Thursday, March 22, 2007

Scotland: Horse riders get in the saddle for Buchan trek

HORSE riders will be taking part in an organised trek around parts of Buchan this weekend.
The Forest of Deer Endurance Ride is being organised by the Grampian branch of the Scottish Endurance Riding Club and will take place on Sunday.
Ride organiser Jane Hollstein explained: "The rides have been split into five distances.
"The pleasure ride is about 12 miles long starting from Aden Country Park travelling north to the Forest of Deer, along the railway line and back through Old Deer to Aden Park.
"The 20k, 30k, 50k and 60k rides are a bit more competitive. Each rider sets a time in which they think they can complete the ride in. They aren't competing against fellow participants just themselves and putting their horses fitness levels to the test. The horses are vetted after they have completed the circuit and their heartbeat monitored. It is all down to the horse's fitness."
The longer rides will also start at Aden heading to areas south of Maud during the morning between 9am and 12noon.
Ms Hollstein added: "Preparations for the Forest of Deer Ride are looking good. I rode the 30km route recently with the ride organiser and had a lovely time.
"It is a very mixed, mostly flat ride, incorporating country park, woodland, forestry, old railway line, farm tracks, grass tracks, small villages and road.
"There are a few road sections but these lead to very nice riding and join tracks up. The route offers ample canter opportunities and some fantastic views.
"We have tried to stay off the roads as much as possible. Horses will normally pass individually or in groups of two or three."
There are currently 12 riders signed up for the event however organisers hope more will come forward before the closing date for entries.
Ms Hollstein told the Buchanie: "We did do a similar event in the area two years ago but it just involved the shorter distance.
"This is the first time we have been able to offer a long distance ride. We have contacted land owners and anyone who might be affected by the ride and had a fantastic response from everyone."
For more information about the endurance ride contact Jane Hollstein on 0777334576.

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