Friday, March 22, 2024

Retired Pickup Man Josh Edwards’ Wheelhouse is Adventure as He Prepares for the Mongol Derby - Full Story

2023 PRCA Pickup Man of the Year Josh Edwards is an adrenaline loving cowboy who is Mongolia bound.

March 21, 2024 12:53 PM

Josh Edwards, the 2023 PRCA Pickup Man of the Year, might have recently retired at the legendary Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo but he is far from done on the back of a horse.

It makes sense for a man like Edwards to love testing himself and crave adrenaline filled adventures. On top of being a decorated pickup man, he has competed in Iron Man Races and coming up, is an adventure of a lifetime for Edwards, a Mongolian Horse Race called the Mongol Derby.

“I was selected to compete in a 660-mile, cross country horse race in Mongolia where you ride wild Mongolian horses. It’s a ten day race, it’s basically just an adventure race,” Edwards said...

Read more and see video here:

1 comment:

Prevail Dias said...

Riding wild Mongolian horses across 660 miles of rugged terrain sounds like an adventure of a lifetime.

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