Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Mongol Derby 2024 – Pre-Race Training Day 2 – Bootcamp begins - Full Article

Holly Conyers
5th August 2024

Day 2 of Pre-Race Training, and our crew and riders woke up to a glorious first morning on the steppe. Sunny but relatively cool with promising clear skies and innocent fluffy clouds: the dream training day. A positive omen for our riders’ first brush with some famously spicy Mongolian horses. As riders rose and tucked into breakfast, our herders were already up with the larks and rounding up our test drive mounts ready for later in the day. Generally, horses in Mongolia range totally free in large herds. One or two reliable horses are always left hobbled or tied together close to home (or, in this case, Derby start camp) so herders have a willing steed to help them track down the others when the need arises...

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