Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Namibia: Desert Challenge lives up to billing

Namibian.com.na - Full Article

Colin Makondo (left) and Marjulyn Myburg took part in the testing Namibian Desert Challenge at Swakopmund. Photo: Francois Lottering

By Francois Lottering
29 August 2024

Sixty riders and their horses took on the gruelling 2024 Namibian Desert Challenge in the Dorop National Park outside Swakopmund.

The event, held under the International Equestrian Federation FEI and the Namibian Equestrian Federation banners, lived up to its billing as competitors from Namibia and South Africa battled to complete the course.

Riders took part in eight different classes ranging from heavy weight to the young riders class. The distances varied from 47,40 to 119,90 kilometres with one rider, Klara Louw in the young rider category, covering 127,30km.

Terrains varied from gravel, to the Swakopmund river’s soft sand, to the harsh red sand of the Namib’s dunes. The first group of riders started at 06h00 while it was still dark, with the last group starting just before sunrise...

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