Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dubai leader’s wife Princess Haya dramatically leaves him and ‘takes £31million to start new life’ - Full Article

Stephen MoyesJonathan Reilly
29 Jun 2019, 12:50Updated: 29 Jun 2019, 16:56

THE wife of Dubai’s ruler Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum has left him — and taken £31million to start a new life, it is understood.

Princess Haya, who had not been seen since February, is said to have fled to Germany with her son and daughter.

She is understood to have immediately requested asylum and filed for divorce from her husband.

But it has sparked a diplomatic crisis between Germany and the United Arab Emirates, where the Sheik is vice-president and prime minister as well as being the ruler of the city of Dubai.

He is said to have asked authorities in Berlin to return the princess, 45, son Zayed, seven, and daughter Al Jalila, 11, to the UAE.

But they have refused and security officials are said to be protecting her.

Princess Haya is said to have told friends she chose to flee to Germany as she “didn’t trust UK authorities to hand her back”. The Sheikh, 69, worth more than £9billion, is a keen racehorse owner...

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Friday, June 28, 2019

Patagonia: The Next Toughest Horse Race on Earth Opens

If you fancy thundering across the mountains of Patagonia on the ultimate test of horsemanship and survival skills, The Pioneers Gaucho Derby is open for applications.

Remember this is the Pioneers Gaucho and so the first time it has ever been run. That means more adventure than there will ever be...

It's the greatest test of horsemanship and survival skill on earth.

Horse racing re-invented
Imagine yourself thundering deep into the wilds of Patagonia on horseback. You’ve got your steed and, in some sections, a pack horse. You’re navigating across some of the wildest terrain on Earth attempting to win one of the toughest and most unusual equine challenges in history.

After running the Mongol Derby for a decade we knew it was time to grow the new sport of ultra-endurance horse racing we had created. So we went in search of the next world beating adventure. We’ve not replicated The Mongol Derby with new scenery but designed a new race from the ground up – based on the landscape, culture, history and horses of Patagonia and the Gauchos. This is the greatest test of horsemanship and wilderness skills on Earth. This is the pioneers Gaucho Derby.

Race format
A 10 day 500km multi-horse adventure race.
The mind bending terrain in Patagonia makes this a race quite unlike anything else on the planet. It won’t just test your skill on a horse, but push you to the limit of your navigation skills, your ability to handle the wilderness and your physical endurance.
The Gaucho Derby is a multi horse race, but not in the same way the Mongol Derby. The race is broken down into 40km legs but you won’t be changing horse at every section. The high mountains are a test of skill not flat out speed so the horses won’t run out of steam. The flatter pampas sections will see you turning up the MPH to eat up the miles. For these sections you will be swapping to fresh horses regularly.
You’ll be riding large sections with a pack horse. As well as looking after and guiding your second steed you’ll have to switch mount mid leg to ensure the health of both animals by minimising the work.

The support
This might be some of the most remote terrain around but that doesn’t mean we won’t be monitoring the horses welfare at every stage. There’ll be vet checks every 40km as well as race marshals, emergency and roaming vets to ensure that no rider puts their own competitiveness before the welfare of the animals. We would rather nobody wins than someone wins by pushing too hard. Riders seen making bad decisions, riding too fast across difficult terrain or not presenting horses in great condition will get penalties or be disqualified. Full rules will be available to riders as we are developing them with our vet team now.
Riders will be tracked by satellite and we have a world class remote medical support team monitoring rider health and responding to emergencies.

A pack horse?
Gauchos considering a long journey in Patagonia often do so with the help of a trusty pack horse. This makes riding, well, different. You always have a fresh horse with you and can carry a bit more stuff with you. But you now have two horses to look after. Much of the time, if you handle the horses well, the pack horse can run free but in some sections you’ll need to lead adding a complication to the whole proceedings.
It’s not the fastest way to travel on flat open country but it starts to make serious sense on long mountainous regions. The Gaucho Derby won’t be all taken on with 2 horses but key sections will be. It means we can reduce the strain on the beasts carrying you over the slower more technical sections.

Your turn to pioneer
When we launch a new race we like to test it repeatedly to make it awesome. We recently completed the first test of some of the route for the new Derby by all the gods of horses is it a beast.
But once our testing is done we release the adventure to a small select crowd of adventurers to ride the race for the very first time the gauntlet has been laid down.
March 2020 sees the Pioneers edition of the Gaucho Derby. So we’ll only be accepting the most qualified riders to write their names into racing history.

For more information, prices, and dates, see

Australia: Countdown to the 2019 Tom Quilty Gold Cup - Full Article

Published: 28th of June 2019

Prestigious 24-hour endurance horse ride brings national field to Queensland.

On midnight on Friday 12 July over 300 horses and their riders will take to the pitch dark tracks of the Imbil State Forest on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast to tackle Australia’s most prestigious endurance ride, the Tom Quilty Gold Cup.

Steeped in history and internationally recognised by the endurance community, this Tom Quilty Gold Cup will see riders ― from as young as 12 and right up to 78 years of age ― take on the challenge of completing a 160km course with just a headlight and their four-legged best friend for company.

This is a story of adventure; true grit; the incredible partnership between horse and rider and a passion for the sport of endurance, which goes right back to 1966 when R.M. Williams and his wife Erica established the iconic Aussie event.

Matthew Sample, the owner for Stirling’s Crossing Equestrian Complex which will host the Tom Quilty Gold Cup for the first time, said he and his team were delighted to welcome what many expect will be one of the biggest event in its 54-year history.

“We’re excited that the 2019 Tom Quilty Gold Cup is coming to Imbil and expect our local population of around 900 will at least triple in the week leading up to the event,” Mr Sample said.

“The who’s who of endurance will be here with defending champion Kristie Taprell hoping to win her third title being joined in the field by 2016 winner Debbie Grull, 2015 winner Ben Hudson and 2013 winner Brook Sample who hopes to continue to build on his existing record of seven Tom Quilty Gold Cup wins.

“Also worth noting is the high number of juniors expected to take to the track for the first time this year which is great news for the future of endurance. We currently have five 12-year-olds nominated who all successfully completed a 160km ride last year to qualify for this event and I’m very proud to say that the youngest of these is my nephew Zac Sample who can’t wait to take on his first Tom Quilty...

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

FEI Assigns EC and Endurance 2021 World Championship to Ermelo, Netherlands

Posted on June 20, 2019 in Endurance

The FEI has assigned the European Senior Endurance Championship 2021 and the World Endurance Championship for Juniors & Young Riders to the Netherlands. Ermelo is the setting for the championships from 6 to 11 September. The world's best long-distance riders will compete in the Veluwe for the titles.

The FEI World Equestrian Sports Federation announced on June 20 with a letter to the KNHS that the European Endurance Championship for Senior Citizens 2021 and the World Championship Endurance Juniors & Young Riders 2012 have been awarded to Ermelo. The grounds of the National Equestrian Center and beautiful routes across the Veluwe are the backdrop for the title fight. On the competition calendar, 6 to 11 September 2021 is planned as dates for the European and World Championships.

Maarten van der Heijden, KNHS director of top sport, reacts enthusiastically: “We have already organized international championships in many disciplines in the Netherlands. It is great that we can put endurance sport in our own country with this World Cup and European Championship. Endurance is still a small branch of equestrian sport in the Netherlands, but globally it is big with enormous growth. The Equestrian Center in Ermelo and the beautiful grounds with woods and heathland are perfect for this championship. Compliments also to the organization of CEI Ermelo that has won the championship, after they have already organized major international competitions. There is still the 2020 edition to go, to put the finishing touches on the i, but it will be a great event. ”

“Of course we had hoped that we would get both championships, but this is more than expected and it only makes it more beautiful. We are very happy with it ”, says Frens van 't Zand on behalf of the organization Endurancesport Foundation.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

France: 340 horses took part at Castelsagrat 2019 - Full Article

23rd June 2019
Race Report made with the assistance of Anne Donzelli

Castelsagrat Stadium, Castelsagrat, France. Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2019. The organisers stated that 2019 was just an amazing year for Castelsagrat endurance race with 340 horses taking the departure on the very famous, technical and difficult tracks.

A record number of participants compared to the 300 horses present last year.
55 horses ran on the Friday 7 June, starting very early in the morning for the 160km race. This event was particularly important for the French riders because it is part of to the selective races for the Senior French team.

It was all along the day a beautiful fight by the French Christophe Nogueira with Piros De Fontanel. They finished at more than 18.4 km/h but unfortunately, they couldn’t be ranked due to a mistake along the fifth loop. This declared David Abad Guerra as winner, a Spanish rider who rode with Nadin Fay at 18 km/h. The second place was for the French rider Roman Lafaure with Valdez Cabirat (as in 2017 after Tarzibus and Sabrina Arnold) and Servann Le Bitoux with Sanitza Armor finishing in third position. A very beautiful podium!...

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Australia: Mother and daughter endurance riding - Full Article

JUNE 24 2019 - 12:58PM

Fourteen-year-old Bellingen rider Modena Schofield-Foster and her mum Sharon Foster took part in the 160km NSW State Championship horse endurance ride at St Albans earlier this month.

Riders made the start at midnight, heading out into the darkness with just a head torch, navigating their way through rocky, mountainous country as well as farm land.

"The track was run over varying terrain which includes private farming country, flat public dirt roads, national park trails and rocky sections of mountain tracks with a few challenging hill climbs," Sharon said...

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

WEG may rise again: Saudi Arabia, Italy seek to host all disciplines - Full Article

June 22, 2019

Saudi Arabia and Italy have put their hats in the ring to host the FEI World Equestrian Games in 2022, and eight other countries have put in bids to host World Championship events.

Following last year’s WEG in the USA which was beset with issues, the FEI declared that it would work closely with those bidding to host championships in 2022 in order to create “a unified vision and establish an achievable set of goals” to work towards. To that end, it opened the bidding process late last year for individual world championships for 2022. The FEI said at the time that preference would be given to multi-discipline bids...

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Countries line up to host FEI World Championships in 2022

June 20 2019

A total of 10 countries have put in formal bids to host the FEI World Championships 2022, including two proposals to host the multi-discipline FEI World Equestrian Games™. Bidding countries are Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America.

More than 20 years after Rome stepped in as host city of the FEI World Equestrian Games™ 1998 following Ireland’s late withdrawal, the Italians are looking to once again host the full Games. The Saudi Arabian capital city of Riyadh is also in the running having put forward an all-discipline bid for 2022.

“The number of formal bids that we’ve received for single and multi-discipline FEI World Championships and full Games is an excellent indication that the interest in the World Championships is as strong if not stronger than ever”, FEI President Ingmar De Vos said. “We knew that some of the countries that put in expressions of interest back in February were just dipping their toes in the water, but these formal bids are a great validation of the new bidding process and show that we have a really strong product.”

The FEI initiated a bidding process for individual World Championships in all disciplines for 2022 after the FEI General Assembly in Manama (BRN) in November 2018.

The FEI Board decided that multi-discipline bids would be given preference, and that Dressage and Para Dressage should be combined. The World Championships in 2022 in the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines will serve as qualifiers for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The new bid process allows for the sustainable and cost-effective use of existing equestrian sports facilities, and was put in place to provide the opportunity for the FEI to partner with National Federations that may have hesitated to put forward multi-discipline bids in the past.

In a key change to the bid procedure, the FEI hosted an interactive workshop at the end of March 2019 in Lausanne for all National Federations/Organising Committees that had submitted an expression of interest.

The workshop provided interested parties with detailed information of the structure, opportunities and minimum requirements for hosting the FEI World Championships 2022. By working more closely with the National Federations and Organising Committees from the outset, the FEI and its stakeholders can establish an achievable set of goals and work towards a unified vision for 2022.

All bids will be fully evaluated over the summer and allocation of FEI World Championships 2022 will be made at the in-person Board meeting during the FEI General Assembly in Moscow (RUS) in November this year.

All Disciplines

Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA), World Equestrian Games
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA), World Equestrian Games


Dubai Equestrian Club (UAE), Jumping & Endurance
Herning (DEN), Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage
WestWorld of Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), Reining & Vaulting


Dubai Equestrian Club (UAE) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Herning (DEN) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


Jazdecký Klub Napoli, Samorin (SVK)
Stichting Endurancesport, Ermelo (NED)
Padise Equestrian Centre (EST)
Dubai Equestrian Club (UAE) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


National Stud of Szilvásvárad (HUN)
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


Herning (DEN) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid

Para Dressage

Herning (DEN) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


Millstreet Equestrian Services, Millstreet (IRL)
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


WestWorld of Scottsdale, Arizona (USA) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid


WestWorld of Scottsdale, Arizona (USA) – part of a multi-discipline bid
Pratoni del Vivaro (Rome), Elementa (Rome) & Isola della Scala (Verona) (ITA) – part of a WEG bid
Saudi Equestrian Federation, Riyadh (KSA) – part of a WEG bid

Equestrian sport boosted with allocation of major events through 2021

June 200 2019

The Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) has today allocated host cities for 13 FEI Championships for the next two years and nine FEI Driving World Cup™ legs for the 2019/2020 season.

Budapest (HUN) will lead the way as host of the FEI Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, Driving and Vaulting European Championships in August 2021. This will be the first time that the Hungarian capital, which has a long tradition in equestrian sport, will host a multi-discipline FEI European Championships. The event will mark the 50th anniversary of the first FEI Driving European Championships, which were held at the same venue – Kincsem Park in the heart of the city - in 1971.
Two other major Championships were also allocated for 2021, with the FEI Eventing European Championships going to Haras du Pin (FRA) and the FEI Endurance European Championships to Ermelo (NED).

“The FEI European Championships are among the FEI’s most important events, attracting top class athletes and horses for over six decades”, FEI President Ingmar De Vos said. “During the next two years equestrian fans will have the opportunity to enjoy thrilling sport in some of Europe’s biggest cities. The allocation of the FEI Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, Driving and Vaulting European Championships to Budapest will further promote horse sport in Hungary, which already has a remarkable equestrian history.”

The FEI Board also allocated nine legs of the FEI Driving World Cup™ series for the 2020-2021 season. This is the first time that the FEI has launched a bidding process for the FEI Driving World Cup™ legs, as previously only the FEI Driving World Cup™ Final was open for bids.

“This bidding process reinforces the FEI’s policy of transparency and fairness”, the FEI President commented. “It is a key step forward in harmonising the bidding for all FEI Championships, Finals and Series.”

The allocations were made by the FEI Board, the body responsible for the general direction of equestrian sport’s global governing authority, at its in-person meeting at FEI Headquarters in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne (SUI).

The FEI Driving World Cup™ Final 2021 which will take place from 4-7 February was allocated to Bordeaux (FRA) by the FEI Board in March 2019.

The FEI Board decided to re-open the bid process for a multi-year allocation for the FEI WBFSH World Breeding Championships for Young Horses in the disciplines of Jumping, Dressage and Eventing for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Allocations will be made at the FEI Board meeting in November 2019 at the FEI General Assembly in Moscow.


The full list of Championships allocated at today’s FEI Board meeting at FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) is:

FEI Dressage European Championships U25 - Pilisjászfalu (HUN), July or August (dates to be confirmed)
FEI Dressage European Championships for Children - Pilisjászfalu (HUN) July or August (dates to be confirmed)

FEI European Championships – Jumping, Dressage & Para Dressage, Driving, Vaulting - Budapest (HUN), 9-22 August or 16-29 August (dates to be confirmed)
FEI Jumping European Championships for Young Riders, Juniors & Children - Oliva, Valencia (ESP), 19-25 July
FEI Jumping European Championships for Veterans - Le Mans (FRA), July or August (date to be confirmed)
FEI Dressage European Championships U25 - Donaueschingen (GER), 12 - 15 August
FEI Eventing European Championships for Young Riders & Juniors - Segersjö (SWE), 26-29 August
FEI Eventing European Championships - Haras du Pin (FRA), 11-15 August
FEI Driving World Championships for Ponies, Four-in-Hand, Pairs, Singles - Haras du Pin (FRA), 16-19 September
FEI Endurance World Championships for Young Riders & Juniors - Ermelo (NED), 6-11 September
FEI Endurance European Championships - Ermelo (NED) 6-11 September
FEI Endurance World Championship for Young Horses - Arbore, Sardinia (ITA), 15-19 September
FEI Vaulting World Championship for Juniors - Le Mans (FRA), July - August (date to be confirmed)

FEI Driving World Cup™ series legs
The legs of the FEI Driving World Cup™ series for the 2019-2020 season were allocated as follows:

Lyon (FRA) 30 October-3 November 2019
Maastricht (NED) 8-10 November 2019
Stuttgart (GER) 13-17 November 2019
Stockholm (SWE) 28 November-1 December 2019
Budapest (HUN) 30 November-1 December 2019
Geneva (SUI) 12-15 December 2019
London (GBR) 16-22 December 2019
Mechelen (BEL) 26-30 December 2019
Leipzig (GER) 16-19 January 2020

Great Britain: Season opener at Euston Park Endurance - Full Article

21 June 2019
Race Report made with the assistance of Euston Park Endurance
Photo Credit: Euston Park Endurance

Euston Park, Thetford, Suffolk, Great Britain. Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June 2019. This was the season opener and the organisation committee felt that they set the bar high for the next two rides.

With near perfect course conditions greeting the 117 National and International riders who competed over two days in distances ranging from 40km GER Novice to 160km CEI3*, representing 13 nations.
These next two rides will take place on 13 and 14 July and the season will culminate with a huge celebration of international and national endurance on August 15 – 18 at the HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum UK Endurance Festival featuring the Meydan FEI Endurance European Championship...

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Endurance GB names Senior Squad for 2019 FEI European Championships at Euston Park

(Published:19 June 2019)

Endurance GB has named its Senior Squad of nominated entries submitted to the FEI for the team that will take part at this summer’s 160km European Championships at Euston Park in Suffolk on 17th August.

The squad includes seven riders from whom a team of five combinations will be selected to represent Great Britain after a final selection weekend next month.

The combinations are;

Kate Atkinson, 22, from Lancashire, with DNS Ronaldo

Rachael Atkinson, 52, from Lancashire, with Tannasg Psyches Realm

Annette Masterson, 50, from Staffordshire, with Shoshana

Lauren Mills, 25, from Suffolk, with HS Jamal

Sarah Rogerson, 32, from Gloucestershire, with Warrens Hill Rubyn

Nicola Thorne, 48, from Norfolk, with LM Bolena

Heather Whiteley, 41, from Somerset, with Distance Oasis.

Chef d’Equipe Liz Finney said: “We are pleased to have a very experienced group of riders to nominate for the European Championships from whom we will select the team and reserves after our final training day at Wolverhampton in July. Most of the riders have already been on a Championship team and we look forward to having some strong combinations to represent Team GB in August.”

Monday, June 17, 2019

Nikki Malcolm wins Endurance GB RiderCise® Southern Championship at Three Rivers - Full Article

(Published:16 June 2019)

Endurance GB’s new RiderCise® Southern Champions are Dorset-based Nikki Malcolm and Oso Spiralling Wind.

Nikki, whose training base, Stride Ahead is based near Dorchester in Dorset, won the 80km Championship held at Endurance GB’s Three Rivers Ride near Fordingbridge on Saturday, 15th June.

The Championship, sponsored by the rider fitness and conditioning specialists RiderCise®, was one of 24 classes held at Three Rivers over a route covering grassy tracks, downland and bridleways.

Nikki who competed the Australian-bred grey on behalf of the Oso Arabians team based in New South Wales, at an average speed of 12.7 kilometres per hour with a finishing pulse of 52 beats per minute ahead of second placed Sally Mcilwaine and Winnie The Witch who completed at an average speed of 12.6km/hr with a finishing pulse of 60bpm.

Nikki said: “This was a lovely win for a deserving team on the other side of the globe who have bred and produced such a lovely boy.

“Spiral came over from Australia last March to train with me with the ultimate goal of Australian young riders being able to qualify for the YR World Championships..."

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Costaros “La Voie Romaine” – a four-day event in France - Full Article

7th June 2019
Race Report made with the assistance of Clémence Baudin

Costaros, France. 30 May to 02 June 2019. This was the sixth edition of the Costaros “La Voie Romaine” ride. Categories from 20km to 160km, CEI1* CEI2* CEI3*, and young horses devision were scheduled.

Over the past years, the Costaros event has become well known by European riders for its special tracks. Costaros is located in a remote region, originally known for its lentils and cows. The particularity of this race is the use of the old Roman road (giving his name to the event) which allows a large technical part of gallop. The site is precisely located on the boards of a lake, an ancient volcanic heart. Weather conditions are usually very unpredictable, and can change very quickly. This edition was characterized by a blazing sun...

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Friday, June 14, 2019

Australia: Wheatbelt Endurance Riders in good stead following state grant - Full Article

June 13 2019
Eliza Wynn

A group of riders passionate about long distance events and horse well-being have been given a grant to help support upcoming community events.

Wheatbelt Endurance Riders Inc (WERI) will benefit from the latest round of grants from the State Government's Active Regional Communities program.

Agricultural Region MP Laurie Graham, who travelled to Wilberforce to congratulate the group said WERI were deserving participants of the funds.

"The Endurance Series aims to create easily accessible, international level horse-riding opportunities in Wheatbelt communities and will be open to people of all ages and abilities in the discipline of endurance," he said...

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Great Britain: Man v Horse 2019: Herbie the horse wins 40th race - Full Article

10th June 2019
By Anwen Parry

A HORSE named Herbie won the 40th Man v Horse race in Llanwrtyd Wells.

The largest horse race in Britain saw 650 runners try to outrun 60 horses over a 22-mile course on Saturday, June 8.

Ilkley Harriers' runner Jack Wood, from Yorkshire, was the fastest human to complete the course at Maes y Gwaelod in two hours, 23 minutes and 39 seconds. His finishing time was faster than the winning horses from the previous two years.

Jack said: "It's a great course, great organisation so thank you."

Woottonheath Herbie, ridden by Mark Adams from the New Forest, crossed the finishing line and won the race in two hours 18 minutes and 34 seconds.

Had he beaten the horse, Mr Wood would have been the third person ever to do so since the competition started in 1980...

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Royal Cavalry of Oman Comes First, Second in French Costaros Endurance Race

June 10, 2019

The Royal Cavalry came first and second in the French Costaros, which was organised by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (IFES) for 120km. The race had four stages. The first was for 40km, the second for 25km, the third for 33km and the final stage was for 22km.

Thirty-eight horse riders from the sultanate, France, Argentina, Italy, China, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland participated in the race.

Horses of the Royal Cavalry came first and second. Mahmoud al Marhoon riding Delilah came first while Saleh bin Salim al Balushi riding Raga came second. Franco Kozani of Argentina finished third.

Monday, June 03, 2019

South African International Challenge – always a challenge! - Full Article

3rd June 2019
Race Report: Bernadette Kasselman

Bona Bona Endurance Club, Bona Bona Game Lodge, Wolmaranstad, North West Province, South Africa. 27 and 29 April 2019. For the second consecutive year Bona Bona Endurance Club hosted the South African International Challenge (SAIC).

This event covered the following FEI distances: CEI1* 80km, CEI2* 120km and CEI3* 160km. At the same time, the Endurance Ride Association of South Africa (ERASA) hosted distances from 40 to 160kms under FEI rules and regulations. The 80km and 160km rides were ridden on Saturday, 27 April 2019; with the 120km ride being ridden 2 days later. No ride is possible without sponsors, and this year two new sponsors from the UAE were welcomed onboard – hence the 80km ride being referred to as the Seeh Al Salam Dubai Showcase Event and the 120 and 160km rides as the Al Wathba Cup.

Saturday morning saw 37 competitive riders leaving on the 160km ride. The course was a challenge – due to a lot of rain prior the ride, riders were faced with water hazards and the accompanying tricky terrain...

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Irish riders enjoy clean sweep at 25th anniversary Endurance GB FEI King’s Forest Ride

(Published:03 June 2019)

Tom MacGuinness, the 67-year-old founder of Horseware, has won his first FEI CEI-3* 160km contest, with his 11-year-old chestnut gelding Horseware Sasha D'Aillais. The pair completed the route over grassland and soft sandy tracks at just over 18km/hr ahead of Spain’s Maria Alvarez Ponton (JM Bucefala) and Omar Blanco Rodrigo (Twyst Maison Blanche).

The Endurance GB Young Rider National Championship saw Madison (Maddie) Pomroy, with Angel’s Twilight Spirit on loan from Roz Plail, and Katie Bedwin, riding Sue Higgins’ Aberllwyd Ibn Phariz take the well-deserved titles of Champion and Reserve Champion respectively.

In the CEI-2*, Horseware HLM Iguazu, owned by Tom MacGuinness and ridden by Martin McNamara set a record for Ireland – the first time riders from the Emerald Isle have won an FEI double.

Tom, who heads up Horseware and also plays polo in his spare time, said: “As Sasha is trained in Spain, I think he was acclimatised to the conditions and this might have helped. It was warm and humid at times but there was a breeze in the forest itself. This horse is amazing, I’m very happy with how he went. He is just so generous, even when we got lost he just turned round and retraced our steps and got going. I didn’t have to dig into the well at all - he was just on the bridle and there was a lot more left in him which is exciting. After this he will have two weeks relaxing in the field and then come back into work with lots of walking out before he begins his training again. We will aim to do an 80km ride and then if we feel he is fit and ready to go, we will be at the European Championships.”

Tom’s entry at the 25th anniversary FEI King’s Forest Ride is part of the build up to the European Championships taking place over similar terrain at Euston Park in Suffolk in August. He also hopes to field an Irish team in the Nations Cup at the same event.

Mr MacGuinness said: “I thought I would give endurance a go and initially I thought I would find it boring but the more I discovered, it is anything but. I play polo but I am not born to it like I am to endurance. I love every aspect of it – the sense of adventure of riding one horse into the ‘unknown’ and the real team side of things behind the horse and crewing.”

Helen McFarland, Chairman of Ireland’s Long Distance Riding Association (ILDRA) said: “ILDRA is an incredibly small organisation and we greatly value all our athletes whether they are achieving their dream of completing their first 30km ride or as in Tom’s case realising their first 3* 160km win. An Irish sweep of the 2* and 3* at the prestigious King’s Forest Ride is a real tribute to the hard work put in by Tom, his trainer Jordi, by Martin and the rest of the team.”

Dianne Luke, who together with husband Paul supported by Karen Collier, has been organising King’s Forest for 25 years, said: “I certainly didn’t think in 1994 that I would still be running this ride today. Yet over the years despite all the hard work, so much fun has been had and so many true friendships have been formed.”

Paying tribute, Endurance GB Chair, Rebecca Kinnarney, said: “Well done to all those who achieved their goals here and particularly to our fantastic Young Rider champion Maddie Pomroy and Reserve, Katie Bedwin. It’s unfortunate that there were no finishers in the 160km Senior National Championships but endurance is a tough sport, particularly in a country with such changeable weather.

“Thanks to Dianne and the team, King’s Forest has become one of the high points of the Endurance GB calendar. The ride is not only renowned for its stunning course and fantastic organisation, but also the hospitality and real sense of camaraderie that epitomises our sport. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the team here for that and look forward to seeing the ride prosper into its next quarter century.”

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