’Umbria, which aims at following each phase of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle. Girlanda highlighted the success met by the first issue of the Lifestyle Magazine: more than 50 thousand copies have been sold and in 26 outlets it was sold out. Increasingly sport is linked to tourism and to the economy of a territory concluded Gianluca Laliscia, a.d. By now this link is also being recognised by this sector’s analysts, according to which sports tourism is no longer a niche phenomenon. While being an international sports event, the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle also represents an occasion for doing business for Umbria, a region which is spreading on European and world scale. We believe that this event can become a regular rendezvous for all Endurance enthusiasts as well as for those Italian entrepreneurs who are interested in the new opportunities of development offered by the United Arab Emirates. In terms of excitement, the entrance of the riders (the participants to the Endurance race) in the city of Assisi will undoubtedly be an unforgettable moment for all participants and for the whole Umbrian community.
On 22nd June the theatre Lyrick of Assisi will host the International forum Italy-United Arab Emirates– Development guidelines for common growth - Economy, Tourism, Sport and Culture. At the end of this conference a group of Italian entrepreneurs will meet a group of entrepreneurs from the Emirates with the aim of developing B2B relations.
Finally, by way of confirmation of the international flavour of these Umbrian events, a video-message by Princess Haya bint Al Hussein (Chairperson of FEI) will be broadcast during the press conference in Rome. This is how Her Royal Highness wanted to be close to the organisers of the Assisi Endurance Lifestyle.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

FEI rebukes 2005 World Endurance Championship hosts


Abigail Butcher, H&H news editor

7 June, 2007
The International Equestrian Federation (FEI) has officially reprimanded the organising committee of the 2005 World Endurance Championships, putting an end to a two-year doping saga.

In January 2005, the World Endurance Championships ended in controversy when the results were overturned at the medal ceremony by the organising committee (Emirates International Endurance Racing) — without the FEI's permission. France's Barbara Lissarague was crowned World Champion instead of Sheikh Hazza Bin Sultan Al Nayan.

Afterwards, organisers said Hachim — the horse ridden to victory by Sheikh Hazza — had failed a doping test (see panel, right). But the FEI refused to acknowledge this at the time, although its laboratories later confirmed the horse had tested positive for methylprednisolone, an anti-inflammatory drug.

An extrapolated legal process ensued before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), the ultimate arbitrators in sporting disputes, upheld Sheikh Hazza's disqualification and the FEI turned its attentions to the organising committee.

"Whether or not Sheikh Hazza was ultimately found to have committed a doping offence had a bearing on certain issues raised in the protest filed with the FEI against the organising committee," said FEI legal director Alexander Mc Lin. "It was only after that was assessed that all the issues relating to the organising committee's actions could be looked at."

He said: "A reprimand will go on the record," adding that this would be "taken into consideration" if the organising committee applied to host another event.

But what actually happened in Dubai is still not clear. The plot reads more like a Dick Francis novel than a judicial process.

In the CAS judgement it is stated that Hachim was "allegedly the subject of persistent doping rumours".

Giving evidence to CAS, organising committee vice-chairman Saeed H Al Tayer said a "reliable source" told him Hachim was doped, but refused to name that source.

He testified that, based on those rumours, the organising committee declared second-placed Ms Lissarague the winner. Sheikh Hazza was mounted at the medal ceremony but left halfway through.

Mr Mc Lin told H&H last week: "What exactly occurred is still not entirely clear. Clearly, the organising committee acted on information it obtained from a laboratory."

Mr Mc Lin further explained that, unlike police, the FEI does not have the powers to force parties to reveal their evidence.

He added: "If the perception is that the FEI didn't investigate this enough, I can assure you that is not the case.

"The FEI has to make a decision based on what evidence it has, and unfortunately the evidence in this case was not conclusive."

H&H was unable to contact the organising committee, Emirates International Endurance Racing, for comment, nor the United Arab Emirates Equestrian and Racing Federation, to comment on behalf of Sheikh Hazza.

This news story was first published in Horse & Hound (7 June, '07)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Andes horseback challenge

Photo Credit: © Pablo Betancourt

5 June, 2007

A HORSE riding opportunity of a lifetime following Charles Darwin’s route through the remote Andes Mountains has been launched by youth charity The Prince’s Trust.

The Trans-Andes Horseback Challenge provides riders with the opportunity to take on a unique equestrian experience and raise money for disadvantaged young people across the UK.

The six-day challenge takes place from February 1-10 2008 and will see riders trek more than 150km on horseback across the stunning landscape of the snow-capped Andes mountain range, from Mendoza in Argentina and to the Chilean capital of Santiago.

Accompanied by a team of local “gauchos” (horsemen), participants will experience “cabalgata” or traditional horseback trekking. They will ride with western-style saddles and bridles and negotiate steep climbs, rugged terrain and remote mountain passes, crossing rivers and camping out under the stars each night along the route. The itinerary follows one of Charles Darwin’s expedition trails and passes breathtaking ravines, ancient volcanoes and hot springs, as well as taking in the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

With up to eight hours a day in the saddle at high altitude (up to 4,500m), participants need to be confident riders and have a high level of fitness - committing to follow a comprehensive training schedule in the months leading up to departure in order to prepare for the intense physical demands of the journey.

Endurance GB rider Fiona Fairhurst took part in the first Andes Challenge earlier this year. She said: “Although for me the horse riding itself wasn’t most difficult part of the challenge, this is certainly no trek up the Brecon Beacons – the Andes are the second highest mountain range in the world – the scenery is jaw-dropping and the route is tough.

But the challenge is far more than just an amazing riding experience. Being away from everyday life in an environment like this allowed everyone to learn something about themselves and their lives. On a mountain, miles from anywhere, you are just concentrating on surviving, but everyone pulls together and the team spirit created is remarkable.”

The Trust’s Challenges aim to raise £500,000 over the next year to help thousands more young people across the UK to realise their potential and turn their lives around.

For more information or to sign up on the Trans-Andes Horseback Challenge call 020 7543 1370 or visit

Monday, June 04, 2007

FRA: France Victorious at CEIO Nation's Cup

By Endurance.Net
The French endurance team was awarded the Gold Medal at the 2007 CEIO Nation's Cup held June 2 at the endurance venue at Compiegne France.

Detailed results of the race are on

[More ...]

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bahrain Third at France Challenge

Bahrain: Gulf Daily News

BAHRAIN'S Royal Endurance Team bagged third place overall in the Compiegne International Endurance Horseride Championship at the Compiegne racecourse near Paris.The team, captained by Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation (Breef) president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, completed the six-stage, 160-km race in 11 hours, 25 minutes and 20 seconds.

They were behind champions France who crossed the finish line first in 9:31.08, followed by Belgium (10:08:36) in second place.

The four-member Bahraini squad consisted of Mohammed Abdulaziz, Yousif Taher and Ghazi Al Dossary apart from Shaikh Nasser.

The race was dominated by French riders who took the top four positions in the individual event with Thomas Philippe finishing first in 1:12.30, followed by compatriot Begaud Jacque (1:01:12) in second place, Dietsch Pascal (1:06:55) third and Lemoine Maryli (1:08:10) fourth.

Bahrain's Abdulaziz finished ninth overall in 1:19.57, Taher was 13th in 1:30.30, while Al Dossary withdrew from the race following an injury to its horse.

Apart from Bahrain, 11 other nations - Algeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UAE - took part in the championship but only 17 riders completed the race.

Top officials from Compiegne Province attended the event and presented trophies to the top three teams and the first 15 riders in the individual event at a prize-giving ceremony.

Shaikh Nasser expressed satisfaction with the performance of his team both in the team event and the individual category.

"We took this race very seriously and were keen to complete it without any injuries as we have a number of other races to take part in Europe in the next two months," said Shaikh Nasser.

It is Bahrain's second appearance at the Compiegne racecourse having taken part in the 2005 Europen Championship which was held at the same venue and attended by His Majesty King Hamad.

"This race was a qualifier for the 2007 Europe Endurance Horseride Championship to be staged in Portugal in September and those who complete three races over 160 kms will qualify for this prestigious event," added Shaikh Nasser.

"It's a privilege to be taking part in such a prestigious event. The result is also very good despite the fact that we took part in this event without our main horses. The horses we took part are in are the ones based in Europe," said Shaikh Nasser.

"The environment here is amazing and the Equestrian Stadium has a top quality circuit with excellent sand tracks," he said.

The team will return today from Paris and continue preparations for future races to be held in the UK and France next month.

Results (in order of country, horse, total time):

Individual event: 1 Thomas Philippe (France, Joel Gabirat, 1:12:30 hrs), 2 Begaud Jacque (France, Koum Des Jamets, 1:01:12), 3 Dietsch Pascal (France, Hifrane Dui Barth, 1:06:55), 4 Lemoine Maryli (France, Sherahki, 1:08:10), 5 Van Den Abeele (Belgium, Epson Dela Brus, 1:09:13) 6 Mosti Laurent (France, Xalene Dela Dro, 1:13:13).

Saturday, June 02, 2007

FEI: 2008 WEC Qualification Criteria - 10:40 requirement dropped

World Senior Endurance Championship 2008 qualification criteria for approval by the FEI Bureau

The FEI Technical Committee, together with the FEI Endurance Department have now submitted the final wording of the World Senior Endurance Championship 2008 qualification criteria for approval by the FEI Bureau.

The original Criteria which was posted on the FEI Web site and circulated to all FEI National Federations for comment has been amended with regard to the maximum ride time allowed at the additional qualification ride - to be achieved within twelve months of the nominated entry date of the 2008 Championship.This is now the same as the other qualification ride to be achieved within twenty four months of the nominated entry date.

The original thinking behind the suggestion of a shorter maximum ride time for the additional qualifier was to ensure that horses competing in Malaysia had proven levels of increased fitness. However, some Federations felt that the differing conditions found at FEI 160 km events around the world made this increased requirement unfair on certain nations. Further, there was concern that the need for additional speed was contrary to the desire for increased levels of horsemanship that are not directly linked to the ability to increase speed.

The FEI Technical Committee will therefore address these fitness issues by applying stricter criteria on the day of competition as provided for under art 807 and 808 of the FEI Rules for Endurance Events.

Final Qualification Criteria:

Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

Bob Langrish photo As an athlete, coach, and leader in the sport, Becky Hart had a profound impact on endurance riding in the U...