Saturday, November 30, 2019

Vets talk of challenges in identifying horses as lame during Endurance competitions - Full Article

November 30, 2019

Official veterinarians at FEI Endurance rides have confirmed to researchers how difficult it can be to detect subtle lameness in horses during evaluations in competition.

Elimination rates in Endurance competitions are high, especially so in higher-level competitions in which FEI-accredited veterinarians are required to make the call over lameness.

Such decisions can affect the race outcome and commonly draw objections from competitors.

Monica de Mira, from the University of Évora in Portugal, and her colleagues from Portugal, Australia and Britain, set out in a study to assess the views of FEI official endurance veterinarians around the challenges in assessing lameness.

They also wanted to learn about the occurrence of confrontations with riders when horses are eliminated because of lameness, and to get their thoughts on the use of user-friendly technology to help detect lameness...

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