Christopher Yandell / Sunday 1 November 2015
HE WAS just three days into a two-week endurance ride when he broke his back in five places.
But 62-year-old Iain Hayter was unaware of how serious his injuries were and unwittingly risked paralysis by climbing back into the saddle and completing the 1,000-kilometre challenge.
Iain, who has won the annual New Forest point-to-point three times, was the oldest competitor in this year’s Mongol Derby.
The gruelling event involved 37 riders from 14 countries who rode semi-wild horses along a route based on a relay postal system created under Genghis Khan in 1224.
Iain, of Sway, said he was given a slow animal for one leg of the race and swapped it for a faster one.
“It dropped its left shoulder and then went into a full gallop,” he said. “I was thrown off and that’s when I broke five vertebrae...”
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