Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Mongol Derby 2024 – Pre-Race Training Day 1 – The riders roll in - Full ARticle

Holly Conyers
4th August 2024

And so it begins. Our riders are now safely installed in the 2024 Mongol Derby start camp, having completed Day 1 of Pre-Race Training and cleared the first hurdle to Mongol Derby success: the very lengthy bus ride out from Ulaanbaatar to the steppe. They now have two more days of Derby bootcamp to test all their gear, finalise their snack selections and get familiar with some of their mighty Mongolian steeds before the gun goes off on the 2024 Mongol Derby and they thunder across the start line. There’s no going back now.

The Derby itself starts on Wednesday, and riders have 10 days to complete the approximately 1,000km course. Until the final day of racing action, we’ll be bringing you live daily reports covering each day’s thrills and spills. For now, read on for a rundown of what the riders and the crew have been up to today, and some background info on the course you’ll shortly be watching them conquer live on our tracking map...

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