Monday, October 06, 2014

Meydan to back Endurance GB drive - Full Article

Potential partnership would help develop comprehensive programme of activities in UK

WAMPublished: 17:12 October 4, 2014

Dubai: Endurance GB (EGB) is in discussion with the Dubai-based Meydan Group over a package of benefits to back the sport of endurance racing in Britain throughout 2015 and beyond.

The potential partnership between Meydan and EGB would allow the latter to develop a comprehensive programme of activities that promises far-reaching and lasting benefits for EGB and its members.

The proposal includes a number of innovations to aid development of the sport in Britain, aligned to the aspirations of the FEI’s Endurance Strategic Planning Group — to “provide leadership and to drive the necessary culture change in Endurance with regard to anti-doping and horse welfare”...

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Tribute to Becky Hart: Champion Endurance Athlete and Equestrian Educator

Bob Langrish photo As an athlete, coach, and leader in the sport, Becky Hart had a profound impact on endurance riding in the U...