Monday, April 02, 2018

New "Endurance Horse Podcast - Every Mile a Memory" Launches

April 2 2018
by Merri

"Endurance Horse Podcast - Where you get to share your adventures of riding good horses through beautiful country"

Taking advantage of the growing popularity of podcasts, Christina Hyke, an endurance rider from the Midwest region launched the new Endurance Horse Podcast on March 14.

Inspired by a running podcast that she listens to, The Extra Mile, Chris thought it would be nice if there was a similar podcast for horse people. "Specifically endurance horse people," Chris said, "where we could keep track of each other's success and challenges, and encourage each other."

As a photographer, Chris is good with Photoshop and Lightroom, so she thought she might be able to figure out how to put a podcast together. Her first recording, which became her first introductory podcast, was recorded while on horseback in the Wisconsin woods.

As a 'newbie' endurance rider, Chris has less than a thousand miles, so considers herself a Green Bean. ("I think I'm a cooked bean, or a baked bean - I'm not sure on the Green Bean thing.")

Chris's first full episode, released March 27, features short stories from a variety of endurance riders, from beginners to a World Champion (Becky Hart); riders from the US, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand; Arabian riders to other riders of other breeds (Palomino, Morgan, Mustang, Quarter horse, Appaloosa, Thoroughbred, Miniature); and riders with old horses and young horses. The episode also includes a piece from a distance driver. "16 people, 8 horse breeds, and 4 countries is a great start," Chris said.

Would you like to participate? Endurance riders from around the world are encouraged to submit an audio recording. "Tell us about yourself and your horse and what you're doing, and if you're conditioning, what techniques you're using, what tips you might have on electrolyting, hauling long distances, anything related to camping. What your hopes are. Doing your first LD? Stepping up to 50's or 100's?" Share your experiences on the trail or about the rides you've done.

Chris describes herself as an equine photographer, wife, mother, friend, and lifelong horse woman. Her first introduction to endurance riding was a clinic called "A Taste of Endurance Riding" - which was a 5-mile intro ride that she won on her horse. "I know, that's not even a conditioning ride… but it definitely was a taste of endurance riding because of the people. It was a potluck, it was educational, everybody was friendly, it was fun, it was wonderful. It gave me this overall feeling for the vibe that the sport gives here in the Midwest, which is super supportive. That's how I knew I was going to get into endurance riding.

"The reason I'm doing this podcast isn't so much because I'm qualified to do so, though I wanted to do some good in the world and bring our endurance family closer together."

New episodes of the podcast will be released once a month.

If you'd like to send Christina your story, or would like more information, send her an email at

Listen to the first podcast at

and subscribe to "Endurance Horse Podcast" on iTunes.

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