Tuesday, May 10, 2005

FEI-CEI ***160KM

A More Challenging Distance For Participants

The Edaran Endurance Classic 2005 will be held from 20-22 this May at ar-Raudhah Equine Centre, Kuang, Selangor. The Event marks the third Endurance Competition organized by Edaran Digital Systems Berhad. The inaugural competition event was held in 2003 with distances of 80Km and 60Km. At the second Edaran Endurance Classic in 2004, the event achieved CEI-FEI** recognition for its 120Km event , a commendable achievement after just one competition event at ar-Raudhah Equine Centre.

FEI -CEI*** 160 Km Elevated Ride

This year?s competition pushes up the challenge for participants with a full FEI-CEI*** 160Km Ride. The 160 Km Ride will be made up of six phases of 35 Km, 35 Km, 25 Km, 25 Km, 25 Km and a final loop of 15 Km. This competition category will however be qualified as an ?elevated ride? which in principal allows contestants of this event to opt to continue and finish the race at a distance of 160Km or choose to complete at a distance of 120Km. This decision has to be determined by contestants upon reaching the 95th Km distance of the race.

85Km and 40Km Events

A second event is set at the 80Km distance and a third event for new endurance enthusiasts is set at the 40 Km distance.

The 85Km Ride will in turn be broken into three phases of 35 Km, 25Km and a final phase of 25Km. The 40Km Ride will comprise two phases which will be a first 25Km followed by a second phase of 15Km.

Compulsory Halts

The end of each phase marks a compulsory halt for veterinary inspection of their horses. The horses will be checked to determine their heart rate, gut sound, hydration level, lameness and overall physical condition. Horses that do not pass the stringent vet checks within the stipulated time are eliminated from the race as being ?Not Fit To Continue?.

For the first time, Edaran Endurance Classic has opened the event to international participation and riders are anticipated from United States of America, Germany, Australia and United Emirates of Arabia. A total of 100 local riders including HRH, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Al-Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Trengganu, are expected to participate in this year?s event.

The Competition Trails

Competitors of the Edaran Endurance Classic 2005 will be riding through a combination of six different trails ranging from distances of 15 Km to 35 Km trails. Trails will include those within and around ar-Raudhah Equine Centre. Trails outside of ar-Raudhah will take riders through surrounding village settlements, oil palm plantations and rubber estates as well as onto flat tarmac roads.

Encik Mohamed Din bin Mat, the competition?s lead course designer said, ?The competition this year will pose more challenging for riders as the distance is not only longer but involves night riding as well. We nonetheless believe that the trails will proof to be exciting, challenging and enjoyable for the riders.?

Endurance Net Event Coverage

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